Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 456

"Yes, it's said that it's also a big family in the north. But I don't know which one. For a big family like Anji, we taxi drivers can't really find out if we hear more about it. "

The driver shook his head and said, "by the way, it seems that Anjia is at the annual meeting recently. It's our usual practice in Donghe to organize the annual meeting after the Spring Festival. Aren't you the guest invited to settle down? "

Donghe province belongs to the north, which is naturally different from Jiangnan.

But the form of the annual meeting should be similar. All branches should be called back to discuss the next year's major events, and then eat and drink. By the way, some distinguished guests should be invited to attend. Every annual meeting is not only a time for all branches to fight for interests, but also an opportunity for everyone to compete with each other and show off.

Such as Anjia, which has been inherited for hundreds of years, has luxuriant branches and numerous branches. There are also hundreds of billions of family businesses, and the grand annual meeting is estimated to be ten times larger than that of the Chen family.

"I think so."

Chen Fan declined to comment.

The driver immediately looked at him in a different way, with a respectful attitude:

"if you are young, you can go to your home. You must be born rich or expensive. You know, in Donghe Province, the people who can be invited to settle down are either the leaders of the province or the officials of the local cities. Even the boss of the Phoenix municipal government doesn't know whether he can go or not. "

From the few words of the driver, we can see the wealth of settling down.

After all, the economy of Donghe province is not as good as that of Jiangnan Province, which is developed along the coast. Anjia has such great wealth. It is really the largest family in Donghe province. It is held in the palm of everyone's hand and is almost walking horizontally.


Chen Fan raised his eyelids and didn't care.

He even killed the director of the KGB and the commander of Russia. Is he afraid of settling down? I didn't kill her directly, but I cut the long sword of an's family. It all depends on sister an's face. I don't know the situation for the time being. It's not easy to start.

From the mouth of the driver master, chen fan knows the main characters of settling down.

Andersen group has always been controlled by Anjia. It is a super large group engaged in machinery, bridges and real estate. Its influence is all over China. It's one point better than the Zheng family on Hong Kong Island. The position of the chairman of the board of directors was previously held by Mr. an Zaiqing, then passed on to his son an Tianshu. However, other branches of the board of directors also have weight. Basically, several directors of the board of directors are all members of the family.

In the annual meeting, the most important issue is the position of the board of directors.

"Little brother, it's time to settle down."

After driving for about 30 minutes, the driver stopped and said.

Chen Fan looked up and saw that it was really close to the city center, full of traffic, surrounded by high-rise buildings, every inch of land and every inch of money. But pianpian'an's mansion occupies a large area, with its vermilion gate, stone lions lined up, green shade and ancient color. In this reinforced concrete city, it's like a paradise.

"What a fortune, what a spirit, what a prestige."

Chen Fan sneered three times.

Any language to describe the wealth of settling down is not as convincing as this old house.

As the capital of Donghe Province, Phoenix has a population of millions, which is one of the largest cities in China. The city center is no longer an inch of land and money. House prices are almost sky high. A square meter costs at least tens of thousands of yuan. An ordinary community house is estimated to cost one or two million yuan. But it happened to be settled in the city center, accounting for more than 100000 square meters.

This is the area of a large commercial district. After the demolition, the community was built and sold, with billions of easy money.

But anjiaquan is used to build one or two stories of ancient buildings. It looks like a garden in the south of the Yangtze River.

This is not wealth, what is wealth!

Compared with settling down, the Su family in Wuzhou was stunned and gave way by three points.

"Sir, please stop. Do you have an invitation?"

Chen fan is about to enter the door, immediately by the bodyguard in front of the door, politely stopped.

Although the door of settling down is red lacquer, stone steps, carved beams and painted buildings. But the guards are all elite bodyguards, each wearing suits and walkie talkies, with extraordinary bearing. No wonder the driver master says that the doorman at the gate of settling down alone has an annual income of more than one million, more than many senior white-collar workers.

"I don't have an invitation. I'm looking for someone."

Chen Fan said lightly.

"Who are you looking for? Please register over there and we will inform you Hearing that Chen Fan didn't have an invitation, although the bodyguard was still polite, a trace of impatience flashed through his eyes.

People like Chen fan, who want to sneak into their homes when they have nothing to do, see more bodyguards. The richest man in the East River has settled down. Can anyone enter at will? Every year, many people who want to break through are subdued by bodyguards and sent to the police station.

"I'm looking for Anya."

Chen Fan's eyes are calm and light.

"Anya? I've never heard of that name. "

Many bodyguards looked at each other.The first thing you want to do when you want to be a doorman is to keep these people's information in mind, but I've never heard of Anya.

