Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 462

At the respectful invitation of Mr. an and others, chen fan accompanies Anya and steps into the hall. When he came, he was blocked by the guard, despised by businessmen, despised by an Yuqing and others. Only a little girl, looking at an Ya's face, led him into the door.

But now.

An Tianshu, the chairman of an's group, respectfully led the way. Wu Shenghu and an Zaiqing, the owners of Wu family, accompanied them on both sides. Many senior officials of an family and many big figures of Donghe province gathered around. But before, Anya's grandparents, uncles and aunts, who were arrogant, could only stand outside the crowd with a bent body, trembling.

But innumerable road envies the envious gaze, looks at Anya even more.

Including an Yuqing eyeground, all with a trace of jealousy.

"Why is my family better than her? I've been looking for my husband's family, and I've had a good time since I was a child. And she's just a family outcast with her mother dead and her father missing. It's amazing that I have such a powerful younger brother, and now I enjoy the supreme glory! "

A road of jealousy, in an Yuqing's heart, can't restrain.

Anya at this time, in many women's hearts, is indeed brilliant. Even if the owner of an's family is beside her, you have to be careful.

"Sister Ann, if they dare to bully you, I will make them pay the price."

Chen Fan took Anya's hand and said softly.


Anya gently nestled in his side, eyes full of happiness, no one else's figure. His younger brother, who was raised since childhood, finally sheltered his elder sister one day.

And the people who settled down to one side heard Chen Fan's words, it was a cold sweat straight out.

After the main hall.

All the people sat down in the ceremony. Chen Fan took Anya to the throne, and the others had no opinion. It's a little girl, an Ruoxi, who hesitates to see it. Saw by Anya, she gently waved and pulled her to the side of her body.

"Mr. Chen Xian, what kind of explanation do you want?"

Ann asked carefully.

"From the beginning of aunt Jinxiu, you have to be clear about everything." Chen Fan fingers light button desktop, light said.


An Zaiqing nodded respectfully, then looked at the shrinking an Zaiqing.

Anya's mother, an Jinxiu, was expelled from her family because she was unmarried when she was in college. At that time, when such a thing happened in society, it was bound to make a lot of noise. The master was furious, and the whole Yanjing an family was disgraced. Finally, an Zaicheng chases an Jinxiu out. Anya's father can't bear the pressure and runs away. Only an Jinxiu is left to raise an Ya independently.

When you see an Zaicheng standing in the middle of the field, fearing to say what happened in those years, Anya can't help but feel a trace of sadness.

"Forget it, little brother. What happened in those years has nothing to do with right or wrong. They don't owe me, and I don't owe them. From now on, I am not the one to settle down! "

Anya shakes her head slightly and says it dispiritedly.

See Anya so, an Zaiqing quickly scolded, let an Zaicheng roll down, closed door thinking, deep reflection. He also ordered that all the shares and board seats in the group of Yanjing Andersen be removed and demoted to ordinary people.

An Zaicheng, despite the pain in his heart.

But under the pressure of Chen Fan and an in the Qing Dynasty, how dare they say a word. Can only face down.

Later, the story of Anya's marriage to the Fu family was first mentioned by Fu Zhenting in an Tianshu's narration. At that time, Anji was overjoyed after receiving the news. To marry the Fu family in Northwest China, or to abandon the daughter with a family, is great news for settling down a family.

"It's just because of a mere Fu family and Fu Zhenting. How dare you hit my sister chen fan? "

Chen Fan snorted coldly, and his eyes were filled with cold.

"Master Chen Xian, please listen to our explanation." An Zai said with a smile: "at that time, the Chen family had declined. Moreover, Fu Zhenting has repeatedly guaranteed that you are absolutely dead. We dare to consult miss an. And it's also in the case of protecting Jinxiu that miss an agrees to come back with us. "

"But I did it wrong. I am willing to give miss an enough compensation. " Speaking of this, an Ziqing gritted his teeth and said, "it's decided to take out 10% of the shares of an group and give them to miss an."


As soon as an Zaiqing said this, the whole hall was in chaos.

An Tianshu even cried out: "father, we only have more than 60% shares of the group when we settle down."

Other children who settle down are nodding.

The assets of an Shi group are more than 100 billion, 10% shares, that is more than 10 billion assets, who can not feel distressed? Before Yanjing an's that vein, did not have so many shares.


Chen Fan sneered and his eyes flashed.


Two blue god awns, like lightning across the room, shock everyone for a quiet."If the Zheng family on Hong Kong Island owes me 10 billion yuan, I will seize 100 billion yuan; the Li family of Sanxing ordered people to attack me secretly, and then sent someone to make amends to me with 10 billion US dollars; Mitsui chaebol instigated the Japanese army to besiege me, and I killed Mitsui ichifu, the patriarch in my family."

