Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 466


It is famous for its quiet location, clear spring and flowing water, carved beams and painted buildings, cornice pavilions and eight beautiful sceneries. It is a famous leisure resort and summer resort in China.

It can build a villa on Bajing mountain and monopolize the secluded beauty of Bajing mountain. It can be seen that the master of the villa has such a terrible influence in Zhonghai.

As the old Chinese know, that villa belongs to the Hua family. It's a Zhengda family that has been handed down for hundreds of years in Zhonghai. It's the existence that CNOOC can't provoke the most.

"Qianlong villa!"

The young chess player, standing tall and reading the name of the plaque, seems to have no intention of saying: "grandfather Hua named this villa Qianlong, which means that the real dragon is dormant, waiting for the trapped dragon to come out of the abyss and soar for nine days?"

The old man, who was cleaning up his chess pieces, gave a little slap on his hand, but quickly covered it up and said with a smile:

"give me any name. Don't worry about it. Come and play the next game with me. It's hard to meet an opponent. Now playing chess with people like Nie Weiping and Ma Xiaochun, they dare not let me play. "

The young man, surnamed Lin, smiles and takes a seat.

Beside them stood a gentle woman.

The woman was in her early 30s, and she was beautiful.

Years seemed to leave no trace on her face. She was wearing a black Qipao, with a concave figure and a string of beads on her wrist. She stood beside them, her hands making tea like flowing water. If you see the tea ceremony, you must clap your hands and make it your confidant.

"Aunt Qing's tea ceremony is becoming more and more perfect. I'm afraid that the old tea masters in Yanjing may not be as powerful as aunt Qing."

The young man took the cup of tea and took a sip of it.

"If you want to drink, come a few more times, aunt Qing will soak you."

Although the woman looks only a few years older than the youth, she calls herself the elder and says with a gentle smile.

If anyone in China sees this scene, he will be stunned. Cheng Danqing, who is known as the queen of the underground world of China shipping, and has been pressed down by countless China Shipping tycoons, even laughs? Isn't she a cold faced death?

"If we turn this world into generations. In this generation, you and ye's little girl are the best. The previous generation was led by Lei qianjue, Qinglong, ye Nantian and Danqing. "

On the one hand, the old man held his son's hand and commented casually.

If there are people in the martial arts and Taoism circles, they will swear. Just a woman, what qualifications and Lei qianjue, Qinglong, ye Nantian and other top dark list strong juxtaposition? Looking at her delicate appearance and her thirties, I'm afraid she hasn't even arrived in Chengdu.

But the young man surnamed Lin nodded in agreement.

"Lei qianjue has been sitting on the ice for ten years, creating a unique martial art. Green Dragon's sword kills all sides. Ye Nantian advanced bravely and excelled in the world. They are all the seeds of the divine realm. I'm just a weak woman. What qualifications do I have to stand side by side with the three of them? "

Cheng Danqing said with a smile.

"Ha ha, aunt Qing, don't refuse. It's the ancestors who have said that in the past 30 years. Only the four of you can enter his family. And in terms of potential, the family is more optimistic about Aunt Qing, and she will enter the divine realm first. "

The young man surnamed Lin laughed.

"Oh, did even Shuming open his mouth? How lucky Danqing is. "

When the young people say this, not to mention Cheng Danqing, the old people are moved by it.

"But there was a mistake in my grandfather Hua's words. The best of this generation is not our Lin army, or Ye Zhiqiu, the little girl of the Ye family. "

Lin said as he settled down.

"Oh? Who is that? " The old man surnamed Hua frowned slightly.

"It's natural that the CIA has reopened the list of gods for Chen beixuan, who is now above all living beings. Chen is strange!" Lin Po Jun said with a smile.

"Chen beixuan!"

As soon as the name came out, the air in the whole courtyard seemed to be still.

Both the old man and Cheng Danqing's pupils shrink.

After a long time, the old man slowly shook his head and said:

"Chen beixuan is so strong that I have forgotten him. He is only 20 years old. Even my grandson is older than him. Such a young man is famous all over the world. It's horrible. Many people even wonder if he was relegated to the immortal world, or the old monster was reborn. "

"Yes, Chen beixuan's power is unreasonable. And he learned from the mysterious. Maybe it's a descendant of some old monster, or reincarnation. "

Cheng Danqing also frowned.

"The ancestors of the family basically knew about this world. But we can't find one that is similar to Chen beixuan. I'm afraid I'm not sure. He really has a big secret and a big chance. "

Lin Po Jun's eyes also narrowed, and Congzhong road.

"One hundred years ago, Shuming Gong was born in China. Fifty years ago, general Ye was born again. Now, there is Chen beixuan. I don't know whether Huaxia is lucky or unfortunate. "

The old man shook his head with a bitter smile.

