Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 477

Chen Fan didn't know about the chaos in the upper class of China, and he didn't care.

At this time, under the guidance of Hua Yunfeng, chen fan took xuedaisha to a pavilion in the middle of the mountain. This pavilion is like a platform extending from the mountain. It is hundreds of meters high on three sides, and only one side is connected with the cliff.

Five meters around, there is a stone table, four simple stone stool. Sitting on the stone bench, a few steps away is the cliff. It's surrounded by clouds. From here, you can overlook Zhonghai and the lights of every family.

"Mr. Hua is here with originality."

Chen Fan slightly appreciated it.

It is estimated that Huayun peak is sitting here every day, looking at the whole Zhonghai. The mind and magnanimity cultivated from this is really far from being very human, worthy of the name of a great master.

"Mr. Hua is here, so we can only see Zhonghai. The immortal master stands on the list of gods and overlooks the world. In today's world, in addition to many great powers and the secluded divine realm, we should respect master Chen Xianshi. "

Hua Yunfeng said with a smile, with a trace of satisfaction in his eyes. He seemed very satisfied with the pavilion.

Cheng Danqing pulls his sleeve and shows a pair of jade hands cheating frost and snow. He holds a teacup in a purple clay pot and makes tea for them with a concentrated manner. After drinking a cup of tea, Chen fancai said with a smile:

"Hua Yunfeng, I'm afraid you have something important to do. Let's just say it. "

Hua Yunfeng laughed, and his eyes were fixed on him, saying: "master Chen Xian, this time, you are too heavy. Those Lingnan families and Wang Qishan are nothing. But Lin pojun is the Kirin of the Lin family. He is less than 30 years old and has been cultivated in the realm. This is the seed of the divine realm in the future. That is to say, Shuming thought highly of it, otherwise he would not have given it a token of protection. "

"Ha ha."

Chen Fan sneered: "Lin Jiaxian sent people to cooperate with Hongmen and threaten Jiangbei. He also sent Lin to integrate the China Sea forces and support Ji Jia. If I don't kill him. Is there any place for China Sea to have a foothold in Jinxiu? In the future, when he goes to Jiangnan, will he come to his old nest? "

"Besides, it's just a Lin family. Kill it. Does Lin Shuming dare to come here? Do you think I can't cut the divine realm? "

Chen Fan said without care.

Even gargerdan, the snow wolf king, was killed by him with magical power, and Russian Marshal Oleg was also defeated by him. Now chen fan has stepped into the sea of gods and looked down upon the world. Apart from being a little scrupulous about nuclear weapons, he doesn't care about other gods.

"I've heard about your battle with Marshal Oleg. But shuminggong is different from those werewolves in Russia. "

Hua Yunfeng shook his head slightly.

"Oh? What's the difference? "

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed, not smiling.

"Shuming Gong was probably the oldest of all the gods in the world when he became famous. About the middle of the 18th century, Shuming Gong was born. First he failed to learn literature, then he went to Qingcheng Mountain to practice Taoism. Somehow, he got Jianxian Avenue. After that, he defended the three emperors of the Qing Dynasty. After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, Shuming Gong returned home. At that time, the divine realm had become, but it was not universally recognized as the number one in the world. "

Hua Yunfeng stroked his beard and recalled in his eyes.

Cheng Danqing, who is making tea, and Xue Daisha, who is standing by, are listening attentively.

What Hua Yunfeng said is a secret of a hundred years ago, and now few people know it except some of the older generation. Even Cheng Danqing heard him mention it for the first time.

"Until later, the Japanese sword sage, Takeo Watanabe, crossed the sea to the West. In half a year, I lost 16 Chinese experts in a row. The Lu family, the Gu family, the Wu family, the Baji family and the Tai Chi family are all unstoppable. Finally, Shuming came out with his sword and fought with Takeo Watanabe in Jinding of Emei. Finally, Takeo Watanabe retreated and vowed never to enter China. After this war, Shuming was famous in East Asia, and was honored as the first master of China. The Lin family also became the first family of China. "

With Hua Yunfeng's detailed explanation.

All the people in the cloud Pavilion were shocked, as if they were back to the era of war a hundred years ago. Witness the glory of the first swordsman in China.

"In this way, Lin Shuming and the state are meritorious. It's a pity that his younger generation is too bad. "

Chen Fan pointed to the table and shook his head gently.

"The Lin family is a century old family with a great career. Naturally, the good and the bad are intermingled. It's also the way to die that Lin broke the army and developed such a proud and uninhabited character. "

Hua Yunfeng sighed, as if in regret.

"Lin Shuming is so strong, you still order someone to break the legs of the Lin family. Aren't you afraid that Lin Shuming will come to settle accounts?" Chen Fan looks at Xianghua Yunfeng with a smile rather than a smile.

Hua Yunfeng said with a haughty smile:

"let's not say whether accounting is more important than these trifles with Shuming's mind and spirit. What about finding it? My ancestors were close friends with Shuming in those years. When I met Shuming, I had to call him uncle. For the sake of my ancestors, Duke Shuming will not embarrass me. "

"Oh, it's said that you are the son of the leader of Qingbang. Is it true?"

Chen fan asked with great interest.

