Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 475

"How could it be?"

Seeing that Lin Po's army was pierced by xuedaisha's sword, not only the people of China and the sea, but also Hua Yunfeng's face changed slightly.

Xuedaisha is a strong swordsman, but his sword is very powerful. He is extremely sharp and skillful. He is like a master who has been immersed in kendo for decades. Even Shen's biography of Lin's breaking the army is not his opponent.

Is this a little girl under twenty?

Is this a warrior who has been practicing martial arts for more than one year and three months?

It's a joke.

"Chen beixuan was so powerful that he didn't expect even his maid to be so powerful. How can a strong internal warrior defeat a great master? It's weird. It's weird. " Hua Yunfeng shook his head.

Yang Zhengfeng and other young people in the south of the five ridges even uttered a cry of surprise. They wanted to help Lin break the army, but they were forced back by xuedaisha's sword. But the anxious expression on their faces couldn't be covered up, especially Lin pojun's maid with sword, who was eager to fight with Xue Daisha.

"I was defeated..."

Lin paojun is a martial arts master. It's not fatal to stab him in the chest. But at this time, his face turned pale, his blood gushed out, and he was out of his mind.

As a qilin son of the Lin family, the southeast prince.

He and the Yeh girls are regarded by many older generations as the most outstanding figures of the young generation in China.

As a result, he was defeated in the hands of Chen Fan's maid. How could Lin paojun accept it? For a moment, his mind was turbid and he was totally disappointed.

"Bang Dang!"

Snow on behalf of sand can ignore him, she to Chen Fan order, is always complete. Since Chen Fan wants her to kill Lin paojun, even if she is poor and blue, xuedaisha will pursue her to the end.

A long sword, drawn from xuedaisha's hand, chopped at Lin to break the army.

This sword is so powerful that even the master of martial arts can't hold it.


as soon as Hua Yunfeng's face changed, he wanted to stop him, but it was too late. Snow on behalf of sand's sword how fast, almost in an instant, split in the Lin broken army.

Many girls quickly closed their eyes and did not dare to see the scene of this strange place.

But at this time, a burst of drinking suddenly sounded in everyone's mind:

"who dares to hurt my Lin children!"

Countless people open their eyes to see a scene that makes people dumbfounded. At the chest of Lin pojun, a jade plate flashed up, and a small sword was carved on the jade plate. Then a translucent figure emerged from the jade plate.

This figure is three feet high, with golden light, just like a God.

As soon as it appeared, the whole hall was quiet. Countless people only feel a let people, worship, kneel down on the ground of power, emerged from the golden figure.

The golden figure was on the top of Lin's head. Xuedaisha's blue sword was cut off, and it was smashed out of thin air with a flick of its finger. Even the shocked xuedaisha stepped back several steps.

"Immortal? Monster

I don't know how many people took a breath. Many rich princesses were paralyzed.

"It's not a ghost, it's a distraction from the powerful. Looking at this, it's clearly Shuming Gong. "

Hua Yunfeng body a shock, hands shaking said.

Cheng Danqing also looked at the golden figure. For decades, chen fan was the only one who was born. I didn't expect to see another one again today, though it was just a distraction.

That figure is shrouded in a layer of golden light, hazy, can't see the appearance clearly, only vaguely see e Guan Bo Dai, just like the ancient scholar, and with a long sword at the waist.

"At that time, Shuming Gong first studied, but he failed to pass the entrance examination many times. In a rage, he abandoned literature and studied martial arts, and practiced Taoism like a mountain. Only then did he finally get the sword immortal road. This must be Shuming Gong himself."

Hua Yunfeng is determined.

Lin's breaking army was a great surprise. He was thrilled and fell on his knees in the tunnel:

"the unfilial son Lin broke army and met his ancestors. The children were defeated by the enemy and discredited the Lin family. They lost the reputation of the Lin family for a hundred years. They asked their ancestors to wash away the shame of the Lin family. "

The rest of the people were livid.

The ancestor of the Lin family, whose real body has not yet arrived, has his spirit and spirit out of thin air. And look at that power, have you become an immortal? Thinking of this, many people tremble and want to flee. Especially Xia family, Gao family, Tang family and others betrayed Lin family before. At this time, they were scared out of their wits.

Snow on behalf of the sand is also dignified, secretly according to the real strength, want to go all out.

"You step back."

Chen Fan waved his sleeve and stopped the little maid.

The Qinghua sword Sutra, which is cultivated by Xue Daisha, can defeat Lin and break the army with internal strength, but it's still a little short of time to be distracted from an enemy.

"I didn't expect that you paid so much attention to this man that you even made a talisman token for him to wear. However, it's just a state of mind. Don't say it's just a distraction. Even if you are here, I can cut it off. "Chen Fan snorted coldly and grabbed in the air.

