Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 504

Myanmar is a small country.

The economy is extremely backward, the military equipment is dilapidated, and the people are extremely poor. This makes Wu Dansheng not as tough as the Russian emperor and Japanese Prime Minister.

Even if Russia had a truce with Chen fan, it only agreed to Chen Fan's demands. However, the president of Myanmar led the whole cabinet and high-level military officers to wait downstairs for Chen fan, just like the younger generation meeting the elder.

"Let them in."

Chen Fan gave the order casually.

And the seven boys and girls, looking at Chen Fan's eyes, more and more different. Before chen fan, a sword to break the mountain, step on the sky and fall, of course, let them shock. Now, chen fan, with his own strength, has made the president of a country bow down, which has shocked everyone.

It was young blonde John, with a twinkle in his eyes.

In any case, Wu Dansheng is the president who controls tens of millions of people. John's family is as rich as his country, but even the head of his family may not be better than Wu Dansheng.

"President of a small country, meet your excellency."

When Wu Dansheng came in, he bowed himself first.

And the generals and senior officials behind him stayed outside in fear, fearing that Chen fan would kill them. They have to come. The army is useless to Chen fan. What can Myanmar do now except kneel down and beg for mercy?

"Get up."

Chen Fan sat on the chair, slightly forehead.

Wu danshenggui is the president of a country. At this time, he can only stand aside and smile.

"I'm here for the sake of the black witch sect. I have no hatred against you and Myanmar. But what's your intention in sending troops to stop me? " Chen Fan points to buckle armrest, tone indifference way.

Wu Dansheng was not scared to death.

He bowed to himself in a hurry and said:

"dear Lord, all this is under the command of the black witch sect. The underworld religion has ruled Myanmar for decades. It is their people in both the army and the government. I have to obey the orders of my ancestors. "

Wu Dansheng put all the responsibility on the black witch sect and the dead great wizard God.

"Ha ha."

Chen Fan smiles.

It is true that the black witch sect is powerful, but it is nonsense to say that the president of a country has no power but is just a puppet. However, chen fan didn't bother to explain to him. What he said just now just knocked Wu Dansheng.

"My Lord, in order to compensate you, our country is willing to spend one tenth of its financial resources." Wu Dansheng gritted his teeth.


Chen Fan shook his head.

Myanmar's GDP is only tens of billions of dollars a year. It's more difficult to get Wu Dansheng to spend one billion dollars than to kill him. That little money is not in Chen Fan's eyes. It can even be said that little can be put into Chen Fan's eyes.

It's so backward here, one of the least developed areas on earth.

"Then you want to...

Wu Dansheng's face is a little white. Is it chen fan who wants his power or life?

At this time, a black robed man standing behind Wu Dansheng suddenly came forward and knelt down in the tunnel: "young Hu Shifan, who was the second elder of the black witch sect, paid a visit to Chen Xianshi. May the magic power of the immortal master last forever for thousands of years. "

This man is the Reverend Hu.

"I've killed the great witch God and flattened your black witch sect. How dare you come to see me?" Chen Fan said with a smile.

"The divine realm has boundless power. I just want to escape, and I can't escape from your control. And before the immortal master's eyes, there is a great fortune that I need to help him control. " Hu Shifan's body trembled slightly and raised his head.

"What wealth?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

"The black witch religion, and the whole country of Myanmar."

Hu Shifan cut off the railway.

His dialogue with Chen fan is in Chinese. Although Wu Dansheng didn't understand, he could guess vaguely in his heart, and his face turned blue.

"Mr. Chen Xianshi, the black witch sect has been rooted in Myanmar for 60 years. From top to bottom, from senior government officials to the bottom of warlords, it is all from us. Of course you killed them. But the branch of the black witch sect is still there. As long as you send someone to control it, you can quickly control the whole national affairs of Myanmar. "

The more he spoke, the more fluent Hu Shifan was, and he spoke with great eloquence:

"no matter how backward Myanmar is, it's a country after all. The value is infinite, ten thousand gold is hard to exchange. In Myanmar, you will be the existence of thousands of people. You will live and die in your heart, and you will be more noble than the ancient emperors. "

Chen fan has to admit it.

Hu Shifan's words really have great attraction.

Myanmar's territory is equivalent to three Jiangnan provinces, plus tens of millions of people. If it is well managed, it may not be a medium-sized power like South Korea and Japan.

However, chen fan's previous life overlooking the universe and stepping on thousands of people, how could he care about this land?

"It doesn't mean anything to me. I'll give you another chance. If you can't move me, go with the great wizard. " Chen Fan shook his head and said indifferently.


Hu Shifan was stunned.

He did not expect that Chen fan would not be moved when the power of a country was placed in front of him."This... This..." Hu Shifan's feet were in a mess, his forehead was in a cold sweat, and his heart was turning quickly. As if a century had passed, when Chen Fan was a little impatient, Hu Shifan finally said:

"immortal master, I have another news about the secret collection of the earth immortal!"


