Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 487

After a long time, there was no reply. The guard raised his head strangely, only to find that many aristocratic family owners were pale, without a trace of blood on their faces, and some were still shivering.

"What's the matter?" The guard was surprised. Then he found the Li family owner trembling his lips and said:

"is it really... Is it really the man who is coming?"

There was no one to speak, but everyone was already certain.

Bai Wuji has lived in the southwest for a long time. How can he have an old friend in Jiangbei? And it happens to come from Surabaya, Chuzhou, also surnamed Chen? How can there be so many coincidences? Even Su Yunzhi has a pretty face.

Chen beixuan's reputation, as long as it is practicing martial arts and Taoism, who knows who doesn't know?

Their su family gave Yu Wenjing to the ghost witch sect. Once this news is known by Chen beixuan, can this contemporary myth give up? Su Yunzhi was lucky enough to think of a perfect lie when a cold voice came to his ear:

"master Bai, when an old friend came to visit, are you so hospitable?"

The crowd was startled and looked up.

See a man and a woman, has stepped into the door. The man has an ordinary appearance. He is nearly 20 years old. He is wearing a casual suit with black hair and black pupils. He carries his hands and his eyes are cold. The woman is cool and gorgeous. She wears a sword in white, just like a chivalrous woman.

"How do you get in... Don't you have to wait outside?"

When the guard stares, he will be reprimanded.

But unexpectedly, Bai Wuji stood up with a slap and walked forward quickly. He was ten steps away from Chen fan, and then he bowed himself fiercely and said:

"young Bai Wuji, I'd like to meet Chen Xianshi. I haven't seen him for three years. The immortal master's face remains the same, his magic power is prosperous, and he is well received all over the world! "

With Bai Wuji's worship, people don't know who is coming?

They all stood up and bowed to each other, saying: "the six families in Southwest China, see the immortal master, welcome the immortal master to drive!"

The guard stood by and was stunned.

Which of these people, including the Li family leader, the former family leader, and the Su family leader, is not a great magician with boundless power, great powers, and amazing skills? If you stamp your feet, you can shake the southwest. In particular, Mr. Shi respected the southwest. Looking at the whole southwest, there are few people who can match him.

But these people all salute the man and the woman. What's the big deal for these two men and women?

When the guard was thinking about it, he saw Chen Fan's slow way:

"master Bai, I handed Yu Wenjing over to you and talked to you. If yu Wenjing has the slightest harm, take you as a question. Now, how do you answer me? "

When Bai Wuji heard the words, his whole body trembled and his throat stirred, but he couldn't say a word.

"Your name is Su Yunzhi, the owner of Taiyin Su family? Quiet is to worship your door? What about her now? " Chen Fan's eyes turned and swept to the beautiful lady.

As soon as Su Yunzhi looked up and was about to make up a lie, he faced Chen Fan's pathless eyes. Suddenly, he seemed to be frozen by the cold wind for thousands of years. In a moment, he stood still, even his thinking was frozen.

What a terrible idea of monk Shenhai.

Is it that Su Yunzhi can resist at the peak of Tao?

"It's the ghost witch sect that comes to kill us. They say that if they don't hand over Yu Wenjing, they will destroy our Su family. We can't help it. You have the ability to go to the trouble of the ghost witch sect. "

Su Nan, a pretty girl, yelled in the back.

She said it.

All of a sudden, everyone's face changed. Su Yunzhi's face was even scarier, and her delicate body was about to collapse.

This little girl, Xiangnan Nan, has been spoiled since she was a child, spoiled by her parents and used by her peers in the family. He has been living in the southwest, thinking that the whole world is the southwest, and that the six families can run wild. How can her parents know Chen Fan's fear?

"Yu Wenjing was taken away by the ghost witch sect?"

Chen Fan's pupils contracted.

Although I heard their conversation just now. But the answer comes from Su Nan, and Chen fan is still furious. A huge momentum suddenly gushed from Chen fan. In the whole hall, the temperature dropped dozens of degrees, just like the cold wind coming from the polar region. It is Su Nan Nan also small face a change, feel oneself seem to run into what catastrophe.

"Good, good, just a ghost witch sect, dare to rob my friend Chen beixuan? Then don't blame me, Mr. Chen, for destroying his orthodoxy, cutting down his family and killing the whole ghost witch sect. "

Chen Fan said in a flat tone.

But everyone was shaking with fear.


The owner of the Li family fell to his knees with a soft sole. Mr. Shi cried out: "Mr. Chen Xian, please put out the thunder for a while. You don't want to see Yu Wenjing, nor do you blame my six families...


Before Mr. Shi finished speaking, chen fan's eyes narrowed, and two holy awns, like substance, came straight from his eyes.

As soon as his eyes touched Chen Fan's idea, he was shocked. Like a heavy hammer, he immediately fell back seven or eight steps and sat down on the ground. His ears and eyes were covered with blood."Hiss."

Everyone took a breath.

