Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 489

This flute is just a congenital bone that Chen Fan got from Shaowu master. Then he refined Five ghosts and gods in Japan, and finally made it into a quasi spirit instrument.

When the bone flute appeared, the ghosts flying around suddenly gave out a shrill scream.

It's like meeting a killer.

"Woo woo."

Chen Fanyi urged the bone flute, and suddenly an incomparably vast ancient flute sound sounded slowly.


It's like the deafening drum sound from Taigu, which can shake the mountains and rivers. It comes from the void, shaking the whole space. Then a statue five feet high, holding a long golden knife, wearing gold armour, riding on a winged heavenly horse, like a God General of heavenly soldiers, stepped out of the empty air.

As soon as the God General appeared, he immediately swept the whole audience with the overwhelming power.

"This is...

no matter many ghost servants, or Shi family and others are stunned.

In front of the golden armour, there are thousands of ghosts, all of them seem to be short. Dongyingzi did not dare to set up a channel:

"the top ghost, this is a top ghost which is close to the divine realm?"

But it didn't wait for dongyingzi to be surprised.

In the void, there are four gods in succession.

Heimu God, Chitong God, liubi God, Tiangou God...

each one is four or five feet high, and its momentum is no less than zuoxu God. Where do these five ghosts go. It's like holding up the whole sky. Half of the sky was shining with golden light. Many evil spirits, even within ten meters of the God, were burned to ashes by the golden light.

"Five top ghosts?"

Dongyingzi has been silly.

Even their Qingyang Palace also provides for ghosts and gods. But the most powerful Dharma protector will get this, which may not be able to resist Zuo Xushen and other attacks.

"Kill it."

With Chen Fan's command, the five generals, waving their weapons, immediately pulled out five golden rainbow in the void. They are all empty bodies and spirits, stepping on the void like walking on the ground.


Zuo Xushen wields a knife.

The sword was ten feet away, killing dozens of ghosts in an instant. Then, other gods will attack one after another.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the mighty army of ten thousand ghosts fell to thousands, and instantly found a small half.

"How is that possible?"

Standing in the main hall of Qingshi, the elders in charge of the Dharma formation were very angry and bleeding.

In order to gather up the ten thousand fierce ghosts. It's been collected by the ghost witch sect for countless years. It's the family background handed down from generation to generation.

Even in the year of the young wizard master, he used the ancient ghost flute to hold only a hundred ghosts. Originally, they thought that once ten thousand ghosts came out, the six ethnic groups could only bow down. But unexpectedly, there are five more generals on the opposite side.

Moreover, these five generals, each standing upright, are more powerful than real people.

"This is by no means the means of Shi Laogui and dongyingzi. I have dealt with Qingyang palace, where the most powerful Dharma protector is worshipped, that is, the real person. But these five generals are almost comparable to the divine realm... "

a red faced elder screamed with trembling.

"This kind of means seems to be a bit like a person."

The old man with white hair was shocked and thought of something.

But at this time, it was too late.


Five gods, how terrible, is ten thousand ghosts come one after another. Hit them on the surface of the body protection golden light, are instant ashes. With each blow, the generals can destroy dozens of ghosts.


After ten breaths, the generals broke through the ghost array and killed outside the Qingshi hall to surround the whole Qingshi hall.

Standing on the top of the mountain is the majestic hall, which is small in front of them.

Many mountain people and ghost servants were so scared that they threw away their weapons and fell on their knees. They trembled, praying to the gods not to kill them. In the eyes of many ignorant mountain people, what are these five gods?

"Hurry up, summon the grandmaster at once!"

The elder saw that half of the ghosts were missing, and the rest of them were afraid to come forward. He immediately cried in panic.

Many of the elders of the ghost witch sect also knelt down in a hurry and prayed to the stone statue, which was three feet high, wearing a ferocious mask and blue face and fangs:

"the ghost witch sect is in great trouble today, and its disciples are invincible. They ask the patriarch to help and surrender..."


Before they finished speaking, the whole Qingshi hall was shocked. The five generals had already begun to attack the hall. If it wasn't for the protection of falian, they would have rushed in and killed a river of blood.

From a distance.

See a thick black air, will bluestone hall shrouded.

Outside the hall, ebony made a fierce fist, which was the size of a water tank, hitting the black fog. Suddenly the black fog trembled, and the whole hall moved.But this is the beginning.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

The red pupil God, the dog God, the six arm God, and so on all shot one after another.

The strength of each god general is enough to smash the armored vehicle with one blow. The dark Qi, though it is the ghost sorcery religion, arouses the earthly evil spirit, and then condenses all ghosts, which has the power of heaven and earth. Ten real people may not be able to break the siege.

But these generals, every one of them, have reached the peak of half step divine realm.

Distance into the realm of God, the achievement of Yin God, but also just a line apart. How terrible is their power? Any strike is equivalent to a joint attack by several real people.


