Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 469

"What's the package?"

Wang Xiaoyun frowned, looked at the hotel manager and said, "when I asked my secretary to book in advance, I didn't say that the restaurant was packed. Is that how your hotel works? Call your boss

The hotel manager immediately felt like a mountain of pressure.

Wang Xiaoyun controls the listed companies with assets of tens of billions of yuan. He is willing to take life or death. As time goes by, he naturally cultivates the power of the superior. And she's very famous, and the hotel manager doesn't know her.

"Mr. Wang, listen to my explanation. The distinguished guest is a friend of our boss, and we can't help it..."

the hotel manager tried to explain, but Wang Xiaoyun didn't listen.

Finally, the baby son came to Zhonghai to see himself. As a result, this kind of thing happened. Wang Xiaoyun also felt shameless. If it is normal, she will be considerate, now only feel a stomach fire.

"Yo, it's Aunt Wang. I said who dares not to give me the face of Yi Cheng? When I see so many bodyguards here, I dare to break in." A slightly frivolous voice came.

See revolving restaurant, come out of a well-dressed, emaciated young man.

"It's Yi Cheng."

Wang Xiaoyun frowned at the visitor. This Yi Cheng is the child of a leading family in Zhonghai. The Yi family is very close to the Ji family. This Yi Cheng is a person of great importance in Zhonghai.

"Aunt Wang, I'm entertaining some distinguished guests from Lingnan province. I'm sorry."

Although Yi Cheng apologized, he didn't feel sorry.

Wang Xiaoyun's eyes flashed a trace of displeasure. Just as he was about to open his mouth, another arrogant voice came: "Yi Cheng, this is the richest woman in Zhonghai. Tut Tut, she is really beautiful. She looks so smooth..."

from behind Yi Cheng, there are a group of beautiful men and women, and a young man with bright eyes said.

Before the man finished, chen fan's face turned cold.

"To die!"

Xuedaisha had rushed out in an instant, turned into a white ghost, slapped on the arrogant face. She is a great master at the top of her inner strength. With this slap, she directly flew the arrogant fan out and flew back more than ten meters in the air. With a roar, she smashed several tables and then collapsed to the ground.

"Bastard, dare to beat Cui Shao!"

"Do you want to die? Do you know who Cui Shao is? "

"Where are the bodyguards? Not yet

A group of beautiful men and women who followed the young man turned pale at the same time. Pointing at chen fan and others, they scolded.

"Bang bang."

Snow on behalf of the sand like wearing a butterfly, with a few palms, those rushed up the black bodyguards, all paralyzed to the ground. She laid a heavy hand, no one is intact, all broken hands and broken feet.

This group of young people from the south of the five ridges found that Chen Fan's group of people didn't seem to be easy to provoke. All of a sudden, his eyes turned to the landlord Yi Cheng.

"Aunt Wang, what do you mean?"

Yi Cheng glances at Xue Dai Sha without any trace. His eyelids pick and his face looks ugly at Wang Xiaoyun.

"Go away!"

Wang Xiaoyun's eyes narrowed, and a word came out of his mouth.

With her current position in China, she really doesn't need to pay much attention to Yi Cheng. At least if his father comes, he can be equal to Wang Xiaoyun.


Yi Cheng's face turned red in an instant, just like a cooked prawn. He wanted to turn over on the spot. However, after looking at the cool, gorgeous and eager xuedaisha, he forced his anger down and said with a sneer:

"good, good, Wang Xiaoyun. Today's loss is remembered by the Yi family. It will pay off one day. "

With that, he took the group of Lingnan people and left bitterly.

After Yi Cheng left, Wang Xiaoyun shook his head: "your mother, I'm not so overbearing at ordinary times, but if he dares to disturb me to have dinner with my baby son, don't blame me for being angry."

"My mother is mighty."

Chen Fan smiles.

At this time, the owner of the hotel arrived, apologized and worried, saying: "Mr. Wang, the group you just hit are all dignified young people in Lingnan. What's the name of the one who was knocked unconscious? What's more, Qiu Shao is the son of Lingnan military region. I'm afraid they won't give up...

" no harm. "

Chen Fan waved his sleeve.

If it wasn't for xuedaisha, he would be ready to kill on the spot. What's more, there are only a few people in Lingnan?


when Chen Fan and others continue to eat in the revolving restaurant, Yi Cheng and his group go out of the hotel. Yi Cheng glanced at them:

"is Qiu Shao OK?"

"Lao Qiu is OK, but his face is puffed up and his face bone seems to be cracked. It's too hard for that cheap woman. " The leader said indignantly.

"Well, if it's in Lingnan, I'll kill them every minute."

A girl dressed in hot clothes, showing a lot of tender and white skin, a famous brand, said with a sneer."Don't be impulsive. It's a big deal for us to follow the prince this time. We can't ruin the prince's plan just because of a small matter. " Another frowned.