Shi Laozhen is the first of the six magic families in Southwest China. He is recognized as the first master and the master of practicing magic. But even Chen Fan couldn't stop it. Doesn't it mean that everyone is as vulnerable as a mole ant in front of Chen fan?

The horror of this contemporary myth is beyond everyone's expectation!

"If yu Wenjing is OK, it's easy to say. If she's hurt at all. I'll kill your six families and wipe you out of this world. "

Chen Fan caresses sleeve, light says.

"Where's the rule? It's the ghost witch sect who robbed us. Why should we blame our six families? "

Su Nan first jumped out dissatisfied.

"What Chen beixuan said is the rules. If you don't accept it, you should first practice in the divine realm

Chen Fan snorted coldly: "I remember what your Su family did. If yu Wenjing has something to do, I'll start with your Su family. "

With that, chen fan walked away.

Only the people of the six families were left to look at each other in the hall.

"Oh, this is really sitting at home. Disaster comes from heaven." The leader of the Li family cried.

"If yu Wenjing is really in trouble, Chen beixuan should not blame us..." the master of the Gong family said with a fluke.

"Hey, hey. It is said that because one of his men died, Chen beixuan slaughtered the whole underground world in Jiangbei, killed more than 500 people in one breath, killed a great master of the Lin family in Southeast China, and killed half a Hongmen dark moon. Do you think he'll stay in time? "

The former owner sneered.

Both Bai Wuji and Su Yunzhi are bloodless and shivering.

"That's all. The immortal master is so angry that I can't wait to see. Go back immediately, gather six big families, we follow the immortal master, attack the ghost sorcery religion together. With the help of the immortal master's power, the cancer in Southwest China will be completely eradicated. "

After all, immortal Shi is practicing Dharma. He quickly recovers and orders calmly.

"If we break through the ghost sorcery cult and find Yu Wenjing dead..." someone asked weakly.

The faces of the people were very blue, and no one answered.

Only Mr. Shi sighed:

"do your best and listen to the destiny."


Chen fan is not familiar with southwest China, which is close to the Miao and Tibetan areas. There are many mountains and hills, and there are deep mountains and old forests everywhere. There are many Miao villages. But the six families have been in the southwest for a hundred years and know everything.

Under the threat of life, the six families quickly launched, summoned two real people, nine top warlocks, dozens of warlocks and inner warriors, and hundreds of armed guards.

People driving more than a dozen off-road vehicles and buses, mighty, like a long dragon, toward the southwest.

Chen fan is sitting in the middle of the team, in a modified extended Land Rover.

Sitting in front of him, he was a respectful and modest old man Shi, and another worshipped real man. Dongyingzi, a friar of Qingyang palace in Chengdu, is also invited out by six families.

"With the strength of your six families, it should be easy to defeat the ghost witch sect. Why wait until today? "

Chen Fan looked out of the window, full of energy and spirit of many family children, can not help but slightly frown.

There are six families of techniques in Southwest China. The whole southwest area is like an iron bucket, which can't be poured into. Chen fan was slightly surprised by the potential power.

It is impossible for the Gu family, Lu family and other martial arts families to gather so many martial arts warlocks at one go. It's close to zuosu shrine and its status in Kyushu Island of Japan.

"Tell the immortal master that although there is only one old wizard master in the ghost sorcery sect, many sorcery schools have always been in the same boat. If we are to besiege the ghost witch sect. Blood sorcery and spirit sorcery are bound to help. Not to mention, they have a huge black witch cult behind them. "

Shi Laozhen said with a bitter smile.

"The black witch religion?"

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

This is not the first time he has heard of the name of the black witch sect.

Whether it's Yao Shengu or the six families, they seem to be extremely afraid of mentioning the black witch religion.

"Is there a divine realm for the black witch sect?" Chen Fan doubts a way.

"I don't know whether there is a divine realm. I only know that 300 years ago, the old sorcerer of the black sorcerer sect has been rampant in the world for a hundred years, and is known as the person closest to the earth immortal. " Dongyingzi bowed and said:

"sixty years ago, it was general Ye of Kunlun who expelled the black witch sect from China, even so. It is said that the black witch sect also dominates foreign countries and controls a country's political power. In the past 60 years, it has always wanted to return to China, just afraid of Kunlun. "


Chen Fan nodded.

Let Ye Qingcang hand, but also the whole body and retreat. This black witch sect is no less powerful than Hongmen, even if it doesn't have the divine realm. The ghost sorcery cult has to rely on the black sorcery cult to deal with Yu Wenjing.

Soon, as the motorcade went farther and farther, the surrounding mountains and trees became more and more luxuriant. The mountain villages began to appear, and many mountain people dressed in simple clothes turned pale at the sight of the huge motorcade.Finally, the team went through all the hardships and drove to a magnificent mountain village.

It's the general arena of the ghost witch sect.


PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one. At the beginning of five o (∩) O (∩) O (∩) O (∩) O (∩) O (∩) O (∩) O (∩) O (∩)_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!