Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 453

When the sun rises, many ordinary people, white-collar elites, pawn peddlers and migrant workers continue to start their ordinary life, the whole upper class society in Jincheng has exploded.

At night, the news was only known by the heads of many big families.

Now, it is clear to those who are slightly involved with the upper class. The Song family was destroyed, and the heads of the Huas, Rens, gongs and other 16 families were killed. In an instant, it spread all over Jincheng and even Jiangnan province.

At this point, even the most stupid people know.

Something big happened.

Earth shaking event!

Chen beixuan is back!


"ha ha, who would have thought that the Chen family would have a day when the salted fish turned over."

While drinking porridge, Mr. Qiao shook his head to his daughter and said, "this Chen beixuan deserves to be a murderer. He killed so many people in one breath. It is said that countless people in Jiangbei have a headache."

Although he is nearly 70 years old, he is still in his prime.

"Dad, is Chen Fan really back?"

Qiao Luo Ying could not bear the excitement in her heart and asked in a trembling voice.

"Commander Li told me the news himself. Can it be false? And besides Chen beixuan, who would have such a big hand to attack thousands of miles overnight and even kill hundreds of people. It's said that he has the ability to make changes by all forces. He is almost a mythical figure. It seems that the rumor is true. "

Joe sighed.

Even a big man like him is frightened by Chen Fan's power. This kind of power, controlling people's life and death, is really frightening. The master of the Song family was so stupid that he couldn't wait to confirm Chen Fan's death, so he hurried back to Jincheng and attacked the Chen family, which eventually brought about the disaster.

"Who's Chen beixuan? You mean he's very powerful?"

Qiao Luoying's enchanting friend has changed into a Batman shirt, slim jeans and Tan sunglasses. She is as fresh as a rich lady. Every move is very dignified and has the style of a big family.

"Qiuyun, you don't care much about this, so you can be excused for not understanding Chen beixuan." Mr. Qiao said with a smile. "Let Luo Ying tell you, this is a real big man."

"Well, it's nothing but a martial arts man. What's the use of knowing how to fight? What things in the world are solved by fists? Hum, I don't know how to end up committing such a big crime this time. "

Pei Qiuyun snorted.

Although the Pei family is not a big family in Yanjing, they are also famous in the second and third tier. Moreover, Pei Qiuyun's husband is a real first-class family in Yanjing. Otherwise, no dandy would marry Pei Qiuyun.

The family background, appearance and the influence of her husband's family naturally foster Pei Qiuyun's pride.

"Ha ha, Chen beixuan is not an ordinary warrior. Ordinary people are not qualified to be compared with Chen beixuan. They are the top students in Yanjing, such as Wang Cheng, Li Mufan and Xiao Tianchen. When they meet Chen beixuan, they have to lower their head. "

Qiao Luo Ying said quietly, drinking tea.

"How could it be?" Pei Qiuyun exclaimed, expressing disbelief: "I've never seen such a talented person or martial arts master in Yanjing? Every major family or military has such experts, that is, the level of senior bodyguards and thugs. How can they be compared with those at the top level? "

Wang Cheng, Li Mufan and Xiao Tianchen are all the top young and old people in Yanjing.

Even Pei Qiuyun's husband is inferior.

"Qiuyun, do you know that a year ago, Han Hongkun, the second youngest of the Han family, came to Jincheng and got into trouble with Chen beixuan. Do you know the result?"

Qiao Luo Ying topic a turn, calm say.

"Han Hongkun? He seems to have offended someone before. He was banned by the Han family and released a few months ago. " Pei Qiuyun frowned and recalled, suddenly surprised, and said:

"is it because of Chen beixuan..."

"Han juntu, the youngest of the Han family, didn't come to apologize, but Han Hongkun was dead. At that time, the Song family was also expelled from Jincheng by Yiyan. It was not until half a year ago that Han Hongkun was released and the Song family moved back to Jincheng. "

Qiao Luo Ying said lightly.

"It's impossible. It's the Han family. It's Han juntu!"

Pei Qiuyun's face changed and she shook her head. If Han juntu, who Chen beixuan can suppress, bows down, he really has the strength to meet Wang Cheng, Li Mufan, Xiao Tianchen and others.

"Because Chen beixuan is not an ordinary warrior, he is the most important person in Huaxia list. Even ye Nantian is below him, don't you think? "

Qiao Luo Ying hummed.

"Ye Nantian..."

Pei Qiuyun lost her voice completely this time. As Miss Pei, how can she not know the weight of Ye Nantian. Not to mention Ye Nantian's status, the Yanshan Ye family behind Ye Nantian is a terrible monster. Even the top families like Wang family and Xiao family are inferior to the Yanshan Ye family."It's just that no matter how powerful he is, he is not afraid of special departments to pursue and kill so many family owners in Jincheng and break the rules?" Pei Qiuyun is puzzled.

No matter how strong a person is, how can he fight against all the big families?

