Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 481

It has been several decades since we were promoted to the divine realm, and the earth is one person.

But Chen fan is able to help people into the spirit, which is simply unheard of, never seen. Only in myths and legends, when the ancient immortals enlightened the mortals, there were similar deeds. What Chen fan has done, the implication behind it is terrifying.

"Father, son / grandson are wrong."

Hua Qingxiong and others bow down and kowtow sincerely.

"The master is an immortal. He has been relegated to the world. As his disciple, I want to help him protect his foundation and never allow others to interfere."

Hua Yunfeng stroked his sleeve.


Hua Qingxiong and others responded solemnly.

They're all hot in their hearts. The Chinese family has a divine realm, which can reproduce the grand occasion of a hundred years ago. As for the Lin family, they were not afraid at all. No matter how strong the Lin family is, can they fight against the two gods at the same time?


when the Chinese people were ecstatic.

Chen fan has been sitting on the Ferrari, driving on the highway to Linzhou. With Hua Yunfeng in CNOOC, he doesn't need to worry about his family being bullied. Lin Shuming, the guardian of the divine realm, had to be afraid.

"Family affairs have gone. It's time for me to go out and look for opportunities and see my old friends."

He thought quietly.

Lu's sisters in Linzhou, Yao Shengu, Zheng's family in Hong Kong Island, Yu Wenjing in Southwest China, a Xiu in Zhongzhou, and Xu Rongfei, who lost her father and was studying in Yanjing. They all have something to do with Chen fan. After Chen Fan disappeared for a year, they must also be under great pressure.

"I hope they are all safe, otherwise..."

there is a chill in Chen Fan's eyes.

Linzhou is very close to Zhonghai. It's almost an hour to Linzhou city. Both xuedaisha and Ferrari are very attractive. They have many comers.

Ferrari went all the way, followed the navigation, and drove to lujiazhuangyuan by the West Lake.

"A century old family."

Chen Fan got out of the car, looked at the door of the bronze tripod, slightly sighed.

At that time, he was here, killing Lu Tianfeng, and became famous all over the world. Lei qianjue is also carrying this tripod, step by step into the door of the Lu family, frightening the whole Lu family.

Now the bronze tripod is still there, but the old man has passed away.

Even the strength of Lei qianjue is not worth mentioning in Chen Fan's eyes. However, Lei qianjue's martial will is still remembered by Chen Fanming. It can be said that he has the most perseverance and potential since his rebirth. In Xiuxian star, he is not necessarily a giant.

"What are you doing? No parking at the gate of the Lu family. Who are you... Mr. Chen? "

Lu Dayong came out lazily.

He is saying, fierce see Chen fan, suddenly a Leng, the whole person is silly.

Although two years have passed, chen fan's appearance has hardly changed. How can Lu Dayong forget when he saw Chen Fan kill Lu Tianfeng?

"Brother Yong, what Mr. Chen?"

Other security guards also went out yawning. When they saw chen fan, they were all dumbfounded.

"Are Lu Yanxue and Lu Yanwu still there?"

Chen Fanping asked.

"Yes, Miss Yanwu is still there, but the owner of Yanxue's family..."

Lu Dayong quickly bowed himself and agreed, but there was a trace of hesitation on his face.

"What happened to Lu Yanxue?"

Chen Fan frowned and went straight into the door. Lu Dayong didn't dare to stop him. He called the middle and high level of his family. Soon, the whole Lu family became a sensation, and countless Lu family members poured out of the room to witness the legendary mythical figure.

"Chen beixuan, is Chen beixuan really here?"

"No mistake. I saw it with my own eyes. It's the same as two years ago."

"This is the list of gods. The myth of an enemy country is the biggest backer of our Lu family."

They all marveled and admired each other.

With the help of Lu Yanwu, the old master of the Lu family welcomed him, bowed his head and said, "the Lu family have come to see Chen Xianshi. May the immortal master's magic power last for thousands of years."

"They're all old friends. There's no need to be polite. What about Yan Xueren? Why don't you come to see me? "

Chen Fan waved his hand.

"This..." Lu family old master slightly hesitated, or Lu Yanwu respectfully said: "Chen Xianshi, please come into the room and sit down. We will talk about this matter with you slowly."


Chen Fan nodded.

After everyone enters the hall and takes a seat, Lu Yanwu retreats. Only she, old Master Lu, chen fan and Xue Daisha are left in the hall. Lu Yanwu sighs: "after you disappeared for about half a year, Yan Xue was taken away by a passing woman."


Chen Fan's eyes narrowed and the cold light showed.

As we all know, Linzhou Lujia is the patron of Chen fan. Lu Yanxue is a woman in his name. To move her is to offend chen fan, a contemporary myth. Who dares to bear the fury of a myth?"The woman was dressed in a Taoist robe and spoke with an ancient voice. I'm afraid she came from a Taoist sect that has been hidden for a long time. At a glance, she says that Yanxue has the ice spirit root which is rare for thousands of years. It is the seed that they dream of in the snow palace. " Lu Yanwu looked down and said.

"Are you going to let her take the owner?"