"It's true that the Qing Gang has been in charge of the Chinese family since ancient times. At that time, we Qingbang, Hongmen and Longtang said that our Qingbang also had a divine realm, and the three ancestors were good friends with Shuming. Unfortunately, after that disaster. The ancestors fell, and the Qingbang disappeared. Now there is only Zhonghai Huajia. "Speaking of this, Hua Yunfeng shook his head and sighed.

"Is that general Ye's hand?"

Chen Fan's eyes were slightly bright and his face showed a trace of curiosity.

To Chen Fan's present state, looking at the world, there are only a few people who can enter his eyes. General ye in the mouth of rosefinch and Oleg is one. Seeing that even the Russian Marshal Oleg was full of praise and respect, I can imagine how extraordinary the general Ye was.

When Chen Fan said the name, the whole pavilion was quiet.

Hua Yunfeng's face became very solemn. After a long time, he nodded his head and said, "it's really general ye, but it's also my ancestors' fault. At that time, the ancestors saw the great power of Japan and took refuge in Japan. Later, they were killed in the East China Sea by general Ye Ge. That is the only divine realm that has fallen into the hands of others in the past 100 years. In addition, it has all died in the hands of the great powers of the world. "

"Take refuge in Japan?"

Chen Fan snorted and looked scornful in his eyes.

When the war was raging and the whole country was resisting Japan. Chen fan, the ancestor of the Chinese family, even took refuge in Japan and killed him.

"As a result, the Qing Gang has been wiped out, and our Chinese family has no complaints. We are willing to live in Zhonghai forever and make atonement for our ancestors' mistakes." Hua Yunfeng said with a little shame.

This section of Xinmi, which Cheng Danqing had never heard of, was stunned for a moment.

"The past is gone. However, two days ago, the Lin family came to the door and wanted to reorganize the alliance, contact the Hua family, Hongmen and Longtang, and take revenge on general Ye. "

Hua Yunfeng said with a bitter smile.

"So Hongmen has a divine realm?" Chen fan was slightly surprised. "No wonder Hongmen can invite the master of the Lin family. It turns out that there is such a relationship."

Since his rebirth, the first opponent he met is Hongmen. First Lin Hu, then Lei qianjue, Lei Wang Suolong, Feng Wang Hu zongxiu and others. Recently, Hongmen sent dark moon to Jiangbei.

When Chen fan will Jiangbei things said, Hua Yunfeng face suddenly unprecedented dignified.

"It seems that the Lin family has already got in touch with Hongmen, and the ancestor of Hongmen nodded before he sent dark moon. It is estimated that it is not far away from the birth of several ancestors. "

"I don't understand why the Hongmen and the Lin family have been in seclusion for decades, since they both have a divine realm? Are you afraid of nuclear weapons? " Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, puzzled.

Cheng Danqing and Xue Daisha are also staring at it.

"It's not because they want to hide, it's because of the situation."

Hua Yunfeng smiles.

"A hundred years ago, the East and the West were full of gods. The powerful in the divine realm manipulated and dominated the national politics and set off one war after another. What was the prestige then? In the end, because of the nuclear explosions in the United States and the Soviet Union, the West was scared into seclusion, but I am different in the East. "

Speaking of this, Hua Yunfeng had a look of awe in his eyes: "at that time, China was still in the era of war, and nuclear weapons were developed decades after the founding of the country. At that time, the strong in the eastern divine realm were basically flattened by general Ye

"Flattened by one?"

Cheng Danqing took a cool breath.

It is snow on behalf of sand look slightly changed, only Chen Fan did not show his face.

"Not bad."

Hua Yunfeng nodded and said with great respect:

"general Ye was born as a horse thief. In terms of age, he and I are almost the same generation. However, he was extremely gifted. With a family skill, he gradually cultivated to the master level. Later, he joined the revolution and fought for our army. That year, he gave general ye a half que Kunlun Ci, and ordered him to set up a Kunlun department to recruit strange people and scholars to suppress the world! "

"When he was born in the sky, he was in Kunlun mountain. He was more and more beautiful, and three million jade dragons flew up..."

with Hua Yunfeng's mouth opening and chanting, Chen fandu's face moved, and Cheng Danqing was even more stunned.

"This is the origin of Kunlun and the predecessor of the special departments of the state." Hua Yunfeng said: "in those years, general Ye led Kunlun to sweep China. He collected the martial arts and Taoism of countless sects and families, and finally stepped into the divine realm with his own unique talent, becoming the last divine realm in the world. "

"After that, general Ye moved to fight in all directions and repeatedly defeated Shenjing!"

Hua Yunfeng stood up excitedly and paced the path in the pavilion:

"at that time, our ancestors of the Chinese family were killed and the Qing Gang was annihilated by the army. Hongmen resisted tenaciously, but it was defeated, and was eventually expelled from China. But the Dragon hall saw that the general situation had gone and ran away in a hurry. The sifanglou, which was organized by the national government, was chased by general ye all the way to the sea and fled to the treasure island. After that, general ye went to the gate of the forest family and forced Shuming to seal the mountain for 60 years! "

"Since then, general Ye has been there, bowing his head in all directions. It has been sixty years since he suppressed China. He has been the first in the divine realm of China and is universally acknowledged. "

Hua Yunfeng sighed.

All the people in the pavilion were excited and couldn't help but think back to the invincible power of that man. They wished they could see it with their own eyes.

Chen Fan closed his eyes slightly and said with a smile:

"it's true that he is the number one in China...""Kunlun, ye Qingcang!"

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!