"Yes, brother paojun brought us to Zhonghai to expand the power of Qianlong group to Zhonghai and Jiangnan. But when Lao Qiu is beaten, the elder brother of the broken army won't just sit by and wait. When the elder brother of the broken army comes, those women are just ants. " The leader nodded slightly.

Several other people also have the forehead first.

Yi Cheng looks at it, startling.

These young men and women, in terms of family background, are not much worse than him. But I admire the prince so much. I don't know what great magic the prince has.

"The Lin family and the Lin army are broken. It's amazing. No wonder my old man says that he is the best man of his generation. "

Yi Cheng bowed his head and cried in his heart.

After a meal, Anya took chen fan and Xue Daisha with her. They had a good time in Zhonghai. Whether it's the Bund, central, food street, LC district and so on, the three people are walking by.

"Zhonghai is worthy of being an international metropolis. It is estimated that the strength and ability of those who can be stable in this city are better than those in the south of the Yangtze River. If you think about it like this, I'll look down on the Ji family. "

Although Chen Fan said so, his eyes were full of disdain.

No matter how strong the Ji family is, can it be better than the Han family in Yanjing? Better than Russia? In front of him, they all stand and die with one sword.

"Little brother, mom just called. We can't be with the company tonight. He also said that the Hua family is going to have a banquet in bajingshan. Let's go on her behalf. "

Anya hung up her cell phone and turned around.

"Zhonghai Huajia? Hua Yunfeng, I've heard a lot about you. It's good to see you. But don't hurry. Let's finish the food street first. "

Chen fan doesn't care about Tao.

Anya has no choice but to accompany him to the food street.


at this time, the lights of China seas are on the rise.

The Huajia villa, which is located on Bajing mountain, is even more brightly lit, just like the day, full of people. It is estimated that this villa with few visitors has not been as busy as it is today for decades.

"Oh, Mr. Li, you are here, too."

"Who dares not to get the invitation from the Hua family? Are you not afraid to be thrown into Qingpu River by the queen named Cheng

"Ha ha, Mr. Li, you are joking. However, the Hua family has not held such a banquet for more than ten years. Last time, I still vaguely remember when the fourth generation of the Chinese family was born

Many guests whispered as they handed in the invitation.

Zhonghai Huajia is a big family that has been standing in China for decades. It is said that the source can be traced back to the Qing Gang era a hundred years ago. Hua Qingxiong, the owner of the Chinese family, is a well-known tycoon in CNOOC. He controls tens of billions of assets, which is enough to rank in the top three of CNOOC. Cheng Danqing, the queen of China Shipping underground world, is also from the Chinese family.

Of course, the most awe inspiring one is the old Chinese who has lived nearly 100 years.

Hua Yunfeng!

The son of the leader of Qingbang, the great master of martial arts, the fourth in the list of heaven!

Since Hua Yunfeng was in charge of Zhonghai, numerous foreign forces tried to invade Zhonghai in the past few decades and were blocked by Hua Yunfeng. This old man is the patron saint of China seas, the dinghaishen needle.

In the villa, many guests gathered together in small circles with wine glasses and said, "Mr. Li, do you know what happened to the reception held by the Chinese family?"

"I'm not sure. It's said that it has something to do with people from Lingnan. It's like there's a big man in the southeast, and even the Hua family has to sell him face and help him do it. "

"No, the Chinese family in China is very rare. Apart from the Yanjing families, who can let the Hua family give such a big face? "

"I don't know. I only know that person's name seems to be" Prince "..."

when the name of prince was mentioned.

Many people's pupils shrink. One after another, I think of some rumors in the south in recent years.

"It can't be the prince in the southeast. It's said that he has a very high position in the south. The younger generation of the whole southeast generation, who are almost the only ones to follow his lead, also set up a "Qianlong group" to absorb the children of aristocratic families and even the children of feudal officials

Someone whispered.

"It should be him."

"It seems that the crown prince comes from a big mysterious family. The family has no obvious mountains and no dew, but the potential power is so great that it is shocking. It is the generation of Hong Kong Island, Macao Island, treasure island and even Southeast Asia that has great power. It is said that a hundred years ago, it was the largest family in China. "

The other nodded.

These big bosses and celebrities of China shipping are well-informed people.

Although the Lin family closed the mountain for 60 years. But the outside forces of the Lin family still spread throughout southern China and more than ten countries in Southeast Asia. The closing of the mountains by the Lin family is just a way to hide their influence. Just as the iceberg only shows a part, it is enough to shake people's hearts.While everyone was talking, someone suddenly exclaimed:

"the master of Ji family, as well as the leaders of more than a dozen big families, such as merchants, Tang family, Zhu family, Ning family, have all come. Wait, who's the young man standing in front of them? "

All the people looked in horror.

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!