Finally, Zuo Xushen cut it out with a fierce knife.

The bright golden sword is ten feet long across the sky, just like a god descending to split chaos. The dark fog outside the main hall could no longer bear it, and suddenly it broke apart. The awn of the sword broke through the array, and the rest of the force was not broken. It directly cut a deep knife mark on the roof of the Qingshi hall.

"It's terrible."

Countless people in the family of Shu FA were stunned.

In front of this scene, it's like in a movie, the giant raises the siege hammer and smashes the city gate by himself. It's terrible. Even Shi Laozhen, dongyingzi and others took a cool breath.

Su Yunzhi's face turned white.

If yu Wenjing dies, chen fan doesn't have to do anything, just a god general, and he can kill their family.

"Come on, let's go up."

Chen fan, accompanied by Xue Daisha, went to the top of the mountain.

Along the way, on both sides of the mountain road, there were all the Semites kneeling on the ground, and there were even some ghost witchcraft disciples. In front of Tianwei, they are not fools. How dare they fight with a mantis?

"Come on, keep up with the immortal master."

Shi Laozhen and others also woke up and quickly followed.

The mountain road is not long. It's only two or three hundred meters long. At Chen Fan's feet, it's like shrinking into inches. If you step out, it will be more than ten meters away. But in a minute, we will have reached the top of the mountain. On the way, chen fan met the recalcitrant disciple of the ghost sorcery cult. Without even fighting, Xue Daisha killed all of them with one sword.

At this time, the Qingshi hall was basically demolished into pieces.

Each of the five generals has infinite strength. With one punch and one foot, the hall will be destroyed.

"Grandmaster, are you going to give up on us?"

The old man with white hair was shaking all over, kneeling on the ground and crying bitterly. Many of the elders of the ghost sorcery cult were also earth colored and shivering. Even if they are great magicians with high accomplishments.

But in front of the five generals, it was like a mole ant.


The generals didn't leave their hands at all, just like robots. Another blow came and directly removed the gate. When the stone was hit, several ghost masters were killed.

The ghost sorcery teaches the public, in the heart a desperation.

Just then, a fierce black smoke spewed out from the statue three feet high. When the sky turned into a huge figure with a mask on his head, naked all over, and holding a bone stick. As soon as the figure came out, he was so arrogant that he cried out, "who dares to invade our ghost witch sect? We are not afraid of our grandmaster's revenge...

"we are grandmasters! The grandmaster has come to light. "

The old people of the ghost sorcery cult were overjoyed.

It's a pity that before the ghost myth was finished, the Blackwood God hit it with one punch and roared, just like the river of heaven, shining golden fist awn, illuminating the whole sky.


The ghost was directly hit by the black wood God, and his body retreated suddenly. He was almost scattered in the air.


Red pupil God, eyes shine two red blood awns, in the mask ghost God body, shoot two huge holes. The six armed generals also wave their swords, like a blade storm, leaving traces on ghosts and gods. Tiangoushen even smashed it in the air, nearly flattening half of its body.

Finally, it was zuoshushen's closing.

As high as five feet, the left bearded God General splits the sky with a fierce knife. With a golden sword awn, he tears the sky. With the sound of hula, he splits the ghost into two parts from the beginning to the end.

It's almost a snap time.

This amazing ancestor of the ghost sorcery cult was dismembered by five gods. And in every stroke of the general, there is the power to kill the spirit. The ancestral master of the ghost sorcery cult could not be reborn at all, so he dissipated directly in the heaven and earth.

"That's the end of it?"

No matter the elders of the ghost sorcery sect, or Mr. Shi Laozhen, dongyingzi and others, they can't believe it.

Dongyingzi, in particular, said: "this is a half step spirit. It's the most powerful Dharma protector in Qingyang palace. As a result, even these five generals can't take one move. Have they already stepped into the divine realm? "

Dongyingzi didn't know.

The Five ghosts and gods refined by Chen fan were able to carry the snow wolf king gagerdan more than a year ago. Now, a year later, it is more powerful. If the five zuns work together, it will be a divine realm, which can also produce and kill."Pa!"

Just at this time, chen fan climbed to the top of the mountain and stepped into the Qingshi hall.

"Where is Yu Wenjing?"

Chen Fan didn't care about anything else. He just turned his back and looked coldly across the crowd.

"Are you Chen beixuan?"

The elder of the ghost sorcery sect recognizes chen fan and calls him out directly. Other ghosts and witches are as pale as earth, and their hearts are as gray as ashes. Now that Chen fan is here, how can the ghost witch sect compare?

The white haired old man trembled and said:

"tell you that Yu Wenjing has been taken by the old witch master to attend the witchcraft meeting."

"Wumen meeting?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed and cold.

PS: the third shift is here. The author will continue to write the fourth shift. Today, it must be the fifth shift_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!