Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 490

"Wumen meeting?"

When Chen Fan uttered these four words, all the elders of the ghost sorcery sect turned pale at the same time. One of them, with a nose like an eagle, burst out: "elder, how dare you betray our ghost sorcery sect?"


As soon as Chen Fan's eyebrows were wrinkled, his fingers were raised, and a bright blue sword awn crossed the sky, fiercely chopping on the old man's body. There is a deep black awn outside the old man's body surface, which is obviously that the body protection weapon has been activated.

But how powerful is Chen Fan's strike?

Even the Dharma practitioner could not stop him at this time.


The green awn cut the head of the old man and cut him in half. Seeing an old friend who had been together for decades, he was killed by Chen Fan and fell in front of him, everyone was shocked.

"If you tell me Yu Wenjing's whereabouts, I can leave a little Miao for the ghost witch sect. Otherwise, don't blame me for slaughtering the whole ghost cult and wiping it out from the world. "

Chen Fan turned his back and looked at the old man with white hair indifferently.

The elder's face was black and white, and he finally sighed: "yes."


when Chen Fan walked down from the top of the mountain, the whole Qingshi hall had been burned to ashes by a burning fire. As for the elders of the ghost and witchcraft cult, they were killed by the ghosts and gods.

Chen fan will not let go of the elder of the ghost witch sect.

But Chen fan, the other ordinary disciples of Guiwu sect, was too lazy to do it. What's more, he promised the elder? And with these people's little magic power, it can't be climate.

"How's master Xian's trip? Did you find Miss Yu Wenjing?"

Shi Laozhen and others greet chen fan. Seeing that there is no one behind him, he immediately shrinks his pupils and lowers his head to ask.

"Yu Wenjing was taken by the old witch master to attend the witchcraft meeting." Chen Fan frowned, looked around and said, "do you know what this sorcery meeting is?"

"Wumen meeting?"

When they heard the words, they all took a cool breath.

Dongyingzi even said with a bitter smile:

"this sorcery conference is just like our Chinese Grand martial arts conference or metaphysics conference. But the Wumen assembly is bigger and has stricter rules. At each meeting, a wizard king will be elected to lead the various branches of the wizard sect. But it has not been held for decades since the black witch sect was expelled from China 50 years ago. "

"When the time comes, it's not just the ghost cult that will go. The spirit wizard, blood wizard, corpse wizard, heaven wizard and so on are expected to arrive. Even the black witch sect might send someone. The master and master of the whole sorcery sect gathered together. " Dongyingzi was worried.

Mr. Shi asked carefully, "immortal master, did you know the address of Wumen meeting?"

"The ghost witch sect and others say that it is located on the border of China, a place called Wushan."

Chen fan light way.

Although Chen fan does not know where this position is, but with his present ability, a phone call can inquire.

"Sure enough, I guess it's in Wushan town." Mr. Shi clapped his hands and explained:

"immortal, Wushan is not a mountain, but a small town on the border. It is located at the junction of the southwest and Myanmar, belonging to the three regardless of the area, poor mountains and evil waters, the terrain is dangerous. It is said that in that town, dragons and snakes are mixed, and they have been controlled by witches. Many warriors and warlocks who lay down their crimes in China will go to Wushan. "

"In that case, I'll leave for Wushan immediately."

Chen fan made a quick decision.

Now that the old witch master has left with Yu Wenjing for several days. So every minute you drag on, maybe Yu Wenjing's life is more dangerous. In particular, the news Chen Fan got from the elder of the ghost sorcery sect made him angry.

Bai Wuji and others dare not stop him. Mr. Shi also wants to send someone to drive chen fan.

As soon as Chen Fan waved his hand, he took the snow to replace the sand and turned it into a blue rainbow. What car can be faster than the emperor's longevity?

Looking at the figure of Chen Fanyuan.

Dongyingzi wants to talk but stops. Finally, he said: "brother Shi, the sorcery meeting is not only for all the sorcery sects, but also for the ancestral land to hold a sacrifice ceremony and elect a new sorcery king. There must be a gathering of all the great witches in the world, and the ancestral Dharma array of the witches' clan. Needless to say, there is also the powerful black witch sect. Can master Chen really go here? "

"Well, it doesn't matter whether we can or not. If Chen beixuan wins, we will be happy. If he loses and dies in Wushan, he can't trouble us. We should be happier. "

Su Yunzhi hummed coldly.

When others heard the words, they all gave their heads. Seeing this, Mr. Shi could only sigh and shake his head.


although there are many mountains in Southwest China, the roads are very difficult to walk. But both chen fan and Xue Daisha are very human. It's common to cross mountains and seas. To the back, chen fan simply with snow on behalf of the sand, all the way running.

An hour later, they were close to the Burmese border.Wushan town is located in a valley surrounded by several mountains.

