Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 474

Lin finally got it wrong.

He overestimated the influence of himself and the Lin family, and underestimated the weight of Chen fan.

Lin Shuming was in the divine realm a hundred years ago. He was the first person in China. After all, he didn't do anything for decades. He didn't know whether he was dead or alive. However, chen fan stands in front of the world and is the only recognized God level strong man in the world.

What is the contemporary myth?

The word "contemporary" refers to the present world, the present and the present.

How can you be called a "contemporary myth" if you are not born?

Over the past three years, chen fan has proved his strength again and again. Time and time again, he killed people with iron and blood, and swore to the world the horror of the divine realm. He is the only God level strong man known to all and recognized by the world. For this reason, the CIA reopened the list of gods, spread it all over the world, and announced it to all countries. And Chen fan is nearby, but the Lin family is far away.

No matter how much power, interest and money, what is the threat of life and death?

With the Lin family, they have money and meat, but they can't survive tonight.

If you don't follow the Lin family, you can live.

You are the owner of the Tang family. How would you choose?

"Yunfeng, meet Mr. Chen Xianshi."

When the crowd split like a tide, they saw an old man in linen, cloth shoes, white head and white beard coming with great strength. Behind him, he was followed by many real senior members of the Chinese family.

Cheng Danqing!

She is the queen of the underground world of China shipping, and she is a legendary master.

Hua Qingxiong!

The head of Huashi group, the contemporary owner of Huajia, is one of the top five richest people in CNOOC.

Huayuan lake!

The legitimate son of the Chinese family, the future successor...

of course, what really shocked everyone was the old man who was nearly 100 years old, but still had a steady pace, with a mountain of gas, white hair and hemp clothes, just like an immortal.

Hua Yunfeng!

Chingtianju of CNOOC, the son of Qingbang leader, the fourth great master of tianbang, and the leader of Centennial family.

In Lin pojun's astonished and puzzled eyes, and in the respectful eyes of the people around him, Hua Yunfeng leads the crowd and bows to Chen Fan respectfully: "the immortal master drives the Chinese family, which makes our Chinese family shine. If Yunfeng fails to welcome it far away, please forgive me."

He who enters the Tao is a warlock, who practices the Dharma is a real person, and the Royal God is an immortal master.

Chen fan is a contemporary myth, and this "immortal master" really can stand it.

"You are Hua Yunfeng. Your accomplishments are good. You are the fourth in the list, but you are wronged." Chen Fan's eyes passed the old man, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Only when he swept on Cheng Danqing did he coagulate.

"What is the old man's accomplishment in front of the immortal master?"

Hua Yunfeng smiles bitterly on his face, but in his heart, he is in a storm.

It is generally believed that Huayun peak is just the peak of Huajin, which is barely at the bottom of the dark list. But in fact, Hua Yunfeng has been practicing hard for nearly a hundred years, and his cultivation is only one line away from the divine realm. Like Wu Gonghong, he can break through the divine realm anytime and anywhere.

However, chen fan saw through his hidden cultivation, and he could not see through Chen Fan's realm. How could Hua Yunfeng not be surprised.

"Well, I just came to the banquet on behalf of others. I didn't expect that I would be killed in your Chinese family. Don't you blame me?" Chen Fan flicked his finger and said with a smile.

"I dare not. Those who dare to violate the authority of the immortal master shall die. "

Hua Yunfeng is awe inspiring.

God is like God.

In fairy tales, those mortals who offend the gods are often cut and burned by thunder, and even their souls cannot be reincarnated. Chen fan just killed a few people. What is it?

"Mr. Hua, this is..."

Lin pojun looked at it in surprise and anger.

Hua Yunfeng stood up and ignored him.

He is the head of the Chinese family and the son of the leader of the Qing Gang. Of course, Lin Shuming was kind to him at that time. But it was only Lin Shuming. What do you mean by breaking the army? Lin Shuming is only one of his hundreds of grandchildren. How dare you question me?

If it wasn't for uncle Lin's face, Hua Yunfeng would have clapped him and patted him into a meat cake.

"Good, good." Lin broke the army's anger and said, "Chen beixuan, Hua Yunfeng, and all of you, when I go home and tell my ancestors, none of you can run away."

"Ignorant child, don't you understand now? Even if Shuming was here, he had to be respectful to a contemporary myth. Do you know that your father, like you, has provoked great enemies for the Lin family? Does Shuming know? "

Hua Yunfeng shook his head and sighed.

Lin breaks the army to smell speech, suddenly the body a stiff, complexion iron blue.

Although the move to China shipping this time has been made by the Lin family for decades, what they have done is decided by Lin's words. It was Lin pojun's private decision to protect Ji's family and try to make friends with Chen fan.

He didn't know.

No matter chen fan or Lin Shuming, whose accomplishments are higher or lower. But we are all at the same level. Just like the two rich people on the Forbes list, they can discuss and sell each other.But do you see the rich go to discuss big things with the grandson or great granddaughter of another rich man?

