Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 473

Chen beixuan!

As long as the name comes to mind, Xiao Cai's heart trembles.

It's just a legend that the Lin family can cross the southeast half of the wall and force many Chinese families to bow their heads with the power of shaking the sky, so that the Hua family can do nothing, the Ji family can do nothing, and the Xia family can do nothing. As a legitimate son of the Lin family, Lin Po Jun dares to be known as the "crown prince" and set up the Qianlong group. What's more, he has to set up the China shipping business alliance and take charge of China shipping.

Even the Lin family.

Chen beixuan is the only one on the list of gods in the world. How impressive is Chen beixuan?

"When he comes, unless the ancestors of the Lin family come here, Lin will not be able to break the army."

Zhou Lao Zhi Zhu firmly said.

Only at his level can we know Chen Fan's horror. How can this really powerful man in the world be Lin paojun, who is pulling the banner of tiger skin, who can defeat the enemy.

But the people in the distance of the villa could not see so far.

After Chen Fan killed Wang Qishan in public, the whole villa was boiling, and the exclamations came. Even Lin couldn't sit still when he broke the army. His face was livid and he said:

"well, well, I'll go and see who dares to be so bold and not sell my face."

With that, he grew up and came out with anger.

Ji family, Tang family and Ning family all looked at each other and could only follow. And the Xia family owner and others, who were watching coldly, patted their thighs and said: "let's go and see what the Dragon across the river is coming to Zhonghai. Dare to thread the tiger whiskers of the Lin family."

In the hall, many rich and famous people from China and the sea came out with Lin breaking the army. They were all black and white, and their momentum was amazing. Lin pojun follows Shi Hongyi, the richest man in China, on the left, and Yang Zhengfeng, the leader of Qianlong group, on the right. He is guarding the beautiful woman who is so beautiful. Behind him are many masters of China's aristocratic families.

These people represent almost half of the power of China seas, and their power can be described as overwhelming.


As soon as he went out and saw the scene in the hospital, Lin's face sank and his eyes were cold.

Qiu Shao was killed, Yi Cheng, Lin Tianshu and others knelt down, and Wang Qishan was smashed. This is almost equivalent to slapping Lin paojun in the face. How can he not be angry.

It is the Xia family, Chu family and other family owners, see this scene, also eyelids straight jump.

"My God, this man is too cruel to kill people in public. It's like killing the Lin family endlessly... But how does this young man look familiar? Sitting next to him, he looks like Anya of Jinxiu group. Is he... '

thinking of this, the heads of several big families in China and the sea are turning pale at the same time and take a breath of cool air.

But Lin Po Jun looked directly at chen fan, with a trace of doubt in his eyes, and said, "I'm Lin Po Jun, the fifth generation of Lin family, the direct grandson of Shuming Gong. I don't know who you are? What's the grudge against my Lin family? It's going to be a big deal! "

When Qiu Shao died, Lin didn't feel sorry for breaking the army.

But Wang Qishan is a great master he managed to win over. When he was placed in the southeast Lin family, he always ranked in the top ten. When such a master died, Lin's heart was bleeding.

"If you dare to fight against the Lin family, are you from the Ye family of Yanshan? From Kunlun? Or is it from the heavenly way? "

As Lin pojun thought, he focused on Xue Daisha.

Because of the swordsman's Qi induction, he can feel that xuedaisha is definitely a master, and he is also a peerless swordsman. As for Chen fan, there is no breath, just like ordinary people.

"If Lin Shuming asked me this question, it would be almost the same. You are just a junior, not qualified. " Chen Fan cocked his legs, holding a wine glass in one hand and barbecue in the other, and said carelessly.

"Bold, the name of my ancestors is what you can call!"

Lin broke the army and suddenly changed color.

As the first master one hundred years ago, Lin Shuming's status is so lofty that he almost exists as a God in the Lin family. Even the heads of other Chinese families have to be respectful when talking about Lin Shuming. This is respect for the status of the strong in the divine realm.

"Yes, little boy, I don't know how to advance and retreat."

"Who are you? How dare you be so presumptuous in front of the prince? "

"A hairy boy, I can drive you out of Zhonghai with one look!"

Many people gathered around Lin pojun, including the head of Zhonghai family, Yang Zhengfeng and others, began to denounce him. Only the Tang family and Ning family looked at chen fan like ghosts.

"Prince, he is Chen fan."

Ji Luochen at this time, finally sober from calm, even busy.

"Chen Fan... Chen beixuan?"

But Ji Luochen didn't expect that he said this.

The whole villa is quiet. Although the lights are shining on Bajing mountain, everyone seems to have been put on the forbidden magic. When they stare at the pavilion, Lin paojun is the one with a look of horror.

"It's really Chen beixuan... '

Lin broke the army and looked at it carefully and finally decided.

Chen fan has two kinds of facial features. The second is the form of the eternal life of the Qing emperor, which is almost known all over the world. The first form is only understood by people close to the south of China Sea. Like Yang Qihu, he is the master of tianbang. He is more concerned and can be recognized at a glance.After confirmation, Lin pojun's face was blue and motionless.

"Chen beixuan, our Ji family and you have no injustice or hatred, but you humiliate our Ji family many times and even pursue and kill them in Zhonghai. Do you really think my Ji family is being slaughtered? "

When Lin broke the army, Ji Luochen was as brave as a supporter.

