Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 1109

"What's this guy doing?"

Many people look at Chen Fan inexplicably and see that Chen fan is dressed in black and has black hair. His eyes are as deep as the abyss. Behind him, there are six demons looming, and he looks like a powerful magician.

"He wants to be alone, to stop all of us from entering?" Some people wonder.

"But it's not necessary to say anything about the earth. If this is a thing of the earth, isn't it that only people on the earth can get in, and we are all robbers? Then this man is also a robber. He saw that I was born outside the territory of the devil The friar next to him shook his head.

"Well, there are only three famous demons in Xiaonan Tianjing: luofengyuan, tianxie Valley and morrizong. I don't know which sect disciple or elder this guy is, but no matter what sect, we can't stop us from joining hands with dozens of sects. We're looking for death! " Another young friar is cold hum.

At that moment.

Many religious monks sitting on different flying treasures, such as monster, treasure ship, battle castle, jade ruler, red gourd and so on, all stare at Chen Fan with bad eyes.

"If you're just joking, leave quickly. If we are delayed in seizing the opportunity, I am afraid that his Royal Highness the son of God of the immortal cult will not be able to bear the responsibility. " A monk Yuan Ying spoke.

The old man, dressed in brown linen, sat on a huge red wine gourd. Someone recognized him as Master Wu Yuan, the leader of the Dionysus sect. It is said that the gourd under the seat of Master Wu Yuan is just a heavenly treasure. It is called "Tianhe gourd". Once it is opened, it can shoot a piece of Tianhe from it and submerge a whole continent.

It's natural that such a patriarch is very powerful.

"Linhe Shenzi, you'd better get out of the way." Taoist priest Lingyun saw that all the five generals were not good looking. He cried in a hurry.

"Lin He? Is Morri the God of Zilin river? It's no wonder that only he can be so arrogant and arrogant, and dare to stop me waiting for a hundred yuan baby alone. " All of a sudden.

The reputation of the evil sun sect in Linhe is powerful and powerful. It is said that the blood hand is invincible and the ferocity is extreme. But many people frown. What does Lin he mean by "things of the earth"? Lin He is not a human being on earth. Why should he come out to the earth.

Many Yuan Ying friars, who heard of Lin He's name, also looked ugly, including the old man in hemp clothes.

This is the son of God of the real immortal religion. There are all top 50 in xiaonantian list. Generally, Yuanying can't be Lin He's opponent. But there are still people who are not satisfied.

"Ha ha, although you are famous, Lin He is more famous for your ferocity. You are no more than 50th in the list of xiaonantian. Zhenlun Xiuwei is not much better than yunmou." The cloud God of Wuji sect is Leng hum. His whole body is shrouded in a cloud. His body is ethereal. Two cloud dragons meet, just like an immortal in the world.

"Yes, Lin He, you have such a great reputation. It's better to have a hand with xuanmou, and let xuanmou learn the magic power of morrizong." Stealthily empty religion Xuan Ming God general also sneers a way.

Then, several Xinghai God generals spoke.

Although the name of "Lin He" is prosperous, it is mostly due to his cruel means. In terms of real strength, he is only the bottom of many gods, not much better than Luo Changsheng.

Only Jiang churan looked at Chen Fan in horror. Green jade hands covered her mouth. Her eyes were full of shock and surprise. It was inconceivable that she seemed to wonder why Chen Fan was here.

Just when many people had no doubt about Chen Fan's identity, a cry came out:

"this guy didn't live in Linhe. Lin Shenzi had been killed in the abandoned star field for a long time, and even the soul card was broken. The evil sun sect was so angry that the elder of the orthodox sect led many yuan babies to come to the middle land. "


The whole audience was in an uproar.

Lin He is dead. Is this black dress demon repair fake?

Chen fan fixed his eyes and saw that the roaring man was Qi yunzong's burly man Zhang Tianqiao. He dodges Chen Fan's eyes, but Chen Haifeng, the elder martial brother of Yintong, smiles coldly at chen fan. Obviously, these qiyunzong disciples ran back to Xinghai to get the latest news.

"Ha ha, it's not Lin Shenzi. Who the hell are you? Dare to fake the identity of Lin Shenzi, I think you must be the murderer of Lin Shenzi! " Master Wu Yuan of the Dionysus sect was so bold that he pointed to Chen Fan and cried.

At the same time, many of the middle and small sect friars who did not dare to stand up before also cried out to Chen fan, as if they had not shrunk their eggs before.

"Did I say I was Lin He?" Chen Fan flicked his clothes and said calmly.

"You are not Lin He. Who are you? Why do you want to stop me and others from entering? Do you have a companion among them and want to take advantage of the temple of Zaoyuan?" Lin Shen asked with a frown.

A few gods will also Mou Guang Yi Leng.

If so, the gods who enter the temple will be in danger, but they wonder, who dares to risk the world's great injustice and aim at so many gods at the same time?

"I'm Chen beixuan, the" mantis arm pawns the cart "you just said Chen fan light way.

"It's you?" Lin Shenjiang was surprised. His eyes were so bright that he couldn't believe it.The other gods frowned and then suddenly looked at Chen Fan with the eyes of animals and idiots. And around the hundreds of Yuan Ying monks, many of the sect disciples are in an uproar.

