Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 461

Fu Zhenting!

Fu family in Northwest China.

Ability, skill, knowledge and family background are among the best. He was praised by many of the older generation to take over the Fu family, and was killed like a dragon among the people who was comparable to the sons of several top families in Yanjing?

For a moment, people's hands and feet were cold, and their hearts fell into the abyss.

Both the settled family and the Fu family are big families that have been reproducing for hundreds of years. They have great influence and rules. They attach the most importance to the rules. How ever did they meet chen fan, a strong man who lives and kills at will?

An Tianshu's face changed wildly, his palms trembled slightly, and the other senior officials and many guests trembled. An Zaiqing, who has experienced the world and boasted that the city is like a deep place, is shocked by the shrinking of his pupils.

Only wusheng Lake bowed slightly:

"Zhenting dares to covet the myth under the condition of knowing it, and should be beheaded!"

When he said it, his eyes were firm and firm, without any hesitation. Only when we get to the wusheng lake can we understand the horror of a Wudao God.

What is divine realm?

That is to be out of the ordinary, not human. In the eyes of the world, it belongs to the existence of gods and immortals. The records of the divine realm in the Wu family are still fresh in my mind.

A hundred years ago, the powerful in the divine realm were above all living beings, frequently slaughtering cities, exterminating ethnic groups, manipulating political power, abolishing emperors, and influencing the world trend.

The subversion and establishment of dynasties, even the opening of great navigation, the outbreak of World War I and World War II, were all influenced by the divine realm. It was not until the United States exploded two atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which announced the arrival of the era of superpower that Shenjing withdrew from the stage of history.

But even now, behind many small countries, there is still the shadow of the divine realm.

The ancestor of Hongmen, who established a super powerful Hongmen army across the world.

Oleg, the king of the Russian blood wolf, was the marshal of the former Soviet Union. Under one man, over ten thousand people, he controlled thousands of troops.

The sword sage of the previous generation of Japan manipulated the emperor, controlled the state affairs, and started the war of aggression against China. The Ye family of Yanshan, who has been in China for 60 years, has bowed his head to the world....

now there is another Chen beixuan, who defeated ten thousand troops with one enemy!

All these things are swearing the terror and inviolability of the strong in the divine realm.

In the eyes of wusheng lake, Fu Zhenting dares to covet Chen Fan's sister, and still uses the means of coercion and inducement, so he is looking for death. If it wasn't for Fu Zhenting's falling in love with Anya, settling down and having enough to eat, he would run to Zhonghai and bring back the girl who has been lost for more than 20 years and almost forgotten?

Even if Anya tries to marry Anya to Fu Zhenting, he will be furious.

"Who do you think of me as the Fu family? Will you marry a motherless bastard whose mother is unmarried and whose father is mean to me? Are you going to insult my Fu family? "

So wusheng lake with toes can think of, there must be Fu Zhenting behind this effort. Only he could persuade the Fu family to settle down with him.

Even wusheng lake can guess how chen fan can't see. Although I don't know when Fu Zhenting began to think about Anya, as long as he threatened sister an, it was enough for Chen fan to kill her.

"Master Wu, what are you saying?"

An in the Qing Dynasty under the pressure of the heart of shock, calm voice way.

He can't understand that no matter how strong chen fan is, he is just a master of martial arts. How famous is the Wujia family in Northwest China. There are many great masters in the family. In addition, wushenghe, the eighth in the list of heaven, has at least two masters. Why fear a chen fan?

"Mr. Chen is a God. He is the only myth in the world. Anyone who dares to insult Mr. Chen will have to pay a price."

Wusheng lake turns its head, its angry eyebrows are erect, its eyes are like electricity, and the power of the master is overwhelming.

Until now, it was discovered that the middle-aged man standing behind Fu Zhenting turned out to be a great master. From an Zaiqing's words, we can see that he seems to be the head of the northwest Wu family.

What a position, what a glory!

Even the Fu family had to rely on the strength of the Wu family in order to survive in the northwest.

"Master Wu, I don't quite understand what you mean. What is the divine realm?" An Tianshu frowned. For their generation, the divine realm has been in the past for decades and hundreds of years. Don't say you've seen it, you haven't even heard of it.

The most they know is that the master is powerful. But the great master also has to worry about the great families. How can you kill like Chen fan?

Only an in Qingmeng's body was shocked, and he blurted out: "the divine realm, it has not appeared for decades, has the legend disappeared in the world?"

"Not bad. But Mr. Chen is the only divine realm known in the world. He is a well-known myth

Wusheng Lake proud road.

Chen fan is a great power in the world. With the help of one person, he subdues the whole dark world. As a Chinese warrior, wusheng lake is proud of its nature and glory.

"He is the divine realm..."

an Zaiqing looks at Chen Fan in disbelief.As the owner of an's family, he lived for more than 80 years.

