Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 497

The general altar of black witch religion, in the holy land of Heishan.

This dead volcano has been almost hollowed out by the black witch sect for decades, and a huge underground cavity has been excavated in the mountainside. Many elders, real people and disciples of the whole black witch sect usually practice in this underground space.

The black witch sect is good at condensing the evil spirit between heaven and earth. The gas of Heisha mainly comes from volcanic lava zone. In the dead volcano, there is a small lava River, and the altar of the great voodoo is set on the Bank of the lava river.

"Crack! Crackle

It's the fire in the lava River burning, breaking out a bright spark, the temperature of the whole space is very high.

The old man in black robes is sitting on the altar seven meters high, hanging his eyes to practice. He did not breathe, there is a huge Heisha gas, from the lava River, was inhaled into the body refining.

"You say, what's going on outside. Those black robed geeks, come and go. And look at the old monster on the altar. He is much more irritable than usual. "

In a corner, in a cage, there are seven people.

These seven people, male and female, are all young and have different skin colors. One of the Southeast Asian Boys, black, thin and short, whispered.

"I don't know, John. You've been arrested for the longest time. Have you ever seen such a thing?"

Another girl with wheat skin, long brown hair, full of youth and fitness, turned to look over.

"I've been arrested for three months. The old monster doesn't wake up every half a month. However, since the Chinese girl came, he often woke up. I listened to them. It seems that people have gathered together and the ceremony will begin soon. "

A blonde named John, in English.

"You... You say, what will the old monster do to us?"

A petite and lovely Korean girl, crying.

"I don't know, but he brought us here and locked us up, obviously to cultivate some evil Dharma. Or a ritual of sin. " John shook his head.

As soon as he said this, several young boys and girls could not help but feel sad. There are young people who sob in a low voice.

"Wenjing, aren't you sad?"

A beautiful young woman with black hair, holding tears in the corner of her eyes, looks at the cool girl sitting in the corner of the cage. The girl was very quiet. Since she was arrested, she didn't say a word, as if she had accepted her life.

"Since I was born, I have been raised as a sacrifice for 16 years. If he hadn't saved me, I'm afraid I would have died under the hand of the young master of the ghost witch sect. Since I was born with such a fate, what else can I be afraid of? It's just a pity... I didn't see him again after all. "

The quiet way of a cold girl.

She was Yu Wenjing who was taken away from the Su family.

Three years later, Yu Wenjing's breath became colder and colder, just like the bright moon in the sky. Although all seven of them are pretty men and women, we all have to admit that Yu Wenjing's appearance and temperament are the best.

"Who is he that you have been talking about? Your boyfriend? "

The woman with black hair blinked.

Of the seven, only two are of Chinese origin and are naturally closer to each other.

"He is my former classmate, a very outstanding, very dazzling, incomparably mysterious person with magical power. But he has someone he likes. If I can be around and watch him silently, I will be satisfied. "

Yu Wenjing said confused.

"Well, you said he was so good, but you were caught, and you didn't see him come to save you." The woman with black hair snorted coldly:

"I also have a boyfriend, but he ran away like a counsellor the night I was arrested. If I go back, I'll kick him first. "

As she said this, the black haired woman looked forward to Huachi and said: "if a handsome guy comes to rescue me, I will pester him. He will not marry me in my life."

Even in this situation, Yu Wenjing was amused by her partner's words. She covered her mouth and said with a smile:

"what if there was a super ugly fat man?"

Hearing this, the black haired woman suddenly froze, her pretty face turned blue and purple, and finally gritted her teeth:

"whether he is fat or thin, ugly or handsome, as long as he saves me. I'll give it up. I'll go to bed and close my eyes. Handsome can't be a meal... Of course, it's best to be a handsome guy. Unfortunately, the old monster and his men are so strong, who can save us

With that, the woman with black hair was in a low mood and had to shed tears again.

Yu Wenjing gently embraces the girl and sighs: "Xiao Fan, I'm afraid I'll never have a chance to see you again in my life..."

when the seven people in the iron cage are all in mourning, suddenly a roaring voice, like thunder, reverberates through the mountains and shakes in the whole mountainside:

"Chen beixuan of the state of China... Comes to visit..." The great wizard of the black witch cult... "

the sound was like the thunder of the nine gods. It reverberated all the time in the mountainside, making everyone dizzy."This is...

including the seven people in the iron cage and the whole mountainside, they all gaped. Sitting on a seven meter high platform, the old man in black robe also opened his eyes fiercely. His eyes radiated green light, just like a hungry wolf.

