Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 502

Naypyidaw, the capital of Myanmar.

This is a new city. The Burmese government has just moved its capital from Rangoon to this city. Therefore, the urban construction and information construction here are very backward. It was once ridiculed as "the last Internet capital in the world" by the media of various countries.

But after all, hundreds of thousands of people witnessed the war.

Although the Burmese government tried its best to block it, not only the Burmese people, but also hundreds of tourists from various countries and some Western journalists were present at that time.

These tourists and journalists, regardless of the Burmese government's ban, excitedly send these photos and videos to relatives and friends, or on the Internet.


first, on the Internet, some blurred photos appeared on some Facebook and twitter accounts.

These photos were sent by foreigners or tourists working in Naypyidaw.

"My God, what do I see?"

"Immortal, devil? The mysterious existence of ancient countries? Whatever it was, it shocked me

"You see, it's true. I saw it with my own eyes. I saw a cloud of black gas coming out of the mountain, and then a cloud of blue light rising from the ground into the sky. Then there seemed to be a fight between them. I guess they may be the enemy and end up in a blue light victory... "

the cameras and lenses used by these tourists are unprofessional, and they can't get a clear picture of hundreds of meters high, but they can't stop their enthusiasm.

And then soon friends or strangers leave messages under their accounts.

"Little Annie, why do you start to believe these things when you go to Myanmar? The world is material, God only exists in the spiritual level, our world only has science. "

Some people are kind-hearted.

But more people began to sneer directly:

"my God, you send up some blurred and completely invisible photos and say that there are gods fighting? If all this could be used as evidence, then aliens would have been proved to exist long ago. "

"I once saw a picture of an alien, 10000 times more realistic than this. At that time, I really believed it, and then my boyfriend told me that it was computer-generated. Oh, my God, I can't even imagine myself as a fool at that time. "

"A blur of green light and black air, it's said that the gods are fighting? Why aren't Burmese setting off fireworks? "

Most people don't believe it at all.

They see countless strange news on the Internet every day, and they have been immune for a long time.

In this world where computer special effects are extremely developed, the realistic special effects of American blockbusters are much more realistic than these blurred photos and shaking lenses.

No matter how the tourists in Myanmar explain it, they don't believe it.

Only a few people occasionally murmured:

"the news seems to say that there is a war in Myanmar. Is it a military coup?"


in the beginning, these photos didn't make any waves.

There are only a few hundred people who have seen it. Among the hundreds of millions of Internet users, it is insignificant.

It was only when one person appeared that the public's attention was slightly aroused.


A famous Norwegian traveler.

He has opened a travel blog, where he sends some travel articles and photos from time to time, attracting thousands of people to pay attention to his blog and lose in a row.

"Today looks like an ordinary day."

"I left Rangoon and went to Naypyidaw, the new capital of Myanmar. This is a bad city, like a big country. People here have just used their mobile phones. Only hotels have Internet. My poor satellite phone. "

When Wegener started live.

Many people chatted under his Facebook, urging Wigner to leave Naypyidaw soon.

I think this new city has no tourism value at all. We should go to the mysterious ancient villages in northern Myanmar.

But then a message came from Wigner.

"My God, what is this? Why did the army come? Naypyidaw, as if surrounded by troops, swarms of soldiers, tankers and even helicopters were flying in the streets. I also saw fighters. Is there another coup in this country? "

As Wegener spoke, he attached a few photos.

In the photo, Burmese soldiers, fully armed, are sitting on top of armored vehicles and rushing to gather outside the city. There were fighter planes passing overhead, and every soldier had a serious face.

"God, there are helicopters and fighters."

"Dear Wei, you'd better leave quickly. This country is too dangerous."

"Myanmar is one of the most backward and poor countries in the world, with an average of three years of military rebellion. It's not a good place to visit, poor Wei. "As soon as the photo came out, everyone got excited.

One after another, he comforted "Wigner" and told him to leave quickly so as not to be hurt by the shells.

"No, I will never flinch in the name of the great explorer Alfred Wigner."

Wegener sent out a message, live.