"Prince, you have promised to protect my Ji family. Chen beixuan is here. Please do justice for my Ji family!" Ji Luochen said while looking forward to Lin broken army.

In Ji Luochen's opinion.

Chen fan is a divine realm, and so is the Lin family.

That is equal, since it is equal strength, we have to rely on negotiations to resolve, pull each other's wrist, decide whether to take a step back. This is the way to be born in high society.

"I'm in charge of your sister."

Lin broke the heart of the army, almost want to kick Ji Luochen to death. But now, in full view of the public, he knew that as long as he gave in half, these Zhonghai aristocratic families would have to jump back, so he bowed his hand and said:

"it turned out that Chen Xianshi was in front of him, and my ancestors praised him many times. I heard that there were some contradictions between the immortal master and the Ji family. I don't know if it's in the face of the Lin family that I'm going to expose... "

he hasn't finished.

As soon as Chen Fan waved at any time, a blue knife ran across the distance of tens of meters, as fast as lightning, that is, as fast as a galloping horse, almost breaking the speed of sound. In the air, Ji Ruochen is split in two.

Before his death, this Zhonghai junior didn't think that Chen fan would kill him if he said so, and his face was still full of joy.

"Uncover... Uncover..."

Lin pojun's words were stuck in his throat for a while, and he couldn't speak any more. His eyes were full of fury.

"What are you? Even Lin Shuming did not dare to speak like this in front of me. "

Chen Fan flicked his sleeve after he killed people, disdaining to smile.

He didn't care about Lin's anger.

Many of Zhonghai's aristocratic families are silent, and they all bow their heads and dare not speak. Between the two great bodhisattvas, the Lin family and Chen beixuan, they are like ants, which will be crushed if they are not careful.

"Good... Good... Good!"

Lin's hands were shaking.

Since he was born, with the wind and the water, who dares to stop him? This is the first time to meet someone who doesn't sell the face of the Lin family. When Chen Fan kills people in public, he slaps him in the face.

"Chen beixuan, are you determined to be the enemy of our Lin family? Don't forget that there is a divine realm in my Lin family, not to mention that now most of the China seas are behind me. The power, inside information and strength of my Lin family are far beyond your imagination. You have to think about it! "

Lin pojun is worthy of the elite of this generation.

Quickly suppress anger, face dignified as water, cold voice said.

"Just you? Or is it the local people behind you? " Chen Fan disdains a smile, the vision sweeps to the Zhonghai many aristocratic families behind Lin pojun: "do you want to be the enemy with me Chen beixuan?"

By Chen Fan's glance, the masters of the Zhonghai family were frozen as if their souls were frozen.

Before they knew Chen Fan's identity, they naturally didn't care. But when we hear the name of Chen beixuan, who knows if he is the number one person in China Sea platoon? Who doesn't know?

This is a powerful world, killing people, and the only divine place on the list of gods.

The real myth of the time!

"Chen beixuan, you don't have to waste your time. Although you are powerful, how can you know the horror of the power of the Lin family?"

Lin Po Jun had a plan and didn't care.

In order to win over these Chinese aristocratic families, the Lin family spent countless efforts. Soft and hard, coercion and inducement, and then to link interests. It's almost unstoppable. Lin pojun believes that the alliance of interests is the strongest, and no one will betray his own interests.

When Lin broke the army and stood up.

Only one of them came out and bowed to Chen Fan respectfully, saying: "Xia family, Xia Lingfeng, meet general Chen."

Chen fan is a major general of Canglong. Everyone knows that he can be called a general.

"It's the Xia family?"

Lin Po Jun's eyes flashed and he didn't care much. The Xia family is the rival of the Lin family.

But then:

"Gao family, Gao Chengxiong, meet general Chen."

"Zhonghai Chu family, Chu Zhaofeng, meet general Chen."

"Zhonghai Yue family..."

a series of Zhonghai aristocratic family leaders and patriarchs came out in succession to worship Chen Fangong. Many childe friends were stunned. The Xia family, the Gao family and the Chu family are all the top families in China. Family owners are always superior. When will they be more respectful to an ordinary teenager like today?

Just as Lin paojun's eyelids were jumping, he saw a man rushing out behind him and kneeling down to beg for mercy to Chen fan, saying:

"Zhonghai Tang family, Tang Jianmin, pray for General Chen's forgiveness."

"Ningjia in Zhonghai, Ningzheng, kneel down and beg General Chen's forgiveness.""Zhonghai merchants, merchants..."

almost in the blink of an eye, many masters of Zhonghai aristocratic families who stood on the side of Lin paojun rebelled and fell on their knees in front of Chen fan. In the end, Yang Zhengfeng and other young people in Lingnan stood there in a daze.

"You... You?"

Lin pojun's face changed wildly. He couldn't keep calm any longer. Looking at Tang Jianmin and others, his eyes almost burst out with fire. But at this time, an old Zhongzheng voice came from the hall:

"Zhonghai Hua family, Hua Yunfeng, lead disciples, children and grandchildren, welcome Chen Xian to master Dharma driving!"

The moment you hear the sound.

Lin Po Jun's face was as blue as a funeral examination.

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ n) O (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!