Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 454

When Chen Fan returns to Dongshan villa, Wang Xiaoyun and Chen Kexing have been back all night. As soon as he saw chen fan, Wang Xiaoyun rushed over and held Chen Fan tightly in his arms. He was afraid of losing him again.

"Ma, Ma, I'm back. Take it easy. No one can hurt me above this star. Don't worry Chen Fan gently hugs her mother, comforts her and looks at her father.

Chen Kexing stood there, only in his forties, but his hair was stained with a trace of white. Obviously, for more than a year, this man who is not good at words and has a proud chest has been under great pressure.

See Chen fan, just silently nod, eyes flash gratification.

"Xiaofan, don't go out next time. We're not going to fix this fairy. Just stay in Jincheng and Jiangnan, and live our life in peace. "

Wang Xiaoyun's tears fell down directly.

"Mom. Now the fate of the Chen family and all of them is tied to me. If I don't cultivate immortals, I don't master power. What happened in this year will happen to the Chen family again, and it will double. My opponents will retaliate madly, that is, Canglong and commander Li can't protect us. "

Chen Fan said calmly.

Wang Xiaoyun also knew that he was in a hurry, so he wiped his tears and laughed embarrassed.

"Xiaoyun. Now that fan'er is back, who dares to bully my Chen family? You can rest assured that fan'er is my Chen family's Kirin, destined to soar nine days. "

Chen Huaian laughs.

"Yes, when I came back, I received calls from Ji family, Tang family and Ning family. Their owners will visit me in person. I said no Wang Xiaoyun smiles with feeling.

"Don't worry, Ma. When I free up my hand, I will kill these families who dare to bully Jinxiu one by one. "

Chen Fan said faintly, his eyes shining cold.

This Russian incident really taught chen fan a great lesson. I didn't expect that Ji's, Tang's and Ning's who had let go before would dare to do it. How could Chen Fan let them go?

"By the way, Ma, sister an, she..." Chen fan asked.

"Your sister Ann came back to settle down in order to keep Jinxiu group." Speaking of this, Wang Xiaoyun's eyes also flashed a trace of hatred. "At that time, they put great pressure on Jinxiu. At the same time, she came to settle down. Originally, Xiaoya couldn't come back. But settle down put forward the condition, as long as she returns to settle down, will guarantee rich brocade stable. In the end, Xiaoya went back with them without telling me. I'm sorry for Xiaoya. "

With that, Wang Xiaoyun's tears came down again.

Anya has more time with her than chen fan. Maybe even in Wang Xiaoyun's mind, Anya's daughter is more important than Chen Fan's.

"Don't worry, Ma. I'll go and settle down and bring my sister back safely. "

Chen Fan said firmly, two golden flames looming in his eyes.


Wang Xiaoyun nodded silently.

"Grandpa, dad and mom, we Chen family should make a constitution. This time, as long as it is good for my Chen family, we should draw in encouragement. Those who are not deeply offended by the outside forces can fight and pull, one by one. As for those who have always been hostile to our Chen family, they will wipe them out and drive them out of Jincheng. Only in this way can we truly establish our position as the Chen family in Jiangnan province. "

Chen Fan looked around the hall and said in a loud voice.


Chen Huaian and others nodded silently.

Before the Chen family is really too loose, will be defeated by the Song family. Now with the support of Chen fan, the new Chen family will be gradually established with the core members as the center. Even if Chen fan leaves, he will not be bullied.

"By the way, you are not in this year, thanks to the maintenance of commander Li Muchen and miss Zhuque. Take a moment to thank them. "

Chen Kexing said suddenly.

"All right, Dad, I understand."

Chen Fan nodded.

"What are you going to do about the Fang and Su families?"

Wang Xiaoyun hesitated. "The year you left, Joan often came to comfort us. Mingde and Susu also called from time to time. But I heard that the Su family in Wuzhou seemed to be repenting of marriage. Su Zhengde, the patriarch of the Su family, seems to want to contact the Ji family again...

"ha ha, Ma, don't worry about this. They will die by themselves. What can we do?"

Chen Fan gave a faint smile.

The Su family and the like are never in Chen Fan's mind. As long as he knows, Fang Qiong's heart will not change.

"It's just that when she left Jincheng after Chinese new year last year, Xiao Qiong went back to Wuzhou. She only had time to call her and then left. I didn't expect that she would go there for a year without any news. I wonder if Xiao Qiong will blame me. "

Chen Fan smiles bitterly in his heart.

In the following time, Chen Huaian, Chen Kexing, Wang Xiaoyun, Chen Ning and other Chen families began to come forward one by one to appease these Jincheng families.Chen Fan's murder is a black face.

When they come out to persuade each other, they are trying to be white faced.

