Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 494

The black witch sect.

Among the major witchcraft schools in the world, the oldest, the most powerful and the most abundant one. Since thousands of years ago, witches have emerged from generation to generation. Three hundred years ago, the old sorcerer of the black witch sect swept through China and killed that generation of heavenly masters. He was so fierce and powerful that he occupied the world for nearly a hundred years. Even the emperors of the Qing Dynasty of that generation had to bow and salute when they saw the old sorcerer.

In this generation, there are also witches in the black witch sect, and they are also listed in the list of gods.

Only 60 years ago, ye Qingcang took the power of Kunlun to clean up the world and sweep China. The black witch sect was also defeated, and finally withdrew from China and went to Myanmar. At that time, the great wizard was said to have had a war with Ye Qingcang, but he was defeated and left with hatred. He vowed to complete the divine law and return to China to seek revenge for ye Qingcang.

When the black witch sect went to Myanmar, it easily swept the country with the strength of the God of witchcraft and many real people. Since then, the black witch sect has become the national religion of Myanmar. The high status of the great wizard is that the president of Myanmar has to be respectful.

"In addition to the great wizard, there are nine Dharma practitioners and hundreds of disciples in the black witch sect."

"In addition, they also control the state affairs of Myanmar. The whole country, whether warlord leaders or senior government officials, is proud to respect the black witch religion. The disciples of the black witch sect are all over the government. Hundreds of thousands of Burmese troops were indirectly controlled by the black witch sect. The great sorcerer is collecting all kinds of constitutions, and wants to refine the supreme secret of the black sorcery, the "seven evil spirits method"... "

these words are the information Chen Fan extracted from the souls of several sorcerer masters.

"Control a country's politics, for the emperor? This black witch sect is a big force. "

Xuedaisha's face changed slightly.

Although Myanmar is only a small country in Southeast Asia, it also has tens of millions of people and hundreds of thousands of troops. Even the president has to respect the great voodoo for three points. A word can abolish the emperor. This kind of existence is beyond xuedaisha's imagination.

"This is the divine realm. A hundred years ago, before nuclear weapons came out, those divine realms were even more arrogant."

Chen Fan said faintly, with a cold light in his eyes: "so, the Burmese government army is also closely related to the black witch sect?"

With a pinch, he spurted out a golden flame, burning the soul in his hand.

"Chen beixuan, you promised me that as long as I tell you the truth, you will let me go." The soul of the black sorcerer Lord cried madly in the fire.

"Oh? Is it? I lied to you. "

Chen Fan calmly replied that there was no joy or sorrow in his eyes.

Northern Xuanxian Zun, life and death from the heart, unrestrained, how can be bound by a little oath?

"Chen beixuan, you don't keep the oath. The Father God will take revenge for me... "

the soul of the black witch master was burned less and less by the fire, and finally turned into a piece of smoke and completely disappeared.

"You stay here until I come back. I'm afraid that if I go to save people, I will not only fight against the black witch sect, but also collide with the Burmese government. It's too cumbersome to take you

When Chen Fan finished, he played the sword and roared. His body turned into a green light and shot away.


Xuedaisha bowed her head slightly.


at a checkpoint on the Myanmar border.

Several soldiers in Burmese uniform, carrying rifles and yawning were patrolling there in twos and threes.

"There are not many fat sheep coming in today."

"Usually at this time, many Chinese businessmen will come in. Everyone can earn a lot of Chinese yuan."

Murmured the Burmese soldiers.

Although they are soldiers of the government army, the Burmese warlords are under separate rule, and the president is just the biggest warlord leader. In the hands of various warlords, the small ones control thousands of people, and the large ones control tens of thousands of people. Together, many warlords elected the commander-in-chief of the whole country. Then this man, as president, will be in charge of Myanmar's military and political affairs.

"Why, you see, what is that?"

Suddenly someone pointed to the road in the distance.

When they looked up, they saw a blue light coming from a distance. Behind the light, pull out a long dust, like a yellow dragon.

In a flash of blue light, in front of the crowd, there was a tall, handsome young man with black hair and black pupils.

"Is this the Burmese border?"

As soon as the young man spoke, the Burmese Language was very strange, but after a few words, he became very fluent.


The soldiers trembled, the leader replied.


The youth did not answer, but turned into a blue light, broke through the barrier and rushed to Myanmar.

Looking at the sight, like a typhoon passing through, scattered barbed wire and guardrails, many soldiers looked at each other: "Sir, what should I do? The whole level is broken by that man. "

"What else can we do? Report to the police immediately, the enemy will attack

The officer with the rank of Captain sprang up and cried.

The information of Myanmar's military is transmitted very quickly. After all, Myanmar is still in a state of war at this time, so it is very sensitive to military intelligence. Ten minutes later, intelligence was in front of the Deputy Defense Minister's case."What's going on?"

