Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 496

The city of Nairobi.

The capital of Myanmar, a new city with a small population of less than 1 million. The population and density of this city is not even as high as that of a county in China. What's more ridiculous is that it was not until October 2009 that Neibi city opened its mobile phone signal to make calls. Therefore, it was once ridiculed by Western media as "the only capital in the world without mobile phones."

This is also related to Myanmar's economy.

Myanmar's GDP is only US $70 billion a year, which is less than that of a province or even a city in China. The economy here is extremely backward, which is equivalent to that of China in the 1980s and 1990s. Only one out of 200 people has a landline telephone. Mobile phone is a rare item, which can't be used by non officials.

At this time, in the presidential palace and the Ministry of defense of Myanmar.

Many generals of the military government have been in a hurry. Countless telephone rings are coming from all directions.

"The enemy has broken the ninth line of defense. The Fourth Infantry Division was defeated and its commander, general song en, died on the spot. "

"The twelfth line of defense has been broken and the enemy is approaching the capital."

"The enemy is close at hand..."

one bad news after another gathered in the Ministry of defense. Many generals are green. Since Chen Fan stepped into the border, it's only one afternoon.

However, chen fan successively defeated tens of thousands of troops, and he defeated three infantry divisions. Only a few fighters were cut down. Many generals can only frantically mobilize troops to protect the capital.

"Who the hell is this man? Is it a super soldier of the Chinese military? "

"Impossible. We have very close communication with the Chinese military."

"Have you heard from me, sir?"

As a man walked in, many generals turned their heads and looked at the tall and straight leader who controlled the whole Burmese army.

President Wu Dansheng.

His real name is Dansheng, and Wu is honorific. It's just like the Chinese call "Uncle" and "adult".

Wu Dansheng's face was as heavy as water, but his eyes were a little afraid.

Chen fan came all the way to break the army and kill the general, and ten thousand people created Yi. Even though Wu Dansheng lived to be 60 or 70 years old, he had never seen such a terrible strong man. I'm afraid that the old fairy in Heishan may not be so terrible.

With an enemy!

How terrible it is.

"He is Chen beixuan, the No.1 in China's tianbang and the super power in the CIA Shenbang. He once defeated the 14th brigade of Japan and the 116th armored division of Russia

A man in black standing in Wu Dansheng said slowly.

"Is he Chen beixuan?"

Everyone was surprised and looked at each other.

Many generals, who have been staying in this backward place of Myanmar all the year round, have developed a character of arrogance. I thought the rumors were all jokes, and the CIA made a fuss, but I didn't expect it to be true.

"How can our army match the 116th armored division of Russia? One Russian division, I'm afraid, will be able to level our 100000 troops. "

"Yes, Russia is a big country in the world. Even they bow their heads. How can we fight against Chen beixuan?"

"Shall we inform the Chinese ambassador and ask him to come forward?"

Looking at many generals, with a look of dejected and retreating, Wu Dansheng was enraged.

"Bastard, have you been killed in the capital? We have no choice but to go back to Naypyidaw. If we retreat again, will the rebels in the North fear us? Many warlords will follow the orders of the government? "

As soon as Wu Dansheng slapped the table and yelled angrily, he immediately stopped all the generals:

"give me an order that the 5th, 6th and 7th divisions outside the capital should stop Chen beixuan at all costs. Don't let him step into the capital with one foot! "

"Yes, sir!"

Many generals got up together and agreed.

When the generals were sent away, Wu Dansheng immediately lowered his face and looked at the black robed man nearby with fear: "Mr. Hu, those troops may not be able to pull Chen beixuan out. Finally, they have to ask the old immortal to do it."

"Don't worry, your excellency. Myanmar is the territory of our black witch sect. No matter how powerful Chen beixuan is, he invades Myanmar without authorization and has broken the agreement. The great wizard will do it. "

Master Hu said faintly.

"That's good, that's good."

Wu Dansheng finally breathed a sigh after hearing the speech.

Chen fan came all the way with great momentum, which really frightened the general who had been through the battlefield for a long time.


at this time, chen fan, standing on the mound in the suburbs, finally set out.

Chen Fan took a step, not much, not good, just ten meters away. Every step is ten meters away, just like a ruler. In front of him, tens of thousands of troops gathered.

"Come on, stop immediately. You are thinking about the Burmese government army and the whole Burmese country's provocation. If we go one step further, we will open fire immediately. " A huge trumpet came from the army.Many soldiers, tightly holding the rifle in hand, nervously looking at chen fan.

