Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 480

"What's the matter?"

Manager Xu asked casually.

Last night, he slept in his mistress's house all night. In order to be afraid of his wife, he turned off his cell phone.

When director Hong was about to speak, he saw manager Xu smile again: "director he, director Xiao, director Wu, you are also here."

When he saw manager Xu get close to him, director Hong thought about it, but in the end he didn't speak.

Manager Xu said hello with a smile on his face, only to find that everyone seemed to be in low spirits and worried.

"What's the matter? Are you worried about the Jinxiu phase III project? It's OK. Today, we'll try to persuade the chairman not to listen to the child's nonsense and apologize to the Ji family. The problem is over... "

manager Xu scolds Fang Qiu.

Everyone looked at him with a pair of crazy eyes, but manager Xu was intoxicated in his fantasy and didn't realize it. As he was saying this, he suddenly saw two beautiful women, big and small, wearing gray professional skirts and high heels, "dada" coming.

As soon as the two beauties appeared, the whole Jinxiu building was quiet.

All the staff dare not give out some of the atmosphere, and the front desk beauties are straight.

It's Wang Xiaoyun and Anya.

"The chairman of the board is here, just in time to tell her..."

when manager Xu was about to speak.

Then I saw director he, director Xiao and others, with an unprecedented respectful smile on their faces. Like a dog, they came to Wang Xiaoyun and tried their best to flatter him:

"the chairman is more and more beautiful."

"Assistant Ann's Chanel suit is refined and ten times more beautiful than my daughter."

"We Jinxiu have the chairman of the board, assistant an and the prince. That's the first place in China."

Seeing those stomping in the company, the whole high-level people of Jinxiu are shocked. They are fawning on Wang Xiaoyun and Anya. Manager Xu was stunned.

You know, executives like them have a very important position in a company. Even the chairman of the board has to rely on them, and even give them shares. If you are not satisfied with your work, you can change jobs at any time. You need to flatter the leaders like a small employee.

"Go up at once and get ready for the meeting."

Wang Xiaoyun has a straight face and a serious temperament.


Many senior executives and directors, just like Xiaobing, stand up in an instant and do not squint when they hear the order of the chief executive.

They are in the eyes of manager Xu can not believe, obediently line up, one by one into the elevator, from the beginning to the end a word does not say, the action of agile. Let Xu Jing ideal to his son in primary school, see the teacher is also like this.

"What's going on?"

Manager Xu is full of questions, but it's hard to ask when you look at the serious colleagues around.

All the way up, manager Xu found that the employees, when they met Wang Xiaoyun, were more respectful than usual. It's usually called "Wang Dong." Now respectfully called "chairman", but also bowed and bent down, Wang Xiaoyun out of dozens of meters, just dare to raise his head.

Wang Xiaoyun is just like the queen who inspects the territory.

When she got to the conference room, she quickly held a high-level meeting.


Manager Xu cleared his throat and was ready to put forward his own opinions when he urged Wang Xiaoyun to surrender to the Ji family. Then Mr. Xiao stood up with a slap, holding the document in his hand and said respectfully:

"Chairman, Dongcheng District government has just called me. All the inspections of Jinxiu phase III project have been completed and all of them are qualified. They urged us to start work immediately, strive for an early opening, and set a new record for Dongcheng District real estate. "


As soon as manager Xu's eyes bulged, he almost spat out a mouthful of water.

Then, director he also stood up:

"Chairman, the leaders of Dongcheng District told me privately that Ji family had been behind the scenes in the past, and they knew they were wrong. I want to come in and apologize. "

"Will Dongcheng district leaders come to apologize?"

Manager Xu is just like listening to a myth. As a superior leader, when do you want to apologize to an enterprise boss? What's wrong with the world?

But this is just the beginning.

"Chairman, the president of Dongcheng group called in person and wanted to develop Jinxiu phase IV community with us. They are willing to pay in advance, as long as we hang the name, then the share will be divided by 37. They are three, we are seven. "

"Chairman, Shi Hongyi, CEO of Honghai group, is waiting for you in the reception hall. He has been waiting for two hours since 6:00 in the morning..."

"Chairman, Mr. Zhou wants to invite you tonight, accompanied by several vice presidents and leaders of China Shipping government..."

manager Xu is completely numb at this time.

Dongcheng group, which is one of the top ten companies in CNOOC, is the head of Ning family in CNOOC, Ning Chengdong. At this time, they are willing to cooperate with Jinxiu, and they only get 30% of the money. This is to send money to Jinxiu.As for Shi Hongyi, the richest man in China, he came early in the morning, waiting for Wang Xiaoyun to meet him.

As for Mr. Zhou, he is a retired leader. He used to be in charge of CNOOC, but now he is old-fashioned and old-fashioned all over China. But it's a formal banquet for Wang Xiaoyun...

