Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 464

God list.

In fact, this is an abbreviation of the list of God level strong people listed by the CIA special management office. The CIA of the United States, the Central Intelligence Agency, was founded in 1947, but before that, the special administration had existed for hundreds of years.

This special organization has many names before.

At first, it was a secret research institution established by many large families in the United States, which studied the mythical blood of vampires and werewolves in the middle ages. Later, it gradually evolved into a special department of the United States, and then, with the beginning of World War I and World War II, it reached its peak. It has almost become the United Nations Organization of the dark world.

At that time, the special management office was also called the International Association of super powers management

At that time, it was recognized as the largest national special department in the world. The God list and the dark list, which are released every three years, were opened a hundred years ago.

At that time, there was no computer, so most of it was in the form of TV, radio, password, etc. The dark world has existed for hundreds and thousands of years, and freedom has its own way of contact. However, with the development of nuclear weapons by the United States and the domination of the stars by superpowers, the special administrative office was incorporated into the CIA and became a component of the CIA, and the Shenbang was closed.

But today, everyone did not expect that after 60 years, the list of gods was opened again.

"The opening of the divine list represents the coming of an era. And the protagonist of this era, no doubt, is Chen beixuan! "

The insight sighed on the forum.

With the opening of the God list, the huge vibration quickly spread to every corner of the earth.

Western Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, South America, Southeast Asia, Oceania... Countless ancient families and forces, open their eyes, shocked looking at this long lost list, looking at the only name on the list.

This list, a hundred years ago, represents the most powerful people in the dark world and even the whole world. Even the ruler of a great power should be respectful to the powerful. It was not until the appearance of nuclear weapons that the great powers completely overthrew the divine realm.

And today, the reopening of the God list, does it mean that the strong God will start to dominate the star again?

"Chen beixuan!"

Countless people whispered the name in their mouths.

On this day, chen fan was truly famous all over the world.


at this time, chen fan, after taking sister an back to Jincheng and reuniting with his family for a few days, hurried into the Qinglong formation and began to close up again.

Jincheng, Dongshan, Qinglong formation.

Xuedaisha stood in front of beiqiongge and looked at the pavilion wrapped by Lingqi storm. A year later, xuedaisha looks more cool and gorgeous than before, especially her skin is crystal clear, just like the goddess of ice and snow.

Behind her was a long blue sword. As xuedaisha breathes, the sword behind her seems to vibrate. A wisp of aura is inhaled by the sword, and then it turns into Zhenyuan and injects into xuedaisha's body. There seems to be a strange resonance between her and the sword.

After learning Chen Fan's "Qinghua sword Sutra", Xue Daisha has been practicing hard. At this time, she has almost reached the top of her inner strength. In particular, his eyes are as sharp as a sword, as if he were a peerless swordsman.

"Tongshan, the owner has been closed for more than a month. Do you think there will be any problems?"

Xuedaisha turned and looked at the nearby Tongshan.

Tongshan stands there quietly, like an iron tower. At this time, he has grown up to three meters high, standing in front of people, there is a sense of suffocation. Tongshan's breath is more than ten times stronger than snow and sand, as deep as the sea. It is estimated that Qinglong, Andrew and others will be shocked in front of Tongshan.

Seeing that Tongshan didn't answer, xuedaisha shook his head and said, "come on, you are a robot. It's no use asking you. "

She said, and with a sad look at the North qiongge.

At this time, beiqiongge is like the temple of the God of storm. In Xuedai trachoma, the aura of the whole Qinglong formation, or even half of Jincheng City, is pouring into beiqiongge like an ocean, forming a huge cyclone of 100 meters above beiqiongge. The condensed energy, almost visible to the naked eye, drips out water.

"The master has been missing for a year, and he has come back very hard. As a result, they met in a hurry and said they would shut up. Is something wrong? "

Xuedaisha can't stop worrying.

For xuedaisha, who has lost her Xuedai family and is far away from foreign countries, chen fan is almost her only dependence.

Tongshan continued to be silent.

They are waiting quietly. During this period, Wang Xiaoyun, Chen Huaian and Anya all came in from time to time. When Chen Fan was finally found to be still closed, they all went back to Zhonghai. Finally only Chen Huaian, with a little girl Chen Guoguo occasionally come in.

One day, two days, three days...

ten days, twenty days, thirty days...

three months later, when xuedaisha thought that the day would still end as usual, suddenly, the huge aura whirled, expanded and spread in all directions.One hundred meters, two hundred meters, three hundred meters. Finally, it reached one kilometer, which exceeded the range of the green dragon array and enveloped the whole Dongshan mountain. If it wasn't for the continuous effect of the magic array, from the outside, people would think that there was a storm in the Dongshan mountain.

