Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 472

In the hall of the villa, it is like a double sky of ice and fire.

Here is a hot discussion with many wealthy Chinese businessmen, including many business groups, rich people and families from Southeast China, led by Ji family, Tang family, Ning family and merchants.

As the largest city in China, once a unified business alliance is formed, China shipping will be powerful enough to compete with the top plutocrats in Japan and South Korea. In addition, several of the top ten rich people in China shipping are inclined to this, and the acquiescence of the Chinese family makes us feel that it can really be built.

"With the success of this business alliance, the position of our Ji family in Zhonghai will be as stable as Mount Tai!"

Ji Ruochen's heart is hot.

The Tang family, the Ning family, and others were happy. They support the crown prince to establish the China shipping business alliance. This is the contribution of the dragon. At that time, they will be able to play an important role in the business alliance.

On the contrary, the Xia family, the Gao family and the Chu family were all silent, and the many rich, small and medium-sized families attached to them also looked dejected.

Lin broke the army and came with the general situation of the Lin family. The force of the southeast half of the wall was overwhelming. If China Shipping's major business tycoons can be united, they will not be afraid. However, nearly half of the families turned against the water, and it seems that the Chinese family, which has always been the mainstay of CNOOC, did not dare to fight against it. The Xia family, the Gao family and the Chu family alone can't compete with Lin.

"The general situation has become, the general situation has become!"

The owner of Xia family, Xia Lingfeng sighed.

As one of the top families in China, they are no less powerful in politics and business than Ji Jia. But in the face of the legend, the Lin family has a divine realm. If they want to resist, they have a lot of scruples.

"Well, if only the Ji family, even with Shi Hongyi, they would be even. But the Lin family is too difficult to deal with. You and I all know the power of the divine realm. Chen beixuan is so fierce that he kills people with an enemy country. The head of the people killed in Jiangnan was rolling, forcing an to bow his head and the master of the Fu family to kneel down and beg for mercy. If it annoys the spirit of the Lin family, we may not even be able to save our lives. "

The Chu master shook his head and gave a bitter smile.

In fact, they didn't have much fear of the divine realm.

However, with Chen Fan's unbridled display of the power of the divine realm for more than a year, he has really shocked many big families. It's said that the Lin family has a divine state. How dare they confront each other?

"Now that we can't go back to heaven, we can only count on Mr. Hua to stand up for justice."

The owner of the high family whispered.

Others all shook their heads and laughed bitterly. The Chinese family held a banquet for Lin pojun, and this tendency was clear at a glance. It seems that in the face of the legendary divine realm, HuaLao, who is famous in Zhonghai, does not dare to carry it hard!

"That's all. Let's go. This game seems to be a losing game."

Mr. Zhou, who is sitting on the second floor, grows up.

This old man, who used to be in charge of CNOOC and now has great influence in CNOOC, can only sigh at this time.

Xiao Cai was beside him, frustrated. Even Mr. Zhou felt powerless. Who else could resist Lin's army?

Just as Mr. Zhou came downstairs and was about to leave, a scream came from outside, and the whole hall was quiet.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Po Jun frowned.

"Kill... Kill. Prince, Qiu Shao was killed outside. Brother Tianshu was also forced to kneel on the ground by the man. The man also said, "let the prince go to see him..."

a man stumbled in and cried.


Everyone in the hall is shaking!

Now that Lin Po's army has become powerful, he is pressing China seas. How dare anyone dare to challenge him face to face?

That Qiu Shao, as we all know, was Lin paojun's younger brother, but he was killed in public. And Lin Tianshu is the Lin family, forced to kneel down, this person is to carry Lin hard to break the army.

When Lin Po Jun heard the words, he had no joy or sorrow on his face, but his pupils were as white as lightning.

"What courage

Another southeast young man, who followed Lin to break the army, slapped the table and scolded angrily: "who is it? How dare you challenge the prince? Do you think the Lin family dare not kill people? "

This young man, Yang Zhengfeng, is the leader of this generation in Lingnan province. He and Lin Tianshu are the right arms of Lin's army.

He this anger, entire conference hall public, atmosphere all dare not give out.

"Uncle Qi, go and bring the man to me."

Lin broke the army's calmness and calmness, served tea and water, and gave orders casually.

"Yes, Prince."

A middle-aged man standing behind Lin broke the army bowed to him. This man is the driver driving for Lin pojun. He used to stand there, just like an ordinary security guard.

But when he straightened up his waist, the air of flying clouds burst into the sky.

"The great master, the real great master, is not far away even if it's not the realm. And look at his palm. It's very thick. I'm afraid he's still practicing external skills, and he's in a very advanced level, horizontal training peak. It's really frightening to practice both inside and outside. "In the field, there are also those with inner strength.

See this scene, suddenly face crazy change, heart low call.

