Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 479

"Hoo Hoo."

The fierce aura converged from all directions. Under the guidance of Chen fan, it turned into an almost translucent funnel visible to the naked eye and poured into the top of Hua Yunfeng's head. Huge whirlwind, spread to the surrounding, stirred the sea of clouds are churning.


Both xuedaisha and Cheng Danqing were forced to retreat by the hurricane, and finally they left the pavilion. Chen fan and Hua Yunfeng are wrapped in the Pavilion by the vast aura storm, just like they are in a fairyland.

"Run the skill, keep your mind and mind, and have no other thoughts!"

Chen Fan yelled.

Hua Yunfeng is worthy of being an old master. Although he began to be frightened, he quickly gathered up his mind and restored a state of mind like water. And in accordance with the inner strength mental method handed down by the Chinese family, it runs over and over again.

The divine realm and the transformed realm.

The biggest difference is that the divine realm condenses the spiritual power into yin and God, and begins to communicate with heaven and earth and touch the level of heaven and man. Every move has the power of heaven and earth. Don't break this barrier. Chemical weapons can only rely on their own strength.

Human resources are poor, and the power of heaven and earth is infinite.

Therefore, it is here that the divine realm regards all living beings as ants. If it wasn't for Chen Fan's reincarnation, he would have been the most powerful master, and he would not have suffered a blow from the divine realm.

"La la la

With aura pouring in from the top of the head, the inner strength of Huayun peak is running at a high speed, forming a big circle around the sky.

One circle, two circles and three circles

with each revolution, his inner strength grows by one point, and Hua Yunfeng is surprised to find out. I may have to work hard for several days or even more than ten days. The growth is not as good as the present quarter of an hour.

Soon, the inner strength of Huayun peak was booming, and it was about to burst out.

"Immortal master, it's almost the limit."

Hua Yunfeng said anxiously.

How terrible is the inner strength of his hundred years of hard work. Just like Wu Gonghong, it is not the inner strength that is far away from the divine realm, but the spiritual realm is not enough. Therefore, no matter how powerful the inner strength is, it is impossible to gather the spirit and achieve the martial arts realm.


Chen Fan drinks lightly, the bright god awn rises suddenly from his eyes and pours into the body of Hua Yunfeng.

After the completion of Shenhai, how terrible is Chen Fan's mind? Once it's released, it's enough to cover a radius of 30 kilometers. Now, even if only a small part of it is injected into Huayun Feng's body, Huayun Feng feels trembling all over, his brain swells, and his soul seems to explode.

"Open it for me!"

Chen Fan didn't use any other means at all and didn't teach Hua Yunfeng any skills. It's just that Hua Yunfeng's spirit and soul are crudely condensed into a ball, just like he Mian, squeezing to create a spirit.

For beixuan xianzun, it's just a small matter. Chen fan knows the importance of it. It won't happen at all. It's just suffering Hua Yunfeng.

How fragile the soul is.

Chen Fan seems to be carrying a big hammer and beating him to death. Suddenly Hua Yunfeng felt a burst of pain. It was as if the whole body had been torn into countless pieces and then repaired.

But in a moment, a spirit prototype was formed in Huayun peak.


As soon as Chen Fan drinks, he presses his palm on the top of Hua Yunfeng's head, and the huge Zhenyuan enters. Merge into the body of Hua Yunfeng, take his inner strength to walk a circle.

This cycle has only been modified by Chen fan.

But after a circle of cultivation, Hua Yunfeng felt as if he had broken some tricks. The inner force became lively and faintly beating. It seemed to be luring each other with the huge vitality of the outside world.

"Drive again!"

With a wave of Chen Fan's air, the true Qi condenses and turns into 36 Qi needles. Fiercely inserted in the 36 hidden acupoints of Huayun peak.

"Nine spirit needling, stimulate potential!"

These 36 acupoints and orifices are all related to the most mysterious functions of the human body, which can stimulate potential, develop Qi and blood, and stimulate life. In this moment, Hua Yunfeng's life suddenly burned up, his blood soared, and almost turned into the sun visible to the naked eye, just like in his prime of life.

"Essence, Qi and spirit are in one. Today, I'll help you to be absorbed

Chen Fan burst to drink, a fierce volley grasp.


Hua Yunfeng's real strength, Qi and blood, and spirit were instantly combined into one, and a translucent figure appeared in his sea of knowledge. His hair and beard were black, just like a 30-year-old, and his face was exactly what Hua Yunfeng looked like when he was young.


When this Yin God condenses and forms that moment.

A red light column thick and thin of thumb shot out from the top of Huayun peak and shot into the sky. Taking the pavilion as the center, the sea of clouds with a radius of 100 meters around it is like a cloud cover. And quickly dyed red by the light column. From a distance, it's like a cloud burning with fire.

"Condense gas to form a column and cover a hundred meters, which is the symbol of enchantment in legend."

Cheng Danqing was stunned, his lips trembled, and his face was dull.Xuedaisha, next to her, disdained to glance at her, with a trace of contempt in her eyes: "you haven't seen my master fall in love. When the ancestor of time had a bowl with a thick mouth, a thousand meters of crown, and a cloud like crown, how could it be compared now?"

