Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 468

Prince of Jinxiu group, that's a legend.

At that time, Wang Xiaoyun went to Zhonghai alone with Anya's mother and daughter, starting from scratch to create such a large Jinxiu group.

Today's Jinxiu is firmly in the top three of Zhonghai real estate, becoming a real tycoon. Wang Xiaoyun is also one of the top ten richest people in China, and is the only woman who is known as "the richest woman in China."

Such a large property, only two women support, I do not know how many people covet. However, the background of Jinxiu is too strong. Since the rise of Jinxiu, countless people have come up with the idea of Jinxiu. A year ago, it was suppressed by the Ji family, the Tang family and the Ning family, which almost couldn't support it. Even many senior officials thought that Jinxiu would be finished.

As a result, it turned around three months ago, and the Tang family was defeated.

At that time, the owner of the Tang family waited for Jinxiu gate and bowed to Wang Xiaoyun to apologize. Who didn't see the respectful appearance of the people in the building? The whole Zhonghai core business district is boiling.

Everyone is crazy to guess the background of Jinxiu. Only a few people can get in touch with Chen fan. Most people spread false information and catch the wind. They only know that Jinxiu seems to have the support of Jincheng military region. This one is enough to stop most people.

"We Jinxiu really have a prince. I thought the chairman had only assistant an's daughter."

"Well, the chairman's husband's family name is Chen, and assistant an is obviously not his own."

"It seems that the prince has grown up and is going to inherit his family fortune."

Many white collars are talking behind their backs.

Feng Shao's smile froze on his face. He wanted to continue his reserved smile, but he couldn't smile. A pair of eyes staring at chen fan, as if to see the enemy of his wife.

"Chairman, assistant an, and... Chen Shao, let's go up and talk about it. The hall is too noisy." Director he wiped the sweat on his forehead. He ignored Feng Shao and ran to him like a dogleg.


Wang Xiaoyun turned his head and said, "Xiao He, go and push today's schedule. Just say I have something to do today. I'll talk about it another day."

"OK, OK, chairman."

He chief inspector side agrees, side sweeps to Chen Fan with startled eye.

He knows that the chairman of our company has always been known for his diligence and ability. He works late at night every day and never has a holiday. Today, I even cancelled my trip for Chen Fan's sake. It shows how much I dote on my son.

"It seems that the prince's position is very important... I accidentally offended him before. I don't know if he will remember."

Director he began to sweat behind his back.

People said, into the elevator, all the way like the top floor of the conference room line. As for Feng Shao, who cares about him now? He could only stand in the hall with an iron face, his eyes almost bursting with fire.

At this time, the directors and managers of Jinxiu group were already impatient in the conference room.

"What can make the chairman run down in a hurry without even holding a meeting?"

"Yes, is there a big man? Even assistant Ann will follow

"Oh, unless the head of China shipping comes, who can let the chairman of the board meet him like this?"

When everyone was whispering, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and Wang Xiaoyun and others came in. Accompanied by the two women, there was an 18-year-old boy.

The teenager looks less than 20 years old. He has a pretty face. He is wearing ordinary casual clothes and looks like a new college kid. Just look at the doting performance of assistant Wang Dong and an, as if he was very flattered.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is my son, chen fan. And these are the directors, department heads and managers of the company. "

Wang Xiaoyun went to the throne and introduced himself.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Chen fan."

Chen fan just nodded casually, took Xue Daisha, sat on the sofa, and pulled Anya over. Anya has no choice but to take a look at Wang Xiaoyun. After Wang Xiaoyun nods, she sits with Chen fan.


Chen Fan's casual attitude obviously made many directors dissatisfied.

"No wonder I didn't see Mr. Wang bring him here before. He looks like a dandy. He doesn't look like a great man at all. What does a serious board meeting mean to a company with nothing and beautiful company? Entertainment venues? "

There are mature directors, who are already cold in their hearts.

Others, too, secretly shook their heads.

"It is said that Wang Dong's husband's family is the Chen family in Jincheng. The Chen family has been thriving recently, and is known as the largest family in Jincheng. This is the prince of Chen family in Jincheng. I've been spoiled and indulged since I was a child. I'm a pure dandy. If this brocade is handed to him in the future, it will be a loser... "

all directors and managers are business elites of China shipping. They are used to seeing master's degree graduates from famous universities, international students from Ivy League schools in the United States, or the rich generation who are also self-made. Naturally, I don't like Chen Fan's laziness.

"Well, let's continue our meeting. The third phase of Jinxiuyuan project in the second ring road has been delayed for several months. We need to resume work immediately so that we can strive to complete it before the end of the year and catch up with the October golden week."Wang Xiaoyun sat down to the throne and immediately regained the air of the beautiful queen with a serious expression.

