Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 483

Who is Xue Daisha? She is a chivalrous woman with a beautiful face, a beautiful body, a white dress and a green scabbard sword. She is just like a chivalrous woman in a martial arts novel?

Qiu Zhengqing and Qian Lulu both look at Xue Daisha suspiciously.

They knew that the woman had been with Chen Fan before, but what did she mean by that? Let the Liu family kneel down and apologize, get out of Linzhou, or kill him all over the house? It's a joke.

"It's a big tone. I've been Liu Jinghong for 20 years, and no one dares to talk to me like this."

The middle-aged man with Patek Philippe's eyes turned cold and snorted angrily.

As the general manager of Jinghe real estate company, Liu Jinghong started his business by contracting foremen and mixing with construction teams, earning billions of property. In such a big Linzhou, he is No.1.

Liu Biao, the son next to him, is even more obscene. Smile:

"what kind of master, I think you read too many novels..."

unexpectedly, when Liu Biao said this, Lu Tianqiao turned pale and said: "Xiao Biao, shut up

It's too late.

Snow on behalf of Sha Mei, eyes cold, when the sound, pull out the back of the green scabbard sword:

"insult my master, die!"

A bright blue light shot from the ancient sword, across the distance of three Zhang, fiercely split Liu Biao from the waist, even into two sections. Liu Biao's eyes were still staring. He couldn't believe that this lovely girl was so deadly.

"Kill... Kill?"

Everyone around us was stunned. Qiu's wife and Qian Lulu's lips trembled.

"My God."

After xuedaisha split his sword, there was no blood on the antique sword. But there was no one who dared to belittle the girl.

What's the beauty?

This is the birth of a female killer.

"You dare to kill my son!"

Liu Jinghong's eyes are about to crack. He points to xuedaisha and roars.

At this time, he saw Lu Tianqiao bow down fiercely and said in fear: "snow fairy has put out the thunder temporarily. Please tell the immortal master. My Lu family will certainly complete the immortal master's order, and there will never be any cover up. "


Snow on behalf of sand cold hum a, return sword into scabbard, turn to leave.

"Brother in law, she killed my son, so you let her go?" Liu Jinghong jumped three feet high and cried out in disbelief.


I didn't expect that Lu Tianqiao slapped Liu Jinghong's fat face and turned half of Liu's fat face into a pig's head.

"Brother in law?"

Liu Jinghong was stunned.

He looked at the overpass in disbelief. But Lu Tianqiao's face was livid and said, "don't call me brother-in-law. I don't have your brother-in-law. Don't you kneel down and apologize to qiugongzi? Then get out of Linzhou, or no one will save your family's life. "

People around, looking at the fog, do not know why.

Even Qiu's family was stunned. I don't know how the situation suddenly turned around.

"What's the origin of Xiaoqiu's classmate? Not only was there a maid with terrible skills, but also the Lu family's high-level officials were forced to stand up for our Qiu family. "

Qiu Zheng was shocked in his pure heart.

From Liu Jinghong's address, we can see his close relationship with Lu Tianqiao. However, Lu Tianqiao turned his face and didn't recognize people. He was obviously afraid of the man behind Xue Daisha.

"Do you really want to kneel?"

Liu Jinghong also found that it was wrong, and his eyes were full of blood.

"If you don't kneel, you die." Lu Tianqiao hummed coldly. "Don't take it by chance. If the grown-up said something, not to mention Linzhou, he was looking all over Tiannan. No one dares to say a word for you. "

Liu Jinghong trembled at the words.

He knew that his brother-in-law never lied. This is really offending a big man. Thinking of this, Liu Jinghong has no chance.

"PATA!" Let's hear it.

Liu Jinghong knelt down on the ground, bit his teeth and kowtowed: "I was wrong before. Please forgive me."

Qiu Yilun stood there, his face changed, his eyes showed a complex look, and finally said: "get up, I hope you can do it yourself in the future."

Liu Jinghong got up and left.

The people behind him were frightened and followed in a hurry.

No one around to speak, autumn family eyes are complex. After a long time, Qiu Zhengqing said slowly: "Yilun, your classmate, is he a big guy from other provinces?"

Although Qiu Zhengqing said it vaguely, Qiu Yilun already understood the meaning. As soon as his face froze, he was about to reply when suddenly he saw a commotion in the middle of the hall.

With the help of Lu Yanwu, the old master of the Lu family came down the stairs on the second floor.

"Here comes the play."

A lot of people are in the spotlight.

They didn't come to the Lu family banquet to eat and drink.

It depends on what medicine the Lu family sells. Although the Lu family has been prosperous this year. However, there was a lot of killing below. I don't know how many people wanted to come up and bite a piece of Lu's meat. They just had some scruples and didn't do it."Ladies and gentlemen, this time I hastened to invite you here because I have a very distinguished guest from the Lu family. So the Lu family is holding a banquet. I want you to meet some distinguished guests. "

Lu Yan said in a clear voice.