"Chen beixuan? Is he Chen beixuan, the earth monk who destroyed Taichu temple and Wuji Daochang? He dares to enter the immortal land, and he's still standing alone outside the gate. It's killing him. "

"Yes, he doesn't think that killing a few of the worst yuan babies can fight against our whole Xinghai sect?"

"It's the most important thing in the world."

Many people shake their heads.

"Hum, we didn't bother to pay attention to him before. We didn't expect that he would send him to the door by himself. He just took the opportunity to crush him to warn the star." In Wuji sect, Taiyang God Dynasty and other sects, there is an elder Yin measuring and laughing.

"Yes, we should not only kill him, but also kill all the people related to him. If we don't kill tens of millions of people, these aborigines don't know where the authority of our religion lies." Another elder is cold hum.

Taoist priest Ling Yun is stupid.

Isn't chen fan the devil's day in Linhe? How did you suddenly become a native of the earth.

Lin Shen will turn his head to Jiang churan and said with a smile: "the aborigines of this wild planet are bold. It's a pity that the mantis pawned the cart. I don't know what terrible enemies he provoked. You see, some people can't help it. "

Jiang churan bowed his head and said yes in a soft voice, but his delicate hands were bleeding. His face was pale to the extreme, and his eyes were worried.

Sure enough.

Then he saw a yuan infant who couldn't sit still and rose up from the flying weapon under his feet. With a stroke of both hands, he drove a huge bronze axe and slashed at Chen Fan in the air.

The huge axe whirled rapidly in mid air and turned into a light wheel. It was several feet in size. In an instant, it crossed thousands of feet in the void and appeared in front of Chen Fan with a whoosh.

"It's a" huntian axe. " Someone cried.

This is a very famous treasure. It is in the hands of an elder named Lu Tianming of Jinding sect. It's said that it's extremely powerful. The faster the axe rotates, the more powerful it is at a distance. In the end, it can even split stars with one blow. Lu Tianming was only in the early stage of Yuanying. Although he could not kill the stars with one blow, he was confident that it was easy to kill a native earth.


But it was unexpected.

Chen fan just raised his hand and hit it with one punch. With a white jade like fist, he smashed the ancient bronze mixed sky axe into the air. What's more, on the surface of the huge bronze axe, he smashed a delicate fist seal.

"Red hand shaking Tianbao?"

Many people's pupils shrink.

"It's said that the monk who has made a great body has such terrible power." Lingyun Taoist priest cried.

In Xiaonan Tianjing, there are also two schools of cultivating Immortals: Qi refining and body refining. What he calls "great achievement of body refining" is to cultivate at least one of Yuanying's body refining techniques to the peak. Such cultivation, even in the whole sea of stars, is a person standing on the top of the world, and even can be recruited by the great power of God, as the "God General" under the seat.

"It's just flesh. It's nothing. I'll try it." Master Wu Yuan, the leader of the Dionysus sect, sneered. As soon as he patted the huge scarlet gourd under his seat, he saw a silver dragon like river rushing out of the gourd.

At first, the silver river was still very small, then it grew bigger and bigger. Finally, it turned into a sky river. Hanging over the whole "immortal soil", the East and the West are hundreds of miles in size, just like a bright sky.


Master Wu Yuan pointed.

The silver Tianhe was smashed down, with hundreds of millions of tons of terrorist power. This blow is enough to sink the earth for hundreds of miles. It is a pure physical blow, which is extremely terrible.


Chen fan is still one punch.

With one blow, he broke the whole Tianhe river with his waist. The strength of his fist, which had no casting, went up the silver Tianhe River and burst into pieces, rumbling like thunder. It had been thousands of feet in the void, blowing up the red wine gourd under the seat of Master Wu Yuan. Let Master Wu Yuan run away in a mess, with a face of panic and shame.

This time.

Even a few of the monks and generals in the middle and late Yuan Dynasty were half squinted. With this fist alone, chen fan's accomplishments are not comparable to those of ordinary Yuanying. At least Taoist Ling Yun, Master Wu Yuan and even ordinary Yuanying elders are not Chen Fan's opponents.

"I'll do it."

Silver pupil young Chen Haifeng opens his mouth.

In his eyes, a silver flame leaps out of his body. The flame soars out and becomes a huge Flamingo behind Chen Haifeng. The burning void sounds like a big sun. It shows the cultivation of the most powerful person in the "little south sky list".

"It's the silver fire."

Someone cried.

This is a top-level flame magic power, which can't be accomplished by ordinary friars. It's said that it can burn Yuanying at the same level as the fire of Jiuyou. Even the sons of God are extremely cautious in the face of this kind of fire and do not want to touch it easily. Is a few gods will all slightly nod."Be careful."

Even Jiang churan cried in his heart.

But Chen Fan just opened his mouth and sucked the huge silver Firebird into his mouth. Then he grabbed it out with one hand and put the frightened young man Chen Haifeng's feet in his hands. It was like carrying a kitten and dog version. He whipped it to the ground and smashed most of his bones on the spot. Then he stepped on the top of Chen Haifeng's head and crushed half of his face When the blood overflowed, he looked around calmly:

"who else is coming."

The whole audience was silent, and everyone couldn't speak. Even Jiang churan was staring at him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!