Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 493


The Guiyuan sword comes from the little gourd on Chen Fan's waist and turns into an earth shaking golden rainbow. As soon as it is circled in the air, it cuts off the head of the red witch master nearby. The rest of the power is not exhausted, so he cuts directly to the blood witch master.

"Blood explodes big. Method."

The blood witch Lord screamed wildly, his face turned red in a flash, and a blood mist like the essence of the spirit spewed out from him. Then the blood witch master's breath soared and his body suddenly retreated. His speed almost exceeded the peak of the cultivation realm.

But the speed of flying sword is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

A touch of gold streamer across, without stopping. The blood Sorcerer's body retreated ten steps away, and then he was shocked to find that he had been cut into two parts by the flying sword from his waist.

The flying sword never stops, and then flies to the next target.

Six people, except for the black witch master, the other five real people, did their best. There is a whole body of blood, horizontal training, such as steel. There are those who abandon the body and turn the body into a soul to escape. There are those who sacrifice magic weapons and try to resist.

Unfortunately, under the flying sword, these Dharma practitioners are the leaders of all branches of the witch sect. He didn't even have the qualification to let Guiyuan sword rest for a moment, so he was beheaded by one sword.

In a flash.

Chen Fan cut five real people with one sword. At this time, he didn't even snap a finger.


Then, the Golden Rainbow flew around the high platform and pointed to the final target, the black witch master.

"Chen beixuan!"

The black witch Lord let out a shrill howl.

He wants to crack, his means are all out, and his body protection tools are different. It's a pity that we can't make Feijian stop for a moment. This flying sword, which was refined by the master of Tibetan sword thousands of years ago and inspired by Chen Fan's cultivation of Shenhai realm, is a flying sword that can cut down even the battle opportunity in the sky, not to mention a mere mortal.

"Bang bang."

The seven layers of body protection magic weapon on the black witch master's body was cut by the golden flying sword like a knife cutting butter. It was about to cut when he revealed it.

A fierce black air shot from the dominoes on his chest.

As soon as the black air came out, it was like a cloud of smoke, from which an old man with a height of three Zhang appeared. The old man was shrouded in his black robe. His face was not clear. He could only vaguely see a pair of bright green pupils like a hungry wolf.


The Dark Lord has not yet had a surprise.

Chen fan has a soft drink:


Shua, the golden flying sword went straight across the black witch's neck. Before the head of the black sorcerer fell, there was an incredible look in his eyes. As if I couldn't believe it, chen fan dared to kill him in front of his father.


The old man in black robe, his whole body fluctuated violently, and there was a shrill cry in his spirit.

It's a pity that a touch of golden rainbow has split him into two parts from bottom to top, and then stirred him up in the air to smash the statue completely.

After that, the flying sword made a beautiful arc in the air, turned into a rainbow and shot down the stage.


"Master Chen Xian, we are willing to surrender."

"Master Chen Xian, I'd like to lead you to find the place of the black witch sect..."

these high-level members of the 19 branches of the black witch sect are heartbroken.

Chen Fan killed six real people with one sword, and even the spirit of the great God of witchcraft appeared. He also chopped them up. How dare they resist? But at this time, chen fan's heart is as cold as ice, and his intention to kill has been decided. How can he keep his hand.


Guiyuan sword takes a long golden rainbow, which is as strong as death's scythe. Each sword brings more than ten blood springs to the sky.

No matter what kind of magic, supernatural power, martial arts, or body protection weapon.

It's hard to stop the flying sword.

Buddha said:

"a flick of the finger is sixty seconds, and an instant is nine hundred births and deaths."

Chen fan even killed hundreds of people with a single shot. Every moment, he split a sword. At last, the whole venue was full of blood and corpses. It's snow that takes the place of sand.

After the last person was split into two parts by a sword.

Guiyuan sword flew back in front of Chen fan, making a buzzing vibration. There was no blood on the three inch golden sword, as if it had not killed enough.

"Don't worry, it's just an appetizer. After that, there will be a lot of people waiting for you."

Chen fan, with his hands on his back, has a sea of blood in his eyes.

"Master, what shall we do next?" Xuedaisha lowered his head and asked in a low voice.

"Step on the witch gate. But before that, destroy this evil town. "

Chen Fan sneered.

With that, he put out a formula in his hand and collected all the souls of the six real people on the stage into the Yellow gourd. How to find the black witch sect depends on these souls.


outside the venue, many people who covet xuedaisha still stay at the door.For the people of Wumen, this moment seems as long as a century, but it's only a few minutes. We are all eager to see the venue, want to witness the good play.

"Brother long, what do you think happened in the meeting? At first it was loud, but soon it was quiet. What's the matter? " Small seven tut tut strange way.

