Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 486

Ghost sorcery. ?

as one of the three major witches in China, it is also known as blood witches and black witches. At that time, chen fan's childhood friend Yu Wenjing was targeted by the Shaowu master of the ghost sorcery sect and raised as a cauldron. Finally, chen fan burned the golden pupil of Lihuo as ashes, and got the flute of calling God from the master of Shaowu.

"I asked Yu Wenjing to follow Bai Wuji to the southwest. I don't know how she's doing in the six major arts families in Southwest China. "

In front of Chen Fan's eyes, the elegant girl appeared again, as pure as snow lotus.

Yu Wenjing is a pure Yin body, and will be selected by the ghost witch sect. At that time, Bai Wuji promised to send her to the "taiyinsu family" of the six major surgery families. Chen fancai agreed to let Yu Wenjing leave.

"This time, I created the beiqiong school. If Wenjing agrees, she will join the beiqiong school. We don't need to be far away from Jiangbei and run so far to the southwest. "

Chen Fan thought.

From Yungui to the southwest, it is relatively close, although it has to pass through many mountain tunnels. But it's hard not to stop Xue Daisha, the Dharma protector of beiqiong sect, who is now a "female chariot God".


Ferrari's surging engine reverberates along the mountain road.

Yunnan, Guizhou and southwest China are mountainous. There are mountain roads and mountain tunnels everywhere. There are few people here, and there are barren mountains and wild forests. Only this milky Ferrari is racing.

He met the bandits and road bullies several times in the middle. Chen Fan didn't fight at all. Xue Daisha chopped them off with a sword.

Half a day later, Chengdu arrived.

As the government of southwest province, Chengdu covers an extremely large area with a population of over 10 million, which is a famous metropolis in China. But even so, white Ferrari with peerless beauty, is still very eye-catching.

"Master, where are we going?"

Xuedaisha turned to ask.

"Wait a minute."

Chen Fan closed his eyes and the whole city was covered with divine consciousness.

Now Chen Fan's mind is far away, as far as 30 kilometers away. That is, the whole city of Chengdu can be included. Every move of tens of millions of people falls into Chen Fan's eyes. It's easy to find someone.

"Why, there is no breath of Yu Wenjing."

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

Yu Wenjing is Chen Fan's classmate and pure Yin body. Her breath should be very familiar and conspicuous.

"Isn't Wenjing in Chengdu? I'll look for Bai Wuji. " Chen Fan thought and began to search for Bai Wuji's breath. Chen fan, the master of the fire control white family, also met once and remembered his breath.

"It's not right here... It's not here... Found it!"

Chen fanmeng opened his eyes and said, "go to Bai's residence in the southeast corner of Chengdu."

Bai's residence is very famous in Chengdu. You can find it on the navigation. When xuedaisha arrived outside Bai's residence in Ferrari, it was noon.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is a private property. You are not allowed to enter without permission."

Seeing that they wanted to go in, the guard guarding the gate of Bai's residence stopped them immediately. Although they are not Taoist magicians, they walk between sitting and lying, with a faint sense of division. It is clear that they have internal strength.

"Tell Bai Wuji that an old friend of ZS County in Jiangbei is visiting."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed. It seemed that there was a cold light shining on him. He said faintly.

"By the way, my name is Chen."


The guard hesitated for a moment when he saw xuedaisha carrying an ancient sword and driving a Ferrari.


Bai's residence, in the living room.

There are six people sitting around a round table. There are many disciples standing by.

These six people have extraordinary bearing, including men and women, the old and the young, and Bai Wuji, the owner of the Bai family.

However, Bai Wuji's cultivation is only in the middle of the six. The most powerful one is an old man who looks down. The old man sits up and doesn't move. However, when he is alone, he makes the other five bow their heads. He is a real practitioner of Dharma.

"Sujiazhu, people are lost in your house. You have to give an account to our Bai family."

Bai Wuji brows locked, eyes with sadness, cold voice said.

The so-called sujiazhu is a beautiful woman in palace dress. The beautiful lady is wearing a gorgeous white court robe, a chignon and a long skirt. Her chest is white, but her temperament is cold and arrogant, just like the Moon Fairy.

"Hum, Wenjing is a disciple of our Su family. She was robbed. Do you think our Su family doesn't care?"

"It took two years to cultivate a human seed. Within ten years at most, Wenjing can enter the period of practicing Dharma. But the ghost witch sect is very powerful. The old witch master himself came to the door to ask for people. My family has no choice. "

The white lady in the Palace Dress hummed coldly.

This woman is the head of the Su family, Su Yunzhi.

All six of you are the masters of the whole southwest province. Bai family, Li family, yuan family, Gong family, Su family, Shi family. There are almost all six families.

"That's all. It's just a little girl. What about the body of Xuanyin? Anyway, she planted witchcraft, which has been broken. Given to the ghost witch sect, the ghost witch sect can't create a second real person. "The leader of the Li family waved.

