Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 455

Fang Qiong has a strong character. Her crying just now was just a year ago. She was under too much pressure and missed too much. Soon came back to mind, people around to see the gape.

How could Fang Xiaohua, a famous school flower, throw herself in his arms in public?

It's definitely a big news story.

But soon someone called out:

"eh, isn't that man Professor Chen who teaches" future biology and medicine "? He disappeared for a year, but now he's back. And I'm in love with Fang Qiong? "

In terms of fame, chen fan's reputation in Jincheng university is probably better than Fang Qiong's. After all, for a long time, there has not been a professor like Chen fan who is knowledgeable, rich and handsome. He is an idol.

Chen fan had no choice but to leave with her two daughters.

When he got out of the library, he made a formula and changed back to his original appearance. The two women are staring at each other. It's really hard to change the magic of living people.

"Oh, why are you changing back? Professor Chen is so handsome, charming and eye-catching. As a result, the handsome boy is gone, in exchange for an ordinary looking child. "

Zhong Yao complains.

"Love to see, don't look away."

Chen fan doesn't have a good way.

The northern xuanxianzun was involved in the universe and suppressed all ethnic groups. Even if he Daozhen immortal saw him, he had to bow his head respectfully. I didn't expect to fall into Zhong Yaoyao's eyes, but she became the kind of eye-catching doll.

"I don't know."

Zhong Yaoyao is coquettish, holding Fang Qiong's arm tightly, and follows them all the way.

Near noon, the three people found a quiet and elegant restaurant and asked for a private room. Eating and talking. Most of the time, Fang Qiong is talking and Chen fan is listening. Listen to Fang Qiong's past experience in this year, her family and her business.

"Did the Su family force you again?" Chen Fan gently clasped the armrest with a smile: "I thought Su yanghao was a wise man, but he was so fatuous that he let his son and grandson do whatever he wanted. In that case, don't blame me for being ruthless. "

"Yes, chen fan, you don't know. How hateful the Su family are. Su Qian in particular, I don't know how many times she has made trouble for Xiao Qiong in public...

ZHONG Yaoyao fanned the flames nearby.

"All right." Fang Qiong glared at her, then turned her head and looked at Chen Fan softly: "it doesn't matter. You can come back safely."

The girl is 20 years old this year, more and more graceful atmosphere, and Chen Fan's memory of the purple fairy more and more like.

"I'll accompany you to Wuzhou in two days."

Chen Fan's firm way.


Fang Qiong nodded obediently.

After three people finished eating, chen fan sent the two girls to the dormitory downstairs and left. Seeing that Fang Qiong is OK, chen fan is relieved. For him, there are endless years to be with girls in the future, so there is no hurry.

There are some things that need to be dealt with immediately.

"Jiangbei Wei family, Wuzhou Su family, Zhonghai Ji family, Tang Jianing family, Yanjing Han family, Hongmen and Dongnan Lin family. I'll get all these accounts back one by one. There are many things to do during this period, but the most important thing is to pick up sister an. "

As Chen Fan walked, he calculated in his heart.

Chen Fan's sudden disappearance for one year has caused various forces that have lost his power to be ready to move. For example, in the Han family, Han Laoer had been permanently banned. Because of his "death", Han Laoer was released again and vigorously supported the Song family. The Han family needs to account for all these.

Needless to say, chen fan is also worried about the Lu family in Linzhou, a Xiu in Zhongzhou, Yu Wenjing in Southwest China, Yao Shengu and Zheng Anqi on Hong Kong Island.

Since Hongmen can find Jiangbei, will his other enemies also find Lu family, Hong Kong Island and yaoshengu?

"Well, it seems that I did neglect it. In the last life, I crossed the universe with my back against the big tree of Zhenwu Xianzong. No matter what I did, everything was smooth and I could take advantage of it. His subordinates are waving, and there is no need to worry about the influence. But when we are reborn on earth, we will not be able to withstand the enemy's attack if we do not integrate them together, even though we have a lot of power left behind from one stall to another. "

Chen Fan sighed, and his eyes were very deep: "it seems that I really need to build a force. Even after I leave, I can shelter the Chen family, the Lu family, the Zheng family and all of them."

He was thinking.

As a great monk, chen fan has many kinds of methods in his hand, which can quickly create powerful guards and soldiers. Such as Tongshan is just one of them. If there are ten Tongshan level masters with wisdom, even if the ancestors of the Lin family hit the mountain gate, they would be beaten to death.

But it's all after that.

The establishment of power needs to be done slowly and step by step. Anyway, it's too easy to produce a group of quick masters with the huge field of medicine in Qinglong formation.

Now the most important thing is.

Go to the gate of an's home, pick up sister an and ask for justice.

Think of this, chen fan eyes to the north, eyes shining cold....

Donghe settled down.

Even in the whole north of China, it is a famous family.