As Chen Fan said:

"what are you? When you get to Lin Shuming's realm, talk to me again. "

Lin pojun was just a fan of the game. Soon after he thought it over, his face turned white and he was sweating. With a wry smile, he bowed to himself and said, "thank you, Mr. Hua. I understand that. I will keep it in mind in the future."

"In the future?"

Chen Fan sneered, his eyes were indifferent: "you first think about how to get out of China Sea today."

As soon as Chen Fan said this, the whole villa was quiet. Everyone didn't expect that Chen Fan wanted to kill Lin and break the army? You know, this is different from Qiu Shao and Wang Qishan.

Lin paojun is the real son of the Lin family, Qilin!

Lin Shuming can't care about Chen Fan's face. After all, Lin broke the army and took the initiative to offend a contemporary myth. But if you want to kill Lin Shuming, you have to hit Lin Shuming in the face. Can he still sit still?

At that time, it will be the battle between the two gods!

What an earth shaking event it was! That is, the capital of China will be shaken, and the eyes of all countries in the world will be on it.

As soon as Hua Yunfeng's face changed, he quickly arched his hand and said:

"Mr. Chen Xian, please look at my face and spare my life...

" no need to say more, I have made up my mind. " After a while, chen fan got up and pointed to Xue Daisha and said to Lin: "boy, I don't cheat you either. As a maid, I have learned sword for only one year and three months. If you can beat her, you can leave safely. If you can't, leave your life and let Lin Shuming come to me for help. "


Lin Po Jun was so angry that he laughed. His eyes flashed white. He took a long sword from the maid behind him. In a flash, he came to the field and said with a proud smile:

"Chen beixuan, Lin Po Jun has been learning sword for nearly 30 years, and he has entered the master's realm with sword skills. That is to look at the younger generation. Apart from you, it's almost like fighting. You let a maid insult me. See how I chop her! "

With that, he played the sword and roared.

Lin broke the army with a sword in his hand. His body was like a peerless swordsman. It's a powerful sword. It's cold all over the room. The people around them stepped back 20 or 30 meters before they felt better.

"Huajing, he's in Huajing!"

Seeing this, those who have inner strength shrink their pupils and scream loudly.

In today's martial arts world, in addition to Chen fan, ye Nantian, the youngest, is only 30 years old, and Lin broke the army earlier. No wonder he is called qilin'er of the Lin family.

"Dada dada."

Snow on behalf of sand, looks cool, white snow, negative sword and down.

She is not old, only in her early twenties, but also in the Qinglong formation all the year round. She is more and more young because of her aura. Like a girl of sixteen or seventeen, her skin is like frost and snow. The shawl with black hair and the ancient sword in white are just like the chivalrous women in the martial arts novels.

"Teacher, can she beat Lin to break the army?"

Cheng Danqing's pupil shrinks and asks a little anxiously.

Hua Yunfeng also frowned.

From their state of mind, we can see that although xuedaisha's breath is ethereal, his accomplishments are only the pinnacle of solid inner strength. When such a warrior meets a great master, it's like a mouse meeting an elephant. He can be killed with one hand.

"Maybe Chen beixuan has some special method. He's not very clear about being a teacher." Hua Yunfeng shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

"Bang Dang!"

At this time, xuedaisha draws out his sword, and the two are finally going to fight.

"Lin family, master swordsmanship!"

Lin broke the army and attacked first. He wanted to make a quick decision. The long sword in his hand, like a dazzling lightning, lit up the whole villa, and then turned into a silver awn in an instant, crossed the distance of tens of meters, with the power of splitting the sea, rolled to xuedaisha. With this sword, Lin can be ranked in the top ten of the list.

The silver is shining, the sword is cold.

With this peerless sword skill, even Hua Yunfeng was slightly moved. Other people are shocked, AI Jingqi is quietly grasp Chen Fan's arm, eyes full of worry.

"Qinghua sword technique, the first move"

Xue Dai Sha's face is expressionless and his eyes are as deep as the sea. The bright blue sword, blooming from the ancient sword in her hand, is like a blue lotus, steadily supporting the silver.


A clear sound, snow on behalf of the sand actually caught the sword of Lin broken army.

Without waiting for Lin to break the army, he was shocked. Xuedaisha had turned into a clear shadow, and dozens of blue swords suddenly came. All they could see was that in the room, the blue light was shining, and the silver was retreating step by step.

"Come like thunder, take away the fury, strike like the light of the river and the sea!"

For some reason, Hua Yunfeng suddenly thought of this famous poem.And in the field, the victory and defeat were also divided at this time. Xuedaisha's sword came out, and the blue sword crossed the three meter void, just like an antelope hanging its horn and a white colt passing through the gap, from an extremely magical angle. Beyond the defense of Lin's army, he broke his body protecting spirit, and his sword pierced Lin's chest.

A sword through the chest!

Lin broke the army, defeated! (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!