Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 1106

Deep in the earth, there is a corner on the edge of the vast "immortal earth.".


With the space broken, chaos tearing, a golden figure rushed out, it is Chen fan. He forcibly tore up many chaotic storms, forced many space debris, and stepped into the immortal earth.

"Well, I don't seem to fit in very well."

When Chen Fan looked up and looked around, he saw that countless immortal lights and magic Qi mingled, and strands of ancient and vast magic Qi rose from the depths of the earth. Like smoke, they condensed out of thin air and turned into strange powerful magic objects. These demons are the weakest and have innate cultivation. The powerful ones can even rival Yuan Ying. The whole place is a sea of evil Qi, which is ten thousand times better than the evil Qi in the ancient evil abyss. It's a heaven of evil cultivation.

Chen Fan's whole body is covered with golden light, just like the sun hanging high, which instantly attracts the attention of many demons around him.


Chen fan a real martial arts magic fist, will be a baby after breaking up. With a twinkle in his eyes, he simply converged on the golden light, urged the "six saints' magic work" and made a change to become a devil.


When the "six sages' magic work" urged, six huge holes suddenly appeared behind chen fan. The endless magic Qi around him, like breaking the sea, frantically poured into the six black holes behind chen fan. Almost every moment, chen fan suffered a hundred times more than usual. At the end of the day, he simply opened up the "six saints" and released all the six great demons.


The six demons roared and tried their best to absorb the evil spirit around them. Chen fan only felt that he was like an aquatic animal leaping from the land to the sea.

Bang bang.

At the beginning, the "six saints sealing the demon world" behind him was only a few feet in size. With the instillation of a huge amount of evil Qi, the dark world began to expand rapidly. Three Zhang, four Zhang, five Zhang... One breath up to ten Zhang, just to the limit, barely stop.

You know.

This is a small world opened up out of thin air. It looks like it's only ten feet long. Once it's opened up, it's enough to cover a ten mile radius. Even if the monk Yuan Ying fell in it, he could not escape, such as catching a turtle in a jar.

"It's a holy land of magic cultivation here." Chen Fan said, suddenly frowning. "Eh, how can I feel that there seems to be a very strange energy in these demonic Qi, even the bottleneck of my" six saints' magic power "is loose, and I want to go further."

It's amazing.

You should know that Chen fan has reached the top of the golden elixir, that is, the "end", and condensed into three flowers of essence, Qi and spirit. Further, we have to break through Yuanying and unite the body of the law. It's terrible that "six sages' magic work" can make another breakthrough in this realm. It is equivalent to the bottleneck of Chen Fan's capping, which has been raised by him.

Chen Fan bowed his head to think.

It should be the strange energy in the evil Qi. Chen fan has speculated that the evil spirits suppressed in the immortal land may not be in this era, but the ancient demons tens of millions of years ago or even more distant times. What "six saints' ancestors' magic power" cultivates is the remaining power of the six fallen ancestors in the universe. Now it seems that the ancient demon that was suppressed probably came from the same era as the sixth ancestor demon. Only in this way can the six sages break through the bottleneck.

"Or is this the true face of six saints' magic work?"

An idea suddenly flashed through Chen Fan's mind.

When he practiced this skill before, he only relied on some evil Qi in the demon world and the power in the ancient demon abyss. These are as pure and supreme as the magic power of ancient times. At ordinary times, the power of "six sages' magic power" is not much different from that of ordinary divine Dharma. But at this moment, after being awakened by the ancient evil spirit, it finally shows its real power.


Behind chen fan, there are six demons of different shapes. They are very empty, or white bones, or three heads and six arms, or nine faces and eighteen heads... It is the image of the six saints. But compared with before, their demons are a little more spiritual, with a trace of ancient and boundless atmosphere, as if they really came from the ancient era.


The six ancestral demons roared at the air, an invisible threat of terror, instantly shrouded in more than ten miles around. The cruel and twisted demons, with a certain body shape, bow their heads and stoop to pay homage to Chen Fan as if they were seeing the superior. Even the Yuanying demons dare not be presumptuous to Chen fan.

"The spirit of evil corpse has this effect."

Chen Fan's surprise is very happy.

He doesn't restrain the evil appearance at all, so he controls the black light and flies over the immortal earth. Originally, even those great religious gods were unable to move in the immortal soil, and had to fight with those top demons all the time. But Chen fan, like a king returning to his own territory, bowed his head respectfully everywhere he went.

With the more strange energy in the magic Qi absorbed, the Dharma phase of the six demons became clearer and clearer, and Chen Fan's escape speed also increased. In the end, it turned into a thunderbolt like a black sun, which spread all over the sky with thunder.

"Who is so overbearing? Dare to be so rampant in this demon kingdom. You know, although this is the most outer part of the demon Kingdom, there are also demons in the early Yuan Dynasty. "When a group of friars in the blue boat saw it, they looked up in surprise and looked at the arrogant black light in the distance.

