Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 459

"Stop it

When the sound came, a group of people rushed in. At the head is a dignified man, see this scene, immediately burst shout. An Tianfeng and an Cheng both have happy smiles on their faces:


The bearer is an Tianshu, the chairman of an's group, the son of an's father, and the leader of this generation. Next to him are an Zaiqing, an Yuqing, Hou Fangyu, many senior officials of an family, and many guests who came to attend the annual meeting.

"Chen family boy, the owner and an Dong are here. See how much longer you can go

An Tianfeng sneers.

An Ruoxi fiercely covers her small mouth, big eyes close, and quickly shrinks to hide behind an ya. But an Yuqing has found her. She steps forward and grabs the girl's little ear. In an Ruoxi's painful voice, she pulls her out.

"You did all this?"

Seeing the situation in the field, an Tianshu shrinks his pupils and looks down at chen fan. Many of the guests around looked at Chen Fan with astonishment. It seemed that they didn't expect that the boy was so powerful that he could take more than a dozen people.

However, it's too arrogant to play around in an's mansion. I don't know what to do.

Some people have secretly shaken their heads and prayed for Chen fan.

"You think they can save you if they come?"

Chen Fan did not pay any attention to him, but looked indifferently at an Tianfeng.

"What are you going to do?"

Antianfeng suddenly found something wrong, sweat a vertical, is about to retreat.

"Kneel down!"

Chen Fan gave a light drink and kicked out instantly, breaking an Tianfeng's two legs. He was forced to kneel down, holding his legs and howling.

"What courage

The crowd changed color.

An Tianshu's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. He was as fierce as a tiger going down the mountain. He wanted to eat people. The boss, who controls hundreds of billions of companies, has been really angry.

Even an Yuqing and an Ruoxi are stunned. It seems that Chen fan is so bold that he dares to hurt people in front of many senior members of his family. Only Anya slowly closed her eyes and kicked it out, which means that there is no turning room between Chen Fan and Anjia.

"But Xiao Fan is my brother, my own brother. No matter what he does, I will always be on his side. Even if he goes to Jiuyou hell? I'd like to take it as an example. "

Think of this, Anya Meng opened his eyes, eyes are unshakable firm.

"I'm a master of internal strength. But young man, do you think I can settle down with a little martial arts? " An Tianshu snorted coldly and said, "brother Xing."

"Andong, give it to me."

One stands behind an Tianshu, and a man like a loyal old farmer walks out slowly.

Although the appearance of this man is ordinary, his hands are very long, and he can almost reach his knees, just like an ape. The man's face is full of wrinkles, looking honest and honest, but there is a glare in his eyes from time to time, proving the strength of the man.

"It's the master of Xing Shouqiong, the great sage who splits and hangs the door. It is said that his martial arts have reached the peak of internal strength. It's only half a step away from the legendary master of martial arts, who is known as the invincible. "

See that person, Hou Fang domain pupil a shrink, low voice says.

Those who know something about the mysterious world of martial arts and Taoism. Hearing Hou Fangyu's words, they were all shocked. Master Wudao, it's a legendary character, just like a dragon can't see its head without its tail. Xing Shouqiong is only half a step away from the master. Doesn't that mean he is also a great master?

"It's said that an's family has a wonderful offering. It's probably him."

Someone called in secret.

"Yes, uncle Xing was specially invited by his father to worship him. He was almost invincible in Donghe Province, so he was said to be invincible in punishment." An Yuqing chin did not lift, sneer, looking at Chen Fan's eyes, like a dead man.

"Ah, uncle Xing is going to do it, doesn't that represent the little brother of the Chen family...

an Ruoxi covers her mouth fiercely, but she doesn't feel good in her heart.

As an's family, how could they not know what a terrible character Xing Shu was after his father. Once uncle Xing killed a tiger in front of them.

No matter how Chen Fan looks at it, he doesn't look like an opponent of Xing Shu.

"Well, the boy is in trouble."

Many people shake their heads and sigh.

"Boy, you shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't come to settle down and make trouble. I won't kill you. I'll only waste your legs and let you remember this lesson. "

Xing Bubai shook his head and sighed as he walked.

His body is very strong, and his whole body is like a long sword out of sheath. His hands are like hawk claws, black and iron green. Obviously, he specializes in Kung Fu.

Chen Fan glanced at Xing Shouqiong from the corner of his eye and ignored him.

It's just a half step into the realm. Maybe it's the number one person in Donghe province. It's worth setting up a home and paying a lot of money for it. But it's not in Chen Fan's eyes. Now chen fan is able to kill him even if he doesn't move."Wait a minute."

At this time, standing in the middle of the crowd, an Zaiqing suddenly spoke.

When Xing Shouqiong heard the words, he immediately tied his hands and stood there respectfully. Everyone, including an Tianfeng, was stunned. They turned their heads together to see what old master an had to say.