"You are stupid. In the beginning, the two men and women were killed, and the elders of Wumen took action. Now that the man and the woman have been taken down, they will naturally calm down. "

Brother long sneered and shook his head regretfully: "look at them. They can support for several minutes under so many wizard masters. We can see that they are absolutely masters. It's a pity that the chick died. If she can catch it and sell it, it will sell at a sky high price. "

When people sigh.

Xiao Qimeng's pupil glared, pointed to the meeting hall and trembled:

"brother long, you... Look, what's that?"

Brother long looked up and saw a man and a woman walking out of the meeting with both hands on their backs. Their clothes were as old as ever, and there was no trace of blood on them.

"What's going on?"

Brother long was surprised.

In the meeting hall, there were seven real people sitting in the town, and the high-level of the nineteen pulse Wumen gathered. How can we let the two men and women who killed the Wumen disciples come out safely? Are they old with Wumen, and the flood washed the Dragon King Temple?

When brother long was in a daze, he saw that someone came forward to talk to him.

The young man in casual clothes with an indifferent face raised his hand. A golden rainbow shot out of his hand, instantly crossed the head of the person who chatted up with him, and brought up a cloud of blood. Then, as soon as the rainbow turned in the air, it shot at the people.

"What's this?"

Brother Long's eyes were staring, but he didn't react.

The whole person has been split in half by Jin Hong, including him and Xiao Qi. Dozens of people follow chen fan and want to covet Xue Daisha. Between the fingers, all of them were cut off by the flying sword.

After Guiyuan sword killed people, it was buzzing and shaking, and it didn't stop. Take a long golden tail light and shoot into the town.

"Go and kill the whole Wushan mountain."

Chen Fan stood there with no joy or sorrow in his eyes.

This small town is similar to the evil place in the golden triangle. In the whole town, there are either people from Wumen or extraordinary people who have come from all over the world to commit felony and have been hunted by various countries. Chen Fan killed them without mercy.

"Ah, ah

On this day, the whole Wushan town was howling.

In the light of the rising fire, I saw a rainbow flying over Wushan town. Every time, the rainbow swept by, it brought blood light, and dozens of people were killed.

Others try to escape or attack chen fan.

However, chen fan's mind is shrouded in a circle of tens of miles. In the whole town, almost no one can escape, all of them are locked by his mind.

The energy of the sword is thirty Li!

In the end, after killing the whole Wushan Town, chen fan directly put a fire to the town and burned it to ashes.


Looking at Wushan Town, which is shrouded in flames and tens of meters high. Is snow on behalf of the sand, the heart is a cold. In this town, there are at least hundreds or thousands of Wumen disciples, but Chen Fan killed them with one sword.

At the moment, she vaguely understood how indifferent her master was.

"Master, where shall we go next?"

Xuedaisha asked in a low voice.

"Go to the general arena of the black witch sect and find the great wizard. If he really killed Yu Wenjing, I'll let the whole witch family bury her with me. "

Chen Fan said calmly.

As soon as I think of that classmate who is as pure and clever as ice and snow, because of him, he was captured by the ghost sorcery cult and offered as a tribute to the great sorcerer. Chen fan was more and more murderous.

Seven evil spirits method.

Even if Chen Fan didn't know what it was, he could guess it vaguely. For the subject, that kind of end is more terrible than death.

"If you dare to hurt my friend Chen beixuan, don't say it's just a divine realm. Even if the nine immortals are here, I swear to kill you! "

Chen Fan snorted coldly and looked south.

That's where the black witch sect is.


Southeast Asia, on the outskirts of the capital of Myanmar, in Montenegrin.

According to legend, this black mountain is an extinct volcano, which is covered by poisonous gas, smoke and even cold air all the year round. If ordinary people stay in the mountains for a long time, they will become weaker and weaker.

It used to be sparsely populated, but since decades ago, a group of people came from South China and occupied Heishan. This mountain has become the most sacred and lofty place in Myanmar. Even the presidents, prime ministers, and generals of Myanmar have come to visit the legendary old gods from time to time.

In an altar deep in the black mountain, an old man in black robes is sitting.

The black robed old man sat there, his whole body like a black hole. Between a breath and a breath, the huge black spirit gushed out from the bottom of the earth and was inhaled by him.But at this time, the old man was shocked and opened his eyes. He couldn't see clearly. He could only see a pair of bright green eyes, which were like hungry wolves.

"Who dares to kill my descendants and separate me, not afraid of God's revenge?"

The voice of the old man in black robe is like a night owl, and the whole mountain is buzzing.

Many of the disciples of the black witch sect knelt down in horror and did not dare to look up.

"Go and find the man for me. I'm going to split him up and make him a ghost servant. I'll be driven by the black witch sect for ten thousand years! "

The old man with black robe has a voice.

"Yes, grandmaster!"

Many disciples kowtow and answer with trembling.

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!