When the guards were hesitating, a middle-aged man, who had just stepped down from the Mercedes Benz S500, was wearing a luxury watch, a famous brand, and his belt was like a successful Hermes, sneered: "young man, it's not easy for anyone to enter the gate of settling down. It took me 20 years, and now I can go to this gate. If you want to come in, at least fight for 20 years. "

With that, the middle-aged man walked up slowly, holding a beautiful woman in a luxurious evening dress, with delicate makeup and chin raised high, just like a proud canary.

The bodyguards clearly recognized the middle-aged man, and immediately came up and cried:

"Mr. Huang, you are here."

"Please come inside..."

you can hear it from the people around you. Huang Hexiang, the general manager of Huang, is a well-known tycoon in Donghe Province, at least in the top ten. Now it's being invited to the annual meeting as a guest of settling down.

"Sir, there may not be Anya in our home. You must have mistaken the person."

At the beginning, the young bodyguard turned to Chen Fan and said that his attitude was obviously colder. He obviously regarded chen fan as a thief and a liar who wanted to sneak into his home.

"She's in there. I can feel it."

Chen Fan said firmly with his hands behind his back.

Even if he didn't have to think about it, he could feel that sister an's breath was in the house. Anya and Chen Fan depend on each other since childhood. Even if they are separated for two generations, chen fan will never forget her breath.

"Sir, if you mess about any more, I'll call the police."

The young bodyguard's face sank and said sternly.


Chen Fan's eyes narrowed and a trace of impatience flashed through his pupils.

He wanted to save face for an's family, so he was going to visit sister an and ask about the situation. As a result, I didn't expect that even a doorman would dare to stop him, so don't blame Chen Fan for killing.

"That's all."

Chen Fan gave a sneer, and the little gourd at his waist leaped with a strong sword. We're going to make a living.

At this time, a clear voice came:

"are you looking for sister Anya? Are you a friend or relative of sister Anya in Jiangnan

Chen Fan turned his head and saw a silver gray Maserati parked behind him. He got out of the car, a man and two women.

The man is tall, handsome and elegant, while the two women are big and small.

The older woman is about 27 or 28 years old. She is wearing a tailored professional dress, flesh colored silk stockings and 10 inch high-heeled shoes. She is nearly 1.8 meters tall. She has a beautiful appearance and a proud and cool temperament. And it's the little girl around her who's talking.

The little girl is only sixteen or seventeen years old. She is probably still in high school and wearing school uniform. He wore a white shirt on his upper part and a Scottish skirt on his lower part, showing his two thin white legs and a little baby fat on his face. When he laughed, his eyes were thin and charming, just like a little fox. The appearance of a woman is better than that of a big one. She is a typical beauty. When she grows up, she doesn't know how to make her country and city.

Chen fan can even see a small line on the little girl's chest:

"Donghe foreign language school."

"Xiao Xi, don't talk to strangers casually. Pay attention to your identity."

When the little girl was blinking her eyes, the woman next to her scolded her.

"But sister, he knows sister Anya. He must have come from Jiangnan. Maybe she's a friend." The little girl pouted her lips.

At this time, many bodyguards have come up and called out:

"Miss, you are back from school."

"Come on in, it's cold outside. Be careful, miss two has a cold."

"Well, Xiao Wang, I don't dare to park the car quickly and park the eldest lady's car in position one."

These former Cold faced bodyguards are now as attentive as ancient slaves. Obviously, the two girls have a very high status in settling down. Chen fan even speculated that they may be the apple of the eye of the chairman of the Anshi group as the driver said.

An Yuqing and an Ruoxi sisters.

Seeing that the little girl was still pouting her lips in anger, the handsome man said with a smile:

"Yuqing, since Xiao Xi has spoken, let's take him in. If it's a fake, just drive it out. "

The handsome man obviously spoke with great weight, and an Yuqing hesitated.

Seeing her sister's hesitation, the little girl immediately smiles at the handsome man and says, "my brother-in-law is the best to me."

Then he took an Yuqing and said, "sister Anya is very poor. She is usually alone. It's rare for a friend to come to see her from Jiangnan province. You can let her in."

"What brother-in-law, not married yet." An Yuqing stares at her and looks at the handsome man helplessly. He nods and smiles. Have to sigh a mouth air way: "also good."

"Sir, we can't get in at the gate. Since you say you know Anya and Xiao Xi pleads with you, please come in with us. Knowledge should pay attention to its own identity, and don't run about in it. The family is holding an annual meeting, and there are many distinguished people coming. It's not easy to explain if they collide with distinguished guests. "An Yuqing turns her head and says to Chen Fan in a cold voice.

PS: the first one is here. It's a little late today. The author rushed to write the second one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!