Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 463

March 5th.

Chen Fan defeated the 116th armored division of Russia in the Far East, rushed into the headquarters of Boli, and killed lieutenant general Serkin malinkov, commander of Russia's northern military region.

Five days later, chen fan went all the way to Moscow, killing 17 KGB branches and countless blood wolf guards. Outside Moscow, Shengsheng defeated Oleg, the blood wolf king, and forced Russia to bow down.

March 10.

Chen Fan returned to Jiangnan Province, destroyed the Song family, and killed the head of the 16 families in Jincheng. Later, he fought for thousands of miles overnight and killed Lin Tashan, the peerless swordsman of the Lin family, and the whole Hongmen dark moon.

On the second day, chen fan ascended the gate of Anjia, beheaded Fu Zhenting with one sword, and trampled Anjia and Fu under his feet...

in just six days, chen fan fought for thousands of miles from the Far East to Moscow, from Moscow to Jincheng, and from Jincheng to Donghe. The head of the slayer is rolling and shaking in all directions.

These news can no longer be stopped and spread to the whole China and even the whole world.


Kunlun, in the secret base.

"An enemy country. If it wasn't for the news from Russia, if it wasn't for the rosefinch, what you saw with your own eyes, I can't believe it

Minister Xiao looked at the information in his hand and sighed.

Even if it's not the first time that people hear it, they are still shocked by it. What Chen Fan did in Russia showed the power of martial arts, Taoism and divine realm incisively and vividly, even more than that. Although in the end the Russian emperor bowed his head, there were many external factors, but Chen Fan's power could not be denied.

"Even Marshal Oleg was defeated by him. After a year's absence, Chen beixuan became more and more terrible." With a long sigh, Bai Hu shook his head and said:

"a year ago, when he was fighting with the 14th brigade in Japan, we still judged that he had just entered the divine realm. But now, according to the information of rosefinch, his body has reached the point where he can carry the shell hard. The golden flying sword is like waving his finger arm. I'm afraid that the general divine state may not be his opponent. "

"The skill of flying sword has been lost for hundreds of years? It is said that the Lin family can only control the sword with Qi for ten li. How did Chen beixuan do that? "

Some vice minister questioned.

"According to the news, he seems to have been given the sword by the sword keeper thousands of years ago on Hong Kong Island. I guess I got the secret script of Feijian from there. " The rosefinch snorted coldly:

"although this guy is more powerful, he is more and more powerful. This time he returned home and killed many people. If it wasn't for the minister, I'm afraid the senior management would have been angry. "

"The myth of the time should have such a position. We were too careless to protect his relatives in the previous year. Chen beixuan is warning us. "

Minister Xiao shook his head gently.

"Well, if this guy continues to act like this, do you really think that no one in China can control him? If you're in a hurry, you'll make the old man... "The rosefinch said angrily.

"Well, Comrade Yu Nan, please be careful. General Ye is the last guardian of China. There must be no mistake. Chen beixuan has also made great contributions to China. It's our comrades. Don't talk nonsense. "

Minister Xiao interrupted the rosefinch.

The rosefinch hummed discontentedly and didn't say any more.

She naturally knew how much pressure the man was under. It's because of that man. In the past 60 years, China has been in a state of peace and tranquility.

If there is no such person, I am afraid that the southeast Lin family, Hongmen, Longtang, sifanglou and other forces are still rampant.

"But minister, according to our information. Chen beixuan made a lot of trouble. It seems that he is ready to move. According to my master, there are several old monsters who have begun to meet frequently. "

Xuanwu, who has been silent, said quietly.

Among the four generals of special departments.

The green dragon is elegant, the white tiger is rebellious, and the rosefinch is aggressive. Only Xuanwu, wearing a Taoist robe, just like a young Taoist. But everyone knows that Xuanwu is the oldest.

"Ha ha, do they still think that China today is China 60 years ago?"

There was a sneer on minister Xiao's face: "in those days, there was only one general ye who could suppress them. But now, I don't rely on anyone in China. With strength, I can crush all the divine realms. "

He said that he had the courage to swallow thousands of Li like a tiger.

This is the pride of China, the second largest country in the world, with millions of troops and complete nuclear weapons!


when the news of Chen Fan's one against ten thousand spread all over the world. In Hongmen, in the Li family, in the martial arts and Taoism of Japan, in the dark world of the West. Countless forces began to shake and wake up.

In the past 60 years, chen fan is the only strong man who shows his strength in front of the world.

At this time, people who have forgotten the divine realm find that there are still forces in the world that can shake the modern army.

"This is the divine realm, this is the myth of the time!"

