Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 503

The video is very simple. It shows a blue light rising from the ground and flying to an altitude of several hundred meters. Then a battle breaks out between the blue light and the black fog, with flames burning in the sky, wind blades flying across the sky and thunder and lightning ringing.

From a distance, it's like two super weapons fighting in the air.

It's different from the pictures or videos of Wigner and other tourists. This BBC female reporter's video is very clear. It's obviously taken with professional equipment. It can already distinguish fireballs and wind blades in the air.

Even if you zoom in and take a closer look, you can vaguely see that there are human figures in the blue light and black fog.

"I'm Amy Griffith, BBC television's official correspondent in Naypyidaw, the capital of Myanmar. As a reporter, I guarantee that all the following words, photos and videos are true... "

in the most luxurious four-star hotel suite in Naypyidaw, Amy's fingers trembled and wrote on her notebook.

As she typed, she looked out of the window as the night approached. It can be seen that many Burmese military personnel began to collect tourists' cameras, mobile phones and other objects one by one, and there were also waves of conflicts.

"Come on! Come on! A little faster. "

Amy quickly turned her head and posted many photos and videos to her home page.

When the first video came out, a lot of people were still laughing at it.

But when the second and the third video appeared one after another, accompanied by many very clear photos, many people lost their voice.

In particular, in the third video, chen fan's three swords are cut out to break the hegemony of the general arena of Heishan. Although they are hundreds of kilometers apart, he can still see a golden light coming down from the sky to the mountain.

"My God, what is this?"

Countless people who click on the video take a breath.

As an official reporter of BBC, Amy's identity and authority are much higher than Wigner's. Moreover, although she still can't see the photos clearly, if you put them in a large size, you can see people's shadow faintly, which is very terrible.

"It's either a special effects studio that produced it, which is enough to win the Academy Award for special effects. Or it means that something big is going to happen in this world. "

Someone sighed.

And almost in a very short time, these video photos began to spread rapidly on Facebook, twitter and blog. Amy's home page is more concerned about the increasing number of people.

One thousand, two thousand, three thousand.

10000 people, 20000 people, 30000 people...

soon, the number of people exceeded 100000, rising like a rocket.

In the Internet age, information is almost transmitted at the speed of light. These photos and videos spread to tens of millions of people at a very fast speed before governments reacted.

"There's a superman civil war in the capital of Myanmar!"

"Ancient country, with real gods?"

"This is the battle between the gods and the demons, which ends with the elimination of the demons."

Sensational headlines are published by many Internet media. Big traditional media also scrupulously abide by political correctness and moral integrity. But small network media, but want to put the title from the more eye-catching, the better.

Within a few hours, the Internet in the western world began to boil.

At this time, it is night in China.

Ning Jincheng is visiting the homepages of various stars on the emerging microblog. At this time, his classmates studying in the United States suddenly play him on the communication software:

"Jingcheng, look, there are gods in the world!"

"What?" Ning Jincheng is baffled.

But then, the photos and videos sent by his classmates immediately shocked Ning Jincheng.

"These were taken by BBC reporters over Myanmar. They said it was the gods and demons of Myanmar who were fighting. In the end, the spirit entered the devil's arena and completely eliminated the devil. "

"If you look at it carefully, you can see that there are people in the blue light."

With the students' words, Ning Jincheng was more and more shocked. At last, the whole person was excited: "my God, this is big news, earth shaking news."

He quickly moved the videos and photos to his microblog home page.

Not only Ning Jincheng, but also many people who pay close attention to the Internet also send out news after news. Soon, these news are captured by other domestic netizens.

In just a few hours.

The topic of "Burmese immortals" was pushed down to the top of the microblog hot search list, and another popular star divorce topic was excluded. The hot search reached hundreds of thousands.

"Are these real or not?"

"It looks like computer special effects. It won't be a new movie promotion."

"My friends who are traveling in Myanmar told me that it's true that the Burmese army has begun to confiscate their mobile phones and cameras."

At 12 o'clock at night, there are countless netizens, excited on the network crazy message. Various post bars, forums, blogs and so on were quickly changed by the topics of Burmese immortals."So there are gods in the world?"

"It's not true. It's so vague. I don't believe it."

"Indeed, it's more like computer effects, or other forgeries."

Netizens quickly split into two groups and fought against each other. Most people don't believe it at all. Only a small group of people, dead shoulder, desperately say it is true.