At the mention of general ye, Lin Po Jun immediately shrinks his pupils, hums coldly, looks up at the old man and says:"Grandfather Hua, ye broke the Green Gang and killed Zhonghai. The hundred year old youth gang was destroyed. Do you really forget this grudge? "


A piece of chess fell from the old man's hand and fell on the chessboard. The old man sat there as if struck by lightning. After a long time, he picked up the piece as if nothing had happened and said:

"what if you forget? What if I don't forget? "

"A hundred years ago, Qingbang, Hongmen and Longtang were the three major Chinese sects. Red flower, white lotus root, green lotus leaf, three religions originally came from one family. How prosperous the Qingbang is! It dominates half of China! Du Yuesheng, Huang Jinrong, Zhang Xiaolin... They are all powerful figures in China and dare to fight with the government of the Republic of China. But when they see you, they have to bow down and say "little dragon head" respectfully

Lin broke the army and pushed himself up. After several steps, he said with enthusiasm:

"in those days, the leader of the Qingbang was in the charge of the Chinese family for generations. Even if we look at China, few families can surpass the Chinese. But how about now? The Green Gang has long been gone, and many big men are different. Even the tangtanghua family can only stay in Zhonghai and Kunlun and be obedient. "

"This hatred, this hatred, you can really forget!"

Lin said, looking straight at the old man.

The old man closed his eyes without saying a word, but his eyelids were jumping all the time.

This old man is the head of the Chinese family in China. He ranks fourth in the list of heaven. He has been a great master of China for decades, Hua Yunfeng!

"So what? Today is not a hundred years ago, and the Qing Gang has been destroyed for decades. If I do not obey orders. I'm afraid that dragon hall and Hongmen are my examples. "

Hua Yunfeng slowly opened his eyes and said without joy or sorrow.

"The Green Gang is gone, but Hongmen is still there, Longtang is still there, sifanglou is still there, the Lin family is still there, and you are also there! With the martial arts you have been practicing for decades, I'm afraid that you are No. 1 in the secret list. You are not your opponent. It's only half a step away from the divine realm. In addition, our four families may not be able to fight Kunlun and take revenge for this hundred years! "

Lin broke the army and said haughtily.

"Impossible!" Hua Yunfeng shook his head decisively:

"you are still young, you don't understand the terror of that man. How prosperous were Hongmen, Qingbang and Longtang in those years? With the government of the Republic of China at its back, sifanglou attracted countless talents? But what about that? Is he still defeated by that man? "

"The Green Gang was exterminated, Hongmen was expelled, Longtang was far away, the Lin family closed the mountain, sifanglou was chased into the sea, crouching in the treasure island!"

"Sixty years ago, he was already powerful and proud in China. After 60 years, who knows where he is? Needless to say, today's China is not the weak and newly established China in 60 years! "

Hua Yunfeng sighed.

For a moment, there was no sound in the whole courtyard.

After a long time, Lin Po Jun said faintly: "if I tell the master of the Hua family. My ancestors have decided to go out of the mountain? "


Hua Yunfeng fiercely opened his eyes, turbid eyes at this time shot a few feet long fine awn.

"When the Lin family closed the mountain, it was only because the ancestor Shuming didn't want to offend the country and gave in voluntarily. It's losing to that man! But over the past 60 years, the Ye family and Kunlun have repeatedly forced each other. If our ancestors don't do it again, I'm afraid our Lin family will follow the example of Hongmen in Longtang. " Lin Po Jun sneered:

"ancestors have contacted old friends and are ready to repeat the first World War of that year, but this time, they are afraid to come again for fear of Ye!"

When Hua Yunfeng heard the speech, he immediately took a breath.

Only an old man like him, who has been through nearly a hundred years, knows how terrible and earth shaking the war was! Almost all the Shenjing in the world! It was precisely because of that war that the pattern of China in the next 50 years was affected.

"In those days, if there was Shuming Gong, the result would be very different." Hua Yunfeng shook his head. "Since Duke Shuming has decided, my Chinese family always takes the lead of the Lin family. I don't know what happened when my nephew came here?"

"It's time for the Lin family to go out after closing the mountain for 60 years. I came here just to get back the power that our Lin family should have. "

Lin Po Jun said with a proud smile.

Hearing the speech, the old man pondered for a moment, nodded his head and said, "our Chinese family has always been guided by the Lin family. Since Duke Shuming has made a decision, we should follow his good nephew."

"Well, with the words of Shigong, the underground world of China is in my hands. Next, I will go north to challenge the Ye family." Lin pojun said with a smile.

"Dear nephew, have you neglected Chen beixuan? He is the biggest variable now. No one knows if he will stand on the side of the Ye family! " Hua Yunfeng frowned slightly.

"Ha ha, what about a Chen beixuan? My Lin family is not even afraid of Ye, but also afraid of Chen beixuan? "

Lin broke the army with a cold voice, grew up and said goodbye to Hua Yunfeng.

Hua Yunfeng had no choice but to frown and send him out. Looking at Lin paojun, his eyes were a little worried.

After getting into the car, Lin Po Jun closed his eyes and said, "go to Ji's villa.""Yes, young master!" A tough man sitting in front of him replied respectfully that he had the strength and the highest accomplishments, but actually he acted as a driver without any dissatisfaction.

The black car, like a fish, drove out of bajingshan and headed for the city. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!