Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 471

Hua Yunfeng has been in Zhonghai for decades and has been famous for nearly a hundred years. Since Cheng Danqing was adopted by him, he has never seen Hua Yunfeng behave so impolitely. He can't help but be surprised.

"I didn't expect that, even he came. Lin's game of chess is wrong."

At this time, Hua Yunfeng's sorrow was gone, and he burst out laughing.

"Teacher, who is it?"

Cheng Danqing turned and looked down. Unfortunately, the three people had already entered the door. They could only see their backs. A man and two women seem to be very young. One of them is carrying a green scabbard sword, just like a chivalrous woman in a novel.

"Big man, earth shaking big man." Hua Yunfeng pointed to Cheng Danqing and said with a smile, "it's the person you've always wanted to see. Now, he's down there."

"You mean... He's coming?"

Hearing this, Cheng Danqing's face changed, his eyes were shocked, and his heart trembled.

No matter how calm or calm Cheng Danqing was when he mentioned that name. But when the man really stood downstairs, Cheng Danqing still felt a sense of suffocation.

That's a myth of the time!


"Xiao Fan, what else can xuedaisha do with a sword when he attends the banquet?"

The man and the woman were chen fan, who had just had a good meal. Anya asked strangely as she handed the invitation.

"I'm the master's attendant. Naturally, I have to keep my weapons with me all the time to protect my master."

Snow on behalf of the sand cold answer.

Anya and Chen fan are embarrassed.

He is the most famous myth in the world, and he needs a little girl to protect him? However, to cultivate the Qinghua sword Sutra, we really need to communicate with the sword all the time. In this way, we can become a real land sword immortal, so Chen Fan didn't care about him.

In the eyes of many doormen, the three stepped into the field.

The whole Huajia villa is very large. In addition to the central hall, there are three in and three out courtyards. There are many servants in every place. Many barbecues, Australian lobsters, and red wine of bodol villa are placed in the open air for you to take and use.

Adults are basically gathered in the core hall.

Outside in the courtyard are the younger generation of the major families in China. They don't care about the business alliance or the prince. That's what elders and family elites need to worry about. They are responsible for playing.

"Eh, isn't that Anya of Jinxiu group? She's here, too? "

"Who is the man next to Anya? He looks very close to her."

A lot of Chinese young people, are surprised to cry.

Anya is a famous beauty in the upper class of China. I don't know how many people want to hold her back, but they are all rejected by the girl.

"That boy seems to be the prince of Jinxiu. He came from Jiangnan. His name is Chen. I have forgotten his specific name."

Feng Shao also came to the reception. When he saw chen fan and Anya, he turned black and said in a cold voice.

Although his father is a rich man in China, he is far behind the Ji family and the Tang family. Feng Shao can only be regarded as a second rate boy in Zhonghai. If he can't get into the core circle, he just plays outside in the yard.

"what is a woodlouse of the south of the Yangtze River? I don't know the heaven and the earth. "

"Yes, if the Lin family hears him, they will have to give him a discount. Can the prince call at will?"

Many childe friends sneer.

They are just from the second and third line of China shipping. Looking at chen fan, they are very jealous. It's a pity that they still have some brains. They know that Jinxiu is powerful and can't be provoked. They can only say something sour.

Feng Shaowen's eyes flashed and his figure went to the main house secretly.


the three of Chen Fan just came to the banquet, and they didn't want to go into the main room. They directly set up a grill in the pavilion to continue their great culinary career. The top beef of Kobe, Japan, is golden and fragrant.

"Snow for sand?"

When Chen Fan was enjoying the gentle service of the little maid, a surprised voice came from the side.

Everyone turned around and saw that AI Jingqi was surprised.

She was very angry in the main room. Seeing that the Lin family was very powerful, she could only come out for a breath. Unexpectedly, she met xuedaisha.

"Just..." Ai Jingqi glanced at chen fan, wondering: "aren't you Chen beixuan's maid? Is this gentleman

When Chen Fan went to Japan, he went to Japan with the appearance of emperor Qingdi.

AI Jingqi was naturally surprised.

"Oh, you are the little Qi. Long time no see."

Chen fan says hello casually.

This girl and he super predestined relationship, in Japan four or five times, chen fan naturally remember.

"Chen... Chen beixuan?"

Chen fan a mouth, AI Jingqi recognized, suddenly a pair of beautiful eyes round stare, can't believe. But she was relieved when she thought of Chen Fan's all-round means of defeating the army.Gods are omnipotent.

"How did you come to Zhonghai? It's been more than a year. I thought I couldn't see you. Looking for the rosefinch, she has no news... "Ai Jingqi is still the same as before, talking a lot, just like a little sparrow:" by the way, do you know about the establishment of China shipping business alliance by Prince Lin? "

"Prince Lin? China shipping business alliance

Chen Fan three people a Leng, don't know why.

