Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 491

"Lao Qi, what do you think is the origin of these two people?"

Behind chen fan and Xue Daisha, there was a large group of people.

These people are standing tens of meters away in twos and threes. There are swordsmen with swords on their backs, horizontal training masters with muscles on their backs, Japanese ninjas with dark looks and evil spirits in Taoist robes.

As a small town on the border between Myanmar and China, it is also sheltered by Wumen. I don't know how many extraordinary people in Southeast Asia, Japan, South Korea and China have committed serious crimes and sneaked in here. Basically, they all have some unique skills, otherwise they can't survive in Wushan.

"Brother long, the boy has no inner strength and mana breath. He's just an ordinary man. It's the girl with the sword. She's so ethereal that she seems to be a great swordsman? "

The man named Xiao Qi is in his twenties. He is as thin as a monkey, and his eyes are shining with deep light.

Brother long frowned.

Brother long knows that Xiao Qi was born in a Fengshui school. He has opened his eyes of yin and Yang since childhood. He can see that he is different from ordinary people. The breath of ordinary martial arts and warlocks is very huge, far more than ordinary people. Xiao Qi can see it at a glance.

Even he said no, is it a great achievement of internal strength, or the peak of internal strength?

"When did a master come to Wushan? But this chick is too young. If you can catch up and teach them, and sell them to Thailand or Myanmar, those warlords like to collect female experts best. "

Said brother long.

"Brother long, do you want to

Small seven a surprised, flurried to turn a head, several brothers around also all eyes present the color of greed.

"Not long ago, I heard that they got a little girl to learn Yongchun and sold her to a Chinese commander in Thailand. Ten million dollars! This one is even more tender than Yongchun chick. It can be sold for 20 million US dollars or 30 million US dollars. No matter how strong her swordsmanship is, can she carry the electric shock gun, the hypnotic needle and the overpowering drug? "

Brother long sneered.

When other people are all showing lewdness and laughing.

Suddenly I heard "bang Dang!" Let's hear it.

When they turned their heads, they saw a gaping scene. The girl in white with a sword pulled out the ancient sword and cut the guard disciple in front of her into two pieces.

"She... She dares to kill the people of Wumen?"

Longge and others were stunned. Other viewers also took a breath.

"It's killing me! Wushan town is the territory of Wumen. How dare you kill Wumen here. It's a hornet's nest. Even if she has a big future, she can't protect it. "

Brother long shook his head, and his face was full of chagrin.

Xuedaisha killed the people of Wumen, and the Wumen would never let her go. Before he hit the wishful thinking, obviously failed.


at this time, many of the Wumen disciples who stood at the gate of the meeting changed their colors:

"bold, dare to kill our Wumen disciples in Wushan Town, you are Kunlun people, and you have to leave your life."

"He dares to insult my master. He deserves to die."

Snow on behalf of sand holding a sword in the hand, face cool said.

"To die!"

The disciples of the witchcraft sect were furious.

The leader, like a cheetah, jumps up in the air with a fierce body shape. His five fingers form an eagle's claw and he catches it in the air.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

Five bloody rays of light came out of the man's fingertips, like sharp blades, bringing forth bursts of air breaking sound. The bloody light is three inches long, and it can breathe and breathe as if it could tear steel.

"It's the blood witch sect. You Tianpeng, the third disciple of the wizard master. His cultivation has reached the middle stage of entering the Tao, only half a step away from the peak of entering the Tao. The coagulation claw of the blood witch sect has been trained by him. He is a great martial arts master, and he doesn't dare to connect it. The little girl is in trouble. "

Xiaoqi said as if she were a family treasure.

Everyone around, including brother long, looks dignified.

You Tianpeng is a famous expert in Wushan town. After all, most of the people who can stay in Wushan town are Neijin Xiaocheng and Zhongcheng. Those who are strong at the top of their inner strength have long been the guests of the major forces. They will not stay in Wushan town.

When Longge and others are ready to shake their heads and feel sorry.

I can only see.

"Bang Dang!"

A bright blue sword shot out of xuedaisha's hand. It danced in the air and directly cut through the coagulation claw. Cut you Tianpeng, who is full of consternation, into two pieces.


You Tianpeng falls to the ground with two pieces of his body, and everyone around him is covered with blood. He was not dead at this time, still screaming.

"What is it?"

Longge and others were stunned.

Three disciples of Tangtang blood sorcery sect can't even take xuedaisha's sword? So what is xuedaisha's cultivation, half step into the realm... Or, master of martial arts?

"It's impossible. Half step is the core of all the major sects. And the master is the dragon in the sky. There are only 20 people in China. "Brother long is shaking his head.

Those disciples guarding at the door have changed their faces: "how dare you kill elder martial brother you. Brothers, let's go up together and kill the couple! "

He said.

