Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 465

Before, even if Chen Fan could fight ten thousand with one, he was afraid of the powerful weapons of the big powers on earth. Not to mention all kinds of nuclear weapons such as atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb and neutron bomb, only conventional weapons such as laser weapons, electromagnetic guns, ground penetrating bombs and armour piercing bombs could threaten chen fan.

In addition to the innate nature, the congenital friars also have various magic weapons, Daoism and Zhenyuan bodyguard. Chen fan can only rely on the long life body of the Qing emperor to carry hard, so it is impossible to block all weapons.

So chen fan, after all, left three points of leeway.

Whether it was against Russia, or against the Anjia and Fu families, chen fan mainly used warning and deterrence. In fact, not many people were killed. In Anjia, only one Fu Zhenting was killed, and a poison curse was put on Yan Jing's an family, that is, they were concerned about the power of the great powers in the world.

But it's different when it comes to Shenhai.

"What is the sea of gods? It is as powerful as the sea of gods!"

Chen Fan gently stretched out his hand, and the invisible vitality of heaven and earth converged on his hand, which turned into a white thunder light. Thunder light is compressed by countless lightning, like a Thor's spear, containing terrible energy.

The power of one strike is enough to kill half step of the divine realm easily!

Before this kind of magic power, chen fan had to use a magic spell and a flying charm. And now he waves, it's as easy as eating and drinking. That's the power of the divine sea.

"And when I stepped into the sea of God, my mind was perfect, enough to go out for thirty miles. Even a super city like Jincheng can be shrouded at will. " Chen Fan thought:

"and the spirit can go through the body and out of the body and travel hundreds of miles. My spirit is made up of divine thoughts. It's so pure that I'm not afraid of the sun's real fire and the wind. In this way, even if the body is destroyed, I can be reborn or reincarnated through the secret

But that's the bottom of the box.

As a last resort, chen fan would never abandon his body. After all, it took him a lot of hard work. What's more, the flesh body is a treasure raft for crossing the world. How can the spirit of rebirth turn freely like the original flesh body?

"Congratulations, master, you have great power."

Xuedaisha knelt down and said in awe.

Chen Fan glanced at Tongshan, standing beside her like wood, and frowned slightly:

"it seems that it's time to give Tongshan wisdom. Otherwise, no matter how powerful he is, he will be a puppet after all. If Tongshan had been conscious before, the Chen family would never have been in that situation. Lin TA Shan's people have long been killed by Tongshan. "

Tongshan is a copper armor corpse that Chen Fan snatched from the young wizard master of the ghost sorcery cult. It is said that it was made by a Chinese boxer from Nanyang. Chen Fan gave it the skill of tiger and demon refining body. Now it is estimated that it is close to the divine realm after two years. But without intelligence, Tongshan has a huge defect.

Chen fan is OK to say, if not, snow on behalf of sand can not command him.

"Get up."

Chen Fan beckons xuedaisha to get up, closing his eyes to familiarize himself with the various powers of Shenhai, and feeling the sudden decline of the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth, he can't help sighing: "the harder it is to cultivate immortals, the harder it is."

"It's OK for the green dragon array to support me to tongxuan, but as soon as I enter the sea of gods, I have a huge aura. In particular, I'm still the immortal body of the Qing emperor, and I need several times more aura than ordinary Shenhai. It's time to go out and look for it on earth. What's left behind, such as the blood wolf Valley? "

Although Chen Fan thought so, he went out first and went back to Chen's home.

After all, he was closed for three months and had a lot of things to deal with. He couldn't leave for a while. The Su family in Wuzhou, the Tang family in Zhonghai, the Wei family in Jiangbei, and even the Lin family in Hongmen and Dongnan are all waiting for him.

"Fan'er, have you succeeded in closing the door?"

Under Dongshan villa, Chen Huaian is playing Taijiquan.

This Taijiquan was improved by Chen Fan from the boxing of the earth. With some of the art of cultivating immortals, it's very clumsy. For example, when an old ape goes around a tree, or when a dragon is flying in the sky, it's dark and the way of heaven. Can see, a continuous invisible vitality, with Chen Huaian's boxing, gradually into his body.

"It seems that my grandfather hasn't pulled down his hard work in the past year."

Chen Fan's happy way.

At this time, Chen Huai'an had both eyes and walked like the wind, not like an old man at all. This is exactly the performance of building foundation.

"I'm just a little bit of Kung Fu. I can't compare with your towering magic power."

Chen Huaian put away his fists and came over to smile. "When you come out in March, you look more and more calm, almost like ordinary people. It looks like it's back to the basics. "

"Well, I finally stepped into the sea of God, and I can free my hand to clean up the Ji family."

Chen Fan sneered.

"Zhonghai family?" Chen Huaian frowned:

"during the three months when you were away, the Tang family and the Ning family sent people to visit Dongshan one after another. Finally, even the Ning family came to apologize in person. Even the Tang family knelt down and begged for mercy, saying that they would do their best to make up for our Chen family and Jinxiu. Only the Ji family didn't come. Look at them. They're scared. "

"Why, when did CNOOC become so good? Did you hear something? "Chen Fan's eyes flashed and he said softly.

