Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 460

An Jia is a Donghe family, which is one of the largest families in northern China. And many of the guests present, each of them is a big man in Donghe. For example, Mr. Huang Hexiang, who is worth billions, is one of the top ten richest people in Donghe province.

But Chen fan at this time, in front of the public, threatened to kill and settle down all over the house. How can the public not lose face.

"My dear, I just lost my sight. This boy has a lot of talent. I said it would take him another 20 years to get into his home! "

Huang Hexiang stood behind the crowd, staring at Chen Fan carefully.

And the delicate and charming Canary next to him also had beautiful eyes. Chen Fangang breaks an Tianfeng's leg in front of the people who settle down. He forces Xing Bubai to kneel down and threatens to settle down in public. Such courage and boldness have never existed in Donghe. Compared with Chen fan, Huang Hexiang beside her is far away.

"General Chen, what do you mean by that?"

It is an Zaiqing who has been through a lot of wind and rain. At this time, he can't help but move his anger, and his face is as heavy as a waterway.

"An family broke up my elder sister's parents first, forced aunt Jinxiu to death, and then abandoned my elder sister. Now he's taking advantage of the fire to rob a girl. If you don't give me an account of Chen beixuan, I'll give you an account! "

Chen Fan flicked his finger and said in a murderous way.

"Good, good." An Tianshu was very angry and laughed. The chairman, who controls the 100 billion group, sneered angrily:

"Chen beixuan, I know that you are major general Canglong, backed by Jincheng military region, and are invincible in Jiangnan. But you know, this is the East River, not Jiangnan. When we get to the East River, it's the dragon that sets it for me, and the tiger that lies on it for me! "

An Tianshu's words are firm, with strong confidence in his tone.

How can it be easily provoked to settle down in Donghe, a wealthy family in the north? Even the top families in Yanjing dare not say that they can settle down easily.


Chen Fanli is too lazy to pay attention to it. He just quietly looks at an Zaiqing and waits for him to make a decision.

Ann is shining in the clear eyes and calculating quickly.

He is not an Tianshu. He knows more about Chen Fan's information. It's something about Japan that Ann has heard a little about in Qingdu, but she's not very clear about it.

What really worries an Zaiqing is that Chen Fan once stepped on the Han family and forced Han juntu to apologize. The power behind this is really terrible. Compared with the Han family, settling down is only a big local family, which is weaker.

"It's impossible to force the Han family to bow down with just one martial arts master and Li Muchen. Behind Chen beixuan, what other power has given him such a solid foundation? "

An is suspicious in Qing's eyes.

And kneeling there, Xing Shouqiong desperately wanted to raise his head and wink. An family doesn't know, but as a martial arts expert Xing Shouqiong, how can he not understand Chen Fan's terror.

For such a strong man in Shenjing, who broke through thousands of troops, made a big stir in Japan, and made the prime minister panic. No matter how strong the family is, no matter how powerful the power is, chen fan's sword can't be stopped! Only the real top class, it is estimated that in order to let the divine realm strong scruple three points.

But in front of Chen fan, he didn't have the courage.

When an was struggling in Qing's heart, a clear voice came:

"who dare to settle down in Donghe?"

As soon as they looked up, they saw a group of people coming out in line. One of them was elegant and handsome, thin, like a straight pine. Between his eyes, there was a flash of blood from time to time. The key is that his strong aura, like a born superior, became the focus of attention as soon as he appeared.

"Fu Zhenting, why did he come?"

Someone who knew the man suddenly exclaimed.

"Fu family in Northwest China, this powerful family has finally arrived."

More people bowed their heads and were secretly frightened.

Different from Donghe family, it mainly depends on business and wealth. Although it is the largest family in Donghe Province, it is not much better than Su family. But the Fu family in Northwest China is different. This is a real powerful family. A hundred years ago, the Fu family was a warlord in the northwest, both black and white. Later, they defected, but their potential power was still huge.

It is said that the power of the Fu family even penetrated into Central Asian countries, Outer Mongolia and even Russia. Doing border trade, even arms trading.

The caravans of the Fu family were guests of honor to the presidents and senior officials of all countries in Central Asia. Moreover, it is said that the Fu family has a close relationship with the big family of martial arts and Taoism. The marriage of the two families lasted for a hundred years, and they stood firm in the northwest.

This kind of real big family, with its strong hard power, is far more terrifying than An'an family.

"Zhenting, here you are."

Seeing Fu Zhenting, an Tianshu couldn't help but look happy. In the face of Chen Fan's power, even the head of an's group feels that he can't resist it. The key is to worry about the power behind chen fan. But if you add a Fu family, it will be different. There are few people in China who can make Fu family bow.

"Mr. an, uncle an, as soon as I got to Donghe, I heard that someone was making trouble at home, so I was full of it."Fu Zhenting bowed to salute.

