Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 1107

There are many deities in the major Xinghai religions. Now the weakest God son is entering the earth, which makes Chen Fan's heart sink slightly. It's not that he's afraid. Few people in the whole earth can make Chen Fan afraid. But this news means that at the moment, only the vanguard troops may come to Xiantu, and the real main force of Xinghai cult has not yet arrived.

"Find Jiang churan at once, then get rid of these so-called" Shenzi "in the" immortal earth "and go back to earth." Chen fan has a plan in mind.

He asked a few more questions to find out the real situation in the immortal land of Qing Dynasty.

The whole immortal land is huge. Although there are demons everywhere, there are also caves and battlefields where ancient sages and immortals were buried. From time to time, you can find some treasures around a corner.

Wu Xiu has heard about it more than once.

It is said that Duange is extremely sharp and powerful, and can rival Shenbao. It's just that it's so old that its quality has been reduced and it can't exert all kinds of magical powers. How powerful was Duange before it was broken.

Someone took out a jade box from the deep cold pool, in which an ancient book of heaven was recorded. It's written in tadpole script and nobody can recognize it. However, any magic weapon of flying sword could not hurt the book. It was regarded as the most precious one by the winner. Many friars were killed on the spot, and several yuan babies almost fell.

Some people are...

in a word, this immortal land is full of all kinds of opportunities. Although there are many demons, many friars can occasionally hear who has gained what treasures, what magic medicine, heavenly script, weapons and so on after five or six years. Even if it's a cut-off, it's impossible, but the enemy can be sure of God's treasure.

"Well, we are only in the outer part of the immortal soil. The deeper the immortal soil goes into the inner part, the more opportunities there are in it, and the more treasures there are. But then all kinds of difficulties and obstacles increased, and there were all kinds of traps and murders everywhere. There were a lot of forbidden magic things in the array, let alone more powerful demons. It is said that in the center, there are even super demons close to the level of deification, which can't be penetrated by us. " Wu Xiu shook his head.

"I'm looking for people in Taichu and Taichao. Do you know where they are?" Chen fan asked.

"The sun is divine?" Wu Xiu was stunned. "They are all the top-level big religions in Xiaonan Tianjing. If there is no accident, they will go to the depths of Xiantu. It is said that there is a "Temple" there. It is as high as ten thousand feet, and it is extremely grand. There must be a great chance in it. Almost all the great religions went there. However, Taoyou should be careful. There are many demons and dangerous things there. More than one yuan baby has fallen... "

" thank you, I understand. "

Chen Fan nodded.

Then a black light was shot to the center of Xiantu.

"The devil, who lives in Linhe, is not so fierce as the legend says." A pretty girl in pink whispered.

The elder martial arts officer turned his head and glared at her. How can the cultivator see the appearance? If you don't agree with me just now, I'm afraid the whole ship will be washed with blood, and you can see Lin He's cruel means.


Chen Fan went all the way.

The deeper he went, the more demons he felt around him. Originally, Yuanying was only an occasional case, but now it can be seen everywhere. Those demons are also getting stronger. At first, they were only in the early Yuan Dynasty, but later, some demons appeared in the middle Yuan Dynasty. Finally, there are even powerful demons in the late Yuan infant period.

These powerful demons are often tens of feet tall, covered with black scales, with double horns on their heads, with hundreds of heads and eyes, and with huge body shape, or like a dragon dancing in the sky like a snake. They are the overlord of the dominant side, and even Chen Fan's breath is not scrupulous. They are eager to try and seem to want to challenge.

In response.

Chen fan directly released the "six saints seal the demon world" and blessed the six great demons with the power of the six saints. He escaped and tore the powerful demons to pieces on the spot.

"Hoo! It's almost there

Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

This immortal land is really huge. I don't know how long it is. After flying away for so long, he finally entered the core area of the immortal land. At this point, even chen fan is astringent. He can meet the later demons of Yuanying in a few steps, which can be described as dangerous step by step.

"Is this the temple?" Chen Fan looks up.

In the far distance of the sky, a majestic palace is standing in the sky. When we got close, we found that the palace was more than ten thousand feet high? It is much higher than the surrounding holy mountains. The whole body is made of unknown black stone, with ancient and mysterious lines carved on it. It was the "immortal pattern" of ancient times, full of mysterious power, shrouded in a piece of brilliant immortal light.

On the central porch of the temple, there are four big characters of ancient Pu Yun Zhuan.

"Zaoyuan temple."

What does that mean?

Even Chen Fan frowned and didn't understand his meaning.

As Chen Fanfei approached, he saw that many people were scattered around the temple, each gathering in twos and threes. They are very powerful, and each force has at least one Yuanying.Among the most powerful stocks, there are even a number of Yuan babies.

There are very few solitary travelers like Chen fan. But every single traveler has a strong breath, a very bad look.

"I don't know if this Taoist friend is from luofengyuan, tianxie valley or morrizong?" Some people see Chen Fan alone, and his whole body is full of evil spirit, so they talk with each other as soon as their eyes light up.