Yanjing, Film Academy, female dormitory.

"Concubine, look at it. Online, he said, "there are gods in Myanmar."

A cute girl with slender eyebrows and eyes, just like a little fox, holding a computer and shouting.

"Don't disturb my sleep."

After a long day of filming, Princess Xu Rongfei, like a lazy pig, waves her hand and refuses to get up.

"Well, don't believe it. I will prove one day that there are gods in this world. "

Seeing this, the girl hummed and continued to brush her microblog with energy.


Zhonghai, on bajingshan.

"Teacher, is the video on the Internet Shizu..."

Cheng Danqing comes over and looks at the old man with both hands on his back.

Hua Yunfeng stands in front of the French window, overlooking the whole Zhonghai. His breath is more and more misty, just like the gods in the sky.

"It should be the fight between the teacher and the great wizard. In those days, the great God of witchcraft was also a powerful presence in the list of gods. Compared with my ancestors, it was not much worse. Unexpectedly, it fell into the hands of the teacher. "

Hua Yunfeng said faintly.

Cheng Danqing smell speech, head more and more low, in the heart can't stop of startle.

Help people into God, a sword to kill God! Chen beixuan's ability is much stronger than she imagined.

"Did he really become an immortal?"

An idea came out of Cheng Danqing's mind.


in addition to Zhonghai Huajia, Linzhou Lujia, northwest Wujia and so on, the Chen family is also concerned.

"My grandson is getting worse and worse."

Chen Huaian is full of laughter and tears, looking at the video on his notebook. Little girl Chen Guoguo has been nearby, excited to jump up, shouting my brother is immortal. My brother is a fairy.

And Chen Ning's eyes are as bright as water.

Unfortunately, on the Internet, no matter how boiling, after all, it has little influence on Chen fan. Because these photos and videos do not clearly capture his existence, and those who do not believe in him occupy the majority.

Man is always rational.

He will believe it only if you put it in front of him with your own eyes. Otherwise, people can always find all kinds of excuses to shirk. In addition, the world's major powers react quickly and delete the news on the Internet.

However, some people have begun to wake up and firmly believe that there are gods in the world.


Myanmar, Nebraska City.

By this time, the city of nebuchadnejad had gradually entered the night, and the riot had gradually died out. But in the presidential palace, the lights were shining, and all the senior officials and generals gathered in the palace.

We all looked at Wu Dansheng and expected him to make a decision.

Wu Dansheng's face was as heavy as water. He turned his head and asked the people around him:

"is that adult still in Heishan?"

"Tell you, the adult rescued his companions and sent them to Shangri La Hotel on the outskirts of the city. Now he's still in the hotel. Our troops dare not approach, they only dare to spy from a long distance. "

The head of intelligence, whispered.


Wu Dansheng clenched his teeth and stood up abruptly, saying, "everyone, follow me to Shangri La and call on that adult."


Many generals and senior officials, looking at each other, could only stand up.

From the presidential palace, a huge motorcade headed for Shangri La. In front of the motorcade were military fighters, and behind them were Tan Ke. All the residents I saw around were at home and did not dare to go out.

In Shangri La Hotel.

Chen fan is facing seven curious babies.

"Are you a quiet companion? My name is Andy, Chinese American, and Wenjing are good friends. May I ask your name, identity and age? "

The girl with black hair looks at chen fan like a Star chaser sees an idol.

Chen fan, helpless, turns to look at Yu Wenjing.

The former schoolmate, at this time, covered his mouth and secretly laughed, regardless of Chen fan.

"Dear Lord, thank you very much for saving us from the devil's den. The Evans family will never forget your kindness. "

The young blonde named John stepped forward and gave Chen Fan an old aristocratic ceremony.

"I'm here for Yu Wenjing. As for you, it's just easy. After staying here for one night, you can go away separately. " Chen Fan waved his hand and said coldly.Although these seven people can be collected by the great wizard.

Every body has its own peculiarities. They are all the seeds of cultivating immortals, but how can they enter Chen Fan's eyes.

Just as Andy, a girl, was looking desperate, a respectful voice came from outside:

"your honor, President, with all the ministers and generals, I'm waiting for you downstairs."

When they looked out of the window, they saw the president of Myanmar and others standing respectfully in the night wind, just like students waiting for their teachers to review. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!