Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 457


Chen Fan's eyes narrowed, not smiling.

How long ago, no one dared to directly threaten beixuan xianzun like this.

Ever since Chen Fan was born back to earth and killed all sides, he has been the head of a powerful clan, and the generals of great powers have been respectful to him. This is the gate to settle down. Chen fan can kill through it with one sword and kill it with one finger. How dare this woman warn and threaten him face to face today?

"Ah, are you really sister Anya's old friend? Is it a boyfriend? No, you are very young. You are not a few years older than me. Sister Anya's boyfriend should be mature and stable. It's my brother. No matter. Come on in. It's freezing outside. "

The little girl an Ruoxi rushed over, cold straight jump feet, holding Chen Fan's hand, rushed to the door of an's home.

At this time, it's still cold in spring and winter. She only wears a long shirt and short skirt, showing her two delicate long legs. How can she not be cold? The bodyguards around didn't dare to stop them, so they let them in.

Chen Fan's eyes were clear, but he didn't start after all.

Gao Leng's woman looked at her back and could only give a bitter smile: "Fang Yu, let you see the joke. My younger sister is the youngest in the family, so I was spoiled by my grandfather and parents since I was a child. She is very willful."

The handsome man said with a gentle smile, "it's OK. By the way, Yuqing. Did the Anya you mentioned before mean the Anya you wanted to marry with the Fu family in Northwest China? "

"That's her."

An Yuqing's eyes flashed and said quietly.

In her eyes, Anya's parents are a stain after all. However, Anya's theory of appearance, talent and knowledge has put pressure on Anyu Qing. Anyu Qing's natural taste is hard to understand.

"Northwest Fu family, this is a real big family. It's no worse than our Hou family and your family. Maybe it's even better than half a chip. Fu Zhenting, in particular, is known as the dragon among the people. He has excellent ability and skill. It is said that even those young and old people in Yanjing treat him differently. "

The handsome man sighed.

An Yuqing was absent-minded for a moment.

Fu family, Fu Zhenting, is a powerful figure in the whole North. Even Hou Fangyu around her is not as good as Yanjing's top boys. Anya can marry him, it's like a sparrow flying on the branch to become a Phoenix. If it wasn't for her, an Yuqing had already made an engagement, this opportunity would never have come to an ya.

"The Fu family will also come to this annual meeting. I don't know if Fu Zhenting will arrive at that time. The marriage between the two families is a big policy made by the Fu family and my family, but it is not based on personal will. "

An Yuqing whispered.

"Yuqing, you don't know. It is said that Fu Shao has already arrived in Phoenix City, and several young people in Donghe are entertaining him. Fu Shao is bound to come to this annual meeting. " Hou Fangyu is determined to do so.


An Yuqing's eyes brightened, and she wanted to see the famous Fu family in the north.

At this time, chen fan has been pulled by the little girl all the way into the home. After entering the house, there is heating in it. An Ruoxi finally stops and blinks her big eyes at Chen Fan:

"are you really sister Anya's friend? What is called? I have the best relationship with sister Anya. Don't lie to me. "

"My name is Chen fan. I'm her brother."

Chen Fan said lightly.

"Well, sister Anya does have a brother, don't you know. But it's OK. I'll take you to see sister Anya, and the truth will come out soon. "

Although the little girl's eyes are big, once she laughs, they will narrow into two cracks, long and charming, just like a fox's snickering.

"When she grows up, she will definitely surpass her elder sister and become a disaster of Xiao Qiong and an." Chen Fan swept an Ruoxi one eye, did not care too much.

They walked in the mansion like this.

Because of the annual meeting, there are obviously more people in the family. Many of them seem to have come from other places. Each of them is well-dressed and gorgeous. They are either rich or expensive. They can hardly find a poor man. Like Chen fan, a mid-range casual clothes, but very strange, eye-catching.

But he was with miss an, and no one dared to stop him.

The little girl is naive and romantic. She has no deep intention. Chen fan sets up all the bottom of the story along the way.

"Sister an and Fu Zhenting of the Fu family in Northwest China are really married? This Fu family in the northwest, which I have heard of in my last life, is said to be a local family in the northwest. It has been in the Northwest for hundreds of years and is very powerful. In particular, Fu Zhenting and my cheap cousin Wang Cheng are equally famous. "

"It's a great power to settle down and add Fu family. If ordinary people really can only watch you succeed. Unfortunately, you met me, chen fan! "

Chen Fan gave a sneer, and his murderous spirit was hidden.

Soon, they got to a small yard. The courtyard is antique, just like a big family in the period of the Republic of China. An Ruoxi broke in first, carrying a small schoolbag and cried:

"sister Anya, look, who did I bring?"

