Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 485

With the elder's slow narration, chen fan knows a section of Xin Mi.

Wumen has been handed down for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years. It is very old and has many sects. But among all the religions, the black witch religion was the first. There are many witches in the black witch sect, and there are countless strong ones.

Three hundred years ago, the old sorcerer of the black witch sect swept through China, slaughtering countless ethnic groups and killing countless people. Even today, it has never been weaker.

At that time, the old witch God asked for the medicine God valley.

So he not only helped the medicine God Valley arrange a mountain protection array, but also left a treasure of the black witch sect as reward.

"That treasure is one of the seven witchcraft of the town sect of the black witch sect. It is said that it was handed down by a local immortal thousands of years ago, which is very important to the black witch sect. However, the black witch sect abides by the oath of being an old witch God. If it can't start it, it will publicize it to the outside world. If it can take that weapon from our medicine God Valley, it will be greatly appreciated. This is where the ghosts and witches come from. "

The elder sighed.

"Oh, since it's so important to the black witch sect, you can get a huge reward for it." Chen Fanqi's strange way.

"Keke, What immortal Master said is very true. But the effect of that sorcery tool is very magical. It's a cauldron furnace, called "Diwu cauldron". It's said that it was a great sorcery's Alchemy tool that was cultivated in the realm of Diwu at that time. It's the purpose of our Medicine Valley, so the ancestors of all ages are reluctant to give it away. "

The elder laughed awkwardly.

"Diwu Ding?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed, showing a trace of interest.

With his understanding of the earth's cultivation world. The earth sorcery of the sorcery gate is comparable to the existence of earth immortals, heaven and man. That is, the innate state. The cauldron furnace for alchemy by a congenital monk is indeed a treasure. No wonder the medicine Valley is reluctant to give up.

"It's a pity that the Wu Ding has been taken away by the ghost sorcery sect and others. Otherwise, we still want to give it to master Chen Xian. Only in the hands of the immortal master can the immortal tripod exert its real power. "

The elder sighed.

They don't have much use for that tripod. They can't motivate it with their accomplishments.

But if it falls into Chen Fan's hands, it will be very different. At that time, the king of Dan wanted to give it to Chen fan, but at that time, Lei Qian refused the engagement. Chen Fan left in a hurry, and the king of Dan didn't have time to say.

"It's OK. When I enter the ghost sorcery sect, I'll take it back myself."

Chen Fan stroked his sleeves and said haughtily.

He may not have been able to activate the congenital magic weapon, but now he has stepped into the sea of gods. This tripod is suitable for use.

After that, the elder respectfully invited chen fan to come in, and wanted to ask Chen fan to instruct them in alchemy.

Chen Fan readily agreed.

He had planned to cultivate the medicine God Valley as his own branch of alchemy, so many alchemy methods were handed down at that time. Now it's time to set up a force. Naturally, it's necessary to ask for the consent of Yao Shengu.

"Does the immortal master want to establish a sect?"

The great elder and the five elders were shocked by the words.

Yao Shengu is also a big school with a head and a face, which has been handed down for a hundred years. But compared with Chen Fan's inheritance, it's eighteen thousand miles away. Some alchemy methods revealed between Chen Fan's fingers shocked everyone in yaoshengu. How profound is what Chen Fan really learned.

"I want to join the immortal sect, but I don't know the name of this sect."

The elder and others bowed down in a hurry.

Now the medicine God Valley has lost the king of Dan, no real person in town, and no mountain protection array. It's a time of ups and downs. If you can join Chen Fan's sect and get the protection of this myth at that time, it will be very different.

"The sect I worship is very far away from here, and you are not qualified to enter my sect." Chen Fan thought about it and said, "this school is called beiqiong."

"Beiqiong school?"

Everyone looked at each other.

In particular, xuedaisha's eyes flashed, thinking of beiqiongge in the green dragon array and the portrait of the fairy in purple.

"Now I'm the leader of beiqiong sect. I have two disciples under my seat. One is ah Xiu, who is about to be cultivated in Huajing. One is Hua Yunfeng. You should know him. Not long ago, he just stepped into the divine realm. You, Yao Shengu, are the alchemy hall outside the beiqiong sect. Jingyi will be the leader of the alchemy hall. You are all the deputy leaders and alchemists of the alchemy hall. "

Now that Chen fan is determined, he quickly delimits the school rules.

At that time, he was an immortal of Zhenwu immortal sect. He was familiar with the sect.

"In the clan, according to the level, it can be divided into five levels: the leader, the leader's disciples and elders, the leader of each hall, the ordinary disciples, and the outer disciples."

This beiqiong school was just created by Chen Fan and intended to stay on earth, so Chen Fan didn't divide it too carefully.

"Hua Yunfeng is a disciple of the immortal master, and has entered the divine realm?"

People in yaoshengu were stunned.

Zhonghai Huayun peak is a great master who has been famous in China for decades and the son of the leader of Qingbang. But he worshipped chen fan, and he was still a disciple of God. I can imagine how terrible Chen Fan's real strength is.Danshi, who was dissatisfied with the fact that yaoshengu had been assigned to beiqiong school, was not half dissatisfied at this time.

