Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 467

After Lin paojun's car left, Cheng Danqing said: "teacher, according to the information of his subordinates, when Lin paojun arrived, he entered the villa of Ji family. It seems that he has a very close relationship with the Ji family. "

The Chinese family has been standing in Zhonghai for decades. It's too easy to get some information.

"This is very normal. The Ji family's feudalism is in the southeast, which is naturally related to the Lin family."

Hua Yunfeng said.

At this time, he was not happy or sad. He had thunder in his chest, but his face was like Pinghu. He was an old fox who lived nearly a hundred years old. How could he have been so panicked just now.

"Teacher, do you really want to give up Zhonghai's stall to the Lin family?" Cheng Danqing frowned slightly.

"What about giving it to him?" Hua Yunfeng laughed.

"Our generation of warriors, with their own strength, are proud of the earth. What is a place like Zhonghai? What's wrong if you let me? If you build a divine realm, you can go overseas like Hongmen's ancestors, and you can build a foundation with your bare hands. Or, like the Dragon hall, support Xingzhou to establish a country and become the supreme emperor of a country! It's better than staying in the middle of the sea and calculating with a group of minions all day long. "

Hua Yunfeng said, there is a sense of pride in the world.

This great master, who has been famous in China for decades, is still standing up despite the rise of countless generations. No one knows what terrible strength and means he has.

"The teacher is only half a step away from the divine realm. Finally, we will step forward and rebuild the brilliance of Huajia

Cheng Danqing eyes now reverently said. Only she, who has been with the old man for decades, can vaguely understand the horror of Hua Yunfeng. Forty years ago, before ye Nantian was born, Hua Yunfeng had already entered the peak of the world. Forty years later, who can think of the power of Hua Yunfeng?

"Hard! The difficulty of the divine realm is like the sky Hua Yunfeng shook his head.

"I touched the divine realm 30 years ago, but I was stuck in this gate for 30 years. Even if the power of self thinking is to compete with the top three of the dark list, it may not be much worse, but it can't make that step after all. "

"If the divine realm is easy to enter, there will not be only one Chen beixuan in the past 50 years. Danqing, because of your special physique, you practice all the way smoothly. But if you want to enter the divine realm, you can't do it just by your physique. Without great perseverance, wisdom and opportunity, you can't enter the divine realm. "

There is a hint of warning in the old man's words.

"Yes, teacher, I see."

Cheng Danqing, surprised by this, bows himself to salute, and then says with a hint of incomprehension:

"it's just the teacher. Lin paojunming knows that the Ji family has a grudge against Chen beixuan, and he still has to get together with the Ji family. Are you really ready to meet Chen beixuan? That's a bad star. "

"The Lin family is the first Chinese family a hundred years ago. It has its own pride and heritage. In addition, the ancestors of the Lin family were all outstanding in the divine realm. Lin was a young man with a big tree on his back. He was proud and didn't have to be afraid of Chen beixuan. But it's none of our business. Just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. "

Hua Yunfeng stroked his sleeves and made an argument.


Cheng Danqing nodded.


at the time when the wind and clouds are surging and the clouds are gathering.

Chen fan is still in Jincheng. He was closed for three months. When he came out, he had to accompany Fang Qiong. To coax her little girlfriend, Fang Qiong has a strong character and has been used to independence for a long time. You can officially leave Jiangnan and travel all over China. "

"Look for the blessed land of Lingshan mountain, the spiritual vein of Dongtian. By the way, go to Linzhou, Hong Kong Island, yaoshengu and Zhongzhou. I don't know what happened to my apprentice ah Xiu. And then there is Princess Xu Rong. Her father died and she was studying in Yanjing, so we should visit her. "

Chen Fan plans to go to Zhonghai by car.

This Ferrari was sent by the Ren family to please chen fan. Chen Fan took it and gave it to Xue Daisha as a means of transportation. Nowadays, he is a beauty in Xiangche, and he is as handsome as an old man in the front seat.

"Master, shall we go directly to Zhonghai Jijia?"

Asked xuedaisha.

"No, go to Jinxiu group first. I haven't seen my mother and sister Ann for three months. "

Chen Fan said lazily.

As for Ji Jia, mole ant is general, how can he care? Even if the rosefinch asks him to pay attention to some influence, it's a big deal that he doesn't need to use the flying sword. Just put some incantations on it. What's more, chen fan believes that if the Ji family hears that they have arrived at Zhonghai, they may run to beg for mercy.


Snow on behalf of sand should be, the car issued a roaring engine sound, instant speed to 200 yards.

Zhonghai is an international metropolis with a population of more than 20 million, almost several times that of Jincheng. It covers such a vast and prosperous area. Even if it's not the first time Chen fan has come to China shipping, he can understand the prosperity of China shipping only by carefully understanding this time.

"It's amazing. It's almost as good as Tokyo."

Xuedaisha looked around and sighed.