It is the standard way to control the lower part of the imperial court to combine kindness and power, and to combine both soft and hard. No matter what the big families in Jincheng think, chen fan's strength is there, but they don't bow their heads.

At this time, chen fan has arrived at Jincheng University.


Jincheng University, in the library.

At this time, Fang Qiong was sitting there quietly, reading the works of Robert Engel, the Nobel Laureate in economics. She was dressed in a slim waist windbreaker, a tight sweater, white jeans, noodle soup, long hair shawl, super goddess.

Beside Fang Qiong, Zhong Yaoyao is sitting there listlessly.

This little goblin, growing up with age, is more and more enchanting and moving. It seems that she has just come from the dance room. Her upper body is a tight black dance dress, revealing her snow-white towering chest. Her lower body is a black miniskirt, and her two long white and thin legs are wrapped in socks, just like a peerless enchantress.

Most of the people who are reading around are looking at the books and sweeping towards the two famous flowers of Jincheng University.

"Fang Qiong and Zhong Yaoyao, the two most famous beauties in Jincheng University, are said to be good friends. I don't know how many grass are chasing them. "

"It's said that Fang qionggao is so cold that the boy doesn't answer her. Although Zhong Yaoyao is keen on social intercourse, her temper is unpredictable. She is like a witch. I don't know how many school grass she has thrown away. "

"What do you think they are doing in the library, waiting for someone? Waiting for your boyfriend? "

Everyone whispered.

"Fang Qiong, I tell you, I don't even dance. I came to accompany you. I went to see your husband with you. What are you doing in this crap free library? "

Finally, Zhong Yao could not help it and said angrily.

When she received the news in the morning, she was practicing in the dance room, preparing for the university town party next month. As soon as the news came, Zhong Yaoyao screamed out and didn't change her clothes. While making a phone call, he rushed out of the practice room and stunned the teachers and students.

"I didn't ask you to come. And since he's back, no matter where I am, Xiao Fan will find me. "

Fang Qiong answered calmly as she turned over most of her original English works.


Zhong Yao's nose is almost crooked.

But at the thought of Chen Fan's uncanny means, Zhong Yaoyao drooped her head, but she was still saying:

"I've been gone for a year, and there's no news at all. A lot of people said that he died, you silly girl still believe, every day waiting for him to come back... As a result, actually came back. Oh, My God. You don't know what it's like for him to make the whole Jincheng and Jiangnan. "

"When my dad told me, I couldn't believe it. The Song family was so strong that he killed them with one sword. The Huajia, Renjia and Gongjia families are the leaders of 16 families in succession, plus the heads of the city leaders in Jiangbei. He killed more than 500 people in one night. Now outside, who is not shocked. You want to go out and say your husband is Chen fan. I think it can frighten the children to cry at night. "

Zhong Yaoyao said with a little worship. Suddenly, her voice changed and she said with a sneer:

"Hey, when Chen fan comes back, I'll see what the Su family will do. The Su family forces you to marry Ji Luochen every day. The younger generation of the Su family, especially Su Qian, sneers at you when it's OK. But for Joan, I would have smoked her. Chen beixuan is not a good-natured person. If you know this, I'm afraid the Su family will be upset by him. "

Fang Qiong frowned, but said nothing.

What the Su family did this year really chilled her heart.

"Well, how can you find such a powerful husband. I've searched so much, but it turns out that it's nothing compared with Chen fan. A year ago, it was not easy to meet an opal from South Korea. As a result, he was not so kind-hearted and was maddened by Professor Chen. "

Zhong Yao continues to feel sorry for herself.

"That's right." Speaking of this, Zhong Yaoyao's beautiful eyes flashed and said, "is that really Professor Chen beixuan in your family? I thought it was fake. How can an ordinary person suddenly become a super handsome guy? "

"When he comes, you will know."

Fang Qiong was talking when he heard a scream from Zhong Yaoyao.

Fang Qiong's hand trembled slightly and slowly raised her head. Then she saw a tall man walking to the opposite of them. The man was dressed in a black robe, with black hair and a shawl. His eyes were shining like stars. He was very handsome, just like a God.

"Dear Miss, can I have the pleasure of sitting here?"

Chen Fan showed a kind smile on his face, very gentlemanly.

"I'm sorry, this seat is for my husband."

Fang Qiong's hands stopped, and her head lowered without expression.

"I'm your husband." A familiar voice suddenly sounded in her ear. Fang Qiong couldn't help it this time. Looking up at Chen Fan's familiar and strange face, he pounced into his arms."Why are you back now... I've been waiting for a long time, so worried." Fang Qiong cried and hugged Chen Fan tightly.

"I'm sorry."

Chen fanhuai embraces the beauty, leaving only deep guilt in his heart. (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!