"This is...

xuedaisha watched this scene in a daze, as if witnessing a myth.


A bright blue column of light, from the North qiongge shot straight into the sky, penetrated into the whole cyclone. The blue light quickly spread around, and finally dyed the whole kilometer long cyclone blue.

From afar, majestic, like a blue canopy.

"Condensing gas into clouds, covering thousands of meters, and crowning like a cover..."

"this is a sign of the achievement of the divine realm. However, the divine realm recorded in ancient books is not covered by 100 meters. Why is this cyclone so big? It's ten times bigger than Shenjing. Is it not the divine realm that the master has achieved, but a higher level of land immortal status? "

Xuedaisha was so frightened that she could hardly perform.

It took a quarter of an hour for the blue canopy to dissipate. Finally, the Yuanqi storm outside beiqiongge was calmed down and restored to the original calm state. Only xuedaisha keenly felt that the aura of the whole Qinglong formation had been reduced by at least half. At ordinary times, it can condense gas into rain, but now it can only condense gas into fog. Many elixirs are extremely depressed.


At this time, the door automatically opens to the outside without wind.

"Come in."

A voice like sapphire came from the pavilion.


Restrained by his surprise, Xue Daisha hurried into the pavilion with Tongshan, and saw a figure sitting in the open hall with his back to the people. The whole hall was empty, leaving only the black figure and the statue of a fairy in purple on the wall opposite him.

"Master, have you made a breakthrough?" Xuedaisha's voice trembled.

"Come back three years, day by day hard work, today, finally become God sea!" Chen Fan sighed slowly. This voice represents how much hard work and how much persistence.

If it wasn't for beixuan immortal Zun, he would not have been able to touch the gate of Shenhai all his life.

There are three realms in the period of gas refining:

the realm of building foundation, the realm of connecting metaphysics and the realm of Shenhai.

Shenhai is the last gate before congenitally. If you enter this realm, you will not be far away from congenitally. And only by entering the innate, can we open the road of cultivating immortals and become a real cultivator. As for congenital before, it is only mole ant general, even the cultivator are not.


Chen Fan got up and turned his head. Snow on behalf of sand fiercely cover small mouth, force oneself to bow. Chen Fan's eyes, like two huge whirlpools, are spinning endlessly, extremely deep, like a black hole. Xuedaisha just looked at it, and felt as if his soul had been sucked in.

This is the horror of Shenhai.

After entering the realm of the sea of gods, the spirit and spiritual power are so powerful that they are inconceivable and as solid as substance. Now, chen fan doesn't even need to fight against the Warlocks in Huajing. You can crush each other's soul at a glance. Even the warrior of Huajing couldn't resist Chen Fan's attack from Shenjing.

"What's more, the reason why Shenhai is Shenhai is not just these magical powers." With a smile on his face, chen fan gave a soft drink:

"get up!"

Xuedaisha was shocked to see that a transparent spirit leaped from the top of Chen Fan's head above the void. This transparent spirit is the same as Chen fan. From the inside to the outside, it blooms bright light, like the body of a Bodhisattva with clear jade and glass.


The spirit shot out in an instant, passed through the top of the hall, entered the sky of the green dragon array, even rocked up, crossed countless vigorous winds and Dharma arrays, and flew to the sky, completely ignoring the sun above.

"The spirits come out of the body, travel thousands of miles at night, pick flowers and return..."

in xuedaisha's mind, a series of myths and legends, as well as many stories about Taoism, Buddhism and even ghosts and gods quickly appear.

The soul comes out of the body, which can only be achieved by the great immortal, the great monk and the great Yin Yang teacher in the myth.

For example, zuoxu God, Blackwood God and other previous lives, before they became ghosts and gods, were strong in the divine realm, so that they could leave the body and travel a hundred miles. But even so, there are limitations. It is said that it can only appear in the dark, so it is only called Yin God, not a real God. Only the legendary land gods, such as Zhang Guolao and LV Dongbin, can travel thousands of miles without fear of night and day.

And like Chen fan, it is not recorded in ancient books that spirits travel in broad daylight.

"I'm afraid the master has become a real immortal."

Snow on behalf of the sand mouth in the road.

Chen Fan's spirit has been wandering in the sky for half an hour, turning most of the golden city around before returning to the body. As soon as the spirit returned to the scabbard, chen fan stood up and his eyes shone with cold light:

"today I have completed the cultivation of the sea of gods, and my spirit is great. I can take it away and rebuild it. It doesn't matter if the body is destroyed. ""Now, it's time to find the Ji family and settle the accounts."

As he spoke, the light in his eyes was like substance. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!