Chen Fan said faintly, "I don't know how you settle down in Donghe compared with the Zheng family, the Li family and the Mitsui plutocrats on Hong Kong Island?"

As soon as Chen Fan said this, the whole hall lost its voice.

The Zheng family is a rich family on Hong Kong Island, and they are confident that they are a little better than half a chip. But the Li family and Mitsui family of Samsung are super plutocrats controlling hundreds of billions or even hundreds of billions of dollars, which can influence a country's politics. In front of them, the so-called Donghe home is just a slightly larger ant.

"What's your opinion, Mr. Chen Xian?"

An Zaiqing bowed his head and said respectfully.

"From now on, half of the settled assets will belong to my sister Ann." Chen Fan flicked his finger and said calmly.

"It's impossible!"

Before an Zaiqing could speak, an Tianshu jumped up and cried.

General property, that is tens of billions! How can an Tianshu, as the chairman of an group, be willing to give up?

"Ha ha."

Chen Fan smiles without saying anything, but his eyes are slightly narrowed. Wusheng Lake beside also shook his head slightly and sneered to himself. Offended the current myth, but also want to use only 10 billion to fool the past. Is the myth so worthless?

"Shut up

PA, an Zaiqing slapped the table fiercely, roared, and immediately shook an Tianshu there. An Zaiqing stood up, saluted solemnly, and said to Chen Fangong with all his strength:

"just according to master Chen Xianshi."


As soon as Chen Fan opened his eyes, he grew up and did not care about all the people present. Instead, he took Anya in his arm and left with a faint look:

"remember, in three days, these assets will be in my sister's name. Otherwise, don't blame Chen for his sword. "

"No, never!"

An in Qingtou is almost always low to the ground.

Chen fan and Anya, in the complex eyes of the people, go away.

After waiting for Chen Fan two people to leave, an in Qing just slowly long breath, difficult straight up. The old man, as if he had just experienced a big war, collapsed.


An Tianshu came quickly, helped him and hesitated: "let's settle down and give so much money. If half of the assets are divided out, the Anders group may have to change its owners. "

"Son of a bitch, if it wasn't for your father's decisive promise, you would be dead by now." An in the Qing hate iron does not become steel angrily.

"He has already killed Fu Zhenting of Fu family. Do you dare to kill me again to settle down? There is no royal law

An Tianshu is unconvinced.

ANN in the Qing smell speech, disappointed shook his head. His son has good ability, but he is only a businessman after all. He doesn't know much about the world, and he doesn't know what a contemporary myth means.

"Brother ANN, I just got the news. Just last night, when Chen Xianshi returned home, he immediately destroyed the whole song family in Jincheng, and killed all the heads of the 16 families, including the Hua family and Ren family. He also killed more than 500 people in Jiangbei. Finally, the rosefinch from the special department came forward to clean up the mess. "

Wusheng Lake beside, shaking his head and sighing.


Wusheng lake, a word, suddenly the entire hall for the shock.

An Tianshu, an Tianfeng and others, who were originally unconvinced, were stunned!

The Song family, the Hua family, the Ren family and the Gong family in Jincheng are all powerful families. If one of them is not as good as Donghe, but all of them add up to at least two or three.

Chen Fan destroyed the Song family and killed the heads of 16 Jincheng clans.

What a terrible thing it is!

The key is that Chen fan has killed so many people, there is nothing at all. Special departments also clean up the mess and wipe his ass. The implication behind this is simply terrifying.

"Contemporary myth, this is the position of contemporary myth!"

In the eyes of contemporary mythology, I'm afraid our domestic family is really like a mole ant. It is either the leader of a country or the leader of a world-class chaebol who can talk to myths. Other scholars are all mole ants. Tianshu, you immediately transfer half of your assets into Miss Anya's name. No delay is allowed. "

"Yes, father!"

An Tianshu nodded respectfully, and his eyes were full of awe.

Around many high-level and guests look at each other, this time, they finally see. What is the real big man. In front of such great people as Chen fan, the so-called aristocratic families and the top class are just like ants.

The eyes of an's sisters are shining with fascination.


that evening, chen fan and Anya stayed in Shangri La Hotel in the center of the city.The master of the Fu family in the northwest came all night and knelt outside the door until dawn!

When Chen Fan and Anya returned to Jiangnan the next day. The whole Donghe River and the Northwest were shocked by it. For the first time, Chen beixuan's name began to spread among the northern aristocratic families.

At this time, chen fan's behavior in Russia and the outskirts of Moscow really spread to the whole world.

World shaking!

PS: the third shift is presented, and the author continues to write the fourth shift, striving to finish the O (∩) by 12 o'clock_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!