AI Jingqi quickly explained. After hearing the whole story clearly, chen fan sneered:

"I said that the Ji family is so brave and dare to disobey me. It turns out that they are holding the thighs of the southeast Lin family. They really think that they can protect them just by the Lin family's divine state of not knowing whether they are dead or alive? "

Up to now, Lin Shuming has lived for three centuries. A hundred years ago, he was the first expert in China. I'm afraid he had to be 140 or 50 years old. Even if he is still alive, his Qi and blood will be exhausted. And even if Lin Shuming's fighting power is at its peak, what will happen? At this time, no one on earth can compete with Chen fan.

AI Jingqi's eyes flashed. When she wanted to find out the reason, she suddenly heard a burst of drinking:

"it's them. They beat me at noon!"

I saw a group of people, brush came, surrounded the pavilion. It was Yi Cheng and Qiu Shao who led the way.

"Three, is it you who cracked my partner today?"

Among the people in Lingnan, a strange man came out with a cold voice.

AI Jingqi's face changed when she saw the man.

Because just now, this man was standing beside Lin pojun, very close to him, a little higher than Ji Ruochen. It is said that his name is Lin Tianshu. He is also a member of the Lin family. He comes from Jiaolong special corps of the southeast military region.

The generation of the Lin family is named after the stars in the sky. Tianshu star is one of the Big Dipper, which shows the status of this man.

"I was looking for you, but you came to me."

Chen Fan glanced at all the people in Lingnan and found that Qiu Shao was also there, holding gauze on his head and covering his face with hatred.

"I, Lin family, have never been offended. You hurt my companion. Now if you can make an apology and get my companion's forgiveness, that's the end of the matter. "

Lin Tianshu said neither haughty nor humble.

His actions and manners are extraordinary, worthy of the elite children of the big family.

"Forgive? Yes, let that little bitch accompany me for three days and three nights, I will forgive her, otherwise... "Qiu Shao said with a smile.

"I'm looking for death!"

Chen Fan shakes his head and sighs. At noon, he gives them a way to live. Unexpectedly, this man is still stubborn. Beixuan xianzun is not a soft hearted person.

"Bang Dang!"

As soon as Chen Fan led the sword, the ancient sword behind Xue Daisha was drawn by invisible force and instantly came out of its sheath. He turned into a blue sword, circled in the air, crossed dozens of meters, and cut off Qiu Shao's head in the crowd. Then it flew back into the sheath.

A hundred steps of the imperial sword will kill people.

Like an ancient swordsman.

"Poof Pooh."

A spring of blood gushed from Qiu Shao's neck, and all the people around him were covered with blood. Many people fell to the ground and trembled when they saw this scene. Yi Cheng is even dumbfounded, as if to see the myth. When did they see such a fierce method? Say kill!

"Kill... Kill!"

Feng Shao, who was standing outside and peeping, let out an earth shaking cry.

Suddenly the whole villa was startled.


Seeing Chen Fan's way of controlling the sword with Qi, Lin Tianshu immediately shrinks his pupils and looks up and down at chen fan. "I didn't expect that there were so many young experts besides our Lin family. Who are you, sir? Do you really want to be the enemy of my southeast Lin family? "

"You are not qualified to ask me. Let Lin break the army to lead you."

Chen Fanli ignored them. He just held his sleeve and drank.

"Kneel down!"

A great force came down on the shoulders of the people, put them on the ground and knelt down.


Lin Tianshu let out a roar. His inner strength surged wildly. He wanted to break his body. He was a master of inner strength. But how could he carry the power of the God sea? He was still pressed on the ground and fell to the ground.

"You are Chen... Chen Bei..."

Lin Tianshu raised his eyes and thought of something and wanted to call it out.

It's a pity that before he finished, because of the huge resistance force, he pressed into the ground with his head and face.

All the people who watched around were gaping. Even many guards of the Chinese family took a breath. The Lin family has come with a tremendous momentum and has swept the whole China Sea.

However, the young man killed Lingnan junior in public and forced the Lin family to kneel down.

This is a positive challenge to the prince of the Lin family.

"Too arrogant, too cruel. When did we have such a fierce man in Zhonghai"My God, that Qiu Shao is said to have a general's father. They all say to kill him. It's terrible."

, "I just thought of him as woodlouse... Now, it seems that this brocade prince can really carry on with Lin's Prince."

Many childe brothers have a cold breath.

"It's really Chen beixuan."

AI Jingqi see Chen fan is still an old God in the appearance, can't help showing a trace of wry smile.

At this time, the whole villa and the main house were boiling.

"Who dares to challenge the prince?"

PS: fourth more o (∩)_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!