What Chen fan has done is to trample on the rules of the upper class, which will be feared by everyone.

Speaking of this, even Qiao Luoying's eyes flashed a trace of worry, not from the beautiful eyes worried to see Qiao old man.

Mr. Qiao's eyes half narrowed, shook his head and said:

"how can Chen beixuan be killed by such a small matter?"

"Ah? Little things? "

Pei Qiu's eyes stare, and even Qiao Luoying is surprised.

The downfall of the Song family, the death of 16 family owners in Jincheng, and the death and injury of 500 people in various cities in the north of the Yangtze River have made the whole Jiangnan province turbulent. Is this a trivial matter? It's a big deal.

"Five days ago, Chen beixuan defeated the 116th armored division of Russia with one enemy and one man, and killed lieutenant general Serkin, commander of the Russian northern military region. Then he killed all the way to Moscow, and finally forced the Russian emperor to bow down. "

Mr. Qiao gently clasped his fingers on the table and said, "in front of the earth shaking and world shaking events, what's the matter in Jiangnan

The whole hall was silent.

Pei Qiuyun, Qiao Luoying, and even the nannies who were standing beside them were as dumb as a fairy tale.

"One enemy, I can't believe it if commander Li didn't tell me. We Jiangnan, unexpectedly out of such a big man. Which Chen family can be bound by a golden city? They are the top families in Jiangnan and even in the whole of China. " Mr. Qiao sighed:

"Chen beixuan is standing there. He is a rich family and a family!"

Pei Qiuyun and Qiao Luoying look at each other with lingering fear.


This is really a big shot.

A real, earth shaking man.

In front of Chen fan, what are Wang Cheng, Li Mufan and Xiao Tianchen? It's the Wangs, Xiaos and LIS behind them. I'm afraid they will be frightened to face chen fan.


not only the Qiao family, but also the Su family, the Hua family, the Ren family, the Gong family... Almost all Jiangnan families are shaking.

After the news of Chen Fan's return came.

The Huajia and Renjia people can't afford to grieve for the owner of the family. The first time, the principal of the family went to Dongshan villa with gifts and went to the door of the Chen family.

But at this time, how could the Chen family care about them?

Mr. Chen Huaian closed the door and refused to see the guests. Only a junior Chen Ning came out and coldly asked the family leaders to go back. But the more Chen family is like this, the more firm the heart of Hua family, Ren family and other families.

"Master Chen must have come back. Otherwise, the Chen family would not be so tough! "

So they thought in their hearts, and their attitude became more humble.

The fate of the Shen and song families is just around the corner. Now chen fan just killed a family leader, but if they didn't know what they were interested in, they might be destroyed one day and follow the Song family.

The leaders of many big families are well-informed people. Vaguely feel, the above attitude to this matter seems to be very ambiguous, a low-key treatment, unwilling to pursue the posture.

In particular, some people have inquired about it. The person sent by the special department to take charge of the investigation is said to be a "rosefinch" who has a close relationship with Chen fan. When he meets Wang Xiaoyun, he is called aunt.

In this case, only the brain pumping people will carry Chen Fan hard.

They don't want to try master Chen's flying sword with their own heads.

On this day, the whole Jincheng and even Jiangnan were shocked. Countless people opened their eyes and looked at Jincheng, the Chen family and the legendary figure in horror.

The backer of Chen family in Jincheng.

Master chen fan of Jiangbei, back!

As soon as he came back, he used the blood of the seventeen aristocratic families in Jincheng and the heads of the city leaders in Jiangbei to declare to the world that the Chen family should not be humiliated.

Those who insult will die!


in a classroom of the Department of economics and management, Jincheng University.

A beautiful girl is listening carefully. All eyes around, or with admiration, or with surprise, or with jealousy, are secretly looking at this woman who is not famous for her beauty, but has a unique appearance, cold and proud temperament.

To everyone, the girl seemed to be favored by heaven.

Appearance, knowledge and family background are incomparable. They are the best. Even if you look at the whole Jincheng, few people can match them. However, when a woman takes notes, she occasionally looks out of the window, always dazed for a while, and her eyes are full of sadness and missing.

"Fang Qiong, you are distracted again. Is something wrong at home? You've been wandering a lot these months. "

The professor on the platform looked over kindly and said with concern.This is his favorite student.

"It's OK, Professor Liu. I'm just in a daze. I won't do it again next time." Fang Qiong quickly stood up and was about to bow down to apologize. Suddenly, a rush of mobile phone sounds.

In the professor nodded, Fang Qiong had to answer the phone apologetically, is ready to reprimand that in class, call her best friend.

Suddenly, Zhong Yaoyao screamed: "Xiao Qiong, chen fan is back!"


The mobile phone fell on the table. In the eyes of the people, Fang Qiong seemed like a statue, frozen by time, motionless.

He's back?

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ ∩) O (to be continued. ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!