Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 482

With this call, chen fan looks up and finds that it's her roommate Qiu Yilun, with a smile on her face:

"Yilun, Lulu, long time no see."

"I said that the boss is OK. With his magic power, how can something happen?" Qiu Yilun runs over excitedly and hammers Chen Fan hard.

Chen Fan smiles and takes back the Qi to protect his body, otherwise Qiu Yilun's hand bones will be broken.

"Boss, why are you in Linzhou? After coming back, don't tell us, who is this beauty Autumn Yi Lun side says, the vision swept to stand behind chen fan, white dress bear sword of snow on behalf of sand. There was a trace of suspicion in his eyes.

"Her name is cheddar." Chen Fan said casually, then asked: "how is the school? I've been busy since I came back. I didn't have time to go to my bedroom to have a look. "

When he asked this, Qiu Yi sighed:

"since you disappeared, the eldest martial brother has gone back to his hometown in the north, never to return. By the way, he took Liu Xiaojing with him. My father also called me back to participate in family affairs. I didn't go back to college in this year. Now it's estimated that only the second elder martial brother is still studying in school. "

Qiu Yilun says so, chen fan is not surprised.

Jincheng business school is just a third rate undergraduate. It was because of the conflict with his family that king sun of Qi went to study in the south.

Now the contradiction has been lifted and the family has naturally returned to harmony. Although Qiu Yilun's family is not as powerful as the Qi family, it is also a rich family. How can he care about a three business school? Just go back and get a certificate when you graduate.

"No wonder."

Chen Fan nodded.

He killed a lot in Jincheng. According to the truth, the king of Qi sun and Qiu Yilun should have known to come to him, but they had already left Jincheng.

"By the way, chen fan, do you still have contact with Qingya?"

Qian Lulu broke in with a trace of pride in her eyes.

Now she is half an autumn daughter-in-law, and her status is naturally different. When Qian Lulu left, the Chen family was still in turmoil. When Qian Lulu looks at chen fan, she is naturally a little condescending.

"Zhou Qingya?"

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

I think of the girl who took me to buy clothes and do hair twice.

"Well, I've been waiting for you for more than a year. She didn't even look at you when you came back. I don't think elegance is worth it. It's easy to find a big family childe by virtue of his elegant family background and appearance. "

Qian Lulu was dissatisfied.

"Lulu! Don't say it

Qiu Yilun quickly interrupts.

Qian Lulu and other girls are obliterated by Chen fan.

But Qiu Yilun remembers that his roommate is the famous master Chen of Jiangbei and the 10 billion rich man on Hong Kong Island. Needless to say, before king sun of Qi left, he also vaguely revealed that Chen fan had a bigger background and was a real big shot.

"Why don't I? Qingya is my best friend. I watched her delay day by day. How precious is a girl's youth, do you know? I can't afford to delay. Chen fan, if you don't love elegance, refuse her face to face and let her die sooner or later. "

Qian Lulu sneered.

Chen Fan frowned and didn't speak at last.

Zhou Qingya, for example, has met countless people in his 500 years of previous life. If everyone likes him, beixuan xianzun will be in his arms. I'm afraid his lover is enough to occupy a whole planet. And he can't go to the top of the universe in five hundred years without any distractions.

Seeing the stiff atmosphere, Qiu Yilun quickly changed the topic and said, "boss, you haven't said how to come to Linzhou. Another Lu family dinner? Lu's banquet is not for ordinary people. I came in thanks to my father. "

"Oh, I've been with the Lu family for a long time. I've come to visit my friends."

Chen Fan said lightly.


Qian Lulu snorted, as if disdaining.

The real bigwigs have basically gone to the banquet center. Like Chen fan, those who hide in the corner and eat buffet are mostly from different families or come in to see the world by rubbing invitation cards.

But she didn't know that old Master Lu and Lu Yanwu wanted to accompany chen fan. Chen Fan thought they were in trouble and they were all bombed away.

"Boss..." when Qiu Yilun was about to continue to say something, a voice came from the side: "Yilun, why are you here. Eh, you're not Yilun's classmate. What's your name again? "

A middle-aged couple came over with a wine glass. One of them pointed to Chen Fan and was surprised.

"Dad, this is my dormitory boss, chen fan."

Qiu Yilun is embarrassed.

"Yes, chen fan, I remember."

Qiu Zhengqing pats his head, but his eyes just sweep past chen fan and fall on Qiu Yilun: "Yilun, please follow me. Dad will introduce you to a big man of the Lu family. That's the top five in the Lu family, second only to the old master and Lu Dong. "

Finish saying, no matter autumn Yi Lun a face is stunned, pull him to walk.Autumn Yi Lun helpless, can only to Chen Fan apology smile.

After waiting for the autumn family to leave, chen fan shook his head.

Such as Qiu Yilun and Qiu Zhengqing, they are only ordinary rich people after all. Although they have more than ten billion yuan, they are far from contacting the upper class power in the world. Otherwise, even if you don't know chen fan, you should have heard his name.

But Chen fan is too lazy to pay attention to these.