Valley basin, four seasons such as spring, flowers. Surrounded by mountains, it's easy to defend but hard to attack. Besides, it's located on the border. It's really a good place for criminals.

Chen fan, with Xue Dai Sha, was on the only way into the mountain, but he was stopped on the way:

"you two, Wushan town is holding the Wumen sacrificial ceremony recently. Guests are not welcome. Please turn around."

Here, it is at the junction of the two peaks. Wushan town here, set up a checkpoint, just stopped the way. In front of the checkpoint, there are a few men who are gloomy.

Their eyes sparkle with green light, and their breath is surging. They are magicians of Taoism.

"How dare you stop me from coming to the meeting?"

As soon as Chen Fan's breath changed, the overwhelming and thorough Yin Qi was released from him, just like a ghost God who came from the nine hell, two green gods burst out.

"Pa pa."

Several gatekeepers immediately stepped back and bowed in a hurry:

"please forgive me if you don't know the elder wizard is coming. Please come in, senior...


Chen Fan gave a cold hum, and then he took the momentum to enter with snow instead of sand. When their backs disappeared, several gatekeepers stood up straight and looked at each other.

"Wu Jiu, do you know who the elder was just now?"

"How do I know? There are so many schools of witchcraft in China, Southeast Asia and even Europe and America. Who knows if it's an old monster who's on a whim and wants to come to the event. "

"Indeed, the elder just now gave me the feeling that his breath is second only to the leader of the black witch sect. He must be a great master."

A few people secretly say, in the heart fear.

The world of witchcraft is more cruel than that of martial arts. The strong are obedient and rebellious. For example, these little magicians who have entered the Tao really meet those monsters. If one of them can't deal with them well, he may be devoured by evil spirits on the spot, curse and die.

Chen fan with snow on behalf of sand, slowly toward Wushan town.

"Master, why do you enter through the main gate? With the strength of the two of us, we can directly kill them and kill them. " Snow generation sand don't understand a way.

"I feel that there seems to be a kind of strange Qi in this valley, which is extraordinary."

As Chen Fan released his mind and covered the whole valley, he casually replied, "and this trip is mainly to save people. Save people first."


With the release of the mind.

In an instant, the whole scene of the valley fell into Chen Fan's eyes.

"One, two, three... Seven Dharma practitioners, and two or three hundred warlocks? It's really a flourishing witch sect. " Under Chen Fan's divine thoughts, the whole Wushan town has a panoramic view. No matter who is the leader of each sect or the younger brother of making tea, they can't escape Chen Fan's eyes.

"Found, this breath is very familiar, has the red lotus kindling mark, must be the ghost sorcery teaches the old sorcerer Lord."

Chen fan has a secret way in his heart.

When he used Lihuo Jintong to kill people thousands of miles away, he once planted the red lotus mark on the top of the ghost witch sect. In this way, they can't escape Chen Fan's pursuit even if they are poor and blue.

"But what about Yu Wenjing? There's no breath of her. Is he dead? It's impossible. If she dies, I will feel it! " Chen Fan frowned.

The mind is like a net.

Waves swept through the valley, searching the sky and the earth.

But I can't find the breath of Yu Wenjing.

"Either Yu Wenjing is not in Wushan town at all, or she is hidden by the secret method. But is there any magic or array that can hide from the gods

Chen Fan shook his head and didn't believe it.

The idea that he was driven by the sea must be at least concealed by the congenital monks. In Wushan Town, there is not even a divine realm. How can there be a priori monk.

"Since Yu Wenjing is not here, I don't have to worry too much."

Chen Fan sneered.

With that, he took xuedaisha and walked to the center of Wushan town without any cover.

In Wushan Town, in addition to the Wumen sects from all over the world, there are many former famous criminals and criminals who fled here. However, their gate is obviously not qualified to participate in the Wumen meeting, so they can only hang around outside.

Most of these people have strong breath and fierce eyes.

Like Chen fan, a girl with a negative sword attracted everyone's attention as soon as she appeared. Chen Fan looks weak and powerless, while xuedaisha is gorgeous.

"Where is this fat sheep from? It looks easy to deal with. "

Many people's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at xuedaisha, showing a trace of greedy eyes.

In Wushan Town, the strong are respected. If you don't have enough strength, you can't keep money, women, wealth, or even your life. And the management of Wushan town has nothing to do with this.

"Stop, this is the important place of the witch gate. No invitation, no intruder will die!"Chen Fan two people, all the way, came to a magnificent venue. At the gate of the meeting hall, there stood a row of Wumen disciples. They were all powerful people with lofty bearing and profound magic power.

One of them, glancing at them, snorted coldly, and said in a murderous way.

"I'm looking for someone."

Chen Fan raised his head and showed a bright smile.

PS: the fourth one is presented, and the author continues to write the fifth one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!