Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 153: like your cousin

Sang Huaiyuan couldn\'t eat anything and asked worriedly, "Didn\'t you eat well at noon? Why did you vomit again?"

Xiao Li was apologetic and explained, "Miss Ye helped me with the massage at noon, and the old lady had finished eating. I\'m so stupid that I couldn\'t learn it no matter what."

"It\'s okay, that girl will come over tomorrow, let her teach you again, let\'s learn slowly." The old lady comforted her softly.

Sun Qiuyun asked curiously, "Is it the girl who sells Ganoderma lucidum? I heard from Master Chang that the girl often comes here."

Thinking of Ye Qingqing, the old lady couldn\'t help laughing, "Yes, that girl is called Ye Qingqing. Her fiance has a house here and comes here every day."

"Speaking of which, this girl\'s fiancé\'s family conditions are not bad, why would she risk her life to collect medicine?" Sun Qiuyun felt strange.

The old lady said: "After all, she\'s not married yet, the girl is definitely not willing to spend her fiancé\'s money, and her fiancé\'s legs are disabled, and Qingqing girl will not abandon her. I really like this little girl, she is beautiful, sensible, and has a good personality. "

Sang Huaiyuan also smiled, "Mom, you and this girl have a good relationship. Someday I want to meet this little girl. You said that, it also evoked my curiosity."

"I also want to meet her. Just because she never leaves her fiancé, her character must be good." Sun Qiuyun said with a smile.

The family chatted about Ye Qingqing while eating. The old lady was in a good mood. Unconsciously, she drank half a bowl of millet porridge. Sang Huaiyuan and Sun Qiuyun were very happy, and they deliberately asked the old lady to say Ye Qingqing, and wanted the old lady to eat more.

"The first time I saw this girl, I thought she looked like your cousin. That day she was also wearing a red dress and walking on the boulevard. From a distance, she really looked like your cousin..."

The old lady said it vigorously, and asked Xiao Li to go to the study upstairs and bring her previous photo albums.

Xiao Li quickly brought it over. The old lady had an excellent memory, and she quickly turned to the photo that she missed. A girl in a red dress with two braids was walking on the boulevard with her back to the camera.

The lush phoenix tree, the red dress like fire, the beautiful girl with a slender figure... The years are quiet like an oil painting.

The appearance of the girl in the red dress is invisible, but her back really resembles Ye Qingqing. At first glance, she thought that Ye Qingqing had traveled back to the Republic of China.

" really seems, exactly the same." Xiao Li exclaimed.

The old lady smiled, "The back is really similar, and this girl also likes to wear red dresses. I haven\'t seen her wear other colors these days. Like your cousin, the red dress is my favorite. The cabinet is full of red. Makes me dizzy."

Next to the photo of the red dress, there are several photos of young girls, all of them are the same person, also wearing a red dress, and they are frontal photos. The girl is beautiful and elegant, standing, or sitting, or looking back and smiling, very beautiful.

"Old Madam, is this your cousin?" Xiao Li asked curiously.

"Yes, it\'s my cousin. She grew up in my family. She\'s more kissable than her own sister, sigh..." The old lady sighed.

Her poor cousin, her life is too hard!

Xiao Li wondered: "The back looks like Miss Ye, but the front doesn\'t look like it anymore. Miss Ye is like fire, and your cousin is like water."

The old lady glanced at the little nanny in surprise. This conclusion is really accurate. Her cousin is as soft as water, so she has a lot of luck, and in the end, the fragrance disappears.

It was also the first time that Sun Qiuyun saw her cousin\'s photos when she was young. She didn\'t expect that she was so beautiful and energetic when she was young, but she became dead like dead wood in the back, and she didn\'t survive the turmoil in the end.