Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 1108

"Jiang churan."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed, not seen for more than ten years. Jiang churan was totally different from before. If Chen Fan first met her in Chuzhou at that time, she was just an ordinary and beautiful woman with some peerless beauty potential at most. So now, her temperament is like a secluded orchid in an empty valley, a cold snow lotus, and the whole world seems to be shrouded in a wisp of immortal Qi, ready to take advantage of the wind at any time.

Such a unique temperament has even overwhelmed many foreign female practitioners of Jindan and Yuanying. No wonder that Taichu Shenzi took a look at her and chose her as "Shenfei" a long time ago, and even told Taichu Temple master to accept her as a close disciple.

"Jiang churan may even be one of the immortals of the earth." Chen Fan lowered his head and said softly.

The cultivation speed of human beings on earth is obviously faster than that of the stars such as Tianhuang, Tianmu, Zheyuan, etc. the great changes of heaven and earth are only a few years ago, and some people have broken through the golden elixir. There are a large number of congenital elixirs, while the Shenhai realm and the xuanjing realm need not count as many as the stars. If these foreign religions invade the earth in decades or hundreds of years, they may face the bright star of Yuanying like rain.

Such a terrible speed of cultivation, or the rise of the collective, obviously can not be described as a simple "great change of heaven and earth.".

Chen Fan didn't understand before.

Later, after understanding the layout of cangqingxian, he finally understood. Through the surging essence of countless stars, the immortal Qi is scattered into the whole earth. After generations of cultivation, although most of the immortal Qi is concentrated in the "immortal fetus", that is, gathered in the body of "Fang Qiong". But in the end, a small part will fall to others.

Such as ye Qingcang, Hua Yunfeng, Xie Yan, ye Nantian, Lao Qinglong and so on.

Their talent, in the whole Xiaonan Tianjing, is a star field. It's hard for them to produce one in a thousand years. They all have the talent to become gods, but now they come out in large numbers on earth. Those who hide in the earth's society, have not yet had time to refine gas cultivation genius, do not know how much. Chen Fan looked back and knew that the earth had not yet started the real era of explosive cultivation. Because no one passed down the real cultivation method.

And Jiang churan, obviously, was also blessed with "immortal Qi". That's why his temperament has changed so much. His cultivation talent is growing by leaps and bounds.

"Does Shenzi have a look at the woman beside the general? It's said that she is the "goddess" chosen by Taichu Shenzi himself. She will come back to Taichu Shenjing in the future and hope to ascend the sect. " Taoist Ling Yun is laughing and joking.

"Ha ha." With a smile, chen fan turned his head and said, "let these sects block the gate. No matter how strong they are, they can't stop hundreds of Yuan infant monks who live in the field. "

"Of course, although the immortal religion is powerful, our small and medium-sized sects can not unite without a fight. As a matter of fact, before Nalan and others went in, they had already made three rules with us. They could enter three days ahead of time at most. After three days, they would not be allowed to stop them any more. They would allow us to enter freely and seize the opportunity in the "Zaoyuan Temple." Lingyun Taoist priest said with a smile.

Chen Fan nodded.

His eyes fell on Jiang churan again. He must bring back Jiang churan during this trip. Whether it's the entrustment of aunt Tang or the responsibility of an earthman, chen fan will not let an extraterritorial friar, like a concubine, take away the earthwoman or someone he once knew.

"It's just... What's in your mind?"

Chen Fan sighed.


in front of the magnificent ancient temple.

Jiang churan stands on the ninety ninth floor of the "Taichu huntian boat". Her temperament is more and more cold and quiet, which is quite different from the surrounding Taichu disciples. Many of Taichu's disciples are too lazy to talk to her. Although Jiang churan was named "Shenfei", we all know that she was only a native of a wild planet. He has no family background. He is just a golden elixir. He is far inferior to many disciples of the golden elixir peak or half step Yuanying, not to mention several elders and gods.

So even the elders of Yuanying were slightly indifferent to her, and their tone was casual.

Jiang churan didn't speak. He just stood in the bow of the boat. His white clothes floated like snow in the wind.

"Why are you dissatisfied that God will bring you back by force?" Lin Shen Jiang came over and stood by with his hands on his back, overlooking the land invaded by evil Qi through countless layers of precious light.

He was dressed in a red robe, with a touch of gold between his eyebrows. His eyes were as bright as a sword, and his face was as beautiful as marble. He was extremely beautiful. Not to mention the powerful and incredible magic power of God Lin, even if he didn't stand there, all the disciples on the ship were extremely respectful.

Even though Jiang churan didn't like it in his heart, he couldn't praise it in secret. No one could match Lin's demeanor on earth. It is the core disciples of major religions such as "Yinlan" that she has seen, or the most powerful people on earth such as ye Nantian and Lao Qinglong, who are far behind Lin Shenjiang. Not only the "Taichu huntian boat", but also many female students on the flying treasures can't help looking over.

"It is estimated that only the" sons of God "who have entered the temple can defeat him." Jiang churan sighed in his heart.

"I didn't dare at first." Jiang churan bowed slightly.