"The devil lives in Linhe." Chen fan light way.

"It turns out that it's Lin He Shenzi. No wonder he dares to walk alone in the center of this demon kingdom." That person immediately Mou Guang is more bright, he warmly invited chen fan to fly to escape the magic weapon of his clan door. This is a huge bronze fortress, in which more than one Yuanying monk is in charge, and there are dozens and hundreds of Jindan disciples.

"We are xuanfengmen from wuluan star realm. Although we are not as powerful as brother Lin's mor RI sect, we also have several quasi God level ancestors. It's a pity that all of them have been stopped outside the temple and can't enter the temple. " The monk Yuan Ying, who is called Taoist Ling Yun, sighs.

"Why is this? Can those big religions stop Ling Yun and Daoyou?" Chen Fanqi is strange.

He glanced over the most powerful treasure ships, and saw that they were all thousands of feet long, covered in layers of treasure light, and hidden murders. It was obvious that they were far from ordinary treasure. It's the top war spirit treasure. It's urged by countless disciples. One blow is enough to kill a top yuan baby.

"More than that." Taoist priest Lingyun shook his head. He pointed to the temple in front of him and said, "do you know what this temple is?"

"Please help me out." Chen Fan bows his hand.

"Ha Taoist priest Ling Yun was a little proud, stroked his beard and said with a smile: "if ordinary people are here, they may not recognize them. But when I was in xuanfengmen, I loved ancient books. All the ancient records in the whole gate were read by the path. I don't look at the skills, but I only look at all kinds of anecdotes recorded in ancient times, so I have a little understanding of the "Yun Zhuan" writing

"There are four big characters on the front door of the temple, which are called" Zaoyuan temple. ". Combined with the records on several stone tablets around the temple, the answer is ready to come out. " Speaking of this, Taoist Ling Yun said nothing with a smile.

"What Daoyou means is that this is the energy center of the whole Xiantu, the supply transfer station?" Chen Fan suddenly.

Taoist priest Ling Yun nodded, and his eyes showed the appearance of a child.

"In this way, this temple may not have been built by ancient immortals at all, but was left by the major immortal sects of that year to store the immortal yuan after the magic Qi was refined. After all, the ancient immortals did not use Yun Zhuan, but more ancient and extreme characters. "

Chen Fan thought about it, but many of the "immortal patterns" on the temple's body were integrated with the whole immortal land, which was obviously made of one body. It seems that Cang Qingxian and others don't know much about Xianwen, so they may not be able to build this palace.

But anyway.

If there is "Xianyuan" in it, it's a great chance. Even chen fan is attracted. It's the "immortal stone" and "immortal crystal" formed by innumerable immortal Qi. Even one stone is far more powerful than one thousand and one hundred million spirit stones. That kind of high-level energy, even if it is difficult for Chen fan to absorb at the moment, has endless value.

"With such a piece of fairy crystal, I'm sure I can break through Yuanying. We can even take this opportunity to transform the immortal elixir into an immortal body and an immortal baby! " Chen Fan's heart is burning.

But Taoist Ling Yun spoke again.

According to him, the major religions have blocked the entrance to the shrine. For example, Taichu Shenzi and TAISUN Shenzi had already entered the temple. They are ordinary monks. They can only watch outside, wait for the great religious gods to search, and then they can enter.

"Ah, Lin Shenzi, why can't you come here alone. If there are a few more elder disciples, the son of God will be able to enter. " Taoist Ling Yun sighed.

Chen Fan scanned.

Sure enough, I saw several of the biggest treasure ships, which surrounded the main gate and confronted other monks. On those treasure ships, the breath of Yuanying friars rose to the sky. The leader even reached the middle and late Yuan Dynasty. They are all enveloped in a divine light, powerful. According to Ling Yun, it's the "God generals" from the major god sects.

The so-called "God General".

He is the most powerful one in Yuanying, at least in the middle of Yuanying. Each religion has different numbers of generals who follow around the power of God. The top generals, even the half step generals, are terrifying.

"The cloud God General of wujizong, the xuanming God General of Jingkong sect, the forest God General of Taichu Kingdom... There are six immortal great religions, only Nalan God General of the sun god Dynasty follows the sun god son into the temple."

"These five gods will block the whole temple. Even the top ten friars in Xiaonan tianbang are not able to enter here." Taoist Ling Yun shook his head and sighed.

He did not notice that Chen Fan's eyes fell on the side of the general. Sure enough, I saw a beautiful woman in a white dress, like a snow lotus swaying. She is as cold as snow. Even compared with those foreign nuns, she is no less than half a cent. On the contrary, she is even more cool and immortal.

It's Jiang churan!

PS: sweat, I feel that work and rest are going to be reversed again. Today, I'm going to fight for more writing. I'm going to resume five o'clock^_ ^。 , the fastest update of the webnovel!