See only swish swish, a shadow comes from all directions.

These disciples come from ghost, blood, spirit and so on. The methods used are different and the same.

The blood sorcery sect coagulates into claws and fights hand to hand; the ghost sorcery sect chants words and curses in the air; the spirit sorcery sect wakes up ghosts out of thin air and catches them in the air; the war sorcery sect roars and boils with blood, just like a top horizontal training expert...

more than ten people fight at the same time.

Every one of them is a warlock who has entered the middle stage of Tao. The momentum is like a sea of mountains.

This is the inside story of the overlord of Wushan town. But Chen Fan didn't move. He didn't even bother to lift a finger. Snow on behalf of the sand direct long sword stroke, flying to draw a blue sword lotus.

The sword lotus blooms, incomparably pure and holy. Each lotus leaf actually represents a sword light that cuts gold and iron.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

In an instant, xuedaisha and them had a hand.

"Ah! Ah! Ah

A series of screams came in an instant.

More than ten figures flew out. Some of them were even split into two pieces and pierced through their chest. There was no breath.

There was a dead silence.

Just in one move, Xue Daisha killed seven people in a row, injured eight people seriously, and abandoned more than a dozen Wumen disciples.

"Master! This woman turned out to be a master of Huajing. Is she a master of Japanese Kendo Longge said without earth color.

"It's impossible. Yinglonghua is in her forties. How can she be as young as this girl?" Xiao Qi shook his head.

When they were surprised, they saw that the man and woman had broken through the door and entered the meeting hall.

Brother long can't help but take a breath:

"in the meeting hall, there are 19 branches of witchcraft, and there are more than six or seven of them. Not to mention many elders, Dharma protectors, worshippers and so on. These two people are really not afraid to die

Everyone looked at each other.

The idea of playing snow instead of sand has long gone. In the face of such a female killing God, who dares to do it?


at this time, in the broad conference hall, many wizard leaders are holding a serious ancestor worship ceremony.

The venue is actually a huge open space like a football field. It is surrounded by two or three stories of small buildings, just like the fortress of Tujia people.

In the middle of the fort, on a high platform, there were seven people.

These seven people, each breath is like a mountain and a sea. Some are as hot as fire, some are as cold as ghosts, some are as aggressive as heaven, and some are full of blood. But the most striking is a young man sitting at the top.

This young man looks only in his twenties.

But he was in the first place, and the other six witch masters bowed their heads. Especially in others, they are like an invincible abyss, unfathomable, but inside they seem to have the roar of demons. They are the contemporary sorcerer of the black witch sect.

"Black witch master, you are less than 30 years old, ascend the position of black witch master, take charge of the great cult, and have a great influence on Myanmar. It's really a shame for us bad old men. "

The old master of the ghost witch sect said in a hoarse voice.

"Ha ha, ghost wizard master, this time, you joined hands with spirit wizard master and blood wizard master to win the earth wizard tripod from the medicine God valley. Father is very happy. In particular, the Xuanyin woman you presented is still a virgin. With her, you can just complete the seven evil Yin methods of the Father God. What do you want for your great achievements? "

Black sorcerer Lord light way.

The wizard master was very happy and said: "it's our honor to work for the great wizard. How dare we ask for a reward? Before I taught, I accidentally offended Chen beixuan. If only I could ask the great wizard to come out and make peace with him. "

Chen beixuan!

As soon as the name was mentioned, many wizard masters were stunned.

They are in Yunnan, Guizhou, miaojiang, southwest and Southeast Asia, and have heard of the prestige of this powerful man.

"Chen beixuan? He's nothing. " The black witch master's pupil shrank, but he still said in a cold voice:

"in those days, my father was also on the list of gods. Now it's 60 years of hard work, and the seven evil spirits method is about to be completed. If you meet Ye Qingcang, you can fight. Why are you afraid of Chen beixuan? "

When he finished, the wizard master was about to get up to thank him.


There was a loud noise.

The gate of the whole fortress flew in. The iron gate, which weighed thousands of Jin, was like a piece of marshmallow, killing a large area in an instant. Then, the bodies of a group of Wumen disciples flew into the entrance.

"Bold, who is it? How dare you come to our Sorcerer's territory to act wildly? "

The black sorcerer was so angry that when he patted the table and chair, the other six sorcerer also got up together, and they were extremely arrogant. Many of the elders and Dharma guards under the high platform also sneered.At this time, a leisurely voice came from the gate:

"why don't you come out to meet the old witch master of the ghost witch sect, who is visiting us?"

In the smoke and dust, a young man came with his hands on his back. Behind him was a girl in white with a sword.

The moment I saw the boy, the wizard master's pupil shrank and yelled out: "is it you?"

PS: it's a little late. I'm very sorry_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!