After he was ready to attend the dinner, he left Linzhou and went to yaoshengu. By the way, I'd like to visit Zhuque. What's the existence of the snow palace.

"Ice spirit is hard to see from its appearance. That Taoist should see through. This insight is very rare in the secular world. Is it possible that this snow temple has preserved some Taoist traditions handed down from ancient times? "

Chen fan is thinking.


Suddenly, in the center of the party, there was a loud noise. There is also the noise of falling glasses and crying girls. Chen Fan frowned and looked over. The crowd was too crowded to see clearly.

But Chen Fan couldn't help it. His mind was released and covered the whole audience in an instant.


Chen fan was surprised. He didn't expect that Qiu Yilun, who had just left, knew him.

At this time, Qiu Yilun is looking at a group of people fiercely. While Qian Lulu hides behind Qiu Yilun in a mess. Her luxurious evening dress is torn, revealing a lot of spring / light.

"What do you mean, boss Liu?"

Qiu Zhengqing asked with an iron face.

Opposite Qiu's family, a group of men and women are standing. The leader is a middle-aged man with rich fortune and a bright face, wearing Patek Philippe watch. Beside the man, there is a young man who is eager to try and has a strong breath.

"Hum, your son's girlfriend bumped into my wife and refused to apologize. It's light to beat him up."

Boss Liu gave a sneer.

Qiu Zhengqing's eyebrows jump.

In the upper class, people pay attention to harmony and wealth. They can't look up and look down. How can you start because you hit someone? It's clearly Liu. He's pretending revenge.

"Liu Jinghong, it's our Qiushi group that robbed your land. As for bullying children? If you had the ability, you would have quoted 10 million more in the tender document at that time! "

Mrs. Qiu stood up and pointed at the middle-aged man.


Autumn is clear smell speech, suddenly face a change.

Liu Jinghong and his Qiujia are both senior managers of real estate companies in Linzhou. Before a commercial block bidding, Qiu Zhengqing robbed, Liu Jinghong natural heart not angry, from time to time to find Qiu family trouble. However, most of Qiu Zhengqing people suffered humiliation and gave in, mainly because they were afraid of Liu Jinghong, who stepped on black and white. There were people in the underground world, and it was even said that they had relations with the Lu family.

Although Qiu Zhengqing didn't say this, chen fan knew it vaguely from the whispering around.

"Mr. Lu, you have to do justice to our Qiu family."

Mrs. Qiu turns her head and looks at the overpass standing on one side.

Lu Tianqiao is also a member of the Lu family's "Tian" generation. He is of the same generation as Lu Tianfeng and has little power in the Lu family. Just now, Qiu Zhengqing brought Qiu Yilun to meet him.

But at this time, Lu Tianqiao even closed his eyes and looked like it was none of his business.

All of a sudden, Qiu's family was cold.

"Madam Qiu, if you don't have evidence to say something, it's slander. In this way, your son just hit my son. Now let him kneel down and apologize. How about we expose this? "

Liu Jinghong said with a smile.

"I kneel down and apologize to him? I Pooh

Autumn Yi Lun spits out a saliva with blood, mercilessly way.

"Boy, it seems that beating you just now is not enough. Do you want to beat you again?"

Liu Jinghong's son grins grimly and moves his wrist. He is five big three rough, full of flesh, legend has practiced boxing and martial arts. He once played underground black boxing. He had dozens of thugs under him, who specialized in handling chores for the Liu family. It is said that there were still lives on his hands.

Autumn Yi Lun see, immediately pupil a shrink.

Qian Lulu is anxious to hold his clothes, death will not let him out.

"President Lu!"

Qiu Zhengqing also calm face, slightly anxious to look at the overpass.

At this time, Lu Tianqiao narrowed his eyes slightly and said feebly, "let me deal with the younger generation's affairs. I'm sorry. What a big deal. Mr. Qiu, you'd better not interfere. "

As soon as Lu Tianqiao said this, Liu Jinghong and others burst into laughter, and a trace of despair appeared on the faces of all the people in the autumn family.

"It's a game. I'm deliberately trapped."

Autumn is clear in the heart, such as falling to the bottom of the valley.

No wonder he is not qualified to attend the dinner party of the Lu family, so he just received the invitation. Now it seems that it is Liu Jinghong and Lu Tianqiao who have joined hands to make the arrangement.

Now in front of the whole upper class of Linzhou.

Whether Qiu Yilun is beaten or kneels down to beg for mercy, it will make Qiu's family look disgraced. I'm afraid that they will never have the face to hang out in Linzhou's three-tier circle again."Dad, I'll go."

Qiu Yilun bites his teeth and is about to stand out.

At this time, a voice came from the side:

"my master said," let the Liu family kneel down to apologize to the Qiu family, and then get out of Linzhou. Let's do it. Otherwise, the whole family will be killed. "

Everyone was surprised, looked up to play in the past, to see a clean peerless, white sword girl, curl.

And Qiu Yilun blurted out: "snow on sand?"

PS: the third one is presented, and the author continues to write the fourth one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!