We also quickly enter the state, respectful listeners.

"Mr. Wang, I have something to report to you." A manager stood up and said, "it's not that we don't want to go back to work in the third phase of Jinxiu Garden. It's that the local government always refuses to allow us to start work in the name of unfinished inspection."

"Yes, Mr. Wang, I heard that the Dongcheng District government has been making trouble for us all the time. It's said that the people of Ji family are behind us..."

another director also said.

"Ji Jia?"

Wang Xiaoyun frowned.

Since a year ago, Jinxiu has been disturbed by Jijia continuously, and problems have occurred in all aspects of construction, sales and cooperation projects. The construction site is sealed up, the sales department is a crow's nest, the partner is in breach of contract, the bank comes to collect debts, the senior management leaves office and so on. Behind these are the efforts of the Ji family and the Tang family. At that time, Jinxiu was in a precarious situation and almost closed down. Wang Xiaoyun couldn't sleep well all night.

Only in these three months can it be better. Just tangjianing home back, Ji home has not back, still from time to time to find rich brocade trouble.

"Mr. Wang, why don't we apologize to Mr. Ji? No matter how big the feud is, it has been more than a year and should be eliminated. Let's lower our heads and come to apologize. The Ji family should raise their hands. " The manager said carefully.

"Yes, Mr. Wang, the Ji family is one of the few big families in China. The strong dragon is not a local leader, let alone a strong dragon. It really annoys Ji Jia. It's very difficult for the company to develop its business. "

Other directors also repeatedly advised.

They take part in Jinxiu to make money. How would you like to provoke a big family like Ji family?


Wang Xiaoyun is hesitating. A voice came from the side:

"is the Ji family still alive? It's so bold. Don't worry, mom. I'm here to solve the problem of the Ji family. "

They turned to see that Chen Fan was sitting there, looking indifferent.

"It's your big voice. You're the Haiji family. Can you solve it as a kid?" I don't know how many directors laugh directly in their hearts.

However, they didn't say it directly because of Wang Xiaoyun's face.

The directors turned their heads to see how Wang Xiaoyun reprimanded the boy who didn't know his superiority.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xiaoyun nodded and said decisively, "OK, I'll give it to you, Xiaofan. Mom will cook two more dishes tonight as a reward. Also, don't be too cruel. It's not good to make a big noise. "


Many directors were stunned.

I'll go, chairman. Are you mistaken. You let a child less than 20 to clean up the Zhonghai Ji family? That's ridiculous. Call the Chen family in Jincheng, or the mysterious backer behind you.

They shook their heads secretly.

Soon, after the board meeting ended and Wang Xiaoyun left with Anya and Chen fan, someone shook his head and sighed: "the chairman is usually smart, but he dotes on his son too much. If he goes on like this, there will be a big problem sooner or later."

"That's right. What a rich family is Haiji? It's a joke for a hairy kid to say that he's going to solve the Ji family. " Another veteran director sneered.

There was a voice of condemnation. Only one senior director frowned and hesitated and said:

"I seem to hear people from Jiangnan say that the name of Wang Dong's son is master Chen, who is a powerful figure in Jiangnan. Jiangnan's head is rolling with a sword. Some time ago, Ji's family and Tang's family dared to be so rampant because of his disappearance. Now that he's back, Tang's family has come to apologize, and even Ji's family has converged a lot... "

" Lao Hong, where did you hear these rumors? I also heard that there is a general in Jincheng Chen family who is less than 20 years old. Can you believe these things? There are no generals under 40 years old in our country! Twenty years old, not even a major

The former directors laughed directly.

Everyone looked at each other, smiling and shaking their heads.

As for the background of Jinxiu, it's said that it's amazing, and there are all kinds of versions. Compared with those outrageous versions, we are more willing to believe that Wang Dong was born in Yanjing family, which is the most reliable one!

What son is a master, Chen family has a young general and so on, it doesn't sound true.


while these directors are laughing, Wang Xiaoyun has already taken Anya, chen fan and Xue Daisha to the best five-star sailing hotel in CNOOC and headed for the revolving restaurant on the top floor.

"Are you really here for the Ji family?"

Wang Xiaoyun asked.

"The Ji family is just a small problem. It can be destroyed with a wave. I mainly come to see you and sister Ann, and then I'm going to travel for a year and a half. I'm afraid you'll be worried. "

Chen Fan replied with a smile.

As soon as they got to the top floor, they saw a line of bodyguards in black standing at the door of the restaurant. The hotel manager also came up quickly and apologized: "Mr. Wang, I'm sorry that the revolving restaurant was packed today, or I'll arrange a VIP Hall for you."PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!