Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 488

Guiwu cult is located in the mountains, surrounded by cliffs, only a narrow, ten people can walk side by side Yangchang path, straight to the top of the mountain. The general arena is built in the middle of the mountain.

From the foot of the mountain, you can see that half of the mountain is full of villages and families. I'm afraid there are thousands of people in the whole village, and a magnificent stone wall has been built to circle the foot of the mountain. At the top of the village is a towering blue stone hall.

This is where the general arena of the ghost sorcery cult lies.

"Chen Xianshi."

Mr. Shi respectfully asked.

"Let's go."

With Chen Fan's order, the whole team of the six families is boiling up. Led by various schools, like six long dragons, they attacked the ghost sorcery cult in all directions.

Although the mountain where the ghost witch sect is located is quite steep. But how can it be difficult to fall into the ranks of Taoist warlocks and internal warriors?

All the warriors can climb the kilometer peak with their bare hands. Even the guards, who are fully armed and have undergone special training, are no worse than the elite soldiers. They have also learned martial arts and are vigorous.

"Immortal master, wait for the younger generation and others to catch the old witch master, and ask the immortal master to apologize."

As soon as Mr. Shi bowed himself, he took Dong yingzi, Su Yunzhi and others and rushed to the general altar of ghost witchcraft cult from the front. At the foot of the mountain, there is a stone barrier.


Old man Shi suddenly drank, pinched fajue and stomped his feet.


Just like an earthquake, a vast Yellow atmosphere soared into the air, as if the Earth Dragon had turned over. The three meter high wall was directly cracked into a huge gap, and the guards quickly put plastic and plastic explosives into the gap, and exploded violently, breaking the whole barrier.

"Mr. Shi's earth control skill is more and more exquisite. I can't catch up with him."

Bai Wuji sighed.

Each of the six families has its own magic inheritance. The Bai family is famous for controlling fire, while the Shi family is famous for controlling earth and practicing Taiyin.

"Let's go, too."

Chen fan, with his hands on his back and snow on behalf of sand, walked slowly up the mountain.


Bai Wuji slightly lowered his head and hurriedly followed.



Just when there was an explosion at the foot of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, in a ten meter high and magnificent blue stone hall, there are a group of black robed elders sitting. Each of these black robed elders is gloomy, and their faces are like eagles. None of them is under 40 years old, and their breath is surging. They are all magicians.

And in the center of the hall, under a three Zhang tall statue, there was a haggard old man with white hair standing, as if to say something.

As a result, the explosion came.

Everyone woke up with a bang.

"What's the matter? There seems to be the sound of dynamite. What happened at the foot of the mountain?"

Some people wonder.

"No, the elder, you elders, the ghost teachers and the Allied forces of the six families in Southwest China are attacking." A guard, rushed in, panicked.

"Hum, just six big families, dare to learn the way of the Heavenly Master and attack the general arena of our ghost witch sect? Send the order down immediately, and order all the disciples and guards to resist the enemy together. " The old man with white hair snorted coldly, then turned his head and said:

"elders, follow me to open the ten thousand ghosts array. This time, the six families will never come back."


Many old men in black robes laugh strangely, and their eyes shoot green.


at the beginning, the coalition forces of the six families broke through the city wall and attacked the hillside. But when the Shanzhai reacted, it began to encounter tenacious resistance.

There are thousands of people living in this mountain stronghold, not only the disciples of the ghost witch sect.

There are also many bodyguards, followers, disciples, relatives and so on. All of them are dependent on the ghost witch religion. They are both prosperous and weak with the ghost witch religion. Naturally, they begin to work hard.


Countless mountain people with naked upper body, ferocious masks on their faces and long guns, short knives or hot weapons in their hands burst out from various villages and collided with the coalition forces of the six major families.

"Bang bang."

There are not many hot weapons in the six families. Most of them are cold weapons. Two torrents of fierce impact together, immediately set off a wave of blood, murderous air.

Among these mountain men, there are also many ghosts and witchcraft disciples.

The disciples of Guiwu sect, holding tokens and bells in their hands, drive away zombies, control evil spirits, and even release curses secretly. Although the number is not as large as that of the six families. But the strangeness made the six families suffer.



A Li family warrior, wearing a bulletproof vest, fully armed, holding a long knife, rushed into the enemy like a fierce general. No mountain people can stop him.

The light of the knife is sharp and desolate. He is a great master with the highest inner strength.If you want to stop, you will be cut in half by this master. People follow the knife and kill more than ten people in an instant. It's fierce.

At this time, there is a fierce mask with blue face and tusks.

Holding a bone stick in his hand and covered with black paint, the ghost witch sect disciple gave a strange smile, and the stick pointed at the great master:

"aguala Gulong."

All of a sudden, a green light shot from the bone staff, and hit the Li nationality master fiercely.

