Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 476

The hall of the Hua family is very broad.

The front and back are hundreds of meters long and tens of meters wide, just like an auditorium. At this time, the servants of the Chinese family had already rearranged the hall, and the banquet was like flowing water.

Many of the dishes are made by chefs specially sent by the Chinese family from five-star hotels. Even Chen Fan's table is a national chef's masterpiece.

"Mr. Chen Xian, it's a great honor for you to drive to bajingshan. Here's to you, old man. " Hua Yunfeng holds the wine glass and grows up. In the transparent crystal glass, the amber wine is very fragrant.

This is a cellar that has been treasured by the Hua family for hundreds of years. Only a century old family like the Hua family can hold it.

Chen Fan sat down, gently raised his glass and sipped.

The head of the Haihua family stood up to toast, but Chen Fan did not move. But people around them take it for granted that the myth of the time should have such status.

After the beginning of HuaLao, other Chinese family leaders also got up to propose a toast.

Those who can surround chen fan are basically prominent figures in China. The other second - and third rate boys and young people are far away from the bottom of the table.

"Uncle, who is Chen beixuan? So powerful! Mr. Hua is nearly a hundred years old. He is treated like an elder. "

There is a pretty girl, wearing a small black skirt, painting heavy makeup, holding LV bags in her hands, smacking.

"Yes, Dad, that scene just now was frightening. So many big people who stomp their feet and shake Zhonghai are very respectful to him. The owners of the Ning and Tang families also knelt down to beg for mercy. Even the prince of the Lin family was killed by his maid. What's the origin of this man? "

Another pure makeup, pure and beautiful girl is also strange.

Around a table of young people, also vertical ears, looking at the master, wearing Patek Philippe watches of middle-aged people.

Those who can know the existence of Shenbang are the leaders of the top aristocratic families. For example, although they are looking at China seas, they are only in front of ordinary people. They are far away from the real core of power.

"That's all. I should tell you so that I won't do it in the future. You've provoked that man, and you've caused great trouble for the family. "

The middle-aged man sighed and said, "my name is Chen fan, also known as Chen beixuan. From the Chen family in Jincheng, he is the son of Wang Xiaoyun, the queen of Jinxiu. As you can see, Anya is beside him. "

"Uncle Hu, I've heard of this man before. It's said that he's known as master Chen of Jiangbei. He has magic power and is also a major general of Canglong. He's very powerful. He almost calls the wind and rain in the south of the Yangtze River and nobody can provoke him."

Exclaimed a greasy young man.

"A major general of the Jincheng military region will be able to lower the head of the Hua family, and the Ning family will kneel down. Is that exaggeration? It was Li Muchen who came and sat down with Hua Laoping at most. "

Some people frown and question.

"Ha ha, he is not only in the south of the Yangtze River, but also in China and even in the world Uncle Hu, wearing Patek Philippe, sneered.


They were surprised and looked at each other eagerly.

Uncle Hu was reserved for a moment, and then he said slowly, "I didn't know these things. It was once when I met Mr. Zhou. Secretary Cai told me that I knew that there was such a powerful existence in the world. "

"You know that there is a heavenly list in the martial arts and Taoism of China, but do you know that there is also a divine list in this world?" Uncle Hu looked around.

"God list?"

Everyone looked at each other.

They have heard about the tianbang. After all, Huayun peak is the fourth highest in the tianbang, and it is located in Zhonghai. Basically, the families of CNOOC, large and small, are more aware of the power of Hua Yunfeng and the Hua family.

But I haven't heard of this God list.

"Tianbang is a list of China's own, while Shenbang is a list specially issued by the special management office of the CIA of the United States. By analogy, what tianbang publishes is China's first-class dangerous wanted criminals, while what Shenbang publishes is the most terrifying terror in the whole world. Tycoon

Seeing that the crowd was attracted, uncle Hu whispered:

"Chen beixuan is the only one on the list of known gods. He's a bin Laden equivalent. To a country, even the president of the country will be alarmed and treated seriously. It is said that not long ago, in Russia, he defeated an armored division with his bare hands, killed a Russian commander, and finally forced the Russian emperor to bow his head. One man is the enemy of the country. Do you think it is strong or not? "


Someone almost screamed out.

Uncle Hu's daughter and niece, but also tightly covered his mouth, can not believe.

"Now you understand why the master of the Tang family was so scared? I'm afraid of that Uncle Hu said with a sneer, "no matter how much money the Lin family gives them, they have to spend their lives. Since his debut, Chen beixuan has killed many aristocratic families. The head of the 16 major families in Jincheng has been killed by him. If Tang Jianing's family has any brains, they should know how to choose. ""Yes, yes."

Everyone nodded in fear.

Everyone looked at each other and could see the horror of each other.

Major general Canglong, a man in Shenbang, a powerful enemy to the world!

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes today, I would not have seen the Chinese aristocratic families bow to their knees. It's not that they didn't believe Lin Shuming when he was distracted by Chen fan. They thought it was a rumor.