"what's going on here? I must be crazy... '

manager Xu sat there dumbfounded, silent, like a stone carving.

"I see."

Wang Xiaoyun slightly forehead, calm and calm, continue the meeting.

After the meeting, many senior officials immediately got up and bowed to send Wang Xiaoyun and Anya away. A few minutes after the two beauties left, they slowly straightened up.

"Hoo, the chairman has finally left."

"Lao Hong, you don't know. The chairman was here just now. My heart was almost beating."

"The chairman is more and more dignified now, but it's also good that we Jinxiu have the prince as the backing. Who dares to be the enemy of Jinxiu in such a big Zhonghai?"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and said to each other.

Only manager Xu was full of doubts and asked, "what's the matter, gentlemen? Is Wang Dong really a member of the royal family in Yanjing? Wang Zhongguo's illegitimate daughter? "

"Hey, we don't know if Wang Dong is the Wang family. But her son, that's a big shot. Lao Xu, you didn't go to Huajia villa in bajingshan last night. You missed a good play. "

Director Hong shook his head.

"Ah? Her son? "

Manager Xu was stunned: "what's the origin of that lazy dandy like little boy? Hold up, let him make money, make tens of millions. Be an official, be a section chief, and be a lieutenant in the marching team? "

"Ha ha."

Director Hong gave a sneer.

Xiao shook his head and sighed: "Lao Xu, you have eyes and don't know Mount Tai. Our prince, who is not exposed to the public, is earth shaking. Come on, let me tell you something about last night... "

when manager Xu heard what happened on bajingshan, he was already stupid.

"Major general Canglong? Contemporary myth? CIA God list? With an enemy country... My God, is this still human? "

At this time, he finally knew why everyone was so awed by Wang Xiaoyun.

There is such a son of a super strong man who is a country and is ready to kill people. Jinxiu is more stable than Mount Tai. What can be more reliable than a contemporary myth?

As for the Ji family, manager Xu has completely ignored it.

Can the Zhonghai family in district one be compared with myth?


it's just at the moment when scenes are staged in Jinxiu building.

Chen fan has taken xuedaisha out of Huajia villa. Hua Yunfeng led his disciples, children and subordinates to take Chen fan to the foot of the mountain. Finally, after Chen Fan got on the bus, he bowed respectfully:

"to the teacher."

Cheng Danqing, Hua Qingxiong and others all knelt down.

Until Chen Fan left for a long time, Hua Yunfeng slowly straightened up.

But Hua Qingxiong got up from the ground, flicked the dust, and said: "Dad, no matter he is a myth of the time, we don't have to be so respectful? You are also the fourth great master in the list of heaven, only half a step away from the divine realm. But it's outrageous to take him as a teacher. "

"Yes, grandfather, he worships you as his teacher."

Huayuan lake, the third generation son of the Chinese family, is also slightly dissatisfied.

"Son of a bitch! Your ancestors are so powerful that they have been relegated to the world. In fact, can you guess how to despise humiliation? When everyone goes back, they will be punished for kneeling in the ancestral hall for one day and not allowed to eat. "

Hua Yunfeng smell speech, facial expression a change, scold a way.

Hua Qingxiong and Huayuan lake and others, with their lips wriggling for a while, did not dare to disobey Hua Yunfeng's orders, but reluctantly responded:


Hua Yunfeng saw that their eyes were full of Jie resentment and doubts.

So he frowned and held back his subordinates, leaving only a few core Chinese children and high-level officials. He took them all the way to the pavilion in the middle of the mountain and said with his back hand:

"do you think it's wrong to ask you to kneel for your father?"

"I dare not."

Hua Qingxiong and others answered, but it was clearly written that they were wrong.


Hua Yunfeng gave a cold hum.

He went to the edge of the cliff, stepped out, and even stepped out of the cliff. When many Chinese families were shocked, they suddenly found that Hua Yunfeng was stepping on the void, just like stepping on an invisible ladder.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Hua Yunfeng steps on the sea of clouds and defends the wind with emptiness, just like an immortal.

"Is this... Is this..."

Hua Qingxiong and others were stunned, and an idea suddenly appeared in their hearts."Yes, the teacher has been in the divine realm last night and become a myth of the world."

Cheng Danqing said in the side, eyes complex, seems to think of something.

"Congratulations on my father's devotion to the Chinese family. From then on, I hope to prosper."

Hua Qingxiong fell to the ground in excitement, shaking all over. Huayuan lake and others are also ecstatic.

"I've been practicing hard for my father for nearly a hundred years, but I still can't take that step. But yesterday, with the help of master Chen, he was absorbed in the spirit one day, you said. This is Shizu. Should you call him

Hua Yunfeng sighed.


Hua Qingxiong and others were shocked when they heard the speech.

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one , the fastest update of the webnovel!