An Zaiqing grew up in a time when the divine realm was rampant. He can already touch some of the truth of the world. Nature knows the horror of the divine realm. At that time, it was a warlord who controlled tens of thousands of guns. How about Fu Zhenting?

"Not long ago, Mr. Chen defeated the commander of Russia's northern military region with an elite armored division of tens of thousands of people, forcing the Russian emperor to sign a treaty and bow his head. Don't make mistakes when you settle down. "

Wusheng Lake means that the sound of the long look to an in the Qing Dynasty.

If we say what wusheng Lake said before, we are only surprised. Well, his words now are a real shock.

Kill the Russian commander with one enemy and make Russia bow? It sounds like a myth. How can such a terrible character exist in reality? Only in movies can there be such a superman!

An Tianshu, an Yuqing, Hou Fangyu and others all gaped and couldn't believe it. Many guests are just like listening to a joke.

Only when an Zaiqing hears the drama, he takes a long breath, bows to Chen Fan and says:

"it turns out that the immortal master of Shenjing is here. An Zaiqing has eyes and doesn't know the immortal. Please forgive me."

When an bowed down in the Qing Dynasty.

The whole courtyard was silent, and everyone was shocked to see this scene, looking at the majestic owner of an's family in Donghe, the venerable old man in his nineties, bowing to a young man less than 20.


An Tianshu even blurted out.

"Son of a bitch, don't kneel down and apologize to Mr. Chen Xian!"

An Zaiqing turned back and angrily scolded.

An Tianshu's face turned from blue to red, from red to black, and finally turned pale. In the eyes of anyuqing's orders and even urging. Can only slowly bend down the knees, toward Chen fan, humiliating head.

An Zaicheng, an Tianfeng, an Yuqing, Hou Fangyu and all of them are watching quietly.

Looking at the president of a large company controlling hundreds of billions of groups, the head of settling down, he knelt down to a young man and apologized.

"Is it the power of the divine realm to force an's family to kneel down and kill Fu's heirs?"

Hou Fangyu looks at Chen Fan with astonished eyes.

Before today, he always thought that money, power and background are the most common forces in the world. No matter how powerful a warrior is, even a great master has to bow his head in the face of the top officials. Like Xing Bubai and Wu Shenghu, he acted as a senior hitter.

But now chen fan has proved it to him with iron facts.

The power is so strong that it is in a state of terror that it can even suppress the secular power. Tangtang Donghe settled down, such a huge family, in the face of Chen fan, but also can only tremble kneel and beg for forgiveness.

An Yuqing is a tremor in the heart, a light regret surges to the heart.

"It turns out that he is such a powerful man that we can't even afford to settle down. But I'm still at the door. Let him pay attention to his identity... I guess what I've done is like a joke in his eyes. "

Only the little girl an Ruoxi, covering her mouth and staring at chen fan, has a pair of black and white eyes, and even a trace of admiration:

"my little brother is so powerful, if only I could marry him like sister an ya... '

after an Tianshu kneels down, there is silence in the room.

Chen Fan stood there with no joy or sorrow in his eyes, just like the vast world.

There was only a golden light hovering over the people's heads, with thunder and roar, like a fighter passing by, as if it would fall and cut off people's heads all the time. This kind of Sword Fairy like means is simply frightening.

In the face of this kind of immortal art, an Tianshu has no chance in his heart at this time. Kneel down respectfully and beg for mercy.

An Zaicheng and an Tianfeng trembled and almost sat there.

"Immortal master, my Wu family will get justice for all the grievances of Ms. an in the past two months. Please accept the thunder and let me wait for a chance to make amends. "

On one side of wusheng lake, I look at the Guiyuan sword in the air. He bowed his head and said sincerely.

"Yes, I will give an account to the immortal master when I settle down." An Zaiqing hurriedly followed.

There was a dead silence.

They hold their breath and wait for Chen Fan's answer.

As if it had been a century before the sound of "Kuang Dang" was heard.

The flying sword is in its sheath.


At this time, people's hearts were relieved.

Chen Fan said with his back his hand: "for sister an's sake, I don't want to do more killing in an's home. But you first forced sister an's parents to die, and now you force and cajole her. If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation. I don't mind bloodshed.

"Please don't worry. I will try my best to make up for Miss Anya's two months. No, it's all the grievances in the past 20 years!" An Zaiqing's forehead was dripping with sweat, and he answered in a terrified voice: "immortal master, please move to the main hall and wait for me to settle down and give you an explanation!""Hum."

In this regard, chen fan just snorted and turned to Anya.

See Anya beautiful eyes in the tender water, smiling at him, nodded slightly.

With Anya's forehead, Chen fancai reluctantly agrees, and everyone finally takes a breath.

"One person can bend the whole East River."

An Yuqing looks at Chen Fan's back, feeling hard to calm down. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!