"Who did you bring, Xiao Xi?" A gentle voice came from the room with green bricks and tiles. In the familiar voice of Chen fan, there is a trace of doting. Obviously, the owner of the sound likes anruoxi very much."Sister Ann."

Chen Fan trembled in his heart and stood at the door, unable to walk.

"It's your brother, sister Anya. Come out quickly."

An Ruoxi pulls the woman to act coquettishly. The woman obviously had no choice but to go out with a smile. In front of Chen Fan's eyes, a beautiful and gentle woman appeared. She was wearing a blue embroidered Qipao, her hair was curled up, and her appearance was peerless. She was not like the beauty that the rough Donghe province could raise, but more like the beauty of Jiangnan under the misty rain.

"Who is it..."

as soon as Anya looks up, she sees Chen Fan standing at the door. Suddenly, she is standing there like a lightning strike.

"It's you... Xiaofan..."

Anya's eyes were full of surprises and trembled her lips.

"It's me, sister Ann. I'm back." Chen fan came forward, in the woman's complex eyes. Gently embrace Anya, hands around the woman's slender waist, head into her arms.

"Sister Ann, it worries you. It's all Xiaofan's fault. I will never make you sad, sad, worried or upset again. "

Chen Fan lowered his head and said foolishly.

It's like being in trouble when I was a child, hiding in the arms of a girl.

"Wuwu, Xiaofan, is it really you? Are you still alive? I miss you so much

An Ya Meng hugs Chen Fan's head, two lines of clear tears flow down.

They held each other quietly, as if they were the only two left in the world. The little girl, an Ruoxi, covers her mouth fiercely, her eyes are round and her big eyes are rolling:

"my God, it doesn't look like her younger brother, it's more like sister an's little boyfriend."

"Sister an won't be in Jiangnan. She really has a boyfriend. What about the Fu family... '

after a long time, Anya seems to remember that there is an outsider present. She pushes chen fan away and glances at him angrily:" how old are you? You are still like a child. Xiao Xi must laugh at you when she sees it. "

"You're my sister. I'll give you a hug. What's the matter?" Chen Fanli straight gas strong said, the Anya all to gas disappear.

When they calmed down, chen fan immediately thought of the business and said, "sister an, I've heard about you and the Fu family. You're forced to settle down. I'm going to visit and ask the head of the clan who settled down. Who gave him the courage to bully our Chen family

When Chen Fan said this, his eyes flashed cold.

The Yellow gourd on the waist jumps wildly, and the sword of returning to the yuan vibrates violently in it. It is always ready to come out of its sheath, kill and settle down, and drink blood.

Seeing that Chen Fan was angry, Anya quickly grabbed him and said with worried eyes:

"don't be impulsive, little brother. I can't say they forced me. "

Said, anyaten stammered: "grandfather promised to keep Jinxiu, I just came back with him. Besides, settling down is my family after all. My grandparents, uncles and aunts are all here. I can come back to see them... "

" what about the Fu family? "

Chen Fan's face is even more heavy.

Anya knows her brother's temperament, and she can't be bullied. When I was young, I dare to break my head with those little overlord in Surabaya County for the sake of a hybrid. I had to hasten:

"the Fu family is just talking about it, not settled. How normal blind date is these days. I haven't agreed yet. Don't worry. Besides, sister Ann is so old that she should find a husband's home. "


With a long sigh, chen fan's eyes pierced into Anya's eyes like a sword.

"Sister Ann, don't lie to me. Look where you live. I've been traveling all the way. It's almost the most remote corner of Anfu. In ancient times, that's where the servants live. I'm sorry for Aunt Jinxiu, I'm sorry for you. If I open the door and welcome you back, I will never say a word

"But now? I gave you your name, said it was your relatives and friends, even the doorman didn't let me in. Is this the way to settle down? It's all about keeping you here as a rare Canary ready to sell. "

In the beginning, Anya wanted to explain, but in the end, she could only turn into a bitter smile.

She knows that what Chen Fan said is true. But what if Anya knew? After all, settling down is her mother family, and has the grace of protecting Jinxiu group. Even if Anya hates to settle down again, she still holds a trace of expectation in her heart, but the manner of settling down has really chilled her heart.

"Don't worry, little brother. I didn't agree to the engagement. Even if you don't come, I want to tell Uncle Wai tomorrow. "

Anya raised her head and said firmly.

"Settling down with such a large sum of money has offended several big families in CNOOC. Will they allow you to leave like this? " Chen Fan sneered: "take advantage of people's danger and take advantage of weak women. What you do when you settle down has nothing to do with Chen fan. But if you dare to offend my sister Chen beixuan, then don't blame me Sanchi Qingfeng. "As Chen Fan was saying this, a voice came out of the door:

"Anya, who is this?"

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!