"Little brother, are you the Chen family?"

An Zaiqing's eyes swept Anya behind chen fan, and finally fell on Chen fan, with a trace of suspicion in his eyes.

"Chen family, what Chen family? Is there a Chen family in Donghe? "

"Is it the Chen family in Jiangnan? It is said that before Anya returned to her home, she seemed to have been adopted by the Chen family in Jincheng. "

"The Chen family in Jincheng used to be a force, but it's said that after one of their family members died, they declined. It's hard to say whether they can survive now."

People around a burst of exclamation, there is a better understanding of Anya, immediately said.

"Grandfather, this little brother is sister Anya's younger brother. Don't let uncle Xing embarrass him." An Ruoxi, standing beside an Yuqing, suddenly summoned up the courage to speak.

"Smelly girl, dare to talk."

An Yuqing's eyes glared and she was about to fight.

An Ruoxi quickly hides behind Hou Fangyu and makes an Yuqing helpless.

"The Chen family in Jincheng?"

The frown of an Tian Shu Meng, that family, in an Tian Shu's heart, already belongs to a relatively distant thing. If at its peak, an Tianshu will be afraid of three points, but now, which is still in an Tianshu's eyes? As he was preparing to enrich Lao Xing, an Zaiqing next to him suddenly let out a surprise:

"as far as I know, Anya has only one younger brother. It seems that her name is Chen fan. But as early as a year ago, he had already heard of his death... "

" I am Chen fan. "

Chen fan back hand, light way.

With this sound, an's family was just stunned, but one of them was scared out of his wits.

"Chen family in Jincheng, chen fan... Chen beixuan?"

Xing Shouqiong stares at Chen Fan with astonishment.

As a master of martial arts and Taoism in China, how could Xing Shouqiong not know Chen Fan's name. Since the first world war between Chen Fan and the world of martial arts and Taoism in Japan, his name has almost shocked the whole of East Asia, and he has been regarded as the myth of that time, the realm of martial arts and Taoism.

Such a Legendary God face to face, Xing Shouqiong just feel that he simply put his foot into the gate of hell.


In the eyes of the crowd, the stern master Xing Bubai just now knelt down and kowtowed to Chen fan. He said with great respect:

"the great sage splits and hangs the door, punishes... Keeps poor, worships... Meets beixuan Xiansheng!"

Chen beixuan!

Xing Shouqiong never thought that he could see this martial arts myth with his own eyes in his life. But before he was in front of him, he threatened him. At this time, Xing Shouqiong's court was green with regret, and he cursed an Tianshu desperately from the bottom of his heart. At this time, he has no other idea, can only tremble kneel there, pray Chen Fan don't pay attention to his this nobody.

For Chen Fan now, he is really a mole ant pawn.

"Brother Xing, what are you doing?"

An Tianshu was stunned, and the people around him were all confused. An Yuqing and an Ruoxi are staring big eyes, can't believe the witness of this scene.

The invincible Xing Bubai in the East River even kneels down to beg for mercy to Chen fan?

"Who is this guy? A name can frighten Xing Shouqiong. Is there a big future. Chen fan? I haven't heard of it. It's Chen beixuan. The name sounds familiar. "

Hou Fangyu looks at Chen Fan suspiciously and searches quickly in his mind.

"It turned out that General Chen was in front of him. No wonder Lao Xing was so respectful. Before that, my subordinates were impolite. I was in Qing Dynasty and met General Chen. "

An Zaiqing is worthy of being the head of an's family. He responds quickly and bows to Chen Fan respectfully.

For an Zaiqing, although he did not know what Chen fan had done in Japan and Russia. However, major general Canglong, number one in tianbang, stepping on Ji family and Han family, and many other actions, have been enough for an Zaiqing to pay 12 points of attention to Chen fan.

"General Chen? Is this man a general

People don't know why.

An Yuqing looks at Chen Fan with her beautiful eyes, as if she knew him for the first time. Even an Ruoxi's little head stirred: "is this sister Anya's younger brother a general?"

"You're still a bit of a long-sighted person when you settle down."

Chen Fan flicked his finger and his eyes fell on an Yuqing:

"since he knew it was me, why did he dare to attack my sister? Don't you think I dare to kill people? "

"General Chen, Anya is an's family, which can't be denied. We took her back to her mother family with her consent. The engagement is for her good. What do you mean by that? "

An Zai Qing hears speech, facial expression one sink, straight rise displeased way."For her good? Will you imprison her here and force her to marry some childe of the Fu family in Northwest China for the sake of your settling down? " Chen fan was very angry and laughed: "is that because I killed you to settle down, and then left a seedling to pass on, it's also for you to settle down?"

Chen Fan's words changed the color of the audience at the same time.

PS: Fourth, I'd like to recommend my friend's new book "rebirth to cultivate immortals". The author is a cute girl, O (∩)_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!