"I heard that Chen beixuan, who destroyed Taichu temple and Wuji Daochang, do you know him? Like an old friend? " Lin Shen will turn his head and look at it. His eyes are like a sword, piercing the heart."I used to be a friend, but I didn't see him for a long time, and I didn't get in touch with him any more." Jiang churan's delicate body was slightly shocked, and under the terrible pressure of a strong man in the late Yuan Dynasty, he bit the shell teeth and said.

"No contact is the best. From now on, you are the imperial concubine of the son of God, overlooking the sea of stars. Perhaps in the future, he will join hands with his royal highness Shenzi to control the whole "Taichu divine realm". How can such a noble identity be associated with a barbarian planet who will soon turn into a powder? Even a little bit of relationship will tarnish your glory and the dignity of your Highness the son of God. " Lin Shen will turn his head, light said.

Lin Shen's voice was not big, but it fell on Jiang churan's ears. It was like thunder, which made her delicate body tremble gently. Her green and white hands clenched into fists. Her body swaying like a white lotus seemed to bear the pressure of a huge mountain. After a long time, Jiang churan bowed his head and said softly:


Lin Shenjiang seems to have no difference, but he stands up like a mountain and looks down at the heaven and earth: "Your Highness, you grew up on the earth. Your eyes are too small and your eyelids are too shallow. You haven't seen the magnificence of the real world of cultivating immortals, and you haven't seen the truly amazing strong and arrogant. So I still miss some people on this little star. I can understand that. "

"But when you leave the small puddle of the abandoned star field and enter into the depths of the star sea, you will see immortal deities who stand on the top of the star sea and control hundreds of stars in a star field; you will see the supernatural power that overlooks the sun and the moon and smashes the moon with a roar; you will see hundreds of strong yuan babies standing in the forest like rain; you will see the peerless heavenly pride that amazes an era; you will know that you are now What you see and think is so small. How ridiculous that so-called "Chen beixuan" action is. "

Lin Shen will smile lightly, without a trace of irony, but let Jiang churan feel, unprecedented disdain, it is from the heart of the neglect, like the same people ignore ants, flies.

Lin Shen general said softly: "he thought that if he defeated several yuan babies like LAN Chang and killed the ancestors of the blood clan, he could be the enemy of Xinghai friars like us. But I don't know that there are hundreds of Yuan babies like elder LAN in Taichu temple. Just pull out a small team, and even the "Taichu huntian boat" under our feet can easily destroy the stars he desperately protects. "

"And this is just the beginning. There are also Wuji sect, Jingkong sect, Changsheng sect, Yaoshen sect and Morri sect in Xiaonan Tianjing, not to mention the "Sun God Dynasty" which stands at the top of thousands of sects. "

"In the face of these terrible and irresistible forces. Chen beixuan is like a Mayer under a big tree and a mantis under a wheel. The mantis is like a chariot. It's not vulnerable at all. The reason why he's not dead now is that we can't spare time. Otherwise, I would have killed him with one sword at that time. I didn't even need to bother his highness Shenzi to do it. "

Lin Shen will be like a narrative with relatives and friends, and Jiang churan said gently.

But Jiang churan was cold and felt his contempt and arrogance for the whole earth. Even Jiang churan has to admit that his strength alone is enough to sweep the earth.

"Yes, Lord general, I understand." Jiang churan bowed his head and said softly.

Lin Shen gently clasped his fingers on the rail and nodded slightly.

It's not worth mentioning it a second time for the general who is too free from the divine realm.


three days passed by.

With the passage of time, more and more foreign religious monks arrived in front of Zaoyuan temple. Chen fan even saw a group of Qi yunzong who had met in Nantianmen, Chen Haifeng, the 395th elder martial brother in the little Nantianmen list, and Zhang Tianqiao, a burly man.

Right now.

Chen fan knows why Taoist priest Lingyun respects him so much. Why are the people of xuanfengmen and qiyunzong afraid of themselves.

In the middle of these three days, from time to time, the son of God of the immortal cult came. All the friars who are in the top 100 of the "little South Heaven list" will step aside and ask them to move forward to the "Temple". The top 100 friars in xiaonantian list all have such status, but his "Linhe" is in the top 50, and he is also the son of the God of morrizong!

Later, chen fan heard that it was an unwritten rule in Xiaonan Tianjing to make way for Shenzi. For any treasure or secret place found, if there is a deity present, the deities are allowed to search for it for three days before others can enter.

"If Lin Shenzi is willing to go, he will not be stopped by several generals." Lingyun Taoist priest said with a smile.

Chen Fan shook his head and did not start.

At the end of the three-day period, several immortal deities give way to the treasure boat Shenzhou, reveal the front of the temple, and officially open the temple. People are looking happy and eager to rush into the temple immediately.

All of a sudden, a voice suddenly sounded:

"this is a thing of the earth. No one can enter without the permission of the owner."


Chen Fan in the eyes of countless people surprised, in Lingyun Taoist shocked eyes, carrying hands, step by step in front of the temple, standing in the meantime. One person blocked hundreds of Yuan babies.

At that moment, the whole audience was silent, and everyone was staring at him, especially Jiang churan, who was so delicate that he suddenly covered his mouth and his eyes were full of incredible expression.PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!