Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 478


It's never the name of a person or a sect.

It represents the highest force and deterrence of a great power in the world. Now the special department of Zhuque and others is actually the derivative and periphery of Kunlun.

According to Hua Yunfeng.

In those years, with Ye Qingcang sweeping China, the older generation basically followed Ye Qingcang to seclusion. Such as rosefinch and green dragon are the second generation. The last generation of green dragon and rosefinch died, injured and lived in seclusion, but there should be some people left.

"Sixty years ago, ye Qingcang swept across East Asia and bowed his head to China. Sixty years later, who knows what he has come to? You know, he is several generations later than our ancestors, shuminggong and others. Now he is only about 100 years old. For a God, he is in his prime. "

Hua Yunfeng sighed.

Cheng Danqing and Xue Daisha are both dignified.

Especially snow on behalf of sand, is a little worried look at chen fan. Although in her heart, chen fan is almost like a God. But ye Qingcang, who has lived in China for more than 50 years, has to give in by three points. Decades ago, he killed the divine realm.

Is Chen Fan really his opponent?

Cheng Danqing even glanced at Chen Fan with a slightly complacent look. His eyebrows were gently raised, as if to say: "Chen beixuan, don't be complacent. There are still people in China who can crush you. Don't think you're old and second. "

What Hua Yunfeng said.

In fact, it also has the implication of admonishing chen fan. He was afraid that Chen fan would succeed when he was young, so he was arrogant and ignored the heroes in the world. In fact, it's because the divine realm is far away that he is allowed to respect the divine list alone.

"So, is Ye Qingcang in tianbang? No wonder that little girl of rosefinch is unconvinced every time. " Chen Fan laughs.

"Besides general ye, who has the courage and mind to make the list of Chinese Exclusion in summer?" Hua Yunfeng caressed his hands and sighed: "since general Ye started the Ye family in Yanshan, there have been many talented people. Not only did ye Nantian come out as a peerless evil, but the Ye family was also a seed of divine realm. No wonder the Lin family and the Shuming guild were anxious. In any case, Shuming Gong is tens of years older than general Ye. He is in the divine realm, and his life is not far away. "

"So Lin Shuming wanted to gather his old friends and besiege Ye Qingcang to prepare for the continuation of the Lin family after his death?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly and his mouth was light.

"It should be. If Shuming is here, Kunlun will not move the Lin family. But if Shuming went, general ye would never stay. It is estimated that the Hongmen ancestors thought the same way. "

Hua Yunfeng is the key leader. "Of course, the birth of the divine realm is a great event. Shuminggong and others did not know how long they would plan, so they would not start in a hurry. But as long as you move, it will thunder for nine days and kill you with one strike! "

Hua Yunfeng said so.

He thought that his words down, will let Chen Fan convergence three points.

But without thinking about Chen Fan's indifferent appearance, Cheng Danqing chimed in and said with a trace of coldness:

"Mr. Chen Xian, you are really powerful in the world. But you should know that if you continue, you will easily cause attacks from the Lin family, Hongmen and even Kunlun. Do you want to be killed by Ye Qingcang like our ancestors? "

"Danqing, shut up

Hua Yunfeng's face changed and he quickly burst out.

What kind of person is the divine realm? High above, like a god! It's good to use this tone to talk with the divine realm without being slapped to death.

"Master Chen Xian, please forgive Danqing for her disrespect. She is still young and does not know the power of the divine realm..." Hua Yunfeng gets up in a hurry and bows to Chen fan to apologize.

"Little girl, if it's not for Hua Yunfeng's face, I can kill you with one sword. Don't think you dare to be presumptuous with your constitution. " Chen Fan snorts coldly, and his eyes sweep to Cheng Danqing like a sword.

Cheng Danqing was shocked.

Only feel all their secrets, in Chen Fan's eyes, exposed no doubt, as if naked. Body. Suddenly, his face was like earth color, and he lowered his head.

At this time, chen fan got up slowly.

He went to the pavilion with his hands behind his back and looked down on Yunhai Road:

"Hua Yunfeng, I see what you mean. But you don't understand, my power! As long as Lin Shuming and ye Qingcang didn't reach the innate realm. It's going to be together. How can I be my opponent? "

Chen Fan's words are full of arrogance.

All they knew was that Chen Fan's figure was rising, as if he were connected with heaven, and turned into an Immortal King above the world.

"Well, who can't boast about cowhide? I also said that I can fight ten divine realms." Cheng Danqing lowered his head and murmured. But I didn't dare to make any more noise this time.

"Congenital? What is this realm? "

Hua Yunfeng frowned and wondered.

"Congenital is our name. If we use the name on earth, it is the land God. Thousands of years ago, the realm of man in possession of sword." Chen Fan stands on the road.

"What? Land gods

Hua Yunfeng's face changed. Cheng Danqing was even more surprised.The land immortals, who are in the cultivation world of China, are true myths and legends. For hundreds of years, countless deities have been searching for it. Unfortunately, no one has entered this realm since the master of Tibetan sword. It is rumored that Zhang Sanfeng of Wudang once entered heaven and man, but it is just a rumor.