Chen Fan snorted coldly, and suddenly the temperature in the whole courtyard dropped.

"Immortal master, forgive me." Mr. Lu's face changed and he bowed down in a hurry. Lu Yanwu also said with a bitter smile:

"we have to have it ourselves. At that time, you have been missing for a long time. There happened to be an enemy of the Lu family. The great master Xiucheng came to seek revenge. We Lu family could not resist. As a result, as soon as the Taoist appeared, she showed a trace of anger and scared away the master. She promised to protect the Lu family, but Yan Xue decided to leave with her. "

"Even..." Lu Yanxue's eyes showed a trace of surprise: "later, we analyzed that Taoist might be a great master or a higher... Divine realm!"

"Snow palace? Female Taoist? "The divine realm?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a look of thinking.

One hundred years ago, there were only a few divine realms. It's easy to count the old and the dead. However, in Chen Fan's opinion, he has never heard of a sect in China called snow temple, which is a woman in the divine realm.

"Well, since I'm taking him to be a disciple, it should be OK for the time being. I'll ask the rosefinch in two days."

Chen Fan frowned and finally opened the way.

There was a vague guess in his mind. I'm afraid that Taoist woman has taken a fancy to Lu Yanxue's constitution.

After he washed his hair and cut marrow, Lu Yanxue had already possessed the strangeness of a half ice spirit, and was extremely close to ice and snow. Once she stepped into the road of cultivation, she would be a thousand miles away.

I'm afraid this is the "binglinggen" in the Taoist population. The cultivation seeds like this will be very well protected.

"Immortal master, you've come all the way. Please allow us to treat you. If Yan Xue comes back, we will tell her your concern. "

Seeing that Chen Fan seemed to have the intention to get up, old Master Lu said in a hurry.

Chen Fan frowned and nodded:


Old Master Lu's face suddenly showed a look of joy, and said: "Yan Wu, you should immediately be responsible for arranging the banquet and distributing the invitation cards to invite all the dignified families in Tiannan. Especially those who are not paid by our Lu family, we should pay more attention to them. "

Chen fan was silent.

He knew the meaning of the Lu family, and wanted to use his name to deter the people in Tiannan. However, since he promised Lu Yanxue that she would be safe and happy for the rest of her life, but now he has not completed the oath, naturally there is a trace of guilt in his heart.


the Lu family in Linzhou is a famous family in Tiannan.

The whole underground world of Tiannan is almost completely controlled by the Lu family. Without the Great Master Lu Tianfeng, the Lu family holds Chen Fan's thigh again, and it is still flourishing.

Just after Lu Yanxue's disappearance, many people are questioning whether there is any relationship between the Lu family and Chen fan. Old Master Lu wanted to hold a banquet anxiously and announce it to Tiannan people. The myth of the time still protects the Lu family.

Soon, the sun set and the dinner was held.

Although the invitation was sent out in a hurry, the Lu family was indeed the Lu family. At the gate of the manor, there was a rapid uproar of people. The whole parking lot is full of luxury cars with photos taken in various cities.

"Mr. Dong, you are coming to the dinner party, too."

"Yes, I don't know what the Lu family is up to. They just sent out an invitation at noon, saying that some big people are coming. I pushed several banquets before I came here. If the Lu family deceives me, they will never be spared in the future? "

People who know each other talk at the door.

More important people, then the city government is very deep, calm and self-confident, want to see what gourds the Lu family sells.

"Dad, mom, come on. It's a dinner party for the Lu family in Linzhou. It's rare for the Lu family to hold it. "

A tall, handsome and sunny young man got off from a BMW and turned around and cried.

"It's coming, it's coming."

A Mercedes stopped behind and walked out of a couple. The men wear tailored suits, and the women are elegant. Obviously, they have an extraordinary family background. Although they are in their 40s, they still want to be a 30-year-old woman.

"Yilun, don't be rude. How can you take over your father's business in the future?"

The middle-aged woman scolded, but the corner of her eye swept to another pretty girl who stepped down from the BMW.

"Mom and dad."

The pretty girl came up and whispered.


The middle-aged woman snorted and didn't answer. But the middle-aged man waved his hand: "let's go, but Yilun and Lulu, you two should be confident and pay more attention to your words and deeds after you go in. At the dinner party of the Lu family, the guests are all big people who stomp their feet and shake the south of the sky. They are all bigger than your father. If you mess with them, I can't protect you. "

"Yes, Dad."

The beautiful men and women in BMW are Chen Fan's roommate Qiu Yilun and his girlfriend Qian lulu.It was June and July, and Jincheng business school had already had its summer vacation. So Qiu Yilun took his girlfriend home to play. Just looking at Qiu Yilun's mother's appearance, he is very dissatisfied with Qian lulu.

Qian Lulu also behaved cautiously and tried to be a wealthy daughter-in-law.

Soon, the feast began.

Qiu Yilun and Qian Lulu are strolling around with their glasses. Suddenly, he glanced at the man sitting in the corner, who was eating the steak. He could not help but exclaim in surprise:

"boss?" (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!