Before Cheng Danqing could react, he saw a long cry from Zhonghua Yunfeng in the pavilion:

"life and death have a destiny. Today, I am in the state of God!"

Howling vibration kilometers, is around the sea of clouds are scattered by the earthquake.

With that, Hua Yunfeng opened his eyes and bowed to Chen Fan's head:

"disciple Hua Yunfeng, see you! Master Xie helped his disciples to enter the spirit. I will never forget his kindness. "


Cheng Danqing gaped and couldn't believe it.

Hua Yun kneels down respectfully, even if he can feel the huge power in his body, which is several times stronger than before, and he can use the power of heaven and earth to communicate with each other at any time.

But the more so, Hua Yunfeng's awe of Chen fan is deeper and deeper.

Help people to be absorbed!

What's the concept?

Hua Yunfeng has been stuck in the peak of Huajing for 30 years. He can't make any progress. He even thought that there was no hope for the divine realm all his life. And how many people like him are there on earth? There are almost a lot of people on the dark list.

However, chen fan moulded his spirit, strengthened his inner strength and stimulated his body. Push him into the divine realm in one breath, and look relaxed, without any effort.

This represents Chen Fan's strength, even more than ten times that of him, and his realm has reached a level beyond Hua Yunfeng's imagination.

"What's more, Mr. Chen Xian may not know that when he just entered my mind and helped me shape my spirit. I vaguely see some pictures in his spirit. "

Hua Yunfeng said in his heart.

Although I only saw some broken pictures.

But in Hua Yunfeng's heart, there are many waves. In those pictures, the strong often move mountains and fill the sea, cross the void and destroy the country with one blow. In all these pictures, there is Chen fan.

How can Hua Yunfeng not be surprised? How to be fearless?

"Master Chen Xian must have been reincarnated in ancient times and banished to the immortal world. I'm afraid the earth immortals don't have that ability. It's no wonder that they can be cultivated to such a terrible degree in three years, ignoring Lin Shuming and ye Qingcang. It's a fairy tale. I can't miss it. "

Thinking of this, Hua Yunfeng became more and more respectful and almost worshipped the ground.

"Just get up." Chen Fan stands on the sea of clouds with both hands on his back. "You are not qualified to enter my door and accept my biography. Now be a registered disciple. "

"Disciple, thank you, master!"

Although he was only a registered disciple, Hua Yunfeng was overjoyed and turned over to worship again.

This is the registered disciple of the relegated immortal. Who can get it in the world? He Hua Yunfeng has a chance to touch Xianyuan. It's like the ancestral grave of the Hua family is in smoke.

Cheng Danqing was stunned.

His famous teacher, zhenzhonghai, was so honored that he became a registered disciple of Chen fan. He was so elated that he seemed to be happier than entering the divine realm.

"By the way, you also have a senior sister. She's about 18 years old. She's two years ahead of you. Now she's in Zhongzhou. If you have time, take care of her more." Chen Fan followed the way.

"There is no order in learning, and those who have achieved it are teachers. The disciple must treat the elder martial sister as if he were a teacher. " Hua Yunfeng said solemnly.

Cheng Danqing wiped his forehead and felt powerless.

My teacher not only paid homage to a 20-year-old master, but also to an 18-year-old elder martial sister. Doesn't that mean that she has more teachers and uncles?

When Cheng Danqing rolled his eyes, Hua Yunfeng's voice came to his ear:

"Xiaoqing, don't you come to see your master soon!"


Cheng Danqing reluctantly kneels down and worships Chen Fangong. His heart is desolate and he only feels that his future is dark.

"Mr. Chen, please take your seat. I have many questions. I want to ask you some advice."

Hua Yunfeng looks respectful and sincere.

Chen fan means a long glance at him and nodded.

Chen fan is also aware of the previous mental leakage. But I didn't care. Those pictures are the fighting scenes when Chen Fan was practicing to Jindan and Yuanying. After stepping on the evolution of God, the idea of God turns into immortal yuan God, and it will never reveal half a point again. Even Chen Fan's teacher can't find the experience after the transformation of God from his yuan God.

So Hua Yunfeng didn't know that Chen Fan's previous life was not only an immortal who destroyed the country with one blow. Chen fan is an invincible immortal who is superior to the universe and breaks the stars with his sword.

The sun rises and the second day of Zhonghai finally begins.

Manager Xu had a good sleep at his mistress's house last night. Now he wakes up and is in a state of great vigor. He was a member of yesterday's Jinxiu board of directors.

Manager Xu Zizi drove to the Jinxiu building. Just all the way, I found that the employees of Jinxiu seemed to be whispering and whispering, as if something big happened."Oh, isn't this Lao Hong? You're waiting for the elevator, too. "

Manager Xu went over to see director Hong and complained: "you said yesterday that the child of the chairman's family was so shameless that he said he could solve the Ji family. What happened? I heard that he went out to play last night. There was no progress in the third phase of Jinxiu project. This kind of person, can you rest assured that he will be in charge of such a big splendid future? "

"According to me, let's ask the chairman to make an apology to the Ji family. We're just one company. How can we compete with haijijia?

manager Xu didn't realize that the more he said, the more strange director Hong's face became.

In the end, director Hong couldn't help interrupting him: "Lao Xu, don't you know what happened last night?"

PS: the fourth is O (n)_ n) O (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!