"It seems that he is not only a great monk of Yuanying level, but also a demon monk. However, there are only three families in Xiaonan Tianjing who major in magic. I don't know if it's from luofengyuan, tianxie Valley, or magic sun sect An old friar frowned. When it comes to the last name, he obviously has some taboos.

Right now.

Chen fan also found this group of people, turned around and came to them with a roar.


Chen Fan appeared in the light of escape, black clothes and black hair, black magic light in his eyes, and the roar of the six great demons behind him, just like the great demons.

"I don't know which Taoist friend of the demon sect is here. The old and decadent little Nanfeng Valley is old and martial. He brings his seven disciples to experience and see the world." The old monk arched his hand slightly, with a trace of vigilance in his expression.

Moxiu's reputation is in a mess. In this "immortal land", he is like a duck to water. His strength has soared. Everyone is afraid of Chen Fanqi's idea of killing people and stealing goods.

But Wu Xiu was not afraid.

He is a great monk of Yuanying. The green boat under him is the famous "green leaf flying boat" in xiaonanfeng valley. He is so fast that he claims to be able to cross the river of stars. The seven disciples who follow him are the weakest and quasi Yuanying level. Several of them have begun to gather the body of the law. In addition, they are not afraid of this young looking demon cultivation.

Chen Fan glanced over and saw that the blue boat was extremely narrow, tens of feet long, just like a green green leaf, shining with the light of countless green runes, most of which were the second generation of wind and wood, obviously very fast. There were seven or eight people in the group, including men and women. The men were tall and the women were pretty. Their accomplishments were not inferior to those of Qi yunzong.

"Oh, I'm morizong Linhe." Chen Fan spoke.

He had seen too few Xinghai friars. The only one he could use was the name of Linhe.

But unexpectedly, the seven or eight original curious male and female disciples all looked shocked, and many of them even looked frightened. The elder martial arts commander, with his head in hand, suddenly froze.

"It turns out that the Taoist friend is the son of Lin He, the God of Morri sect. It's really disrespectful." Wu Xiu's face was stiff and he just said with a smile.

"Why, I look so big?" Chen Fan looks curious.

It's not only very big, but you're in the sea of stars. You're a terror to stop children crying at night. It is said that killing people whenever they see them and killing a star at every turn is one of the most ferocious demons in Xiaonan Tianjing.

make complaints about more than one disciple.

"Lin Daoyou is the son of Morri sect. He is the 50th in the list of xiaonantian. He is strong and powerful. We have heard about him for a long time." Wu xiuliandao, but his heart is bitter. How to meet the devil.

"Lin Daoyou, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." Wu Xiu wanted to turn the bow and leave in a hurry. But the brush, chen fan but dodge light a flash, directly stopped in the green leaf flying boat way. "Slow down, slow down. The son of God has something to ask you."

Chen fan is smiling.

But with the six roaring demons behind him and Lin He's reputation as a child crying at night, who dares to ignore him?

"The son of God, please. I'm sure I know everything and I'll say everything." Wu Xiu smiles bitterly.

"What is the little Nantian list? You say I'm in the 50th place, and who are there in front of me? " Chen Fan said.

"Shenzi doesn't know the" little Nantian list " Wu Xiu was stunned, and the other disciples were even more open-minded. This is Xiaonan Tianjing. Even ordinary people know it.

Some people doubt whether Chen fan is a demon.

But Chen Fan yawned, and behind him a White Bone Demon flew out, swallowing a passing Yuanying demon. Such a young face has such a ferocious cultivation, in addition to the legend of the devil in Linhe who.

Even Wu Xiu could only suppress his doubts and explain: "the so-called xiaonantian list is the list of the young generation of good people in xiaonantianjing. Basically, as long as you can be promoted to Yuanying before the age of 500, you can be included in this list. But can enter the front row, basically is each religion God child class existence. For example, Taichu Shenzi, Taiyang Shenzi, Wuji Shenzi, and Youlin Shenzi... "

" of course, this is not the authoritative list. After all, many real Yuanying strongmen are not included in this list. They have long closed their doors to practice and try to prove the truth. And some of the top deities of the great religions are also not on the list Wu xiudao.

"Oh, why?"

Chen fan was surprised.

Soon, with Wu Xiu's explanation, chen fan gradually understood.

Although the Taichu God and the sun god seem to be the most powerful, they are not the strongest among the younger generation in their religion. In fact, there is far more than one God in each of the top immortal religions. For example, in Changsheng religion, including Luo Changsheng, there are three gods. The more powerful the immortal religion is, the more the "son of God" will be.

"So, these so-called" Shenzi "from the earth are not real Shenzi at all?" Chen Fan frowned.

"Of course, they also have the title of son of God, but they should all be the weakest, the youngest and the latest in the major religions." Wu Xiu answered with a squint.Aren't you the last son of Morri? Why do you ask?

However, Wu Chang always said that he didn't dare to say anything in front of Chen fan.

PS: the first one is presented. The author continues to write the second one^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!