I saw countless bright silver God awns coming out of Chen Fan's eyes and turning into a three inch silver knife in the air. As soon as the knife appeared, the wind in the sky and in the earth stopped, and everyone felt that their souls were about to be split by the knife.

Shennian Dao!

This invisible sword, which Chen fan had to exert all his strength to gather together, at this time, as Chen Fan stepped into the sea of gods, he finally began to show his real power.

As soon as this knife comes out, it will cut Jiuyou down and Tianshen up!

All the things of the spirit can not be cut off!

"Daoyou, please listen to me..."

the figure was trying to say something.

But Chen fan who will pay attention to him, with a wave.


With a whoosh, shennian's sword was as fast as lightning. It pulled out a silver awn in the void and chopped at the figure instantly. The golden figure only had time to pull out his sword and block it in the air. But in a moment, he was split into two parts by a silver knife. Then he stirred it in the air and scattered as light spots.

All the people were stunned.

For a moment, there was silence in the villa, which shocked Hua Yunfeng.

"That's the end of it?"

After a long time, Cheng Danqing just said.

That Lin family ancestor's distraction comes out, how imposing manner passes the sky, just like the God general. However, chen fan was easily killed with a single blow, and there was no room for resistance.

"Today's myth is worthy of today's myth! No wonder even the CIA has reopened the list for him. "

Hua Yunfeng took a long breath and sighed: "Chen beixuan, even a hundred years ago, may be among the top five in the list of gods."

The Xia family, Chu family, Gao family and other family owners were overjoyed. What kind of Lin family spirit state, even Chen Fan's knife can't stop, doesn't it mean that Lin family spirit state is not afraid at all, they just need to hold Chen Fan's thigh?

Thinking of this, countless Zhonghai family leaders bowed to Chen Fan and became more respectful.

But Lin Po Jun looked lost and said, "how can it be? Ancestors are invincible. How is it possible to lose? It's impossible. "

"If you say that, go underground and ask again."

Snow on behalf of sand cold hum a, lift sword to split, don't leave a hand.

"You are just a maid. How dare you kill me? My Lin family will never let you go." Lin Po Jun let out a loud roar. He was so vigorous that he wanted to hold Xue Dai Sha's ancient sword.

It's a pity that Xue Daisha's practice is the Qinghua sword Sutra. Although it's only a skill of an unknown school that Chen Fan found, it's the skill of cultivating immortals after all.

Under the shining blue sword.

Although Lin broke the army with both hands, he caught the ancient sword. However, the mighty sword Qi had already broken through his vigorous Qi of protecting his body and twisted his chest and viscera to pieces. Then the great Luo immortal came, and he was powerless.

"How dare you... How dare you...

Lin pojun's eyes are full of discontent, as if he didn't believe that he was going to climb the top of China, lead the Lin family to Zhongxing, defeat the Ye family, and become the largest family in China again. How could he die here and under a maid?

It's a pity that he is not immortal after all. At most, he held on for half a minute and swallowed it in one breath.

"Ah, Lin paojun's life was too smooth after all. He didn't know the current affairs, so it's hard to avoid this."

Hua Yunfeng sighed deeply.

Chen Fan killed Lin to break the army and cut Lin Shuming's distraction. Will the great master of the Lin family give up with Chen Fanshan? Although Hua Yunfeng is only half a step away from the divine realm, he will never be qualified to take part in the struggle.

"Under the divine realm, it's all mole ants. I didn't understand it before, but I finally understand it today."

Cheng Danqing gave a bitter smile.

At this time, many masters of Zhonghai aristocratic families, such as Gao family, Chu family, Xia family and so on, gathered around chen fan like a tidal current, with smiling faces and flattering words, trying their best to get in touch.

AI Jingqi watched.

Many of China's richest and powerful people, who are usually high above the world and their father has to be respectful to see them. Now it looks like students are respectful to their teachers.

Even some people, holding her hand, called the big niece, a pair of close as if close friends. But AI Jingqi actually met him once before.

"This is the divine realm. One man blocks the world, and one man presses China Sea!"

AI Jingqi looks at Chen Fan with complicated eyes.

And around many second rate, third rate childe brothers, are crowded outside, can only look at Chen Fan with suspicion and envy. Many people thought to themselves that the leader of China Seas would be replaced. More people think that Jinxiu group is bound to soar into the sky, and no one can stop it. As for the Ji family, it is estimated that it will disappear after today.

"Chen Xianshi, please come to the main table and let us treat him well."Hua Yunfeng came forward and bowed his hand, with a more respectful attitude.


Chen Fan nodded.

Yi Cheng and others kneel to the ground and watch Chen Fan step into the hall like an emperor under the support of many Zhonghai masters. As for Lin paojun, Lin family and Lingnan people, who will think about them again? (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!