"Lord wizard... Chen... Chen beixuan is coming."

A black robed man rushed into the mountainside and cried in a hurry.

"Son of a bitch, don't I have ears? Can't you hear me

The old man angrily reprimanded, raised his hand and made a big black evil palm. In the frightened eyes of the man in black robe, he grabbed him fiercely.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

It's a huge palm made of pure underground black spirit. It's directly on the black robed man. His skin and flesh are burnt black, and even his bones are burned and carbonized. The whole person becomes a skeleton in an instant.

"You stay here. I'll meet Chen beixuan."

After the old man killed with one palm, Jie gave a strange smile and turned into a thick black smoke running through the heaven and earth, shooting out to the mountainside.


All the disciples of the black witch sect all bowed to the ground in horror and answered with trembling.

Seven people in the cage were stunned to see:

"this... Does anyone really come to save us? I'm not dreaming

"The language of that man seems to be Mandarin. Do you know what he's talking about?" John turned his eyes and looked at two Chinese girls.

The black haired woman frowned:

"it seems that she is saying something. Cheng beixuan of China, come to visit some black witch sect... The great wizard. I'm not very good at Chinese. I didn't hear it very well. "

"No, he said, Chen beixuan!"

Yu Wenjing suddenly opened her mouth, and her eyes were full of surprise and joy.


People were surprised, and they didn't know why.


Chen Fan's voice was so loud that it shook a hundred Li.

The whole Naypyidaw heard clearly. Although there are millions of people in Naypyidaw, all of them are Burmese, there are still a small number of Chinese tourists and translators who know Chinese. After hearing what Chen Fan said, they are all stunned:

"who is Cheng beixuan? With such a loud voice, using a PA machine? And the great wizard of the black witch sect. I think I've heard of it. "

A few reporters stationed in Naypyidaw are even more excited to take out the camera and look out with interest.

Although Myanmar is an extremely backward country, even a presidential coup may not make the world headlines. But there was thunder and gunfire outside, and there was a lot of shouting. Something big must have happened.

At this time, chen fan paid no attention to these.

His huge idea, across the sky, fiercely rushed to the black mountain altar. There are so many mountains that you can't stop your mind. In a flash, chen fan saw clearly the situation in the hinterland of the mountain.

"That's... Yu Wenjing. Is she still alive?"

Chen Fan's eyes suddenly brightened.

But then, an angry hum came. Chen Fan felt another powerful mental force, rushed out, and collided with his ideas.


In the void, there was an invisible wave.

Chen Fan's body didn't move, but his hair shook. But the other side then spreads a dull hum, obviously ate the dark loss.

When he was in the metaphysical realm, chen fan's ideas were comparable to those of the earth. Now when he enters the sea of gods, there are three or four divine realms working together, and his spiritual strength may not be comparable to him.

Then, a roar came from the mountain in the distance:

"Chen beixuan, you dare to kill my disciples, break into my general arena, destroy my descendants, I will never let you go."

With that, a black rainbow, which runs through the sky and the earth, shoots out from the hinterland of Heishan mountain. Turning in the air, it rushes to Chen Fan with the air of smoke. People have not stopped, the overwhelming heat wave has swept.

"My God."

A reporter can't help but put down the camera and stare at the scene.

"The great wizard?"

Chen Fan snorted coldly.

In the eyes of tens of thousands of Burmese soldiers kneeling on the ground. Chen Fan's body suddenly blooms a blue light, and then the invisible storm condenses around chen fan. He rises in the air and climbs. He is supported by the blue light and rises higher and higher.

From a distance, it looks like a rising blue meteor.

"God, this is absolutely the true God coming into the world!"

Without doubt, many soldiers kowtowed and prayed.

As soon as you enter the Shenhai, you can fly in the air with the wind. This is the first time for Chen fan to show the power of Shenhai in front of the world. He is like a God King in the blue light.

In the void, the blue light shines and the black rainbow fills the sky.

The whole city of nebuchadnejad, countless people look up, shocked to see this scene.

At this time, the sunset is approaching and the sky will be dark, but it is not only the hundreds of thousands of people in Nairobi who witness this scene. There are also many Burmese senior officials, some tourists and journalists stationed in Myanmar."It's going to be big news, unprecedented news. Since I was demoted from the BBC and exiled to this country where there is no backward mobile phone signal, I finally have a chance to turn over. "

A 30-year-old, blonde and capable woman, holding up her camera, desperately shooting.

At this time, the blue star and the black rainbow are shining in the air.

God's war is imminent.

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one_ ∩) O

(to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!