Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 484

Chen Fan didn't stay in the hall for long. Soon, accompanied by Lu Yanwu, he entered the backyard.

He came here mainly to show his face and support the Lu family.

Just yesterday, Chen Fangang beat Zhonghai. Naturally, many people in Linzhou, which is adjacent to Zhonghai, knew the power of his current myth. After today, it is estimated that very few people dare to offend the Lu family.

"Mr. Qiu, Ms. Qiu, immortal master wants to see you."

At the end of the banquet, when Qiu Zhengqing and others left, a senior member of the Lu family came up and whispered.

"Mr. Chen?"

Qiu Zhengqing and Qiu Yilun look at each other with a slight forehead.

Soon, Qiu's family walked all the way through the front yard of the villa and into the backyard.

Lu family has been operating here for hundreds of years, occupying a huge area, with small bridges, winding corridors, carved beams and painted buildings. Passing by were maids in green shirts and cheongsam. Their hair was curled up and their faces were pretty. Step on embroidered cloth shoes and walk quietly. It's like walking into the family house of the Republic of China.

"That's the real big family."

Autumn is clear, secretly frightened.

Lu's Houzhai is never open to the outside world. People who can come in are of high status or close to Lu's family. Qiu Yilun and others entered for the first time, just like walking into a labyrinth.

Qiu Zhengqing even occasionally sweeps the two celadon vases placed outside the gatehouse. They are also antiques of the Qing Dynasty. They have a history of more than 100 years. They can be sold for 100000 and 200000 yuan in a second hand, but now they are placed outside the door at will.

"Wealth is so overwhelming that, by contrast, our Qiu family is just a small family. You must not be complacent in Yilun. When you see Mr. Chen later, you must pay attention to your identity and propriety."

Qiu Zhengqing sighed and warned his son.

"Yes, father."

Qiu Yilun nods.

And Mrs. Qiu and Qian Lulu have already looked straight at each other.

Soon, with the pace of deepening, after a few hurdles, began to appear in the hands of the guard. All these guards are profound and strict, and the shop has a strong sense of extermination. They are all rare experts in martial arts. At this time, they are all guarding outside the door. In the end, there are even Lu family high-level guards at the door.

In fact, Qian Lulu and others had a vague idea of Chen Fan's status.

But now we can see that the Lu Group's deputy directors and the Lu family's leading elders, who are usually high above the others, are all respectful. They can't help but shake their hearts and become more respectful.

"Immortal master is in it. You can go in."

The guide leads all the people of the autumn family to a luxurious Pavilion and says.

Qiu Zhengqing and others carefully push the door and enter. They see Chen Fanzheng drinking tea on the chair. Opposite him, the old master of the Lu family sits on his side. Lu Yanwu, the CEO of Lu's group and the goddess of Linzhou, is holding her sleeve and pouring tea for Chen fan. The one who killed Liu Biao with one sword was Xue Daisha, the Qing Jue woman, who stood behind him with a sword.

"General Chen."

Qiu Zhengqing had not swept Chen Fan's eyes before, but now he bent down, with a respectful smile on his face. Her eyes were higher than the top, and Mrs. Qiu, with her pearly eyes, was even more obsequious.


Qiu Yilun's eyes are complicated.

Two years ago, when she was on Hong Kong Island, she did not feel that she was far behind chen fan. What Jiangbei master, 10 billion rich, sounds a bit dreamy.

Today, however, many rich and senior officials in Linzhou are respectful to Chen fan. Seeing Lu's great wealth, Qiu Yilun really realized the weight of Chen beixuan.

"No need to be polite. Yilun and I are classmates. Just call me chen fan."

Chen Fan took the tea cup and said casually.

But he said that, how dare Qiu Zhengqing really call, repeatedly changed his voice: "Mr. Chen."

Chen fan also follows them. In Chen Fan's present position, few people can treat him with a normal attitude, that is, those who were young, classmates and roommates. When they see him, it's hard to recover from the past.

"I'm looking for you to talk about the past. I haven't seen Yilun for a long time. I want to know more about the school. "

Chen fan light way.

"Yes, you and Yilun, and Lulu, talk more. I'll leave you now. Don't disturb me, sir Qiu Zhengqing repeatedly bows, hooks his body and takes Mrs. Qiu to leave.

When his parents left, Qiu Yilun was still standing there.

"What are you doing? Come and sit down. I haven't seen you for more than a year. I forget my boss." Chen Fan said with a smile.

"It's not the boss. You are too powerful to scare us." Hearing the familiar words, Qiu Yilun breathed a sigh of relief and obviously relaxed. He came to sit down and said, "boss, you don't know, you just had too much momentum. Just like the prime ministers and ministers in ancient TV. "

"Chen Xianshi's position today, if placed in ancient times, is the national teacher and imperial teacher. When the Emperor sees it, he must be respectful. " Lu Yanwu said calmly."Yes, I didn't expect that I haven't seen him for more than a year. The boss is so far away from us."

Autumn Yi Lun smile, eyes flash a lonely.

"Don't talk about it. Let's talk about things on campus."

Chen Fan waved.

When it comes to school, Qiu Yilun is obviously positive and talks about a few things in the past. The embarrassing atmosphere quickly disappears. Later, Lu Yanwu brought two antique wine jars, which were all collected by famous cellars decades ago.