They also heard some rumors and knew that this man, like a demon, had defeated tens of thousands of troops. Myanmar itself is an extremely backward country, where ghosts and gods prevail, and the people are most afraid of ghosts and gods.


Chen Fan did not stop at all. He took another step with his hands behind his back.


With the command of the officers, daddada, countless bullets came like a storm. Thousands of people shot at the same time. That grand occasion is almost beyond people's imagination. It's like a Vulcan gun.

At this time, three meters around Chen Fan's body, the bullets were extremely dense, and they could all collide with each other and produce sparks.

Even an armored car here will be screened by the dense bullets.


A cyan mask floats three meters away from Chen fan. Many bullets hit the cyan light shield, immediately stopped, issued a burst, like the sound of rain playing pipa. The bullet rain is more urgent again suddenly, true yuan shield also grain silk did not move.

After the completion of Shenhai, chen fan can ignore all small weapons only by protecting his body.


It's useless to see a gun. Many tankers, howitzers and self-propelled guns began to fire.

Although these heavy weapons of the Burmese army are far less advanced than those of Russia and Japan, their power is not inferior. Heavy cannonball after cannonball, with a sharp breaking sound, just like death's sickle, went to Chen fan to harvest.


The impact of the shell on the surface of the cyan mask made the mask vibrate violently. Even if you look carefully, you can find that half of the sharp warhead is embedded in the mask. Then the shell exploded fiercely, directly smashing the light shield, and the remaining shock wave and debris came to Chen fan like a shower and wind.


A light shield was broken, and then another light shield rose from Chen Fan's body.

The realm of Shenhai can communicate with the sea on a small scale. Chen Fan's real yuan almost never stops. In the eyes of many soldiers, a shell fell on Chen fan, smashing a light mask.

But Chen Fan's body protection is endless.

In the end, many soldiers and generals were desperate.


Step by step, chen fan let many generals and soldiers come up with various methods.

Heavy grenades, aircraft bombs, machine guns, rockets, large infantry mines, armored vehicle collision and so on. The officers of the Burmese army have tried almost all the methods. The fire was burning and the water was flooded, but Chen Fan couldn't be stopped.

In this way, chen fan walked ten meters at a time, but did not make a move. Only by protecting the body, Zhenyuan came to the front of the tens of thousands of soldiers with a lot of artillery.


"It's the gods."

"Atonement! The gods make atonement

First, the first soldier dropped his gun and fell to his knees.

Then, the second, the third, the fourth... Where Chen Fan went, there was a large area of dark kneeling. Myanmar is a country where religion prevails and its people are superstitious. Chen fan came with the gun fire on his shoulders and showed no injury. It's just like the fairy and Buddha in the legend.

Many Buddhists even kneel on the ground and kowtow repeatedly, claiming that "the golden Arhats come down to earth!"

At the end of the day, even many of the officers were shaken and fell to their knees under Chen Fan's influence.

From the sky, you can see a blue figure walking towards the capital of Myanmar step by step. Every time he went to a place, he knelt down a large number of people, and finally tens of thousands of people abandoned their rifles and knelt down on the ground, just like a pilgrim.

"Hello, is that the front line? How's the war going? Did you stop him? "

In the car radio, Defense Department officials asked urgently.

"I'm sorry, sir, we can't stop a real God."

Chief of staff of the 5th division, after hanging up the walkie talkie. He got out of the car and knelt down with his forehead close to the ground, trembling and saying:

"please make atonement and forgive us for our great mistakes."

Ten minutes later, chen fan stopped and looked up.

Naypyidaw, Myanmar's richest man, has finally arrived.

Behind him were tens of thousands of Burmese soldiers who were on their knees and did not dare to get up.



In the Ministry of national defense, the general who received a call from the front line turned into a statue.

"What's the matter? Did you stop Chen beixuan? "

Other colleagues look at it with expectant eyes.

The general shook his head with a stern face:

"here he comes."

Here comes chen fan.

However, it's different from what many generals in the Ministry of defense and many high-level Burmese officials think. Chen Fan didn't come for them, but for the black witch sect."Chen beixuan of China, call on the black witch sect, the great wizard!"

With Chen Fan a burst drink.

There was a huge sound, which exploded on the ground like thunder, shaking in all directions. The sound is vast and powerful, shaking a hundred Li and spreading to the whole capital. Those who were shivering in their houses and thought that there was another war were stunned.

Even many high-level Burmese officials were stunned.

"Is this... Chinese? What do you mean

Wu Dansheng was stunned on the spot.

At the same time as the voice, there was a grand idea rising from Chen fan. Just like a curtain of heaven, across the whole capital, fiercely to the general altar of ghost witchcraft cult, Heishan. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!