One after another, under the leadership of the elder, they bowed to the ground respectfully and said in unison:

"disciples of the alchemy hall, meet the sect leader."

After this worship, the identity is established, and everyone is half of himself. The elder and others immediately feel close to Chen fan. They also put down the huge stone in their heart and feel that they have found a great support.

Before that, chen fan had no close relationship with Yao Shengu, but Yao Shengu himself was eager to get together.

But now, yaoshengu has become the alchemy Hall of beiqiong school, which is a member of the school. If Yao Shengu is bullied again, chen fan, beiqiong sect, Hua Yunfeng and others will not sit back and ignore him.

"Master, what am I then?"

Xuedaisha suddenly pouted.

"You should be a sect protector, and be at the same level as the head of each hall." Chen fan had no choice but to smile.

"Thank you, master."

Snow on behalf of Sha Zhan Yan a smile, just like a tree cold pear blossom, suddenly the medicine God Valley people are amazing, it is Zhou Jingyi, all pupils shrink.

"Since you have entered our family, you should know that you can't break the commandment of our family."

Chen Fan's face was cold, and he drank softly, and a great power was released from him. In an instant, the whole medicine temple was like a Mount Tai. Many people with poor accomplishments were directly crushed to the ground.

"Yes, I will."

The elder and others bowed down in a hurry.

Many people still despise it in their hearts. At this time, they are shocked.

This is a myth of life and death in the heart. At that time, I really made a mistake. It was elder Zhou Jingyi who pleaded for help. I'm afraid that Chen Fan's sword might not be stopped.

"We beiqiong school don't have many rules, but you know, if you enter our gate, life and death are up to me. I set up this gate to pass on your Dharma to protect the Chen family. So the first iron rule of beiqiong school, Chen family, should not be violated. "

Chen fan light way.

"I'll see."

They kowtow again.

"Get up. As for other rules, my beiqiong school is more relaxed and has not much discipline." After Chen Fan finished speaking, as soon as he regained his power, many people dared to get up slowly.

Although it established the position of Chen family in the school.

But for Chen fan, except for his parents, sister an, grandfather, Chen Ning, Chen Guoguo and others, other people like uncle and uncle are not Chen family at all. It will not be included in the North qiongpai. Give them a sum of money and let them live and die.

After the establishment of the clan, it is necessary to confirm the clan headquarters, major rules, systems, responsibilities, identities and so on.

There are a lot of things to do, but both Xue Daisha and Zhou Jingyi are in charge. Snow on behalf of sand, in particular, now seems to Chen Fan secretary role. Chen Fan handed these common things over to them. He was responsible for reading the ancient books in the valley and teaching the elder some basic alchemy methods.

"Tell the sect leader that you mentioned the snow god palace before. I vaguely remember it. It seems that the old Valley master of the previous generation had talked about it."

The elder frowned and thought for a long time.

"Oh? What's the origin of the snow palace? "

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed and asked.

One of the purposes of his coming to Shengu is to find the trace of the snow palace.

"The old Valley master seems to have said that the snow Temple seems to be deep in the snow mountain, and the palace is full of women. Every few decades, their people would walk on the earth and search for suitable disciples. Miss Lu Yanxue, as you said, should be taken back to the palace by the descendants of the snow temple. " Big elder opens a way.

"Do you know where the snow palace is?"

Chen Fan frowned.

"The old Valley master didn't say that the snow Temple seems very mysterious. There have been descendants from hundreds of years ago to thousands of years ago. Many people have been searching for them, but no one has found them. I only know that their descendants are peerless in appearance and extremely high in cultivation. They are basically strong in the divine realm. I didn't expect that the descendants of the snow god palace of this generation would also walk on the earth. "

The elder shook his head. Seeing that Chen Fan seemed dissatisfied, he said quickly:

"sect leader, I'm not sure about these Xinmi. But if the great religions like the black witch sect, the Heavenly Master sect and the Wudang sect, which have been handed down for hundreds of years, stand up in the world, they will know more. "


Chen Fan ordered it and said nothing more.

Since he knew that Lu Yanxue's life was not in danger, he was not in a hurry. It's just that the descendant of the snow palace forcibly takes Lu Yanxue away, which makes Chen Fan very dissatisfied.

"If you treat Yan Xue well, it's easy to say. If you let me know that you are not good to her at all, don't blame Chen for stepping on the gate of the snow god palace and killing it. "

Chen Fan sneered.

In the next few days, chen fan stayed in the medicine Valley and taught these disciples some basic alchemy methods and skills in the world of cultivating immortals. And made a "spirit token" for everyone.

With this token, if anyone dares to betray the beiqiong sect, chen fan can kill them in a moment. Of course, if the token is broken out of thin air, chen fan will know where they died and avenge them.After everything is sorted out, chen fan officially takes Xue Daisha to the southwest and embarks on the road of ghost sorcery.

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ n) O (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!