"Tens of thousands of troops gathered outside Naypyidaw. They are murderous. I feel that something big has happened. "

"War, war. The sound of guns and cannons outside the city is like thunder. Have the rebels already entered Naypyidaw? God, I hope the army wins. "

"Strange, how did the gunfire stop? Did the army win? What is this huge sound? It seems like the language of China. I can't understand it. Wait, my God, what do I see? "

One message after another.

People are watching closely.

Hundreds of people responded quickly to each message. After all, it is rare to see a rebellion in the capital of a country. But after Wegener sent the third one, it suddenly stopped.

"Update quickly."

"Dear Wei, what happened?"

"God, my heart can't stand it any more. Please update quickly."

Soon, there were more than a thousand messages, and countless people wrote back under Wigner's Facebook.

About a few minutes later, Wigner suddenly sent a message:

"I'm witnessing miracles!"

With the news comes a series of photos.

In the first photo.

A black plume of smoke spewed out from the dead volcano in the distance, as if the volcano was about to erupt. People are still wondering what's going on.

Soon the second picture will come up.

A blue light rises from the city and flies into the air.

"This is a new type of fireworks? Or hot air balloon? Or the Burmese army's flare? "

Some people wonder.

But the third photo quickly overturned the previous question.

In the photo, cyan light and black fog are facing each other in the air hundreds of meters high. At that time, the sky will be dark and the sunset will be approaching. Although the distance is very far, we can still see the existence of the two clearly.

"My God, what the hell is this?"

"New UFO events? I feel like a flying saucer in the blue light. "

"Maybe it's the missiles launched by the Burmese army. You know, the tail light of many missiles will create a scene similar to the aperture. Ninety percent of UFO incidents are missile launches by the US military. "

The crowd was quarreling fiercely below.

Next, there are a series of fighting scenes of Qingguang and heiqi.

Unfortunately, because the distance is too far away, it will be late, so we can't see clearly. We can only vaguely distinguish that there seems to be storms, flames and lightning.

"God, is there lightning?"

"Was Naypyidaw in a storm? Why does lightning come down? "

"Is it the Burmese government that is testing new electromagnetic weapons to attract thunder and lightning? Well, I'm talking about a country where people are too poor to afford food."

There was a lot of discussion.

In the end, a golden rainbow appeared, cutting out the black fog. As for the scene of Chen Fan's three swords splitting the mountain, the distance is too far to be photographed from the perspective of Wigner.

But even these scenes are enough to make people enjoy talking about them.

"It's absolutely news."

"Big event, dear Wei is witnessing history."

"I guess it must be the Burmese rebels who attacked the capital and then released missiles and new weapons. To create a scene similar to UFO. "

Everyone was talking about it with great interest.

Weigner's Facebook, unprecedented message more than 3000. The number of followers has also been rising.

"You are all wrong. They are two people fighting!"

At the back of the photo, Wigner sent a message.


"Are you kidding?"

"Is it April Fool's day? Are those two people

As soon as Wigner's words came out, he was ridiculed by netizens all over the world.

"Dear Wei, I know you are frightened by the cannons and the army. But when you point to a blur of green light and black air, it's unreasonable to say that there are two people inside. From the photos, it is obvious that it is hundreds of meters high. Who can fly hundreds of meters high? Superman? Or iron man? "

Many netizens laugh with kindness.

"Coward, frightened by the cannonball, he quickly rolled back to his mother's arms. You're not a war correspondent like that. " More people are blatantly mocking.

"Really, I saw with my own eyes a man, with blue light on his body, rising into the sky."

Wigner tried to explain, but no one believed it.These thousands of netizens are nothing new. They are two people. They think it's UFOs, missiles, signal lights, fireworks and so on. There are even a lot of people in doubt. Is Wigner faking photos to get attention.

No matter Wegener or other tourists in Myanmar's capital, they are faced with all kinds of doubts from relatives, friends and colleagues. This matter, would have been like a tiny spray, quickly submerged in the network tide.

Until a BBC reporter, in his own Facebook, released a short video.

The title of the video is:

"do you have gods in this world?"

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!