Such a master, who practiced both inside and outside and was almost no weaker than the master, turned out to be the bodyguard of Lin paojun. It can be seen that the depth of the Lin family in Southeast China is beyond people's imagination.

"Prince, I'll follow you."

Ji Luochen's eyes flashed, and he followed the man after he was promised.


at this time, there was silence in the courtyard of the villa.

Many young ladies of China Shipping stood there trembling. People from Lingnan knelt around the pavilion. In full view of the public, chen fan is still roasting the steak. Anya tears off a small strip from time to time and feeds chen fan.

When AI Jingqi saw this scene, she was angry and laughing:

"this young master, who hasn't seen him for more than a year, is still lazy. Is he not afraid of the Lin family's Revenge if he kills people in public like this? "

I'm thinking of a "squeak.".

The door of the hall was pushed open and a group of people came out.

The leader was a proud middle-aged man. The man's eyes swept over Lin Tianshu and others who were kneeling on the ground, and his pupils suddenly shrank. Finally, he looked at chen fan and said with three points of surprise:

"in the lower southeast, Lin's guard, Wang Qishan, I don't know who you are?"

Lin Tianshu is the top master of inner strength. He can force him to kneel down, which shows that Chen Fan's strength is at least half of the way. When did Zhonghai become such a master?

Ji Ruochen, who is next to him, changes his face like a ghost when he sees chen fan.

"A dog is not qualified to ask me. Let your master ask me."

Chen fan side turning barbecue, the head does not lift the road.


Wang Qishan's color changes abruptly.

For him, the southeast Lin family is a god like existence. In his mind, the prince is more respected. When Wang Qishan was in Nanyang, he was saved by the prince. For Wang Qishan, anyone who humiliates the prince is his life and death enemy.

"Uncle Qi, it's Chen..."

Ji Luochen trembles and points to Chen fan.

But what about Wang Qishan?

"Boy, when I take you, I'll go to the crown prince and ask him a question. I'll see if you dare to speak wild words."

Wang Qishan's eyes are like swords, looking directly at chen fan.

As he said this, he was shocked.

Suddenly, his clothes were shaken open by his muscles, revealing his bronze muscles, which were like iron water and steel bars. Wang Qishan stepped out and stepped on the ground, making deep footprints on the bluestone floor.


Wang Qishan came in an instant.

The distance of tens of meters was almost crossed by him in an instant. In the void, there was a long scream, just like the roar of a train's whistle.

He hit it ten meters away.

The strength of the fist, even through the body, turned into the shape of a tiger roaring, just like a fierce tiger roaring. The surrounding weeds were all pushed around by the force of the air.

"How powerful!"

Countless young princesses who saw this blow turned pale at the same time. People who know how to buy goods are even more upset. This blow alone is enough to run across the province and be invincible.

"Master of half step and horizontal training? "Both inside and outside?"

Chen Fan raised eyelid, light Yi.

It's a very difficult road to cultivate both inside and outside in martial arts and Taoism. But once it's done, it's much better than an ordinary master. At this time, Wang Qishan's strength may not be inferior to that of his master.

But how can a master match chen fan?

"Kneel down, too."

Chen Fan waved his sleeve and grabbed it in the air.

A huge hand of green light appeared in the void, making a thundering sound. Then, in Wang Qishan's startled eyes, he turned his palm down.


Wang Qishan was shot into the ground by the blue hand.

On the bluestone board, a human shape is inlaid. When Qingguang's hands were gone, people could see that Wang Qishan's bones were broken, and he was lying there like a pool of mud. He only had the Qi to enter, but not to go out.

"A great master, so defeated?"

The crowd was stunned.

Just now, Wang Qishan was so fierce that he killed the polar bear!

But in front of Chen fan, like a naughty boy, he was patted casually and died on the ground without any resistance. If Chen fan had not kept his hand, he would have turned into a pile of mashed meat.

"He's Chen... Fan."

At this time, Ji Luochen finally whispered, but it was too late.

There was silence.

Even the rich people who followed Wang Qishan to watch the excitement, also looked like a dead man, and couldn't help sweeping their eyes at the young man in the pavilion.

He even killed Lin paojun's men.This is to keep up with the southeast Lin family.

Zhou Lao, who followed him out of the door, saw this scene. He was shocked and his face was filled with ecstasy: "well, well, I didn't expect that he came too. Lin's wishful thinking was wrong."

"Mr. Zhou, who is he?"

Looking at Chen Fan from afar, little Cai Yuan felt that the boy looked very familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

"It can fight against Lin's army. No, it's against the Lin family in Southeast China!" Old Zhou swept away his decadence and laughed: "in front of him, Lin broke the army, what is it?"

"Can it be..."

Xiao Cai Wenyan suddenly shook his body and overlapped the person in front of him with the photos he had seen before.

"Is Chen beixuan here?"

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!