This big family, even if it can't be compared with the top Yanjing families such as the Wang family, the Xiao family and the Li family, occupies Donghe province for generations, and there are many generals and prime ministers in the family. Moreover, Andersen group, with assets of over 100 billion, is the only one of China's top 500 enterprises in the world.

compared with ANN, these families in Jiangnan province are just woodlouse. It is estimated that the Su family can barely mention it in 300 years.

Anjia, with numerous branches, has great influence not only in Donghe Province, but also in Yanjing, Northern Xinjiang and Northwest China.

Anya's mother, an Jinxiu, belongs to Anya's family and lives in Yanjing all the year round. So I met Wang Xiaoyun, a young lady of the Wang family, and they became friends. It's a pity that her unmarried birth is too shocking. It's not only the anger of Donghe's settler, but also the branch of Yanjing.

It is said that an Jinxiu's parents directly cut off the relationship with her.

So it was Wang Xiaoyun who finally brought Anya back to Jiangnan.

"It looks like a rich family like the Han family. But settling down is different from Han's. The Han family's influence is mainly concentrated in the army. And Anjia is a local family, the local leader of Donghe province. So the news must be far less than Han's. Otherwise, if you know I'm coming back, you should have sent sister an back to Jincheng, and the patriarch would have come to kowtow and beg for mercy. "

Chen Fan sat on the plane, looking through the information that rosefinch gave her to settle down.

Last night, he killed people in the south of the Yangtze River. Of course, he was happy and shocked the whole south of the Yangtze River. But the tired rosefinch ran around to help him wipe his ass. Chen fan was not embarrassed at all.

Originally, with his character, he wanted to go to the Kremlin and have a good chat with the emperor. In the end, he was worried about the face of rosefinch and Minister Xiao, and finally gave up. He asked for some compensation and shook hands with Russia to make peace.

"In the last life, Jinxiu was swallowed by Wanrong as soon as it was prosperous. I don't think that there is such a blood flow out of Anyang. "

"But in this life, I am a butterfly. Jinxiu group is at its best in China Sea. Especially the Ji family, the Tang family and the Ning family. It is estimated that no one dares to provoke the whole China shipping. My mother is even more known as the "beautiful queen". As her assistant and CEO, sister an is probably noticed by her family because of this. "

Chen Fan closed his eyes as if thinking.

In the final analysis, it is the value of Anya. Anya was just a little unknown in the last life, so he didn't care to settle down. In this life, Anya has become a famous beauty CEO of CNOOC. No matter how beautiful she looks, she is always first-class and naturally attracts the attention of Anya.

You know, it's very rare for such a big family as Anjia to produce such an elegant woman.

For example, when the Su family came out with a "Su Xiao", Su yanghao gave it to him as a treasure, a rare commodity. At that time, we will be ready to get married and join the gaomen family. Since you want to settle down in Donghe, you also need to make allies.

"So the main reason why Anjia took sister Ann back is to use her as a marriage tool?"

Chen fanmeng opened his eyes, a cold light flashed in the void.

"Ha ha, if I want to make up for sister an, I can't start. But if you want to trade sister an as a commodity, don't blame me for Chen Fan's merciless flying sword. "

Chen Fan sneered.

The Guiyuan sword, which is contained in the yellow skin gourd, also senses his intention to kill, and then jumps.

Chen fan came back from Russia full of anger, just a song family and Jiangbei big guy, how can he calm his anger? It's just that we have to wait until we see sister Ann to confirm the truth.

So chen fan can only suppress himself.


Soon, the plane arrived at Fengcheng, the capital of Donghe province.

Fengcheng is a big city comparable to Linzhou and Jincheng. It can also rank in the top 15 in China, so it has a lot of passenger flow. Busy traffic, luxury cars such as rain, but also from time to time there are many white or black skin foreigners.

After Chen Fan got off the plane, he stopped a taxi.

Although he has no relatives in Fengcheng City or even Donghe Province, Chen Fangen is not worried that he will not be able to find such a large family. Not to mention, he also has the idea of God, as well as sister an's sense of jade.

"Looking for a home?" The taxi driver was stunned, patted his thigh and said:

"it's not easy to find? The old house is just near the city center. Tut Tut, the area is enough to build three or four communities and commercial squares. That is to say, we Fengcheng people don't know how to settle down. "

"Well, let's go." Chen Fan nodded.

As the taxi sped towards the city center, the driver said: "settling down is domineering. The chairman of Anshi group, the richest man in Donghe Province, is the leader of the province. When you see him, you have to shout" An Dong ". That's the God of wealth. Who doesn't treat an's family as a treasure? Who dares to offend an's family in Fengcheng? Recently, I've heard that it seems that I have to marry a big family to settle down. At that time, the power will be even more powerful. ""Marriage?"

Chen fanmeng opened his eyes, and two green god awns flashed by.

PS: fourth more o (∩)_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!