"It's just China Shipping in 2010. If you wait another 10 years, Tokyo will be trampled by it."Chen Fan gave a faint smile.

He had seen numerous magnificent cities in his previous life. Some of them are even built on the Xinghe River, with a territory of tens of millions of Li and a population of hundreds of millions of Li. Therefore, they are not too surprised by Zhonghai city.

It took Ferrari more than an hour to drive all the way to Jinxiu building.

As one of the best real estate companies in China, Jinxiu group bought a Jinxiu building near the city center, which is very powerful. As soon as Chen Fan got out of the car, he tut tut said:

"my mother seems to be in Zhonghai. She's very good. There are no billions of such a building that can't be taken down. "

"That's, you know, if it wasn't for Jinxiu group, the general company couldn't take it down. This is the prime location of China shipping. It's not just money. "

A nearby Maserati stopped and walked out of a gentle, tall young man.

"Oh? Do you know rich brocade well? "

Chen Fan picked his eyebrows and swept at the young man.

"My company and rich brocade have a lot of connections, often see Wang Dong and an assistant."

The young man smiles with reserve, with a trace of pride in his eyes.

As the son of a rich man in China, only a foreigner like Chen fan doesn't know him. Who else doesn't know Feng Shao and Feng Dafei?

As Feng Gongzi spoke, he glanced at the cool and gorgeous xuedaisha with a trace of astonishment in his eyes. It's hard for him to meet a beauty of this level. When I finally looked at chen fan, I felt like a flower on the cow dung.


The three quickly walked to the front desk of the building.

Dressed in formal clothes, with a face of seven or eight points, tall, thin waist and long legs, the front desk beauty showed a professional smile and said:

"who are you looking for?"

"I'll look for your Wang Dong and Anya." Chen Fan said.

"I'm sorry, I need to make an appointment to see the chairman and assistant Ann." The beauty at the front desk smiles apologetically.

Feng Shao laughed, patted Chen Fan on the shoulder and said, "little brother, this assistant of Zhonghai is enough to go from Jinxiu mansion to Jiangnan! You still have a long way to go

As the Tang family, Ning family and Ji family give way, Jinxiu is famous in Zhonghai. Who doesn't know that Jinxiu has a big background. There are many people who pursue elegance, but now they are more likely to join Jiang Zhiqing.

Then he straightened his clothes and looked at the elevator with a smile.


A middle-aged man came out of the elevator for senior executives. The middle-aged man came quickly with a smile on his face and said, "Feng Shao, you're here. Go to my office for tea."

"Good morning, director!"

"How are you?"

The surrounding staff, including the beauty at the front desk, immediately stood up and bowed. It seems that this middle-aged man is the director of the administrative department. It has a high position in the group.

"Director he, does assistant an have free time? I just want to ask her to talk about the company. "

Feng Shao smirked with reserve. As he spoke, he glanced at chen fan without any trace.

"Well, you know that, Feng Shao. Assistant an assisted Mr. Wang in managing the whole group. He was busy and met many people every day. But since Feng Shao is here, I'm sure I'll arrange for you to see assistant an for an hour at most. "

Director he patted his chest and assured.

The administrative department is in charge of the office, similar to the office director. The daily interview plan of the company's top management is arranged by the administrative department. It's not difficult for director he to send someone inside.

"That's good."

Feng Shao corrects his clothes with reserve. Without paying attention to Chen fan, he steps to the elevator for senior executives. A few beauties at the front desk behind him are still whispering:

"Oh, he's Feng Shao."

"It is said that his father is the chairman of Baolong Group, Feng Zhengcai. It's very good in Zhonghai. "

"Don't think about it. Feng Shao went after assistant an. It's not worth carrying shoes to assistant Ann because of your beauty. "

Hearing the discussion of those white collars, Feng Shaoyue was reserved.

When he went to the executive elevator and was about to enter, he suddenly found that a nearby elevator was also on, and he went down from the top floor all the way.

"This is..."

Feng Shao was surprised and looked at director he.

Director he was shocked: "this is the elevator for the president. Is it assistant an or Mr. Wang down? No, isn't Mr. Wang presiding over the board meeting? Assistant ANN is also listening in. "

It was downstairs in a state of chaos.

Chen Fan smile, slightly straight up, he felt, two familiar breath close.


A clear elevator bell rings, the elevator door opens, from which comes two beauties.

"Wang Dong, how are you, assistant an?"

Director he and others bowed and nodded when they saw the visitor. And a few little beauties at the front desk were scared out of the atmosphere. This is the biggest boss of the company."Assistant an, I'm Feng..."

Feng shaozheng smiles with reserve. When he comes forward to say hello, he sees his goddess, trotting in high-heeled shoes, rushing into the arms of the young man he regards as cow dung.

Then he saw the young man, holding Anya in his arms, shouting to Wang Xiaoyun:



Glasses fell to the ground, director he almost fell to the ground.

This is... The prince is here?

PS: the fourth one. It's a little late. I'm so sorry_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!