It's more than 30 years old in Maotai and 50 years old in Luzhou. This is the real decades old wine.

Qiu Yilun is about to join Chen Fan in the wine world, and Chen Fan readily agrees.

Qian Lulu watched, her mind turned, and finally she could only sigh:

"elegant, after all, your eyes are more accurate than ours. You have indeed chosen a man like a dragon in the sky. But in this man's eyes, there may not be you. I'm afraid that in his eyes, we are all ordinary people. "

That night, Qiu Yilun gets drunk. Chen Fan asks the Lu family to arrange for him and Qian Lulu to live in the villa.

The next day, Qiu Yilun wakes up and asks the Lu family to know that Chen fan has left early in the morning with Xue Daisha.

"I'm leaving now?"

Qiu Yilun was in a trance.

"Forget it, Yilun. We are all ordinary people. Just live our own life. Don't think too much. Like Chen fan, he is already an immortal in the sky. " Next to Qian Lulu, soft voice advised.


Qiu Yilun was silent for a long time and nodded.


Chen fan, with Xue Daisha, has gone to the drug valley.

He had planned to go to Hong Kong Island first, but the Lu family's trip changed Chen Fan's mind.

"If you want to find such a secluded sect as the snow temple, it is estimated that only a sect like yaoshengu, which has been handed down for hundreds of years and has made a lot of friends, can be recorded. Anyway, there is a one eyed Dragon King on Hong Kong Island. He is a great man at the peak of Dharma practice. There is no divine realm. Few people can do anything about him. The Zheng family should be the most stable. I'd better go to the medicine Valley first and ask about it. "

Chen Fan thinks so.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo."

The white Ferrari 458 is galloping along the highway.

It's thousands of miles from Tiannan to Yungui, but no matter xuedaisha or chenfan, they are all masters of cultivation, and they don't eat or drink for a few days. So the speed was very fast. In less than two days, we arrived at Longshou City, where yaoshengu is located.

Yaoshengu is located in Linshan town of Longshou city.

This small town, as it leads to the medicine God Valley, often has four rich people come to ask for medicine, so it is quite lively and prosperous. But this time Chen Fan came, he found that Linshan town was very lonely.

"Father-in-law, why are there so few people?"

Chen Fan pulled a person and asked.

"Well, don't mention it. In the past year, the valley has been closed. The Taoist priests in the mountain, if they don't accept people asking for medicine, naturally no one will come to the town. " The old man, who was smoking a dry cigarette and driving a donkey cart, sighed and turned his eyes:

"look at the two young ladies, are you going to the medicine Valley to ask for medicine? Turn around quickly, or you will be shut up when you enter the mountain. "

"Closed the mountain?"

Chen fan was greatly surprised.

Yao Shengu has been handed down for hundreds of years, but it has never been sealed.

However, closing the mountain can defeat others, but not chen fan. They find a hotel, deposit Ferrari there, and then walk on the mountain road of yaoshengu.

Normal people need to walk the mountain road for two or three days.

For Chen Fan and Xue Daisha, it's easy to step over in two or three hours. Less than noon, they arrived outside the mountain city where yaoshengu is located.

"Is Mr. Chen Xianshi here?"

The guard in black outside the mountain city was shocked and screamed when he saw chen fan.

Then, as the bell rings, the whole mountain city boils. A large number of people rushed out of the city to greet Chen Fan respectfully.

"Big elder, five elder, Ms. Jingyi."

Chen Fan glanced over and found many acquaintances, just...

"eh, where's Dan Wang? Why did he come to see me? "

Chen Fan said softly.

As soon as he said this, the elder and others suddenly felt sad. Zhou Jingyi's eyes turned red and choked: "the Lord of the valley has passed away a year ago."


Chen fan was surprised.

"Tell Mr. Chen Xianshi that shortly after the news came that you were trapped in Siberia, the southwest ghost witchcraft sect joined 16 big and small witchcraft sects, such as the blood witchcraft sect and the spirit witchcraft sect, and entered the medicine valley. The Lord of the valley fought against three real people. He killed one, injured another, and forced back the Alliance forces of the witchcraft cult. However, the valley suffered a lot. The Lord of the valley died that night. I won't announce the closure until later. "

The elder sighed: "before the valley master passed away, Jingyi has been designated as the next generation of Valley master."

"Ghost sorcery?"Chen Fan's eyes narrowed and the cold light flashed.

In those years, he killed the young wizard master of the ghost sorcery cult, saved Yu Wenjing, and used the golden pupil of Lihuo to kill thousands of miles to frighten the ghost sorcery cult. I thought this sect would never come again. Unexpectedly, they took advantage of Chen Fan's feign death and united with other witches to enter the valley of medicine God, which also caused the fall of King Dan.

"It's not your fault. The Wumen have coveted our Medicine Valley for generations. They came in to capture the treasures that the old witch God of the black witch sect had left in our medicine God valley. "

The elder said again.

"Oh? What treasure? "

Chen Fan eyebrows a pick, surprised way.

PS: the first one is here. My friends are so good. We are now the fifth one. Thank you very much. The author is going to write the second one_ n) O (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!