"Yes, I took back Yu Wenjing for the sake of the young wizard master. But now, the young wizard master is dead, and the cultivation of witchcraft is broken. Yu Wenjing is of little value. As for genius, you can always find it slowly. For the sake of Yu Wenjing, let's go to war with the ghost witch sect. "

The owner of the Gong family also spoke in line with the Tao.


Su Yunzhi hummed and didn't make a sound. Although the loss of Yu Wenjing, let her very heartache.

But Yu Wenjing is an outsider after all, and Su yunyun doesn't want to protect her. Otherwise, Su Yunzhi will not easily betray Yu Wenjing and give her to the ghost sorcery cult when the old sorcerer comes to the door.

"You... You, ah!"

Bai Wuji was so impatient that he stamped his feet repeatedly. At last, he patted the table and sighed:

"do you know who Yu Wenjing is?"

"Huh? Isn't she a little girl from a mountain village in the southwest Miao area? "

Before you could speak, a pretty girl standing behind Su Yunzhi hummed.

This girl is Su Yunzhi's daughter. Her name is Su Nannan. He has always been very hostile to Yu Wenjing, who has a high talent for cultivation, but was born in an ordinary family. This time, Yu Wenjing was robbed by the ghost sorcery cult. She didn't say it, and she was very happy.

"Yes, we all know the origin of Yu Wenjing. He was a member of yujiazhai village in the Miao area. He was selected by the young wizard master and sent to Jiangbei. In the end, the little witch master died in your hands. You bring her back and send her to the Taiyin vegetarian home. Could it be that she is your little lover, and you are reluctant to part with her? "

The Li family owner sneered.

At that time, Bai Wuji went to Jiangbei and killed the young wizard master. So that the Bai family, in the six major families, is second only to the Shi family. Naturally, the Li family's owner can't stand it.

"That's all. Now I don't want to hide the truth."

Bai Wuji gave a wry smile:

"do you really think that I can kill the young wizard master with my only peak cultivation? He's a half step practitioner, and he's carrying a lot of ghost weapons. And if I kill him, the old witch master will not take revenge on me and let me go? "


Everyone around looked at each other.

Naturally, people have thought about these doubts. I just thought that the Bai family had some ancestral magic weapon or sneak attack. The young wizard master is not a real person after all. He can be killed with one shot.

"You didn't kill the young wizard master?"

The pupil of the Li family shrinks. Even the Lord, who was sitting in the high seat, opened his eyes slightly.

"Of course, the little wizard master has boundless power, and even carries the ancient ghost flute. I'm not his opponent. He was killed by someone else. That person has a close relationship with Yu Wenjing. He asked me to take Yu Wenjing back to the southwest to practice. "

Bai Wuji sighed.

"Well, I seem to have heard Yu Wenjing say that she does have a classmate surnamed Chen, who also has magic power. But she didn't answer who it was or how I asked her. "

Su yunyun suddenly cried.

"Master Bai, are you afraid of that person's blame?" Li family leader Yin Yang strange airway:

"ha ha, let's not say, it's Yu Wenjing who was captured by the ghost witch sect. What about the blame? The six major arts families in Southwest China share the same spirit. Still afraid of a little hairy kid? If you can't fight, there's still Mr. Shi. "

The old man with drooping eyes sitting in the throne also stroked his beard with a smile.

He is the master of the stone family, Mr. Shi.

"Ha ha, if you knew who that person was, you wouldn't say that." Bai Wuji sneered.

"Who is it?"

The former owner, with a calm and easy manner, asked casually.

"He was born in Jiangbei, and he was a classmate with Yu Wenjing. Jiangbei called him master Chen, which you may be familiar with, but you must have heard of another name of him..."

speaking of this, Bai Wuji's face turned pale and said: "his name is Chen beixuan!"


When the name came out, all the people were shocked. It was Mr. Shi who opened his eyes and his face. The owner of the Li family fell to the ground with a slap.

Chen beixuan.

China's top heaven is the myth of the time.

It is in the southwest, but how can the six families not have heard of Chen Fan's name. This is the strong one that CIA has reopened for him.

"Really... Really Chen beixuan?"

Su Yunzhi's face looks like earth.

As a contemporary myth, Chen Fanli's reputation as an enemy of ten thousand troops is spread together with Chen Fan's cold-blooded cruelty. Many people even compare him with the old sorcerer of the black sorcery three hundred years ago. He is a common ferocious devil.

"You know why I'm so worried. If Chen beixuan goes to the door and asks for a crime, what will the six families in Southwest China do to him? " Bai Wuji said with a bitter smile.

They all looked at each other, and the old man Shi, who was sitting in Diaoyutai, shook his head and sighed.Just as we want to talk.

Suddenly, a guard came in and said respectfully:

"my Lord, there is a man and a woman outside the door. He said, "I know you. I'm an old friend of ZS County in Jiangbei."

"By the way, his surname is Chen." The guard thought about it and added another sentence.

As soon as he said this, it seemed as if the whole hall had been cursed.

The whole scene was silent, and everyone's faces were pale and bloodless

everyone was pale and bloodless. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!