Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 495

It's a symbol of the divine realm in legend.

Only a few decades ago, the golden Lord had seen the great sorcerer of the black witch sect perform. Over the past few decades, the great wizard has become more and more low-key. He has been practicing secret arts in the general arena of Heishan. He wants to kill back to China and take revenge on Ye Qingcang, but he rarely shows his magic power again.


When they were in a daze, chen fan had fallen from the sky and smashed into the Burmese army. He stepped on an armored car and turned it into a discus. Several soldiers in the armored car were pressed into meat sauce without a single hum.

"Fire, everyone fire now. What about Tam camp? Bring them in immediately, and we must surround and kill this man! "

General Aung Lai reacted fiercely, grabbed the walkie talkie of the car radio, and roared wildly.


Many soldiers wake up from a dream, carrying rifles one after another, shooting at chen fan like a rainstorm. There are more directly jump on the roof of the armored car, turn the heavy machine gun, with a deadly tongue of fire, shrouded in Chen fan.


The bullets hit Chen Fan three meters away and were stopped directly by his bodyguard Zhenyuan.

With Chen Fan's terrible cultivation in Shenhai at this time, and the emperor's eternal life. Even the tankers are fearless. Apart from heavy missiles, ground penetrating bombs, special warheads and a few special weapons, there is little on earth that can threaten him.

In this way, chen fan walked forward step by step in the eyes of people's fear.

"Boom boom boom."

To the northwest, the only tank battalion came at last.

Hundreds of soldiers, driving dozens of old heavy chariots, surrounded Chen Fan from all directions. Chen Fan did not glance at them.

Compared to the 116th armored division in Russia.

These Tan Ke of the Burmese army are like antiques, as if they came from World War II. In fact, many of the weapons of the Burmese army at this time were no different from those of World War II.

Missiles, fighters, helicopters, UAVs, information warfare and so on. These things are insulated from Myanmar at all. They were still in the age of cannons and tanks.


Chen Fan stretched out his hands and grabbed a tan Ke. Then, under the frightened eyes of the people around, he fiercely lifted the tan Ke out of thin air. And then, like a baseball, swish it out.


The dozens of tons of chariot, with a heavy air breaking sound in the air, crossed the distance of tens of meters and hit another chariot fiercely. Two steel monsters smashed together, suddenly like an earthquake in general, the soldiers around tens of meters were shocked dizzy hit. As for the soldiers in the chariot, they have long been patted into meat mud.

"It's... It's horrible."

Many soldiers were so frightened that they threw their guns on the ground.

The soldiers of Myanmar have been practicing all kinds of religions. In their eyes, chen fan is almost the same as the gods.

"Come on, everybody fire. Those who don't fire will be dealt with by military law! "

General Aung Lai yelled wildly with his walkie talkie, his eyes red. This tank camp, but he begged his father to sue his grandmother to save money. As a result, chen fan threw a Yo Yo and soon smashed seven or eight cars. In general Aung Lai's heart, he was frightened and frightened.

"That's how the great God of witchcraft defeated the Sichuan army and the Japanese army."

Jin Zun stood there, looking at Chen Fan's back, in a trance.

During the Second World War, the great God of witchcraft was located in the southwest of China, and he once created the myth of fighting against ten thousand. Both the central army, the Sichuan army and the Japanese army who later invaded the southwest had fought with the great wizard.

"A group of ants."

At the urging of general Aung Lai and many officers, the soldiers picked up their rifles and pulled the trigger at chen fan. Many armored cars also braved the crash.

In this regard, chen fan can't help frowning.

He didn't bother to tangle with these small soldiers, who were still carrying the old weapons of World War II and whose military discipline was broken.


All they saw was Chen Fan standing there, not hiding. It's just a long breath. It's like swallowing the water of a big river. You can even see a long white tornado pouring into Chen Fan's mouth.

"What is he going to do?"

People are at a strange time.

Chen fanmeng looked up and roared up to the sky.


This roar, sonorous like a dragon, sharp like a Phoenix. Like thunder, the eardrum of the people around was broken and they knelt down with their heads in their arms. But that's just the beginning.

Chen Fan's howling became louder and louder, and finally he went straight to the sky. Sound waves, almost visible to the naked eye, came out of his mouth. Even mixed with a large number of true elements. The howling spread out layer by layer, and the sound shocked hundreds of miles away. It's the buildings more than ten miles away. All the glass has been broken.

Chen Fan's Burma Army is like a typhoon."Ah

General Aung Lai, at the end of the battle, could barely support himself. He just covered his ears and felt a splitting headache. Master Jin quickly spread a layer of black spirit. After blocking the sound wave, general Aung Lai barely felt better.