Chen Fan wanted to kill him, so he sat back slowly, with a trace of interest on his face:

"tell me, what is the secret of the earth fairy?"


Hu Shifan wiped a handful of sweat on his forehead, walked back from the edge of life and death, trembled his lips and said: "well, I've heard that from my grandfather once in a while. It's said that it was a place where one of the immortals practiced thousands of years ago. "

"Laozu said that they had found this place decades ago. At that time, the earth fairy had fallen, and there must be many magic weapons in it. It's a pity that it's guarded by the array and can't be opened all the time. After decades of research, Lao Zu went out to visit the secret collection every once in a while, but he never came back to his work. "

"But some time ago, the southeast Lin family sent someone to come. After receiving the visitor, Laozu was immediately overjoyed, saying that the Lin family had found a way to open the secret and that it was possible to avenge Ye Qingcang. So he increased his efforts to collect the body of Xuanyin, and wanted to complete the "seven evil spirits method" before he set out

Although Hu Shifan was a little shivering, the first words didn't match the last meaning, he finally finished his words.

"The place where the immortals fell thousands of years ago?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a flash of excitement.

The magic weapon refined by these earth immortals on the earth. Except Guiyuan sword and Diwu Ding, they are not in Chen Fan's eyes. If he is promoted to the congenital realm, he can easily refine more than ten times the magic weapon.

But the bones of the earth immortal, as well as the elixir, the elixir and so on, were badly needed by Chen fan. In particular, the place where an immortal practices must be the spiritual pulse.

After stepping into the sea of gods, chen fan needed a vast amount of aura to practice, which was beyond the support of the green dragon array. It is estimated that only by supporting the spirit pulse of the earth immortal cave can Chen Fan continue to practice.

"Are you serious?"

Chen Fan's eyes radiated green light, penetrating into Hu Shifan's eyes.

"I have no false words. If I have any false words, I would like to be robbed by thunder and fire."

Hu Shifan's muscles agitated and clenched his teeth.

"Good. Tell me the address. I will not only spare your life, but also let you be the leader of the black witch sect and continue to take charge of the black witch sect and Myanmar. And I promise you to be the leader of the black witch hall.

Chen Fan nodded after he found out that Hu Shifan didn't lie.

"Thank you, immortal master."

Hu Shifan trembled with excitement and said, "after today, the black witch sect and the Burmese nation must follow the orders of the immortal master. The immortal master's command is to make the whole country go to war with foreign countries, and they will never refuse. "

The people around them were stunned.

In this way, chen fan decided the leader of a country with one word? Wu Dansheng, in particular, had a glimmer of disappointment in his eyes. But he didn't dare to refuse at all. He also bowed himself.


after Hu Shifan was established as the leader of the black witch sect.

The new Hu Wu Lord, he acted quickly. Before, when Chen Fan entered the general altar of the black witch sect, he did not kill the elder, but set up a spirit prohibition system in their bodies.

How can chen fan not pay attention to the huge influence of the black witch sect.

Now he has set up the "Northern Hainan faction" just to create power and protect his parents and relatives? There were nine real people in the black witch sect, with thousands of disciples, who controlled a country. Now there are only four real people left. But it's still a big force as good as Hongmen.

In the black mountain arena.

"I'll wait. See the master."

Including the elder, many disciples of the black witch sect knelt down and threw themselves into the tunnel.

Although the black witch sect has become the black witch Hall of beiqiong school, it has finally preserved the tradition, and the elder is relieved. And now life and death in the hands of Chen fan, he is to refuse also have no way.

"Get up."

Chen Fan sits on the seat of the wizard master, next to Yu Wenjing.

"Although beiqiong sect was founded for a short time, it already has a weapon refining hall, and your black witch hall is divided into two parts. In addition, there is also a divine realm. If you do well, I may not be able to lift the spiritual prohibition, or even teach you the true Tao and Dharma. " Chen Fan tone insipid way.


The elder and others were shocked and prostrated to the ground again.

After more than 100 years of cultivation, the great wizard has become the most powerful "seven evil spirits method" of the black witch sect, but even chen fan can't stop it. It can be imagined that Chen Fan's practice is many times better than that of the black witch sect.

"Well, let's go. You elders will stay. Just remember, although we can't help killing, we don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately. All the evil mysteries in the sect will be abolished. "

Chen Fan waved his hand.

"Yes, master."

The disciples answered in unison and pushed down. In the end, there were only a few real people left in the hall."Well, there are only a few of you left. Tell me the secret address of the earth fairy." Chen Fandao.

"Dixian secret collection?" The elder and others looked at each other, finally forced by Chen Fan's power, spit out a place.

"Here it is?"

Chen Fan frowned slightly, with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

PS: the fourth one is presented, and the author continues to write the fifth one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!