"Meet me?"

Someone's laughing straight out.

This word is used to describe the time when subordinates visit emperors and kings. In today's China, who else is worthy of their respectful visit?


"Lu Jia's skills are poor. It seems that in recent months, under the attack of big brother, he can't support it. So I want to move some backers to scare us. But I don't know, unless there is another Lu Tianfeng from the Lu family, how can we control the whole territory of Tiannan? "

On the second floor, there were several people sitting there.

These people are very strict and look down on the wolves. One of them, with a scar on his face, laughs.

If there are people from Tiannan, they will be recognized. They are all big men who occupy all parts of Tiannan. They are not comparable to Liu Jinghong.

"Scar, don't be careless. It's said that there is one in the Lu family who can't be relied on. That one is ten times stronger than Lu Tianfeng

Led by a middle-aged man, wearing a jacket, shoes, holding beads, light way.

"Ha ha, big brother, if such a big man really comes. We naturally kneel down to beg for mercy and accept the orders of the Lu family. But it's been more than a year, and I haven't seen the great man in the legend. The Lu family has been in danger several times. I think most of them are fake. "

Scar man sneers.

When they were about to continue talking, they saw Lu Yanwu standing in line with the crowd, respectfully walking up to a young man who was banging his legs and eating peanuts.

"Is that the guest of the Lu family? A little hairy boy! The Lu family is really at a loss. "

Scar man despised it, and other Tiannan tycoons also laughed.

Only the middle-aged man, with his pupils shrinking, clenched the Buddhist beads and said:

"this is..."

"this is the most distinguished guest of the Lu family, Mr. Chen fanchen from the Chen family in Jincheng."

Lu Yanwu turns his head and introduces them in a loud voice.

"Chen family in Jincheng, chen fan?"

The middle-aged man was stunned. With a click, the precious Buddhist beads, worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, fell to the ground. He didn't respond at all. He was as numb as a cucumber.

"Jincheng Chen family, what's the origin of this?"

Qiu Zhengqing is very confused.

He turned his head and saw a similar look of surprise on everyone's faces.

"I've heard of the Chen family in Jincheng, which is known as the largest family in the south of the Yangtze River. But what's the matter with Tiannan province? As for inviting you here so solemnly? And he's a child of three generations. If the master of the Chen family comes, he is barely qualified. "

Many people frown and feel that the Lu family is making a mountain out of a molehill.

More people shake their heads and sneer, thinking that the Lu family has become less and less useful since the death of Lu Tianfeng.

When someone wanted to make a mockery, he suddenly heard a cry of surprise:

"is it Chen beixuan, General Chen?"

When this sound came, the whole venue was boiling, and many well-informed people who had already vaguely known about the affairs of CNOOC were shocked and exclaimed:

"what? Chen beixuan

"It seems that it's really general Chen. I've seen a picture of General Chen. It's really like this."

"My God, General Chen arrived in Linzhou. It's really brilliant. The Lu family has a great face. Please move general Chen. "

When most people were confused, a group of people had already rushed up to Chen Fan and saluted him respectfully. Even the leaders of the top families in Linzhou, who had been sitting on the high platform and drinking tea with their cups, were calm and calm. At this time, they smashed the cups and climbed down from the second floor, saying:

"come on, come on, follow me to see Mr. Chen Xianshi."

For a moment, the whole Lu family formed a huge whirlpool with Chen Fan as the center. Countless dignitaries, celebrities and ladies rushed to the bus fare man one after another.

Only Qiu Zhengqing, who is at a lower level, can't figure out what to do, and fiercely pull over a humanitarian: "Mr. Ming, who is general Chen? He looks very powerful?"

"Ha ha, it's more than powerful. It's a big man in the sky. There is only one person in the world Mr. Ming wanted to get rid of Qiu Zhengqing, so he suddenly thought of something and said with a smile:

"Zhengqing, you seem to know general Chen."

"Well, he and my son are classmates." Qiu Zheng counted and nodded.

"Oh, dear." General manager Ming slapped his thigh fiercely and cried, "why didn't you tell me earlier about this relationship? I'll tell you, your autumn family is going to be prosperous. In the future, with General Chen in Linzhou and even Tiannan, who dares to provoke your autumn family? "


All the people in Qiu's family were stunned.

Only Qiu Yilun vaguely knows Chen Fan's identity. He looks at the young man surrounded by people, just like the stars holding the moon. Suddenly, he has a feeling in his heart.I'm afraid that in his life, he will be far away from Chen fan.

And the middle-aged man standing on the second floor, with a long sigh, stood up and said, "brothers, follow me downstairs to see General Chen. After today, Tiannan belongs to the Lu family. I can't resist any more. "

Scar and others looked at each other and asked, "brother, who is general Chen?"

"Hey, you'd better not know." The middle-aged man's eyes showed reverence: "as long as you know, he is a big man that we can't provoke in our life, a real big man!"

PS: the fourth is O (n)_ n) O (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!