Countless people cried wildly.Some claim that Chen beixuan is the strongest man in the world. In front of Chen beixuan, no matter what Adam, Qinglong, ye Nantian, Yiwan. Or the new dark list of experts, are all ants in general.

Early morning, March 12, 2010.

This morning, still in an old apartment in London, is still carrying coffee, who sleepy Rafael.

This hacker expert, who was employed by the "scarlet wings" mercenary regiment, died in wolf Valley one year ago. However, as an old mercenary regiment, Crimson Wing soon elected a new leader and continued to operate.

"Well, in recent years, there have been more new strong men than in the previous ten years." While flipping through the forum of CIA, Raphael sighed:

"ten years ago, there was almost no change in the dark list, but this year, almost every month, new strong people rushed into the dark list. Martial arts masters and top extraordinary people emerge one after another. As if everyone had been stimulated, they were all active. "

"Even the new leader of our regiment, who had never been known before, suddenly rose up and showed the same strength as the old one. Is it because of the appearance of Chen beixuan that the world will be in chaos? "

At the thought of Chen beixuan, Raphael's face became very sad.

The name seems to have magic!

"In front of Chen beixuan, our new commander and other emerging powers are nothing."

Raphael gave a wry smile.

At this time, he suddenly saw a post on the Forum: "everyone look at the dark list, the dark list has been updated."

"What, it's not time to update today." Raphael was shocked by his spirit. He quickly turned up and pulled out the page of the dark list. He wondered: "is it because of Chen beixuan's appearance that the special management office of CIA temporarily added Chen beixuan?"

"Also, with Chen beixuan's ability, this dark list is the first, and it's easy for him. Before that, the rookie Odin who competed with Adam for the first place in the dark list will definitely give way to his position

Rafael pulled up with confidence.

"No.16, Japan, yinglonghua... She is a few places better than a year ago."

"No.10, ye Nantian, the Dragon tooth... I heard that ye Nantian was closed. No wonder he was still in the same place."

"The third one, the green dragon of China... The guy of China is rising so fast."

"Second, Adam, the son of God... Strange, if Adam is second, what's Odin's ranking?"

"First... Odin?"

Seeing this, Raphael was stunned and jumped down from his seat: "is there any mistake, Chen beixuan? He killed so many strong men in Russia. Why let an Odin sit first? "

Raphael carefully looked over and over the dark list, and found that not only was Chen fan not the first, but even no Chen Fan was in the top 20. The CIA excluded Chen Fan from the secret list.

"Is there anything wrong with the CIA list?"

Raphael's anger is hard to calm.

He quickly returned to the forum and found that everyone was angry at the special management office of CIA, thinking that they were all blind. Chen beixuan is so powerful that he doesn't rank first? Not even on the dark list? It's a joke.

"With these guys on the dark list, I'm afraid 20 people in total are not enough for Chen beixuan."

Some people sneer.

"I think the CIA is too bureaucratic and not well informed. We should go to the U.S. Congress and sue them for what kind of employees they employ. They cheat the upper and lower levels and are overstaffed! "

Others are discussing how to teach the CIA a lesson for the United States.

Raphael nodded in agreement.

Just waiting for you to make a lot of noise in the forum and publicize to report the CIA. Suddenly someone came out and said:

"look at the top!"

"What's on the top? Isn't that a secret list? We've seen it a long time ago. " Raphael replied with a sneer.

But soon, a second, a third and a fourth person came out:

"my God, what did I see?"

"Look at the home page, at the top, there's a new one."

"God, I'm witnessing history. It was my grandfather's time that I saw it last."

When more and more people came out to marvel, Raphael also felt wrong, he quickly pulled to the top of the front page of the forum. It was discovered that there were a lot of blood red characters in the dark list, a series of English letters, representing the "wanted list of dangerous people.".

"What's so good about that? I watch it every day. " Rafael was about to turn around and laugh at those people when he suddenly found that he could pull up.

He gave me a stroke.

Immediately saw a row of gold, dragon and Phoenix text appeared on the page. This row of golden characters is written in English. It's two words:


Interpretation: close to God, comparable to the general existence of God!At the bottom of this row, there is only one name. The name was written in block letters. Even if Raphael had just learned some Chinese, he recognized the name of the three characters:

"Chen beixuan!"

"This is the list of gods?"

Rafael mouse shake, fell on the table, and his whole person, has been like a fool.

Early morning, March 12, 2010.

After 60 years, the CIA special management office of the United States reopened the list of gods. And above, there is only one name, that is Chen fan!

The whole world shakes, and then:

the whole world... Is silent!

the fifth volume is the end of lonely master.

PS: the fourth more, the author immediately added the notice of the next volume, finally at 12 o'clock out o (∩)_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!