"Are you a man in heaven?"

Hua Yunfeng opened his eyes and looked at Chen Fan with trembling hands.

Heaven and man!

It's a fairyland, the real fairy in legend. Such as Lu Chunyang and Peng Zu. When you travel to the North Sea in the morning, you perch on Cangwu in the evening. You can travel thousands of miles. You can fly a sword thousands of miles away to take the head of a person. You will live a hundred years old.

Since thousands of years ago, man and nature have long been extinct and hardly heard of.

If he could see a living heaven and man, Hua Yunfeng felt that he would commit suicide on the spot and die without regret.

"Heaven and man? I'm not yet

Chen Fan shook his head, but when Hua Yunfeng and other people's eyes were dim, he said faintly: "but within three years, I can enter the congenital. Even now, if there is a land God in front of me, I may not be able to do anything about it. "

"It's impossible!"

Without waiting for Huayun peak to open his mouth, Cheng Danqing cut the railway:

"there has been no heaven and man in the world for thousands of years, let alone the ancient records that heaven and man and divine realm are the difference between immortals and mortals. Once you enter heaven and man, you will be able to transcend the world. No matter how many gods there are, you can't have a land God! "

Hua Yunfeng also nodded slowly.

Although there is no heaven and man in this world, there are still records in many ancient schools and orthodoxy. In ancient books, heaven and man have the power to move mountains and seas, and the ability to cross rivers and mountains. In contrast, the divine realm is really like a mole ant. "

"You're talking about the divine realm on earth. But I, is cultivates the immortal, more God body small success. Although I can't help them, they may not be able to help me. "

Chen Fan said haughtily.

"The immortal? Is the body of God small

People were stunned, and their brains were as vague as listening to the book of heaven.

Chen Fan didn't wait for them to come back. Instead, he turned to look at the old man and said, "Hua Yunfeng, your cultivation is just a line away from the divine realm. If I help you enter the realm of God, how about you promise me to protect the Chen family for 50 years? "


Hua Yunfeng stood up with a shock, and the heavy stone stool was shattered by his vigorous Qi.

But Hua Yunfeng didn't pay attention at all. He just looked at Chen Fan in horror.

"The difficulty of the divine realm is as hard as the sky. For a hundred years, ye Qingcang and you, Chen beixuan, have just come out. How can you achieve it casually?"

Cheng Danqing has a pretty face and doesn't believe it.

"You don't care what I do, you just promise me to guard the Chen family for 50 years. I'll help you to get to your senses. " Chen fan, with both hands on his back, said indifferently.

Hua Yunfeng closed his eyes.

His face was blue and white, and he was fighting fiercely in his heart.

"Teacher, don't listen to his nonsense. Where is the divine realm so easy to enter? I've never heard of that. The divine realm can also be created by outsiders! " Cheng Danqing said anxiously.

"Good! I promise you

Hua Yunfeng opened his eyes and said firmly.


Chen Fan stretches out his right hand and draws a sign in the air:

"there is no evidence for his words, and he swears to prove it. If you disobey the oath, you will be punished by heaven, and your spirit and form will be destroyed. "

In the void, a golden talisman appeared, on which dense cloud patterns covered the whole sky. Although Hua Yunfeng can't understand it, as long as he explores the spirit, he will immediately understand the meaning.

It's a contract.

After making sure the content is OK. Hua Yunfeng clenched his teeth. Regardless of Cheng Danqing's anxious eyes, he would give a drop of blood with his inner strength and fall on the contract.

Chen fan also followed, intercepted a spirit from Hua Yunfeng, and then put it into the contract.

The golden contract was immediately burned by the fire and disappeared in the void.

But when the contract disappeared, Hua Yunfeng only felt that his body sank, and an invisible force came to him, forming a talisman. He felt vaguely that all he had to do was betray the contract. This talisman will shatter his soul and body.

"Although there are risks, I have no time."

Looking at Cheng Danqing's anxious eyes, Hua Yunfeng sighs in his heart.

He is now nearly 100 years old. Although he still maintains his peak physical strength, he does not enter into the divine realm, and his master's life is limited after all. Hua Yunfeng already felt that his life was not long.

In the face of this last opportunity, Hua Yunfeng can only seize it and fight for life and death.

It's precisely because of this that Chen fan comes to him.

"Master Chen Xian, the contract has been made. When shall we start? Do you need Yunfeng to collect natural materials, local treasures and pills? " Hua Yunfeng bowed slightly and felt uneasy.

Until then, he was suspicious.

It's just a dead horse being a living horse doctor.

"Ha ha, I, Chen beixuan, want to enter the realm of God alone. What kind of elixir is needed? Right here, just this evening, I'll help you with your concentration! "With a smile, chen fan's eyes burst into Hua Yunfeng's eyes.

And he grabs at the void with one hand and says softly:


There are sixteen talismans in the void. The sixteen talismans were divided into eight directions and formed a small spirit gathering array. As soon as the battle became a success, the whole bajingshan mountain and even the aura within a ten mile radius were thrown into the pavilion. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!