Although he washed the south of the Yangtze River with blood, he even stepped on the home and the Fu family. But with the arrogance of Zhonghai's families, they shouldn't bow down so quickly. At least they have to wait for Chen fan to come to the door and bargain.

"Naturally, it's because General Chen is as powerful as the sea and has a great influence on the world. In front of the well-known Chen beixuan, Tang Jianing's curfew is not obediently bowing down and kneeling down to beg for forgiveness. Is he not ready to destroy his family? "

A clear female voice came.

Chen fan was not surprised, but turned his head with a smile.

See for a long time not to see the staff in fine, and her half sister Zhuque two people, are walking. The speaker is the rosefinch, she said sarcastically, but looking at Chen Fan's beautiful eyes, she was full of complicated looks.

"It seems that I've been closed for three months. What happened?"

Chen Fan flicked his finger, ignoring the rosefinch, but looking at Yu Qing. As he spoke, he called her in.

The rosefinch is puffed up with high chests.

"Hello, Grandpa Chen."

Yu Qing said hello.

She was tall, dressed in a straight Colonel's uniform, short hair, and valiant. It's easy to win Chen Huaian's love and make him laugh.

"Since you are here, I will not disturb you."

After chatting, Chen Huaian got up and left.

At this time, chen fan formally looked at them. Chen fan knows that with the character of Zhonghai family, there is no coffin without tears. Something must have happened to make Tang Jianing's family panic like this.

"General Chen, please have a look."

Yu Qing opens his notebook and pushes a page to Chen fan.


Chen Fan frowned slightly: "what does that mean? Why am I the only one on it?"

"This is the list of strong gods in the special management office of the CIA. We commonly call it the" gods list. ". A hundred years ago, this list was basically placed at the bedside of the royal families, presidents and heads of large families. Everyone above is well-known in the upper class. We must remember that we must not provoke others. "

Zhu que patiently explained: "since the United States and the Soviet Union began to dominate 60 years ago, those who are strong in the divine realm have fled far away, and there are no gods in the world. Until three months ago, the CIA reopened the list of gods, and you are the only one on it

Speaking of this, rosefinch looks at Chen Fan with complicated eyes.

Sixty years ago, nuclear weapons appeared and Shenbang was closed. Sixty years later, it was reopened for one person.

What a terrible existence this man is.

"Now you understand why the Tang family are so scared that they even kneel down and beg for mercy?" Said the rosefinch.

“CIA? Sixty years? Reopen the list of gods Chen Fan's eyes narrowed and he said with a smile: "this is baking me on the fire."

"It's true that General Chen is not the only one who is strong in the divine realm in the world. Marshal Oleg of Russia is here. But the CIA only listed General Chen, which is the general's target! The thorn in the flesh is the thorn in the eye of the world power

Yu Qing slightly worried.

The CIA is playing very well. Of course, chen fan has been pushed to a peak that no one can reach, which has shocked the world's major family countries. But at the same time, it has also become a thorn in the eye of several big powers, which can not be removed quickly.

"That's OK. What's this little skill? In front of real power, it's just a joke. "

Chen Fan waved and didn't care.

After he built Shenhai, he had less scruples. Although it has not yet been able to deal with nuclear weapons, there are very few people on earth who can do anything about it.

"The Tang family, the Ning family and even the other Zhonghai family who offended me are here. Only Ji family didn't come. It's supposed to find some support, thinking it can compete with me. It's time for me to visit the master of the Ji family in person. "

Chen Fan sneered, which means that he said it in a long voice.

Yu Qing and rosefinch look at each other, but they are helpless.

The Ji family is obviously stubborn. When the God list is out, they dare to fight against Chen fan. It's stupid. For this kind of family, even rosefinch is lazy to rescue.

"General Chen, after all, China shipping is an international metropolis, attracting the world's attention. You'd better be more restrained when you act, and don't make it difficult for us. Minister, he's under a lot of pressure. "

Rosefinch hesitated for a moment, and finally said.

"I have my own discretion."

Chen Fan waved his sleeve and looked to the East.


He was born again, although he repeatedly flew from China seas to all parts of the world. But I have never stopped to take a look at one of the most prosperous metropolises in the world.


and just as Chen Fan was about to get up and go to Zhonghai.

Zhonghai, bajingshan, a elegant villa. There is an old man playing chess with a young man. It's hard to separate them. On the chessboard, black and white dragons surround each other. The chess game is complicated."Grandfather Hua's chess power is amazing. He can't break the army."

Finally, the young man threw in the towel and said with a smile.

"You're only 30 years old. You have the power to play chess. You've driven me so far. You're a Kirin of the Lin family." The old man with white beard sighed and looked at the young man in front of him. His eyes were full of joy. Just deep in the eye pupil, there seems to be a trace of fear. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!