"How to feel the whole body is weak."

The great master was surprised, only felt that the original abundant strength disappeared from him in an instant. Usually in the hands of waving, like a straw like knife, at this time also seems to weigh more than a kilo.

"No, I'm cursed by the ghost witch sect..."

before he had time to think about it, there was a zombie with a expressionless face and a black iron body. He jumped up and grabbed it with both hands to open his stomach and take out his heart.

A great master with the highest inner strength fell for no reason.


such a situation can be seen everywhere in the Shanzhai.

A white warlock called a fireball and baked more than ten mountain people into roast chicken. There are also disciples of the ghost sorcery sect who control evil spirits and devour a coalition soldier.

This kind of balanced defense.

Until Mr. Shi and dongyingzi joined in, they broke up in an instant.


Once a real person makes a move, he will be shocked.

Mr. Shi directly evokes a rock dragon which is more than ten meters long. The long rock dragon, like a mighty heavy truck, rushed forward. You'll die next to him, you'll hurt if you rub him. Directly in the ghost witch sect crowd, pull out a way of life.


Dongyingzi threw the peach wood sword behind him. This ancient sword, made of peach wood for hundreds of years and harder than steel, is suspended in the void. With the dongyingzi sword Jue a pinch.


Peach ancient sword instantly with a red light, fierce in the air. No matter how fierce the ghosts and iron corpses are, they can't stop the power of its sword. Even the elite disciple of the ghost witch sect was beheaded by dongyingzi.

The sword Qi stretches 100 meters, just like an ancient sword fairy.

"It's interesting."

Chen Fan sees this, raised eyelid, but did not care.

Dongyingzi's imperial envoy is only a peach wood sword. He pays attention to cutting ghosts and subduing demons. Moreover, the distance is very short, and can only be within 100 meters. Really speaking, it's not as good as the Lin family's skill of controlling the sword with Qi.

Chen Fan's flying sword can be cut down 30 miles away, even a fighter.

However, no matter Mr. Shi or dongyingzi.

Their two Dharma practitioners, like two heavyweight chips, overwhelmed the whole scale. The people of Guiwu cult were defeated in an instant and retreated. They lost a large number of positions and bodies and retreated to the Qingshi hall on the top of the mountain.

When all the people in the six families were happy.

A sharp voice came from the top of the mountain:

"Shi and old man Dongying, you dare to invade the ghost witch sect, kill my disciples and break the wall of our door. You are waiting for the suffering of ten thousand ghosts."

With that, I only heard the sound of crying and howling, and the sky turned dark, just like the night came into the world.

"Not good."

Bai Wuji's face changed.

Mr. Shi looked at the top of the mountain with more serious eyes and said, "it's the great mountain protection array of the ghost witch sect, the" ten thousand ghosts eat the heart array ". I didn't expect that when it was leveled by the Heavenly Master, they built it again."

Chen Fan looked up.

In the blue stone hall on the top of the mountain, a black plume of smoke rushed up to the sky, and then spread out like a dark curtain, covering the whole mountain. The surrounding environment changes from day to night in an instant.

When they looked at it carefully, they found that it was a column of smoke. It was a long river of black air formed by countless evil spirits.

"There are so many ghosts."

The bodyguards of the six families, many of them just mortals, trembled with fear.

"Son of a bitch, many real family masters are here. What are you afraid of? If there is an immortal master in town, there will be ten times more evil spirits, and it will not be enough for him to kill! "

Bai Wuji turns his head to denounce.

After hearing the words, they suddenly woke up.


They have Chen fan!

Chen fan, however, defeated the existence of ten thousand armies with one enemy and one person. Compared to the steel torrent of Russia's 116th armored division. What the hell is this.


With Mr. Shi's order, they summoned up the courage to kill him again. One by one, Taoist talismans, mantras and magic arts are thrown away without money. There are also two real people's skills.

Many evil spirits can be hurt by the Qi and blood of the warrior since they show their archetypes.

Many fierce ghosts even enter the mountain people's bodies. Suddenly, these mountain people with masks become powerful, invulnerable, and fearless of death. They all jump down like martial arts masters."Bang bang."

Just one touch.

The six families are a little overwhelmed.

Although there are many warlocks and warriors, there are many armed guards, and there are two real people sitting in the town. Dongyingzi, in particular, has a sword as long as a dragon, with a length of 100 meters. It's a pity that it's a drop in the bucket.

There are too many evil spirits on the opposite side, and the attached ghost servants are not afraid of death and can't be killed.

"Master Chen Xian?"

Seeing the heavy losses of his people, Mr. Shi's eyes turned red. He looked back and cried to Chen fan.

Chen fan, with his hands on his back, looks up at the sky like an army of ghosts. With a faint smile, he takes out a bone flute as white as jade from a small gourd.

"Call God flute!"

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!