The rank is the Vice Minister of the lieutenant general, frowning at the information in front of him.

"Sir, according to the front line report. It seems that China's super powers have entered the country. According to the eyewitness, the man had black hair, black pupils and a black robe. He was very young and had obvious Chinese characteristics. And took the initiative to attack China's checkpoints, now at a very fast speed to kill our country, this is naked. Naked invasion

Cried the chief of staff, who stood in front of him.

"The super power of China? How did you come to Myanmar? And it's a head-on collision? "

The deputy minister's eyes narrowed, but in any case, it was a big deal.

"I will report to the minister and the president immediately, and inform the elders of the black witch sect. Send me an order that general Aung Lai, who is in charge of the northwest border region, immediately organize an army to stop the strong Chinese. If necessary, use force to kill him! "

"Yes, sir!"

The Colonel fiercely stood at attention and responded loudly.


it was Chen fan who broke through the border of Myanmar.

At this time, chen fan was rushing towards Myanmar at a very fast speed. Because of his eagerness to save people, chen fan didn't even bother to cover up. At most, when facing some civilians, they will slow down, or pinch the formula to hide their bodies.

But his blatant rush into a country is too conspicuous.

All of a sudden, general Aung Lai, who is located in the northwest border region, immediately got information.

"The strong of China dare to invade Myanmar? Don't you know that Myanmar is the territory of our black witch sect? "

In the general's office, there were two people sitting opposite each other. One of them, a middle-aged man in a black robe, sneered.

"What's your opinion, master Jin?"

General Aung Lai, who is wearing military uniform and carrying the rank of general, controls tens of thousands of troops under his command, is very humble to the middle-aged man at this time.

"The news just came from the general arena, and the God of witchcraft was very angry. It seems that the new leader of witchcraft fell to China. This is why the powerful Chinese invade the territory. Do you really think our black witch sect is made of clay The golden master snorted angrily and ordered:

"immediately mobilize all the troops to annihilate the man at all costs. I'll let the local witches help you, too. "

"Yes, Lord gold."

General Aung Lai was overjoyed.

But he knew what terrible power those witches had. It can kill people in the invisible. Even if he is such a warlord who controls tens of thousands of troops, he may die quietly under the magic of the wizard.

Under the command of general ang Lai, several divisions stationed in various parts of the northwest border region were quickly mobilized.

Chen fan came almost in a straight line, with no intention of covering up. His track of action was quickly mastered by the staff headquarters of the northwest border region.

"The enemy will enter the preset position in ten minutes."

"Artillery ready, tank ready, sniper ready, ready to fire."

"Ten minutes, nine minutes, eight minutes... One minute."


With an order.


Dozens of 140 mm howitzers made deafening noises at the same time. The power of these modern guns, one shell, is enough to smash a building. Dozens of gates were launched at the same time, just like destroying heaven and earth.

"Master Jin, please don't worry. Under my artillery camp, no mosquito can fly in."

General Aung Lai, with his cigarette in his mouth, lashed out at Fang Qiu.

Although he was in a hurry, general Aung Lai mobilized 20 battalions with tens of thousands of troops. They include two artillery battalions and one armored battalion, which are the most elite forces in the northwest border region. General Aung Lai is reluctant to take them out at ordinary times. Today is also in order to ask for help in front of the venerable of the ghost sorcery cult.

"Not bad."

In the artillery volley, the black robed man's pupils also shrunk.

His name is Jin Daiyue. He is one of the nine real people of the black witch sect. The black witch sect dominates a country and controls tens of millions of people. The potential power is even greater than that of Hongmen. After all, Hongmen does not have the territory of the black witch sect, so the high-level combat effectiveness is more than that of Hongmen.

Jin Daiyue originally came to the northwest border region to search for the information about the fall of the wizard Lord according to the order of the great wizard God. Unexpectedly, he met chen fan. Although he was a real man, he was also frightened by the artillery volley.

"Ha ha, the Ministry of defense is making a mountain out of a molehill. Hundreds of people, I have to mobilize the army. Don't you need oil money for this army to start? "

General Aung Lai was laughing with a cigarette in his mouth.

Suddenly heard the soldiers around, came a cry of surprise.

"Look, general

As soon as general Aung Lai turned his head, he saw a figure rushing out of the smoke and dust ten miles away. The figure rose from the ground and turned into a blue rainbow, like a meteor. It crossed several kilometers and collided fiercely with the army.

"My God."General Aung Lai opened his mouth and dropped his cigarette butts directly on the ground, but he didn't know anything about it. Instead, he was stunned. The other soldiers were so scared that they smashed their guns on the ground.

Jin Daiyue's pupil shrinks:

"he flies in the air and flies in the air. Is this... Divine (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!