"Now the Ji family, the Tang family, the Ning family and Shi Hongyi are going to have bad luck."

There was a schadenfreude sneer.

This dialogue is not only staged at Uncle Hu's table. Among all the people, there are always those who have a vague understanding of Chen Fan's identity. Soon, hundreds of people in the whole hall almost spread.

It was only at this time that people realized.

Chen fan is such a thoroughgoing existence.

And behind the rich brocade, what kind of terrible background is there.

"Mr. Chen, may I have a toast to you?"

When Chen Fan was drinking, he was eating the lobster that Anya peeled and handed over. He saw a man with a grinning face, holding his wine cup in both hands and stooping.

"Oh, isn't this the chairman of Dongcheng group, the owner of Ning family, Ning Cheng, Dong Ning? What are you doing? "

Someone said with a sneer.

Ning Chengdong was still in Wuzhou when he saw chen fan. "Mr. Chen, oh no, Mr. Chen Xianshi. Before all blame me, raised unfilial son, provoked you. You break his limbs, that is to teach him a lesson, for his good. I can assure you that our Ning family never dares to provoke Chen family any more. In the future, Ning family will be in Zhonghai, but you and Jinxiu will have the same opinion. "

With that, the head of Ning family knelt down again.

Chen fan is holding a glass of wine with no expression on his face and no joy or sorrow in his eyes.

One minute... Two minutes... Three minutes.

Soon five minutes later, Ning Chengdong's kneeling body began to tremble, and his heart fell to the bottom of the valley as time went on.

Just when he was about to despair, a gentle female voice just like the sound of nature said: "Xiaofan, since Ning Dong is so sincere, you can give him a chance to reform."

"Yes, the Ning family already knew what was wrong. I will never dare to betray you in the future. Miss Ann told us to go east, so we went east. Let's go west, we'll go west. "

Ning Chengdong hurriedly connects the road.

"All right. For sister an's sake, I'll spare you this time. "

Chen Fan finally spoke.

Ning Chengdong was overjoyed and kowtowed to Chen Fan three times. He kowtowed to Anya five times. Just got up and respectfully told to leave. The Tang family came to beg for mercy. Shi Hongyi, the richest man in China, also followed suit.

Seeing these influential figures in Zhonghai groveling in front of Chen fan, everyone felt a trance.

"Divine realm, this is divine realm!"

Some people were secretly frightened.

Before today, 90% of the people present had never heard of the divine list or the divine realm. But after today, the word "divine realm" will be deeply engraved in their memory and will never be forgotten.

Chen fan has no influence at all. With one person's strength, he has put down the head of China shipping.

Bajingshan is the highest peak of Zhonghai, and most of the top families and powers of Zhonghai are concentrated in Huajia villa. But Chen fan is above it, just like an emperor.

Step on the top of Zhonghai, and be proud of all sides.

I don't know how many people are fascinated by that look.

When the owner of the Yi family comes with Yi Cheng, he kneels down to beg for mercy. Seeing that the banquet was almost over, Cheng Danqing came over and asked, "Mr. Chen Xianshi, teacher, how do you deal with those Lingnan aristocratic people kneeling outside the courtyard, as well as the Lin family?"

"Since it's the territory of your Chinese family, it's up to Mr. Hua to decide."

Chen Fan responded casually.

Hua Yunfeng's eyes narrowed and said faintly: "everyone breaks one leg and drives out Zhonghai."


As soon as Hua Qingxiong's eyes stare, he will speak.

For example, Yang Zhengfeng and other young people are almost all prominent figures of the Lingnan generation. There are also children of the Lin family. Before, the Chinese family stood idly by and explained that if they broke one leg, the hatred would be recorded on the head of the Chinese family. This is to offend all the families in Lingnan!

Cheng Danqing's pretty face also showed a trace of hesitation.

"Do as I say."

Hua Yunfeng gave a cold hum.


Cheng Danqing can only leave respectfully.

Seeing this scene, chen fan showed a funny smile in his eyes.

Soon after the banquet was over, Hua Yunfeng respectfully asked chen fan to stay at the villa. He said that he had some problems in practice and wanted to ask Chen Fan for advice. Chen Fan glanced at Anya, who was surrounded by many Chinese aristocratic family owners, nodded and agreed.

The main purpose of this trip to China shipping is to make it beautiful and powerful and to deter China shipping. So Chen Fan plays a black face and lets Anya come out to clean up people's hearts.Only by applying both soft and hard can these rebellious Zhonghai families be subdued.

As for the Ji family, chen fan is not needed at this time. Countless people who are eager to please chen fan and Jinxiu can easily tear the Ji family to pieces.

"Let's go."

Chen fan gets up and goes with Hua Yunfeng.

On this night, what happened in Huajia villa spread all over Zhonghai like lightning.

For a while, CNOOC was boiling.

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!