"My Lord, come on, kill that Chinese."

General Aung Lai seized the hand of the king and said anxiously.

"It's late. Look outside." Master Jin gave a bitter smile.

As soon as general ang Lai looked forward, he saw that with Chen Fan as the center, layers of soldiers fell down like wheat.

The nearest one, even his head was burst. Chen fan has no living people within a hundred meters. The soldiers, who are 100 meters away, scurry and throw away their rifles and weapons. Tan Ke soldiers even jumped out of the armored car and ran away madly. The power of sound wave is pervasive, even the thick armor can't carry it.

"This... This..."

General Aung Lai is as numb as a stone, his heart is like a rock bottom.

Chen Fan killed thousands of soldiers. And with great difficulty, general Aung Lai's army of 20 battalions has broken up. Even the officers jumped. After all, it doesn't matter if you're a soldier or an officer.

"One roar killed a thousand people. It's as powerful as a cloud bomb. This is the myth of the time. Is it the only terror of God

Jin Zun trembled all over and said.

He has recognized Chen Fan's identity at this time.

Except for Chen beixuan, who is on the list of gods and overlooks all living beings. Who has such terrible power? It is whether the great God of witchcraft is possessed or not, which is doubted by Jin Zun.

"Venerable... What shall we do?"

Said general Aung Lai, shrinking his head and shaking all over.

"Chen beixuan didn't come here for us. Maybe he was just passing by. You don't have to be afraid." Jin Zun said calmly. There is no injustice or hatred between the black witch sect and Chen fan. I think chen fan will not easily offend an old God.

However, chen fan turned into a blue light and shot at them fiercely. His eyes looked indifferent:

"are you a member of the black witch sect?"

"In the black witch sect, under the seat of the great God of witchcraft, one of the nine great masters, Jin Wuxian, meets Chen Xianshi." The golden master bowed his head slightly. "I don't know if the immortal master is here, but please forgive me. I'll inform the general altar and the ancestors..."

before he finished speaking, chen fan's eyes were cold, and a blue knife cut him in the air.

"All the people of the black witch sect should die!"


Before Jin Zun could react, he was cut into two pieces by Chen fan. And next to general Aung Lai, was sprayed with blood, directly scared into a coma.

After killing the king, chen fan turned into a blue light and shot at the center of Myanmar like a rainbow on the land.

As for general ang Lai and the troops in the northwest border region, they are just like ants in Chen Fan's eyes. Their combat effectiveness is not even comparable to that of the 14th brigade of Japan, and they are totally vulnerable.


In an hour.

On the outskirts of BAMO, chen fan smashed a regiment of the Burmese army and went to BAMO city by the way. From top to bottom, he killed 73 disciples of the black witch sect. Then he went away, leaving only the stunned BAMO citizens.

Two hours later.

Chen Fan broke through the third infantry division of the Burmese army 30 miles away from Mandalay. Once again, he entered Mandalay, swept the city with a flying sword, killed 175 Black Witch disciples in a row, and killed the mayor of Mandalay with one sword. Because the mayor, who was closely involved with the black witch sect, was almost a puppet of the black witch sect.

Three hours later.

Outside the city of mitila, chen fan killed three black witches with one sword and killed hundreds of the most elite special forces of the Burmese army. The Burmese army was defeated again.

Four hours later...

Chen Fan came without any cover. He killed the gods when he met the gods and killed the Buddhas when he met the Buddhas. Every time you pass by a city, you must kill the black witch disciples in that area from top to bottom.

When his mind was swept away, all those who practiced the secret methods of the black sorcery sect, or who had the smell of black evil spirit, were completely exposed.

Along the way, chen fan killed hundreds of black witch disciples and defeated tens of thousands of people. Even though the Burmese government mobilized troops crazily and even sent fighter planes, chen fan could not be stopped at all.

Those third generation fighters, without missiles, were cut down by Chen fan.


Where Chen Fan passed, he left a piece of wreckage. He broke the army and killed the general, and trampled on the city to destroy the family. There were countless witnesses. At this time, not to mention the Burmese government, people from other countries are shocked.

Five hours later, the capital of Myanmar is in sight.


"is this the capital of Myanmar?"

Chen Fan stands on the outskirts, overlooking the magnificent city. In front of him, there were troops coming from all directions in a hurry. These troops are black and crowding, not only tens of thousands of people? But most of their faces were confused and frightened.In the sky, more than a dozen helicopters and fighters are hovering in the distance and dare not approach.

But Chen Fan paid no attention to these people. His eyes had been directed at the dark volcano outside the capital.

The black witch sect has finally arrived.

PS: the fourth one is presented, and the author continues to write the fifth one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!