"Good, good."

Even an Zaiqing nodded slightly and showed a smile.

It's more than enough for the Han family to give in and resist Chen beixuan.

"He's the one who's making a fuss?"

Fu Zhenting sweeps chen fan, but he can't see anything strange about Chen fan.

It was a calm man standing behind him, but his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, as if he felt that Chen Fan was familiar and had seen him before.

"He is Xiaoya's younger brother, a member of the Chen family in Jincheng. He is going to take Xiaoya back. We've been trying to persuade her, and we've hurt Xiaoya's uncle. "

An Tianshu sighed.

"Anya's younger brother, Chen family in Jinling?"

Fu Zhenting was just slightly stunned.

But the man standing behind him was shocked, like a ghost.

"Isn't the Chen family declining? Since the death of Chen beixuan, the Chen family has no strong people... "Fu Zhenting is shaking his head and smiling, his eyes disdain.

The middle-aged man behind him has already stepped forward and worshipped Chen Fangong, saying: "meet Mr. Chen at wusheng lake, Wujia in Northwest China. I don't know if you're in front of me. I'm sorry! "

"Uncle Wu? What do you mean

Fu Zhenting was stunned.

This middle-aged man is his escort. But in the Fu family, the high position is that the patriarchs all have to rely on three points. He is a first-class master of martial arts and a representative of the northwest martial arts. This time, if it wasn't for his marriage, wusheng lake would never accompany him to Donghe.

"Wusheng lake, Wujia in Northwest China?" Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly and glanced at him: "who are you from wusheng River, which ranks eighth in tianbang?"

"Shenghe is my brother."

Wusheng lake became more and more respectful.

In terms of strength, the northwest Wujia and even the famous big families in the Wudao world are still above the Gu family and the Lu family, but the Wujia family is different from other Wudao families. Most of the experts in this family are worshipped by the great families. Therefore, the potential power of Wu family is almost unimaginable.

"Uncle Wu?"

At this time, Fu Zhenting also saw that it was wrong, and his eyes couldn't help scanning chen fan.

The man who can make all the great masters of martial arts and Taoism bow down is from the Chen family in Jincheng. Is this young man...

"it's impossible. Didn't he die under the Russian missile a year ago?"

Fu Zhenting was shocked.

Not only Fu Zhenting, but other people around him also feel that something is wrong. How come even the Fu family are so awed by Chen fan? What's the origin of Chen beixuan.

An Yuqing's beautiful eyes shine brightly and looks at Chen Fan tightly.

"As soon as Mr. Chen came back, he defeated the 116th armored division in Russia and killed the commander of the Russian northern military region among the armies. With the help of one person, Russia was forced to bow down. Now the world is shaking. Who doesn't know that China has such mythical powers as Mr. Chen! It's just that I didn't expect my husband to come so fast. We thought he had just returned home. "

Wusheng lake is full of emotion.

He is a master of martial arts. He is the head of a big family and has better information. Naturally, he learned what Chen fan had done in Russia, so his attitude became more respectful.

"Anya is my sister, but she is forced to marry the Fu family by Anya. Do you think I should come?"

Chen Fan sneered.


This time, wusheng lake suddenly changed color.

He only knew that the Fu family wanted to marry Anya, but he really didn't know Anya had such a history. Suddenly, he turned his head and looked at Fu Zhenting. Fu Zhenting had a stiff smile on his face and didn't know how to respond.


Wusheng Lake bows directly, with its head almost down to the floor. "Mr. Chen, it's my Wu family's fault. If the Fu family dare to humiliate the myth of the time, I will let the Fu family give you an account! "

When he spoke, he was firm.

Martial arts and Taoism is a mythical existence, which can talk with various powers. Chen fan even made Russia bow down with one enemy. If Chen fan is enraged, not to mention one Fu family, ten Fu families are not enough to kill him. As a close relationship with the Fu family, the Wu family will also be involved. How can wusheng lake not be afraid.

"Uncle Wu..."

Fu Zhenting's face changed and he was about to speak.

But when he saw the shape of wusheng lake, he slapped Fu Zhenting in his face and sent him flying. How powerful the master of martial arts is. If wusheng lake had not been more restrained, this slap would have blown Fu Zhenting's head.

"It's enough for you to do such a bastard thing, implicate the whole family, not to say slap you or kill you." Wusheng Lake angrily scolded.

People are looking at this scene in fear, when they are at a loss.

Chen Fan's voice came out of his ear:

"No. I will go to the northwest and ask the Fu family to give me an explanation. "What comes with Chen Fan's voice is a golden rainbow like sword Qi and thunder. Changhong rolled around Fu Zhenting and cut off his head with a click.

This dragon of the people of the Fu family in Northwest China was killed by Chen fan?

In the courtyard, all of a sudden, a dead silence! (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!